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END SCHIZO RP: A Critique on Today's Roleplay


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I always wanted to make a morally dubious character, but whenever I talked with other people, they wanted me to join their darkspawn group. It seems like every morally dubious group is either some degree of demon, darkspawn, or mage, never once seen a proper bandit group or criminal organization. 

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2 minutes ago, Urban said:

I always wanted to make a morally dubious character, but whenever I talked with other people, they wanted me to join their darkspawn group. It seems like every morally dubious group is either some degree of demon, darkspawn, or mage, never once seen a proper bandit group or criminal organization. 

exactly dude. We should totally make a criminal organization together

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ur actually right tbf, the server is 10000000% oversaturated with schizo rp and its telling that the most popular villain group (gash) actively work to be simple in their motivation - being evil

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Non-schizo villainy has existed for years, I just think you surrounded yourself with lorebrains so you’ve self isolated … Just RP in a nation and you’ll be able to do all of what you’re asking for. 

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"Can’t we give our characters something new to motivate them to do what they do? For dark mages/villains, there are numerous other reasons to commit villainy than to do it for some theological/philosophical reason that you’ve brainwashed your character into believing."


I completely agree. Dark mages and villains should be able to commit villainy for more reasons. There is amazing villains from universes like marvel spiderman. Some of my favorite villains are all spiderman villains or DC flash villains. Villains who while evil show there's redemption or at the very least parts of their humanity remaining. Be cool to see at least. 

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Holy mother of based.


50 minutes ago, Nozgoth said:

drug dealers


Jesse we need to cook.

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There's a time and place for it but pls don't do it constantly

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1 hour ago, Nozgoth said:

We need burglars, murderers, drug dealers, bandits, etc.

yeah it's a real shame that we don't just see regular dudes anymore and every signifigant conflict/villainous interaction is the product of a giant darkspawn raid instead. not that I mind darkspawn raids, but now it sort of feels like that's... all we really have anymore? any semblance of conflict RP comes in the form of giant spook raids. what happened to the one-off encounters? catching somebody being mugged? pickpocketing? actually good thief RP (as opposed to running the /break command when nobody's around)? hostage RP? etc?

I've ran this line before but I think it's in part due to the fact that a lot of places (albeit not as much as they used to) for a good while literally wouldn't let you inside if you had a weapon, meaning that doing this kind of RP was damn near impossible unless their chronically closed gates just happened to be open. I'm glad this kind of isolationist "don't touch my minecraftia" mentality seems to be slowly withering away though, so hopefully this kind of RP will become more prevalent in the near future

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you can never take schizo rp away from me!!!

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People think that they have to have a Dark MA to effectively villainy RP mostly because anything remotely decent RP-wise often came from spook RPers. A lot of mundane villainy was low-quality to begin with and thus any 'mundane villainy' was automatically assumed to be bad faith and poor quality.


100% agree with u Noz. It's the RPers, not the magics and feats that are the core of good evil roleplay- people just don't realize it yet.

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1 hour ago, satinkira said:

ur actually right tbf, the server is 10000000% oversaturated with schizo rp and its telling that the most popular villain group (gash) actively work to be simple in their motivation - being evil

need to respond to this bc it was bugging me (and noz can correct me if I'm wrong) but the point of the post isn't to criticize villains/darkspawn for having motives more nuanced than being evil for the sake of it, its to criticize how every darkspawn makes their motive molded around this religiously incomprehensible esoteric philosophy in order to be a fulfilling dark character. ur comment is just conflating "having a motive = schizo RP" which isn't the point of the post bc not every darkspawn or villain-aligned character who has a motive is one of these players. I loathe that player culture has become so hostile towards character archetypes that imply having a purpose, a rhyme and a reason, or something to gain and lose. I'm not saying that one is superior or inferior to the other either - both have their places on the server in different ways and I think we just need to be alright with that

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16 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

need to respond to this bc it was bugging me (and noz can correct me if I'm wrong) but the point of the post isn't to criticize villains/darkspawn for having motives more nuanced than being evil for the sake of it, its to criticize how every darkspawn makes their motive molded around this religiously incomprehensible esoteric philosophy in order to be a fulfilling dark character. ur comment is just conflating "having a motive = schizo RP" which isn't the point of the post bc not every darkspawn or villain-aligned character who has a motive is one of these players. I loathe that player culture has become so hostile towards character archetypes that imply having a purpose, a rhyme and a reason, or something to gain and lose. I'm not saying that one is superior or inferior to the other either - both have their places on the server in different ways and I think we just need to be alright with that




yea u right dw I was just talking about the players (who are in the minority I do not deny) that make their motives incomprehensible and locked behind profound understanding of lotc deeplore and theology because they have to be 100% correct in their beliefs and morally righteous whilst playing like a random guard character - the grandness of peoples purpose and motives exceed their stature, and you know utterly delusional characters are fun but they arent being roleplayed as delusional and its because of this wacky obsession with being right and In The Know with lotc deeplore. Im beginning to experience this more and more and it rots my brain people just cant bear to be wrong about server lore nowdays guys please start fall for the psyop campaigns irply hahaeh please stop making misinforming ppl oocly the only good way to misinform them irply


but ur right tho i dont disagree its smth stupid like 01:50 am rn and I can already tell I havent expressed my thoughts very clearly; tldr ur right and I dont disagree 

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