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Everything posted by MRCHENN

  1. “The golden Age of Heroes dawns upon this daybreak. Is this not our cause? Rejoice in its wake - for its taste rests upon the brink of your taste. It is coming, and when it does, we will have our pace of mind.” A figure drawls, transforming into a chortle - grin smeared upon his face. “We will protect this Age.” ”We have been preached to embrace Ruin. What is it if not Re-order?” ————————— Meanwhile, a youthful Ashford rejoices, yet seeks insight for his conflicted views from the Prince of Savoy. @Milenkhov @Lionbileti
  2. Olivier Renault Ireheart smiles the Sun's smile.
  3. "Peace has been tried, and reason has expired. These Druii, with their false endowed sense of harmony - know us to be creatures not to be provoked, and yet they have done so. They have seen their kin bleed. Is that not right, Zahkriikyzer? We are pragmatic, are we not?" A lone figure remarks to his side, yet, it was to his own vices. "All things, even be it beauty, are bound to ash."
  4. everytime i see werewolf's formatting i bite my lip a little
  5. An artist depicts a rendition of two large beasts donned by black and gold, feeding on a withering, dying eagle - sharing prosperity in mutual prey.
  6. The Marenos are the Shelbys of LotC

  7. EPISTLE OF The Disciple ON THE SELF A pupil approached a monastery, querying his master in front of a crowd. “How must I gain knowledge of my self?” The monastic laughs. “The day and night passes as our heart tethers to the truths of the world, listening silently.” “Then what is knowledge of me? How must I find what my heart bears.” “An apple changes skin, but does it change composition? No! You have known these truths in thought, but not by word. The sun rises and greets the land. Similarly, the jubilation of your soul rises to walk a path. When you find self, the treasures of infinite will glimmer before your eyes. But it will have no weight, no value, nothing." “Then why?” The student complained. “If this treasure has no weight, then your knowledge must have no doubt. Seek not depth of knowledge - the self is the infinite bound just as the sea does not end. It cannot be measured. The soul walks on all. is not constrained to one. It does not grow straight, nor walk forward. If the soul is the self, then it grows as a blossom.” “So what have you understood? The teacher asks the student. “Nothing at all, sir.” He whines. “Good. For there is no answer.” WHAT IS SELF? The prince amongst lords queried this to me, but so did Helinathe, the fallen. When she imposed this to me, I had no answer. She sunk my head into the water every time, and since then, I have found contemplation ever since. From the beginning of Man, we have been cursed by this question of ridicule. It pervades our thought, trailing us relentlessly as does a shadow. Who are we? What is our meaning? When a man changes a robe, does that robe characterize him, or change his self: who he is? Of course not -- then similarly, are we constrained to our mortal descriptors? What are we if merely beyond them. If I renamed myself, and altered my features, does that change my self? Is there is something…. Beyond these things? We are the amalgam of our descriptions, and our experiences. Yet, we are each born with a name, endowed with a legacy upon our shoulders. Even if I am changed, will this identity not always influence me? My students, I have given you both truth and a lie. I ask of you an answer, but there is none. Nonetheless, how can we construe an abstract matter as the self to a mere definition? We cannot. Whether you act as if these mortal descriptors fail to define you, or be it they do, that is for you to find. Beauty lies in nothingness, there is no answer. If Creation is our bliss, then ascension is our elation. We are crafted not as replications, but ordained as innate beings each with our own self. When God endowed the King of the Mountain, the Firstborn, with this tract -- lied within it was the creation of self. This self does not cease upon ascension, it is warped. It is constant. It is beautiful.
  8. Sorry for shooting you at the event (It wasn't personal! I don't discriminate by ISA skins) I'm glad you've had fun your first month and found a bunch of things you love! Looking forward to see what else you accomplish on this server, and if you have any further questions, there's a whole community here to help you.
  9. what if you made part of lotc moderation interviews an in game simulation of how you would handle conflict between players as an actual mod

    1. VIROS


      almost like some sort of… roleplaying scenario. interesting.

    2. mkaxeman


      chenn shut up

  10. Love would reign supreme. That night, a man knelt before a shrine, a prayer sent to God. That night, he would not experience dread, revenge, nor envy for the actions of the dragonkin; he found only solace. Solace that he was imparted an infinite truth: the dream of the Third Eye. That the realization of the distraught Nephilim would only mean the end of this realm. Only the Void left to conquer it. That night, he prayed for Marchosias, that he could only welcome his sin as his own, akin to a brother embracing his kin. That Marchosias would find his own solace in love: the solution to his eternal writhing in envy.
  11. Now traded to the San Luciano Crusaders, a veteran of renown now empowered by flame prepares to hone his skills for another challenge... https://i.gyazo.com/33267e6815815e9641e33ec1b62cb71e.mp4
  12. how is everyone doing today

  13. Renowned ferryman danny deltoids spouts fire from his mouth being in fact an azdrazi himself
  14. EPISTLE OF The Disciple ON LOVE Ashes on the Fire Fire of Love Now the World was loved by good husbands and sweet wives, whom sons of timeless insight did rule lovingly. Cherishing First-Born, nations vowed themselves to him; Asioth was a golden band on their fingers. Their hearts: buoyant waters filled these red-gold vessels, and he was held with caring passion over them. First-Born’s household did grow, and he vowed to new kin; by him they ever multiplied across the lands. Golden fires shone brightly on their loving hearts. First-Born ruled royally these red-gold vessels: love. Vessel of Strength Now the World is ruled by great kings and their subjects, whom sons of lively knowledge do love royally. Revering First-Born, subjects pledge themselves to him; Asioth is a silver seal on their fealties. Their souls: spectral branches hold these white-gold fires, and he is filled with mighty power over them. First-Born’s people thrive, and he accepts their pledges; by him they never diminish with the ages. Silver vessels are made full by their royal souls. First-Born loves lovingly these white-gold fires: strength. [!] A depiction of the Aurelect's paired verses accompanied the following composition. Asioth was a golden band on their fingers. Asioth is a silver seal on their fealties. When we sought purpose, lost in cause, we came upon the Mortal Agent -- upon which he granted us one. When the deceiver, the betrayer, the cheater imposed STONE upon his sisters and we wept, he imparted to us one truth. “Those that answered the call of the Arch-drakaar have been bestowed the title of Conciliator. To this end, you are hunters, burdened with sacred tacts. The sun rises and the moon follows close in its wake. Until the day comes that no paladin of Xan, or His enemy, wakes to see it, you have purpose.” But what is a Conciliator of Wardrom Nahl’s greatest force if not love? Brothers, and fellow children -- What is force if they will not love us more? We must not mistake Ruin for love, but we must not mistake it as independent of the ultimatum of love: Ruin. They are hand-in-hand, akin to the moon and its tides. When the An-Gho bestowed love upon even the greatest deceiver, he knelt and relinquished his false dream. Yet the third-eyed reigned supreme, for love was undefeated. The dreamer had dreamed. The Fire of Love, and the Vessel of Strength are preached to us by the Aurelects. This will be our path to Conciliators of Wardrom Nahl. To eradicate the Xannic foes that plague us, of the False-Gods, is to do so by loving those Descendants that they manipulate. We must love those who cannot understand Ruin. We must not subjugate, for these nations rise and fall as the sun wakes and sleeps -- but instead, inspire them. Ward them. By loving them, we guide our Descendants from the folly of the False-Gods. Only then will they love us, more than they are full of envy. This, I have understood. I no longer harbor envy. Rather, elation. For I will embrace them as my own brother. I will embrace their sin, and take it as my own. For they do not understand their place in this fate-ridden world. I will guide them. The Brass Tyrant - the Eternal Shepherd. This has been endowed to me. Find and seek me: The Brass Tyrant awaits. S.
  15. 2nd build makes me crave pancakes
  16. Will make you a herald for $5. Pm me at Chenn#6807 for venmo information.

  17. Sparticus Tundrak, scion of an old Fennic Prince, readies his arms and banners to resolve this abhorrent radicalization of Elven culture!
  18. "Good thing it doesn't mention the South!" Augustus wipes a bead of sweat, remarking to the Prince of Savoy. @Lionbileti
  19. thinking of doing some trolling

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