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Everything posted by ReveredOwl

  1. "A true artist." remarked Ser Walton.
  2. "Well... isn't this something." Remarked Ser Walton after having concluded reading the report. The Knight ensured copies were distributed to his fellow knights.
  3. @SquakHawkIf you're fixing the disgusting mountains at the bottom of the map then can you also fix the disgusting and useless mountains in the north too?

    1. satinkira


      yes that would be nice.. either that or more events should happen in them

  4. "Azdrazi are demons, we ought to have assisted him in killing it, this is niet justice but an absolute joke. If a Jovenaar is taking the side of demonic entities they ought to be stripped of their position with immeidate effect I bet this Jovenaar did niet put the Azdrazi to death, as it should have been. There is a new specific law that would apply here that means no demonic beings, such as an azdrazi, are allowed within the city but they chose to ignore it to prosecute a brave soul trying to rid the realm of demons. Pathetic." remarked Ser Walton angrily.
  5. "What a lackluster peace treaty, for a nation who consistently rallied the most soldiers for a majority of the war, we only got half a tile that we could have easily taken from them with force. Urguan gets a lot more than everybody else even though they fucked up the most, losing the ferrymen to Oren at the start of the war, losing Blackvale, losing most of its support and only rallying about twenty people for every battle except the last. Ridiculous, without its allies Urguan would have fell so quickly and so easily yet it rewards its self more for their hard work and effort. our soldiers and Knights died fighting for the dwarves against Oren, our Kingdom poured mina into the war yet we only get... half a tile...? Our Knights and soldiers died all so that Urguan could, in its greed fueled frenzy, give its self more riches and land. Where is the justice for our dead soldiers? Where is the justice for the empires failed schism and attempt to murder the previous Pontiff?" Walton asked in disbelief.
  6. So who fixes landscars and makes the map look good again...?
  7. "You're delusional. This heathen was literally one of the main military leaders who installed the vile pertinaxi and murdered an eleven year old boy to do so. Arpad Invanovich is surely within the void for his many many crimes, only named a saint out of spite during a schism and not to mention he was still alive when named a saint." remarked Walton.
  8. From what I understand is that they have to leave the nation 1 tile left so they can not kill an entire nation, with 1 tile left that could add a lot to rp idk why you think it wouldn't
  9. "Ea did niet hear or know if any insults directed to Prinzenas Klara for whoever spewed them would spew no longer." remarked Ser Walton.
  10. but not any other violation of the law... huh?
  11. "The bandit elf is only held in power by bandits and foreign forces such as the snow elves." remarked Walton.
  12. "Maybe if the people of Haelun'or actually wanted this elfen bandit woman as their leader then there would be no need to install her into power through treachery, deception and abuse of power." remarked Walton.
  13. "Ensure the sewers are securely locked and checked for explosives often!" called out Walton in Karosgrad.
  14. "A Vuiller tried to murder the Lord Marshall, they should not be permitted entry into the city." remarked a disgruntled Walton.
  15. "Desecrating a holy site just so he can continue with his fantasy of having a well loved and used tavern is ridiclous. The 'tavern' initially belonged to the church as part of the abbeys brewery and storage building and yet it was destroyed and replaced with a monstrosity that never finds any use." remarked Walton.
  16. You know how far lotc could go and how fun it could be if it had its own resource pack, its not like theres not anyone willing to help out too, its just lotc staff have the mindset they don't want to 'force' a resource pack on people which i think is dumb

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laeonathan


      yes such stuff was planned as well, but as I said, they people ditched

    3. Adelemphii


      $500 I'll re-add boars that 1-shot you

    4. Acostrob


      really cool idea


  17. wheres the elf warclaim?


  18. "Its Yaromir, and I don't know if he knows this but Yaromir isn't pontiff anymore! How embarrassing!" exclaim Walton.
  19. "So Sedan is out making more enemies for Urguan, oh the joy of having bands of apes fighting for you." remarked Walton.
  20. "She obviously cares not for the people she intends to rule over, perhaps all the elves in Haelun'or should just exodus from the city if she takes it over, let her continue as she lives now - ruling over nobody." remarked Walton.
  21. "Just kill it." remarked Walton.
  22. "Format it better or you want people to read it." remarked Walton.
  23. "So the orenians brutalise an old woman and then burn down a cathedral, yet they want their excommunications lifted?" said Walton.
  24. "Ea refuse to believe she went back to her papej willingly, it is more likely that the ISA soldier we caught hiding in the bushes of the palace was looking for entrances and they kidnapped Henrietta from the palace to murder her. Only they have realised their mistake and are trying to cover it up, there is niet way she would willingly go back there." remarked a furious Walton, he knew he should have executed that imperial soldier who hide in the bushes of the palace residence.
  25. just bring back an antag or story arc please, give us something meaningful to do
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