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Everything posted by ReveredOwl

  1. "I am currently in the process of gathering witness testimony regarding the events in Elysium, sadly however I have not been able to locate any Orenian present willing to provide a statement nor can I locate anybody in Elysium who were witness." said Father Basil Moroul.
  2. CONCLUSION OF OPERATION APPLE TREE INVESTIGATION INTO THE ATTACK ON OSANORA WRITTEN BY FATHER BASIL MOROUL FROM THE ABBEY OF SAINT ROBERT ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ Six years ago his Holiness, the High Pontiff, and his entourage traveled to the canonist state of Osanora to meet with its leadership. This meeting was highly publicised at the time so there was a large crowd gathered. Sadly however the meeting would never take place for most of the people in the growing crowd arrived with sinister intentions. Just as the meeting was about to begin, about fifteen armed individuals drew their blades and surged towards the church's delegation. The Pontiff was unarmed, frail and only had one arm, he was without guards so the only people that were able to defend him from their attack were the clergymen who arrived and a handful of Hyspians as the Sutican guards refused to render assistance in protecting the Pontiff. Bishop Hernando was executed after the fighting had ended and the Pontiff was abducted and taken to a cave close to the Druid’s grove. News spread quickly about the Pontiffs abduction and I, alongside a Holy Knight set off immediately for Osanora whilst cardinal Alfred began rallying soldiers from both the HRA and ISA. Father Alfonso had also heard of this terrible atrocity and left Osanora in search of the Pontiff. We presume he located their cave but was captured by them before he had a chance to inform the gathering soldiers as we never saw him alive again. The Pontiff was released a short while later as news began to spread about the large rescue party that was being formed in Osanora. I have been investigating this case for six years and can not confidently publish my findings on the attack on Osanora. About two years ago a riot was organised by Gustaven von Halsfield in which the ISA ended it with their deaths, amongst the dead bodies, a citizen found the staff of Bishop Hernando and returned it to us. I can not safely name those behind the Pontiffs abduction and deaths of Bishop Hernando and Father Alfonso as Gustaven von Halsfield and his resistance against Oren. Once the Pontiff was captured he tried to deceive him into believing that they were from Oren and that he would obey their commands and do as they say. This presumably was to have the Pontiff turn against Oren, alas this failed as it was very clear they were not what they said they were. I have since been made aware that he has aligned himself with Norland against Oren and hereby request that Norland hand Gustaven von Halsfield, and all soldiers part of his resistance against Oren, over to Haenseti officials so that they will all face appropriate punishment for their crimes against GOD and the Holy Mother Church. I am sure you would not willingly and knowingly harbor such cowards who would attack a bunch of clergymen and abduct a one armed frail man. @Rudi@Crevel@MasonMcBadbat
  3. "Ops!" remarked Basil, changing it very quickly.
  4. PURIFY YOUR ACCURSED SOULS WRITTEN BY FATHER BASIL MOROUL FROM THE ABBEY OF SAINT ROBERT ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ Today I set off to Elysium with the intention of obtaining witness testimonies from those women and children who were allegedly attacked by a bunch of Orenian soldiers. I met with several people who were very civil and welcoming. The keepers of Norland even took me to some bodies of Orenian soldiers who were killed in action and allowed me to return them to providence so they could be given burial. Sadly before I could even get any testimonies from the civilians there I was handed a letter published by the Consul of Luciensburg on behalf of the Orenian leadership, the message was a stark reminder to me how low some people can fall to when they believe their work is righteous. His public letter demands that all women and children abandoned their homes lest he and the ISA will put them all to the sword. This threat to the lives of innocent women and children is quite the stark contrast to the recent publication by the Emperor himself in which he states that all attempts will be made to ensure unarmed civilians and children are unharmed. Children and inherently innocent by nature, they are too young to make decisions and can not help where they are born nor where they live. Children are too young to make decisions such as religion so to kill them based off such is complete idiocy and does nothing but serves one's own blood lust. Olivier de Savoie, do not claim that you fight for the almighty Lord nor his church for you do not. If your actions involve the murder of children then your cause is not just nor righteous. If you continue on this path of foolishness and egregious sin then your soul will be forever condemned to the void. Even virtuous pagans can ascend to the first sky, but not those who commit infanticide. You quote scripture in your threats to the women and children of Norland as if it guides you to shed the blood of infants - it does not. To you who would murder children so needlessly and without conscience, yes you are despicable, yes you already condemn yourself and yes, you are a monster. You act against the will of GOD and the scriptures. Your cause is not righteous nor pious and do not delude yourself otherwise. The Church does not command you to take the lives of children. The Holy Scrolls do not command you to take the lives of children. GOD does not command you to take the lives of children, so therefore how is your cause doing GOD’s bidding and for the betterment of humanity? Wash away your accursed souls with the waters of Gamesh and keep your swords away from any child lest you become the barbarians you so claim that your enemies are. (Gospel 4:51-55) Here, the Lord spoke “O Owyn, Son of Godwin, Son of Horen, you spill the blood of your uncle in the tabernacle of Horen. Even as My holiest city was sacred in spite of Harren’s rejection, it is spoiled by the blood of kin. You betray man with your wrath, and once again Horen’s sons are divided.” And Owyn cried out “O Lord, forgive me.” And GOD spoke again. “That which is done is not undone, for the lords of this land have seen your sin. @Lionbileti
  5. "Compile a list of witness testimony and evidence, we can not do anything without that." Said Basil Moroul.
  6. I wonder how long its going to take for the staff to finally get a warclaim organised

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      my guess is that we'll never have a warclaim and it'll be a forum war forever

    2. DrakeHaze.
    3. Laeonathan


      the war server will crash anyways

  7. "Whilst I can commend the Kings aim here, what does he aim for the future. Let us entertain the notion that Norland win and they take Providence, what then? Does the city surrounding the Basilica and Papal apartments get razed to the ground? Does Norland build a pagan city surrounding the Holy See? I am saddened however to see hi clause in here regarding people attending mass or at prayer inside sactified grounds, are they fair game so long as they leave the clergymen untouched?" asked Father Basil.
  8. The Fervor for Crusades and War Written by Father Boniface The Abbey of Saint Robert Sadness spreads across the canonist flock throughout the realm as news has quickly spread of the impending war that will inevitably envelope the entire realm at its peak. The realm plunged into a bloody mess with the unwonton massacres and innocent deaths that would occur due to frenzied hatred for one another. It comes as no surprise however, everybody knew what was coming and it has been coming for a long while. It is very unsettling that certain civilisations only ever prosper when they are at a state of war or are raiding others for perceived transgressions, alas such is the state of our realm. A united pagan army has set its sights upon the city of Providence and has begun making preparations for war, which if successful will mean the destruction of our Holy See and the butchering of thousands of innocent people. This united pagan invasion, they do not come to liberate, they do not come to free us from tyranny, they do not come to give us a better life, they do not come right wrongs - they come for one purpose, and that is to kill and destroy. They will try hard to justify their war to the point they may begin believing their own deception and justifications, but nothing justifies the butcher of innocents and setting thousands homeless, (if they manage to escape the brutal regimes). I am aware, noble flock, that this united pagan invasion worries some of you and angers others, but let us not forget the Lord’s teaching to love all no matter your differences, be they friend or foe. None of our noble flock should embrace death, chaos and war, nor should they ever find it fun. None should take pride in the killing of others, be they soldiers or citizens. If you fall into this state of a frenzied blood lust then you become like them, people whose civilisation only ever prospers fully when they are at war with somebody else. I have heard several concerned canonists look to the church in hopes that a crusade would be called by his Holiness for the pagan armies transgressions, and whilst I do not speak for his Holiness, I will give my opinion on the calls for a crusade. Whilst the house of the Pontiff, the Holy See, is endanger or destruction, sacrilege and defilement, I choose to believe that the canonist flock to the north would not sit idly by and watch their own allies commit such egregious actions against the Holy Mother Church for I do believe the Kings love and obedience to scripture and to GOD outweighs any earthly alliances he has signed himself to. The church is wholly here to spread the word of GOD as written in the Holy Scrolls and to protect its followers from harm. A crusade at the current time is wholly unnecessary as we do not currently know of the rest of the realm's position on this conflict, including the canonist flocks to the north. The pagan army marches upon the canonist flock in Oren; we do not march to them nor have. Their claims that the church dispatched any raiders to pillage and kill innocent citizens in Norland is untrue and without merit. It is a lie wholly designed to stir disorder and disloyalty between King Heinrik and the Holy Canonist Church. Some would call me naive but I choose to believe that the leaders of Norland would not have included such if they did not believe it to be true - woe to those who spread such lies to incite unreciprocated hatred. A crusade at this point would be fruitless for all soldiers directly tied to the church are already assigned to protect all church buildings including the Holy See inside Providence. I understand some wish to become aggressive to norlandic citizenry as a whole simply due to their pagan ways, but let us not forget the Lord’s message about love and mercy. We can not hate those who have lost themselves away from the path of righteousness and piety - we should pity them. The Lord does not command you to kill others who are different. Unlike some members of the Iron Accord, we do not place a tax on foreign missionaries nor do we prevent them entering religious buildings or studying in our libraries. If we become like them then we lose ourselves to wrath, rage and envy. Keep your faith in GOD almighty, noble flock, for I am certain deliverance will come for us all; perhaps even in the most unexpected form. Do not lose yourself in the midst of war overcome with hate, rage and blood lust for then you become like them and abandon the Lord’s path. Show mercy to all, even your worst enemies. Harm not the citizen, harm not the men, women and children. Do not leave your home seeking a fight or to bloody your fists, do not boast about killing a pagan soldier. Only kill in self defence, if you go looking for a fight you will become lost and might never return back to the Lord’s path but are guided into the chaos riddled path of Iblees with the skulls or brutes and murderers littered around you; it is only a matter of time before yours would join them.
  9. "Both Oren and Haense have religious laws, in fact Haenses laws are stronger than Orens in this aspect." Remarked Basil Moroul.
  10. If you get some free time I would appreciate something akin to the above for my Abbot please, without the head though
  11. "This is the same man who tried to murder me also, he is from the oasis of the Farfolk people." remarked Basil Moroul.
  12. "Why is it it seems that everybody running the clinics in both Providence and Karosgrad are up to no good, experimenting on harvested organs, missing corpses or simply burning them. Something strange is going on!" remarked Basil, intent on investigating the strange happenings at the two clilnics.
  13. " I'm going to lock this thread, while I finish a response. " - does not unlock after response.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      sit down forum warriors, you have no powers here

    3. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      Yeah I'm glad it got locked, it derailed and deviated from the main argument, with the response of a player who elicited a sharp response to their comment from many people, and it was besides the original point of the thread itself. It wasn't a debate at that point, so it was better to just let it be rather than having it escalate to that level and backfire. 

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      make a new thread ez solution

  14. "It seems they are really getting desperate for their funds." remarked Basil Moroul.
  15. "This same man tried to kill me too, turns out he's the son of one of the qalasheen leaders!" Exclaimed Basil.
  16. how come the server doesn't have any world arch eventline anymore? I enjoyed the black scourge in anthos yet nothing like that happens anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unwillingly


      I mean the ST just finished one that lasted for multiple months last map. And not even september, like, around december we just came to this map lol

      personally I'm against large ass events like that because then you get fkn 50+ people packing all into one chunk spamming emotes. I'd rather have small eventlines focused on different magics, groups, or nations instead of a million /broadcast emotes. makes it feel a lot more personal and immersive

    3. ReveredOwl


      You surely remember that all large scale events before the inferi one was mostly PvE, sadly the ST can no longer do pve events anymore cause the server is so ****, random 'small eventlines' are pointless because they ultimately have no impact. A good event line was Mordskov and Aesterwald, we don't see stuff like that anymore.

    4. Shorsand


      i think the capacity exists to do a series of smaller-ish events that string together for a cohesive story while giving people opportunities to participate along the chain of events. start having similarly themed/connected events across the continent, giving people a shared experience, create opportunities for interaction between that, etc. could easily have a wide impact without catering to a 50 person event

  17. "Do not forget that you provoked the trolls first when the HRA burnt down their farm for no reason." remarked Basil Moroul.
  18. "They will pay for this unprovoked egregious attack on our Holy Mother Church." remarked Father Basil Moroul.
  19. "They need to finally add aurum to the gates!" remarked Basil Moroul.
  20. "No wonder they try to force missionaries to pay such a high tax!" Scoffed Basil Moroul.
  21. "Methas has fallen deeply astray." remarked Basil Moroul as he read the pamphlet on his tea break whilst he constructed the Abbey of Saint Robert, following the blueprints drawn up by Bernjarno.
  22. "You're a bishop, and an ordained clergyman. You can not have a wife now." remarked Father Basil Moroul.
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