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Shade Magic


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(By Jeremy-I on DeviantArt)



Striquaepoth. In a world where many evils shared the streets with our children and women, the very mention of this forsaken city would leave many a traveler halted in their trail. Their lives would come to an abrupt pause as they would briefly imagine the blackened souls that inhabited those halls, and the deranged acts committed by these individuals. Built upon a rare void node, a gateway between our dimension and the Void, Iblees was able to use the raw energy of the Void to cast his darkened city far above the land of the mortals. Only those tainted by Iblees, the mad and insane, and the victims of the darkness found themselves in such a hallowed land, hovering ominously above Aegis, waiting patiently for its rapture. The Undead watched from the gnarled spires protruding above the clouds, and turned the innocent to their unholy cause.

A misguided mage by the name of Rilath Illwindior once found himself scouring the underbelly of Striquaepoth, many years past. For what he searched for, the tattered scrolls of worlds past will never say. Perhaps he wished to liberate a victim of the Undead, or search for a way to defeat this relentless evil, or maybe he wished to join Iblees’ treacherous cause. Whilst Rilath scoured Striquaepoth, Iblees was delivering his newest child of death into our world; Prophet Rott was to be infused with Iblees’ sadistic power that fateful night. By random chance the void node opened a channel between dimensions, an enormous surge of raw mana and energy being shot into Aegis. Amidst Iblees’ bestowment of power, the void energy was manifested in a physical form, capturing some of that dark, unbridled energy. It was then that the Shade Gem was created, a pulsating crystal that contained a certain blackness most could not even conjure within their own imaginings. While we may not know of Rilath’s intentions in Striquaepoth, we do know that his search came to a swift end when he discovered the Shade Gem, a blackened source of power unlike any other.

Rilath drew his gaze to the core of this gem, and found himself staring deeper with each labored breath, each one feeling like it could be his last. The black gem sent energy through him, causing him to see things in his mind he could not have imagined before. Visions of the Void, visions of what lies after death, and visions of the power that he could harness from the Shade Gem. At first what he saw terrified him to his core, darkness swirling around him, like hungry scavengers waiting for their prey to perish. The shadowy mist moved in an unnatural manner, yet did not approach him. As Rilath continued to look into the gem, he started to realize the true power of what he held within his hands, he started to allow the visions to flow through him, the darkness to seep through his skin. Black smoke began to advance upon him as he allowed the whispers to trickle through his mind, promising him power and a rebirth in pure blackness. Rilath allowed the gem’s dark magic to flow through him, and the shadows descended upon him. His aura, which is the natural mana that surrounds every living being, was tainted by the black mist, ravaged by night. Rilath opened his soul to the darkness, forfeiting it to the Shade.


Walking in a new world, Rilath was as a new being. The evil of Iblees had ravaged our home of Aegis, but his treacherous minions had been vanquished and Iblees pushed from our dimension. Yet, the power of the shade gem still loomed over the beings of Asulon, its darkness shrouded in the shadow of our ignorance. Now an old man, Rilath walked the barren expanse of Asulon with the aid of a staff, the mark of an aged wizard. Yet, from atop this staff held a black, gnarled crystal that pulsed with dark energy, and it was Rilath’s source of power. The Shade Gem had been a conduit for Rilath’s power, as well as the first step in teaching his students. He found that only delving into the madness that lies within the Shade Gem could corrupt one’s aura into a malleable dark magic. The old Shade had come to realize his remaining days were few in number, thus choosing to surrender his aura unto the Shade Gem, binding his power within its crystal walls. Perhaps after his death, he thought, future Shades could continue to draw power from the Shade Gem now that he had imbued it with his own aura, as well.

Many moons had passed since Rilath had faded away to what lies beyond mortality, but his aura lived through the Shade Gem. Salamandra, another Shade that walked among us, carried the Shade Gem. With the power of the gem and Rilath’s corrupt aura combined, he was able to corrupt the aura of his own fledgling student and teach them what he had already come to learn. Several Shades continued to uphold Rilath’s legacy, but only one of his trusted students was granted the honor bearing the Shade Gem in Salamandra’s passing. The name of this Shade has been forgotten in time, perhaps what he did brought too much shame to his name. Perhaps he wished to fade into obscurity instead of taint his legacy for all eternity. This Shade took on an apprentice who wished to allow the corruption to run deep through her veins. However, his foolishness and youthful pride caused him to strain the last of the energy that brewed within the gem. The gem’s pulse fell silent, and all that remained was a gnarled, black crystal. Shade magic would surely fall extinct, or so it would seem.

HYPOTHETICAL: (read NB for clarification)
After passing between many hands and many new worlds, Archmage Crumena found himself in possession of the Shade Gem. Whilst the dark relic had been dormant for many years, he still found himself with a burning desire to look into its core. Yet without its power, it appeared as little more than a jewel. As an Archmage of the Mage’s College, Crumena used the Guild’s skilled alterationists to restore the Gem to its previous level of might. Silvos’Laurir Sythaerin could never have anticipated the implications of restoring the gem. In a secret ceremony conducted deep beneath the surface of Anthos the alterationist set to work to reinvigorate the Shade Gem. As the gem lifted itself from its pedestal, surrounded by an array of colours and lights, the auras of the two mages grew an odd shade of black. The Shade Gem, realising its release from dormancy, absorbed the mana of all in the area in a moment of instantaneous darkness. Crumena awoke from unconsciousness to find the Shade Gem laying passively beside him as though waiting. The ominous black aura pulsing at its core once again.

As Crumena fixed his gaze upon the madness within the Shade Gem, black smoke surrounded him, only visible to him, as whispers oozed through his mind, the dark crystal beckoning him.

The Shade had been born once more.




Shade magic can be witnessed as the manipulation of shadow. Pure darkness moulded from the evil that resides hidden within all things taking form as a black cloud, sometimes as thick as sludge and often shaped like organic tendrils. These shadows can be shaped and controlled by a Shade and actively change form as more corrupted aura is compacted together, starting as fine as mist and capable of becoming solid as steel. A Shade controls the movement and density of these organic tendrils with the ease of an evocationist, though similarly with evocation, without the presence of a Shade the shadows will disperse back to the darkness from whence they came.


The best source of darkness used to create shadows is the aura of others. The more darkness present within their aura the more shadow than can be formed from one source. Aura, being the manifestation of mana defined in colour by the soul's alignment to the elements, is present in all living things. Aura can be borrowed from flowers, trees and of course people, then converted into a black aura of shadow seen as a hazy mist. When additional aura is compacted into this mist the increasing density forms into a sludge thicker than water that is controllable by a shade. As more corrupted aura is added the tendrils can become firm. Strength and volume of the formed shapes is relative to the quantity of corrupted aura. As shadows move further from the Shade the connection to the Shade's corruption weakens and the ability to add more aura, and thus make the shadows harder, lessens.


Aura is an invisible physical manifestation of mana. Most people cannot see it, but those who can perceive a difference in colour between different people depending on the alignment of their soul to the Aspects. This colouration is evidenced in Arcane Magic by the colour of the Mage's shield or missile. Any living thing has mana but in varying degrees; it appears like a mist surrounding something and can be any colour imaginable. The amount of aura given off by a flower is minimal, while the aura of a mage is substantial. Aura is also emitted from a spell that uses mana to be performed. So an orb of water that has been evoked would have an aura, likely carrying a blue tinge, but only a very limited supply as the mana required to evoke it is temporal, while living things are capable of regenerating mana, and thus replenishing aura.


The Shade Gem is required to alter the aura of others and corrupt it into malleable shadows. Aura that comes into contact with the aura of the Shade Gem is slowly corrupted by it. An experienced Shade’s aura is so corrupted that they do not require the Shade Gem to perform the transformation of aura into shadows, however the process of corrupting aura weakens their own and they would need to spend time to recover.


So, in summation and to simplify: Aura, that is emitted from anything that has mana, is drawn towards a Shade. Their corrupted aura combines with the aura collected and becomes a black mist that can be controlled. As additional aura is added and compressed into a smaller space the mist becomes increasingly solid. Aura can be withdrawn or added to the 'shadows' to actively alter their density. Mist turns to goo, goo turns to a solid, the solid can be hardened to be like steel, and the reverse is also true of returning solid to mist. A shade is capable of manipulating these shadows like they were an extension of their own body.


Becoming a Shade


An individual can embark upon the path to becoming a shade by making contact with the Shade Gem. Held in their hands they would sense a whispering in their soul, the darkness within the gem crying out for more calamity. Like a wave, the urge to surrender washes over them and they can all at once see the horrors that await them. In this singular moment the individual must choose to surrender to their monster within by offering their soul to the shaping of the Shade Gem, or break contact and flee. None can acquire the power of the Shade without surrendering themselves to the Shade Gem.

The Corruption


Shade magic of itself is not evil. Nor is it corrupting. However as a Shade becomes more closely knit to the Shade Gem and allows more of their body to be consumed by the shadow, the repercussions can be observed as corruption. Surrendering to the darkness will unlock more power, but at the risk of keeping one’s mind sane. Not only will a Shade’s thoughts be continually drawn to the darkness within the gem, but by dwelling on such darkness they will begin to despise concepts of light like peace, truth, friendship and trust.

Clerical healing can undo the corruption of a Shade’s aura. A Shade is able to have minor wounds healed by a Cleric but will experience horrific pain in the process. Stronger healing magic doubles as an exorcism in that it rapidly restores a Shade’s aura to its uncorrupted state, disconnecting them from the Shade Gem. If the Shade is unable to re-establish a connection to the Shade Gem their magic will progress backwards until such time as they surrender to the Gem again. Remaining in the presence of a highly skilled Shade will slow the un-learning down, however the Gem is the only thing able to corrupt their aura again.

It is said that within every Shade is a second personality. One that is a purely evil and considers only destruction and calamity. It is this personality split that causes many Shades to suffer mental disorder: commonly schizophrenia and manic depression. Mental disorders can be roleplayed, but any insanity that potentially hurts others requires a VA. The risk of becoming an Adept (T4) Shade is the surrendering to the Shade Gem for a second time. A Shade will reach a point in their journey where they can no longer advance until they again stare at the sickening darkness within the Shade Gem and ultimately surrender their last shred of sanity and control.


Corrupted Auras


When an aura is borrowed to be morphed into shadows, it is the Shade Gem’s own aura that is at work corrupting the Aura of others. In the process of a Shade borrowing aura for magic, the one whose aura is borrowed will have the corruption of the Shade Gem rub off on their aura. Because aura is the non-visual physical manifestation of the presence of mana and mana is regenerated naturally, after an incident that corrupts aura the individual’s aura will revert to normal within a day. A corrupted aura has no ramifications upon the individual, except that it is more easily manipulated into shadows by a Shade. A mage experienced in Arcane Evocation (shielding and missiles) will see a darkening of their aura almost immediately.

The long term corruption from a Shade will have some minor side effects on those who are not Shades. If someone’s aura is used on a frequent basis for Shade magic, their aura is not given an opportunity to regenerate and heal from the corruption. They may feel unexplainable sickness, depression or a rise in negative thoughts and feelings. The corrupted often develop distrust towards any references to The Creator, Aenguls, Druidic Aspects, and other ‘divine’ forces. In severe cases they have been known to disdain bright lights.

There is no process for healing a corrupted aura as the body will regenerate mana naturally. Cleric, Druidic and Ascended healing will speed up the restoration of aura, however it is generally unnecessary. All that is required is a period of time without having the aura used for Shade Magic. It is not possible to become a Shade without direct contact with the Shade Gem, so having a corrupted aura offers no benefit whatsoever.

Mixing Magic


As a mage’s aura is corrupted by the Gem, other subtypes of magic begins taking on new and darker forms. The current list of complimenting magic is in the spoiler below and is subject to change. These are a suggestion and can be open to some level of interpretation. It is recommended that any alterations to the below be cleared by a member of the MAT before being cast.

RuneSmithing - Incompatible. Runesmiths cannot learn any other form of magic minus Golemancy.
Alteration - Transmuted objects can be turned into a mix of shadow and the object's matter, creating new and unexplored possibilities. Wards may also wear a thick wall of black that is powered by the aura emitted from the ward itself, offering additional physical protection.
Enchanting - The expected outcome of mixing magic normally through enchantment. Objects can be enchanted with evil whisperings, a perfect gift for one you despise and wish to slowly drive mad.
Telekinesis - Control is dictated by Shade tier, power by telekinesis. Operates normally only with a faint misty trail of black cloud.
Void Translocation - Allows shadows to be sent to the void and summoned again. Not very useful until your translocation is a high tier and you can summon from a distance.
Light Illusion - All illusions would be subject to the perversion of the Shade's mind.
Mental Magic - Telepathy sends whispers similar to the Gem's own. Recalling memories attempts to distort them all to see evil, easily seen through by the other party unless the magic is of a high tier, or they are willing to believe it.
Cognitism - Revolutions become dark and grim. Sights of terror and doomsaying.
Self Transfiguration - The Shade can change their own density, viscosity, etc. to match the shadows they are evoking by touching them.
Fire Evocation - Control is dictated by Shade tier, power by evocation. Fire appears ebony in colour. Shadows can be shaped into the appearance of fire but do nothing.
Water Evocation - Control is dictated by Shade tier, power by evocation. Water appears dark and similar to ash. Shadows can be shaped into the appearance of water but do nothing.
Earth Evocation - Forced into odd shapes by the shadows, earth evocation can move and take form in unnatural ways.
Air Evocation - Control is dictated by Shade tier, power by evocation. Black mist becomes a tangible force when used in tandem, adding particles of dust that rain down like a flock of locusts.
Electrical Evocation - Control is dictated by Shade tier, power by evocation. Bolts become pitch black. When used in tandem shadow tendrils are delivered at great velocity.
Arcane Shielding - Shields appear a much darker shade of their original colour. When used in tandem a shield's strength can be bolstered by increasing the density of shadows. This takes time to prepare.
Arcane Missiles - Missiles appear a much darker shade of their original colour. When used in tandem a missile's strength can be bolstered by increasing the density of shadows. This takes time to prepare.
Conjuration - Creatures are draped and dripping in shadows appearing more like zombified nether creatures than their original form.
Priest Healing - Incompatible.
War Cleric - Incompatible.
Ascended - Incompatible.
Frost Witch - Shadow shapes and mist feel icy cold all the time.
Necromancy - A ritual for body swapping is theoretically possible, yet both parties die in the process as the Shade Gem will never again hold the power it once did.
Lich - No change
Contract Magic - Contracts can be written in shadows like ink, though still signed in blood. If the contract were to be pressed against the other party, the writing would transfer to their skin and slowly imprint itself. The longer the contract goes without being fulfilled the more permanent and painful the scarring becomes.
Soul Puppetry - No change
Fi'hiiran'seth - Incompatible without immediate death.
Shamanism - All types have no change
Druidism - All types are incompatible
Kha Magic - No change
Monk - Incompatible


The success of mixing magic is dependant on how experienced the Shade is. The tier of normal magic provides the power for a combined spell, while the Shade tier defines how much control. A tier 1 Shade’s black fireball possesses just as much power as a Tier 5 Shade (presuming they are equally experienced in evocation) though the less experienced shade will have so little control of the spell that it will most likely backfire on them. Mixing shade magic offers extraordinary advantages, though the amount of control required is much higher and therefore more dangerous. Shade magic is formed by the Shade themselves, so magic that is performed at a distance cannot be mixed with shade.



Tier 1: The Shade has established his connection fully with the Shade Crystal. As he or she walks the realm, they become aware to the presence of Aura around them as well as what Aura delves within them. At this state, the Shade begins to study the manipulation of Mana and how to manifest their own into Aura and finally convert said Aura into the iconic Black Mists which Shades produce. Time spent away from the Shade Gem or other experienced Shades will undo the corruption of their aura.

Tier 2: The Shade begins to advance farther into the magical art, finally understanding the principles of Shade Magic. They are capable of moulding and shaping the mist and condensing the tainted Aura into creations such as a solidified sphere or a tendril. Shapes formed from the shadows cannot be concentrated into a solidity harder than mud. They also dissipate into mist once sent a short distance from the caster’s aura.

Tier 3: The Shade now comprehends the manipulation of Aura and begins to dabble in pulling Aura from their surroundings. As they continue to do this they learn to stockpile Aura in a more efficient consistency to increase their own pool, up to doubling their usual aura. The shadowy creations receive the contribution of the Shade’s own Aura for increased density, yet with greater density comes more physical exertion. The maximum hardness of steel can only be shaped into something up to the size of a hand. The shapes can also be hurled at a target without dissipating for 20 blocks. Solid tendrils can move forward up to a speed of 1 block/second while one end remains attached to the shade to have more or less aura contributed. The Shade will require another moment to surrender to the Shade Gem’s chaos before continuing to Tier 4

Tier 4: The Shade furthers his or her understanding of the magic, building an endurance to the bringing forth of Aura from their surroundings and applying it to their own. Multiple entities of shadowy shapes can be summoned at once and are controlled with the same ease as one's own body. Their density can be altered at up to a distance of 5 blocks from the Shade. Contact with the Shade Gem begins to shift from tainting their pool of Mana to their persona, eventually shifting the Shade into possessing a more chaotic alignment (mandatory VA for 5 to teach) also suffering from mental side effects.

Tier 5: The Shade has reached the pinnacle of the art, mastering utilising their Mana to it’s full extent. They can employ their Aura that they have collected from their surroundings proficiently and with ease. Transforming ‘blessed’ Auras of Clerics (etc.) for the use of magic is now possible. Gathering Aura from each new source doubles as a temporary energy boost. Shadows can also be condensed or expanded at distances up to 15 blocks away from the Shade. The maximum hardness of steel can only be employed on a tendril up to the approximate size of an arm.


(Done by one of LoTC’s own, Griffin)



Red Lines

- Aura is corrupted and formed into shadows by the Shade’s own aura, therefore all magic is emitted from their body. Nothing can be summoned external to the Shade, though at higher tiers the density can be manipulated at a distance.
The same goes for mixing magic. The shade element must be performed close to the Shade.

- Shadows remain visible at all times. Even as a mist they can still be seen.

- Shadows cannot move past solid objects unless breaking through it, in which case the mass must be denser than the object to break.


- Just like many magics, shadows cannot be controlled if they cannot be seen.


- Cleric and Ascended auras counterbalance Shade magic. The higher tier wins. Unless the Shade is two tiers more advanced they are unable to corrupt Cleric or Ascended aura.

- Battling a mage doesn’t give you endless supplies of power. The corrupting of aura is taxing on a Shade, so though a mage uses mana (producing aura) while casting magic, the shade’s corrupted aura weakens as more shadow is made.

- No summoning shadow drakes or any other 'living' creatures without conjuration; a playdough monkey is not a real monkey.


- 'Shadows' are an element like water or earth. There are no rituals that can be performed with them.



~ Rilath -- Overseer
~Aislin (Gronkk) -- Main lore writer

~MrSythaerin -- Emotional Support, concept ideas
~Heero -- Lore, concept, reconstructing the magic

~AllTheGreat -- Concept Idea of the history of the Shade Gem

~Elindor (Jerry_man) -- Lore, concept, reconstructing the magic




Currently the original Shade Gem is incapable of corrupting auras. After several very taxing magic ceremonies that pushed the gem beyond its magical capabilities it remains a husk of its former glory. In order for a new mage to begin learning Shade magic, or one of the old Shades to reactivate their currently dormant corrupted auras, the Shade Gem requires repairing by an alterationist.

The Shade Gem is currently in Silir's possession.

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In order to avoid a trained mage being a T5 instead of a T3, I'd recommend only going up to T3 on your magic scale. T4 and T5 are then amps. Otherwise, it takes six months to learn instead of one.

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I like it, perhaps a more red lines though? I don't want to see someone creating 'shadow wolves' as a Tier 4 Shade without conjuration. 

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I like it, perhaps a more red lines though? I don't want to see someone creating 'shadow wolves' as a Tier 4 Shade without conjuration. 

This is already a given, you cannot create animals or creatures using the shade magic, only pulses and objects such as orbs and tendrils. To create 'shadow wolves', one would indeed require conjuration.

More information about mixing magic will be given if needed.

EDIT: More info has been given, and can be found on page 2.

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Boy, am I glad that it's returning. Might as well provide my support with this magic. Uuuh, +1?



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I like this lore for shades. I hope they will be added once again into Lotc. But I agree with others. Mixing magic could be really intresting. Just we need more information. Also, just being in contact with the gem could it possibly change the color of your magic into a darker tint or purple?  That would be intresting and it wouldnt give any boosts just simply the change in color.

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I like it, I'd like a more in depth section about mixing of magic through... does it make magic more powerful or just convert it to darkness? How does it work, exactly?

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One will also note that the lore regarding how the gem was repaired should be hypothetical only as the individuals in question don't have the gem. It could, in theory, be repaired by another.

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This is already a given, you cannot create animals or creatures using the shade magic, only pulses and objects such as orbs and tendrils. To create 'shadow wolves', one would indeed require conjuration.

More information about mixing magic will be given if needed.

Thank you for clarifying. :)

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Im curious how Crumena got the shade gem, for as far as I recall it was in the possession of Sillir'Illume...

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