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Everything posted by ReveredOwl

  1. "Are the imperials going to pretend this didn't happen too, in a bid to avoid actually for filling their duty as fidei defensor?" asked Basil Moroul.
  2. "I suspect the Owynists will have quite the bit to say about this, themselves having frequent contact with those from Aeldin." remarked Father Basil.
  3. why are the admins taking so long with war rules, haense been at war with haelun'or for like months and nothings happening??

    1. ScreamingDingo
    2. DrakeHaze.


      because lotc conflict is fought over the forums with shitposting

    3. _pr0fit


      it wasn't admins making the war rules, it was itdontmatta, he showed them to the NL's and they were worthy of a rewrite.

  4. IF YOU WANT PEACE, PREPARE FOR WAR SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM TO THE HIGH PONTIFF & CANONIST PRINCES We have known for years now the threat that the azdrazi menace poses to our most holy institution and the sanctity of souls yet we do nothing. We proclaim that we search for them but we do not. We became lax in our duties to oust the demons from our realm that they were able to fester like an infestation of rats and grow in strength. The demons of the lizard, Azdromoth, grew emboldened by our inaction and in the dead of night they struck. The azdrazi demons crept into the Basilica of The Ascent of Exalted Godfrey as the city slept and with their nefarious magic they spread fire throughout the building which set alight to everything. The stone crumbled and cracked under the immense heat of the flames, if the citizenry were not awoken by the glow of the flames they were woken by the loud noises echoing across the city as the pillars and structural support of the building collapsed. It has been a long time since the Holy Canonist Church has received such a blow to our infrastructure and such a serious provocation. When we initially made our announcement regarding the azdrazi we stated that if our clergymen or church were to come under attack or harm then we would respond in kind. It has been over a year since the azdrazi attacked and destroyed our Basilica and yet the canonist princes and the Pontiff have remained silent on it, it was not even mentioned in the recent golden bull. Whilst renovations and plans are being drafted by myself for a revamped Basilica, we can not just disregard this most blatant attack against our Holy Mother Church. It is therefore that I petition His Holiness, High Pontiff Everard VI to issue an urgent call to arms and declare that a holy crusade is to be had in order to protect our Holy Mother Church from further aggression and attack. It is a well known fact that most, if not all of Haelun’ors populace worship Azdromoth and have provided sanctuary and a base of operations to the azdrazi menace. The High Elves of the Silver State of Haelun’or have also enlisted the assistance of the azdrazi in their military to fight against the valiant and brave soldiers of the Kingdom of Haense. I therefore request that you issue a crusade and demand that the canonist princes of the realm, His Imperial Majesty, the defender of the Faith, Emperor Philip II, his Serene Highness Olivier Renault and all other soldiers who follow the canonist faith take up arms against the Silver State of Haelun’or for harbouring those who would attack our church and to eradicate the azdrazi that also reside within. I can not fathom why no response or call to arms have been issued already but I pray that you see reason and do not let the azdrazi and high elven accomplices get away with this direct attack on the Holy See. We must take up arms and join our canonist brothers, the Kingdom of Haense, who are already in an armed conflict with Haelun’or. If we want peace amongst us in canondom then we must all unite and rid the realm of those who would dare attack us. HIS EMINENCE, Basil Cardinal Allobrogum, Archbishop of Allobrogum, Pontifical Chamberlain
  5. "Don't the Doomforge have a long history of supporting Iblees and all manners of evil beings?" Asked Father Basil.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEHbXVNKwx8 ((Posted on behalf of @rep2k)) VAMPYRISM SEDUCTORES IN NOBIS DECIEVERS AMONG US, Addressed to all faithful flock of Almaris HIS HOLINESS TYLOS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD. Health and Apostolic Benediction, in these uncertain times, Not too long ago we commenced our inquisition to remove the foul Azdrazi from canonist lands in order to prevent them from infiltrating and influencing canonist governments and society. For centuries humanity has been plagued by foul beasts capable of disguising themselves as our friends and protectors - however that has now been pushed into the spotlight. Unlike those previous to us, we will not stray away from unmasking and expelling these ungodly creatures disguised among us, regardless of position. It is for that reason that I issue this decree today. A saint’s day ago I received a letter from an officer from the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, that two of our holy knights had been detained. The two holy knights were discovered in the basement of a seemingly abandoned house in Karosgrad, alongside a deceased orc and injured female. This building was under close observation by the BSK as the building had boarded up windows and makeshift barricades even though it had been registered as inhabited. The orc’s body had been horribly mutilated beyond recognition and the injured female had been tortured, this female had been reported missing by officials in Elysium. The two knights then gave different accounts on what had happened, their stories had kept changing which aroused the officers suspicion of the two. The two claimed to had been tracking the orc for they believed it to be a vampire so the officers tested the two of them with every known method until eventually they failed the test. The two had claimed that their failure was a result of their devotion to the Pontiff and that it happens to all who serve his office. This is an absolute lie. Later that evening the BSK had called upon Cardinal Buron to witness the proceedings against the second knight. The knight instead tried to attack Sergeant Flemius, this is where the knights true form was revealed. He conjured foul magic against the officer and the creatures fangs and claws were revealed. The creature was then knocked unconscious wherein Cardinal Buron was summoned. In addition, shortly after their arrest in Karosgrad his Holiness received word from the Lectorate of Exalted Owyn informing us of their suspicions of the two individuals and gave us a list of tried and tested methods of exposure. We extend our immense gratitude for the Brotherhood of Saint Karl’s diligence and swiftness in the matter, to the Lectorate of Exalted Owyn for their warning, hard work and dedication to the Lord and to Sergeant Flemius for pursuing the matter with the utmost urgency and safety to the public. We therefore strip Holy Ser Vukosav and Holy Ser Sinbad Al-bashar of their esteemed knighthoods and expel them from The Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn. We therefore brand the two EXCOMMUNICATE and ANTHEMA. They are hereby spiritually amputated from the Holy Canonist Church and the Society of all Canonists. They shall be evicted from any and all settlements who claim union with the Holy Mother Church of the Canon. With these two foul creatures expelled and removed from our Church we do now turn to the possibility of further imposters among us. There have been documented cases of vampyrism and blood-sucking attacks throughout history and we now attribute them to the creatures dubbed ‘Vampires’. We accept that for centuries these creatures have infiltrated society and live beyond their normal human life spans, we also believe these creatures are able to turn others into creatures like themselves but we do not yet know how. With this in mind we do now announce that all members of the Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn and clergymen of the Holy Mother Church shall be tested for vampyrism so that should any remain, they will be weeded out. After such is complete we will look towards mass-testing all leadership figures in all settlements who claim union with the Holy Mother Church. An announcement regarding such will be made after our first tests on our clergymen and knights has been completed. It should be noted that the test is harmless to any who do not possess the vampyric trait. 'He sees everything, including you. Do not expect a nice end to this, because He has already set out for you.' ☩UT BENEDICAT TIBI DEUS OMNIA☩ GOD BLESS YOU ALL PENNED BY YOUR HUMBLE SERVANT, Sanctitas, Papa Tylus Primus
  7. whats the point in reserving a post, so people see it before others.. i simply don't understand
  8. "Did they just not hear or are they being willfully disobedient? They issued a call to arms before even finding out how to identify those in disguise." Grumbled Basil to his fellow curia members.
  9. vortex was meant to be removed a while ago... it wasn't.
  10. "They don't wait long, makes you wonder what they got up to before their annulment." remarked Basil Moroul.
  11. Its a little disheartening that those who can't run shaders or high res resource pack don't stand a chance because lets be honest, whose gonna pick one without either as a winner :l
  12. this won't pass cause of all the screamers, if it acts the same as a crossbow then whats the issue, your arguments about 'half the server don't want it' is ridiculous cause I guarantee half the server don't want magic either yet we still have it
  13. "I think more could have been done to investigate the Ferrymen instead of just accusing the entire group outright because or the actions of one of their men and the fact they sided with Norland. Perhaps they would have let us search the belongings of the ferrymen who was killed in search of a contract or something that would hint who hired him, alas it seems that bridge is already burnt." Remarked Father Basil Moroul.
  14. "Why are they giving sanctuary to the group of men who were hired to assassinate the High Pontiff, evidently not as devout as first thought. They should be given no safe refuge in any canonist settlement until they tell us who hired them to kill the Pontiff." remarked Father Basil Moroul.
  15. "Except they did, your mercenaries barged into oren and shot crossbows at children." remarked Father Basil Moroul.
  16. Friar Boniface smiles the seven's sky, whilst in the seven skies.
  17. "A just and humble man. Let us ensure that this Pontiff is protected from assassins and conspiracies, by whomever may send them." said Father Basil Moroul.
  18. "Suspicious." remarked expert investigator, Father Basil Moroul.
  19. Inb4 postponed for the unforeseeable future

  20. "His killers shall face justice, equal to the vile Ministry of Justice who assisted the woman who stole his body." remarked Father Basil.
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