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Everything posted by Apotolofo

  1. Aech squints at the missive, looking up at her fellow Lubba Lawyers. "Sorry boys, think I have to sit this one out. I'm keeping my clan out of drama... and I ain't taking any sides..." She looks at it again, frowning a bit. "But, didn't they already prove that Leika isn't a voidal mage? I've casted earthen wall right next to an Epiphyte before. He was completely fine..." She sighs, tossing it onto the table before her with a grumble. "Seems to me like a classic case of attack what you don't like. Or something. I dunno. You all have fun with that. Still though, it was really quite unprecidented to make it go public. No need for that kind of... publicity." @mika1278@SaviourMeme
  2. A certain halfling tilts their head at the missive. "Hmm... tell me this 40 some years ago and I would have rejoiced... Now... I'm not so sure..." A hand travels to the back of their neck where a deep scar lay, nearby the one across their back... They think back to the friends they had lost to the Ferrymen, but also the friends they gained... sort of. Well, aquaintences maybe. Ehhh.... "Well, boys... you certainly were great. Not good but... great none the less. You'll be.... missed...???" She takes the missive and throws it into the flames before them, letting their memories and legacy burn away, rising up to the stars... and there lay the ashes. Phoenix banners fluttered around them, and they muse to themselves... "Who will rise?"
  3. Aech Amberace Anarore smiles at the invitation, having already heard of the wedding. She skims the invitation list and her smile grows into a grin. "Oh, Kosher..." She mutters, shaking her head lightly. "Well, I've always wanted to attend a red wedding. This should be... interesting..." But her smile turns to a frown as her eyes traveled down the list of invites... If you hurt my friends, Kosher... you would truly be a monster. But the frown vanishes back into a smile. He wouldn't, especially not with her around... he knew better.
  4. Aech Amberace shakily bent over Octavia's cold body, pressing a light and shaky kiss onto her forhead. "I love you Via." She sobs, almost too quiet to hear. "I love you more than you'll ever know..." And indeed, Octavia Rose Redfist would never know... She presses her forhead to Via's, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to stop the everlasting well of tears to no avail. A few hours later, a familiar scene takes place in the Vanari castle before the fireplace... The form of a tiny halfling curled in the loving embrace of one Amethyst Vanari, her body still. Tears stain her face and clothes, the only thing moving the deep, rocking breaths of sleep...
  5. Aech smiles a bit, their interest sparking. They pull out a peice of paper and a quill, beggining to scribble different things down.
  6. Aech Amberace Anarore looks at the missive, and a small grin begins to form on their face. Alas, they had to stay neutral... but if they ever needed a medic, Aech would hope they knew she is more than happy to serve. ;) "This should be fun..."
  7. Aech Amberace is very tempted.
  8. OOC aech4short Discord: aech4short#1658 Timezone: PST IN-CHARACTER: What is your name? Aech Amberace Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? To learn more magic, but also to teach! What arts, if any, do you currently practice? Earth Evocation, Air evocation, translocation What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Adeptus Majoris (i am T5 in earth!) When should you be contacted for an interview? Saturdays work best!
  9. Aech Amberace stares at the letter he recieved, utterly dumbfounded. "Wait... No, he didn't... I just saw..." The letter flutters to the ground as the holder attempts to catch his tears before they hit the ground, his face buried in his hands. It had to be a mistake, not Absolon, this is some typo right? "I saw him just yesterday... and he was... fine... right?" They mumble, wiping at their face. But alas, he knew it to be true. The man's declining health was clear to see... But hey, he had a good run. The best run she'd seen. She smiles at the memories, but her smile quickly fades as a realization dawns. "Oh god... Azzie isn't going to take this well..." She whispers, wiping the last tears from her face. And so she makes her way down under the city to a certain friend's home, preparing herself with a conversation she never thought she would have...
  10. Lovelyn Dolorem, who named about half of these cats, reads the missive from over her sister's shoulder and nods in approval. "Mhm, Barthalameow won't even try to eat my paints anymore! Though I suppose that's a good thing... very out of character though. Both relieving and worrying all at once..."
  11. Aech frowns slightly, reading the missive. "I've never understood the canonist church... think they threw me in a river once." She recalls. "Off a bridge." They stare at the paper a bit more, before sighing and tossing it in the wastebin. "Pretentious..." She mutters.
  12. [!] A missive is hung near the bottom of the Elysium notice board. Dearest Friends, A dream came to me one night, perhaps more like a vision. I was taken back to the time I first walked the void, my friend and now teacher guiding me through it. And in this dream I finally saw what he saw. In the moments I stayed in the void, it smiled as it sensed my presence, and it was pleased. It calls me to learn, to embrace what I know now is my purpose. The pursuit of knowledge and magic. My eyes flew open as I awoke, and from my bed I rose to pack my things. Few items I take with me, and they are these. My quill and paper, to write these letters; A set of daggers and my bow, to protect myself from possible danger; A cloak of many pockets, to keep me warm; A focus crystal to guide my knowledge; and lastly my satchel of herbs and medical supplies, for myself or anyone I come across that may be injured. I write this to ensure a few of my friends do not worry about my wellbeing. They know who they are. In my pursuit of knowledge, I may not return for many years. But I promise that I will one day, and I will return with knowledge tenfold of what I know now. See you soon, Aech Amberace Solros Chancellor of Magic [!] To a certain few a copy of this missive is sent, along with a letter. [!] A letter arrives by bird for Rina d'Avre. [!] A letter arrives in the post for Emerald Ferinn Guenevere, Frisket Monet-Vanari and Aylin de Astrea. [!] A letter arrives by bird for Corvus. [!] A letter rests on Sulieronn Ashwood Solros' desk. [!] A letter arrives for Amethyst Vanari and Lle (OOC: I forgot the last name and I can't find it oml I'm so sorry) by post. OOC: Hey friends! I've been going through quite a bit oocly, and its gotten really chaotic. Lotc used to be a way for me to destress and relax, but recently its gotten to the point where I dread getting online. And it shouldn't be like that, ever. I'm going to be taking a break for at least a few weeks, though I may get on for short periods of time to learn magic on my personas. Love y'all! When I get back on, if I do, I think I will make a point that I wish to not rp any sort of overly emotional RP. Because the truth is, I am not my character. I am not Aech. She is not an extention of myself, they are a character I have written and played out. There has been some rp I have gotten involved in that was about depression and self harm, and honestly I can't handle that ish. I didn't want to rp Aech saying "woah don't talk to me about that" because that isn't what they would do. They are mentally strong and healthy, but... I'm not. And that's okay. I hope to be more like Aech one day, able to help people that are struggling and be strong through my own problems! Long story short, I will be setting up boundaries. I'll still be on discord, so feel free to message me saying hi! I really wish I didn't have to say this, but I want to remind some people that I am not your therapist. I am not anyone's therapist. If you are feeling suicidal, please contact a counselor, your parents or a hotline. Because again, I cannot handle that. This was very quickly made, so it isn't the prettiest forum post, but ya know what! I don't care! XD. Anyhow, take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals! Peace out! (for now)
  13. Aech Amberace Solros frowns slightly. "Hm... this can't be good for positive self image." They shrug, putting the missive back down. "A pretty face isn't so important, after all..." They glance at a nearby window, tilting their head at their reflection. After a moment, they shake their head to mutter. "Goodness... What am I doing..."
  14. +1 Adds a little more to the magics that arent voidal or deity!
  15. Ruby Monet Vanari looks up from her book, laughing at her Aunt's enthusiasm. "That does sound like a wonderful time, Auntie, do you think they would let me play music?" She looks over to Violet, signing as she speaks. "Have you ever been to a treat hunting? Oh, you are in for a sweet surprise." She ruffles her adoptive sister's hair, turning to do the same to Kai. "We are going to have so much fun together!" She exclaims, pulling them both into a tight hug. "Ma!" She calls out to her mother, Frisket Monet Vanari. "Can I take these little gremlins to the festival?" She says, scrunching her nose affectionatly at the kids. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lovelyn Dolorem lets out an excited squeal, twirling across her bedroom floor. "Oh, Lu, do you think ma will let us go?" She grabs a fancy feathered fan from the wall, fanning her face dramatically. "Although it might be a little mean, as I'd clearly steal the show." She fawns, giggling to herself. "We have to think of costumes now, don't we? Ooh, I bet I would make a very convincing vampire. Maybe too convincing..." The very pale albino girl frowns.
  16. OOC Information: MC Username: aech4short Discord Tag: aech4short#1658 Magics Currently Studying : Earth Evocation Magics Currently Teaching (If so how many students, if any, for each?): N/A IC Information: Your Name: Aech Amberace Solros Your Race: Halfling Your Age: 46 Nation of Residence: Elysium Reason you wish to to join the circle: To learn all that she can, and be able to defend herself better. Being small already gives her a disadvantage there, hopefully magic can level out the playing feild. Seperatly, she is a lover of the art of magic, and wants to learn to simply learn!
  17. A letter of Resignation The 13th of the Sun’s Smile, SA 42 Aech Amberace Solros sat at her desk in the Solros Clan house, staring at the empty page in front of her. It felt strange what she was about to do, but she knew it had to be done. But it was a pity she had to be the one to do it. Aech picked up her goose feather quill, rubbing the handle with her thumb, reminiscing over the time that she bought it. It was in Old Elysium, at a stall by the ferry, during more simpler times. She dips it into the bottle of ink to her left, moving her hand above the leftmost corner of the paper, where her hand pauses. It stays in the air for a long time, a drop of ink splattering onto the paper, awaking her from her daze. Just have to do it quickly. She crumples the piece of paper, throwing it over her shoulder and pulling out another one. She pauses once more, staring at the paper, thoughts racing. She dips the quill again, this time with no hesitation, she begins to write. "To Eugeo De Astrea, The Order of The Boreal Forest and her protectors, and to Elysium, I extend this missive for whomever to read. I write to you in an open letter with a heavy heart, though I know this is the right thing to do. This is my official resignation from the ranks of the Rangers. I wish this part of my life didn't have to end this way, but I can't stay a moment longer. Throughout these last few years of my career, I've seen things I wish I didn't have to see. I don't mean blood, and death, and fighting, these I am far too used to. When I first joined the Rangers, I was young and naive. I thought of the Rangers as the saviors of Elysium, and Elysium as this perfect paradise in the midst of the evil Norland! Now I look back on my younger self and shake my head. If only things were so black and white. I wanted to believe that I was working for a force of pure good, that my initial gut feeling was wrong - I wanted them to prove me wrong. I wanted the Rangers to show me that they were still that barrier between good and bad, and that they had everyone's best intentions at heart. I fought with these feelings for years, suppressing it to try and convince myself that the Rangers were still on my side; Elysium's side. That's how it seemed, but I was merely living in my own fairytale. After internal and external power struggles with the Rangers, I came to the brutal realization I was just trying to rationalize my mistreatment and toxic subordination in favour of higher-ranked people whom I had idolized, and I wasn't the only one who noticed. In reality, most of them acted as if they didn't care for me, or any other rank in the Rangers - only themselves and their reputation, rather than the people they were supposed to serve and support. There were exceptions, of course, and those people I will forever hold dear to my heart. So blind to believe, so willing to trust! Just wanting to be a follower, believing everything they told me. But as the years went on, I began to see the truth. No country, kingdom, town or person is perfect. Our leaders are far from perfect, as we all are. But there are certain things that are happening I can no longer make excuses for. I have seen time and time again the lower ranks and I have little to no say in anything within the Rangers. In fact, not only the lower ranks. Sometimes I think a certain clan holds the power. Our side of the stories are ignored, we are not treated with respect we deserve, and we are hardly ever asked what we want from our higher ups. As if we are merely pawns. Expendable. It seems as though to receive basic respect you must have the title of Outrider or higher, or be a part of the Paladins. Even then, the Sentinel Captain and Solros Clan Leader Liluth Solros, was barely listened to amongst the higher ranks that she was supposedly in control of. She was the sole reason why I still stayed in the Rangers and provided me a glimpse into real change. Sadly, her voice and reason were and still are so easily and quickly snuffed out by ignorance and disregard despite how important change is, especially now. Seeing as though an upstart young man, who hasn't been alive longer than many of us have even been in the Rangers, was promoted to Lord Commander in the blink of an eye? Perhaps rank isn't the best way to determine how much respect a person should receive. Seeing as though one of the only reasons he was promoted was his clan. The Vanaris. I will always look back on these last ten or some years as happy memories, but I will never regret my decision to leave. It pains me, because as much as I love protecting and helping the people, I can't do that from within the Rangers. Thank you for the lessons I have learned, skills I have earned, and friends I have made. Never-the-less, I leave you with this; If the Rangers don't want their lower ranks to leave, they must still their lips, and listen. I hope that my resignation may bring to light the issues the Rangers face. Perhaps no one will miss my absence, perhaps no change will happen. But in light of the Rangers' poor decision-making, blatant ignorance, and adamant stubbornness, The Order of The Boreal Forest has lost one of their only mages. Congratulations. Good luck, Aech Amberace Solros Aech signs her name in red ink, the ink splattering as she writes. There. It was done. Now, to write it again. ----------------------------------------------A few hours later---------------------------------------------- Aech pins a copy onto the Ranger notice board, leaving her Ranger-given armor and weapons in a pile next to it. Perhaps it would be the last time she was in the keep, if things didn't change. The second, she pins to the Elysium notice board. It wasn't enough for the Rangers to know. It was time the citizens of Elysium were not kept in the dark. She steps back, looking at The Letter of Resignation, a look of grim satisfaction on her face. It's been an honor. Aech Amberace Solros walks away from the board, never once looking back. "I need a drink."
  18. One second!


    Edited by Aech Amberace
    I messed it up lol
  19. Aech reads the flier, giggling to herself. "Cute kids."
  20. Upon hearing the news, Aech closes his eyes, a tear running down his face. He thinks back to retreiving Vivian after paying her ransom, how horribly wrong it had went. He thinks back to Vivian and Nym's capture by the Ferrymen, and his own scars that he gained. Who could blame Vivian? Who could blame her for what she's done? After all she went through? I didn't know her well, I only met her then... If only... what? If only what? What could I have done? What could we have done? After all she had to endure? Nothing. There is nothing. Side note, take it easy! We will all miss you here on Lotc, but I hope you know we all believe your personal life is (obviously) much more important. Farewell~
  21. Aech Amberace-Solros takes the paper off where it was pinned, grinning. "I'm saving this for the books." She declares. "As a physical piece of proof that I can show the next generation of Elysium." They carefully fold the paper, placing it into her pocket. Hundreds of years from now, a museum will stand. And in that monument of memories shall this article hang, in pride. How proud am I to live in this moment, how lucky am I to be alive right now. "We are living through history, friends!" He exclaims, to whomever was near. A shame the suffering Inui had to suffer. All this bloodshed, these tears could have been prevented, if not for the bloody bastards in Norland. But no matter! Because tomorrow, the near future! will bring every sorrow a joy, and every payment in blood tenfold in happiness. And if we fall? "Glory, glory! What a hell of a way to die." (had to add that.)
  22. Aech Amberace- Solros cheers in response to her leader, both ranger and Solros. A new day, and a new dawn. One where my family can live free, free of chains and injustice. "To our Leaders! Who will lead us to victory, or a honorable end!" He cries, a drink lifted in a toast. And to collecting more kneecaps. Elysium will be the Paradise of Almaris, the Utopia of the earth! And I'm just proud to be here when it happens. "To Sinsio! And..." She smiles, looking up at Liluth will all the admiration in the world. "To Liluth." My hero.
  23. Apotolofo


    Aech Amberace, or Aech, for short, was born in Oren, surrounded by violence and chaos from a young age. Her parents, Eramita and Tarzor Amberace named her Hakis, a name she despised because of it's binary nature. Her parents did not accept her as gender-fluid, only letting her dress and act like "a lady." This led to her refusing to use she/her later in life, before accepting that female was still a gender she loved. It also led to multiple acts of rebellion, such as chopping off most of her hair and crossdressing. Her hair has remained short, messy and choppy ever since. As she matured, Aech realized that she didn’t believe in the One God, and soon briefly met a follower of Valaen, the daemon of Freedom, whilst being dragged along in a chicken heist. She felt a strong connection with Valaen’s chaotic, but fair justice, and vowed to follow his ways for life. When she turned 18, she decided to fully embrace Valaen and fled to Knoxville. However, she quickly realizes that Knoxville is not the place for her. The halflings there are nothing like her, peaceful and timid. Even before Valaen, Aech was always a carefree and playful soul. She enjoys spontaneous acts of mischief or kindness, and sometimes both simultaneously. Aech follows the law, for the most part, but if she could have her way, she wouldn’t. She has no malicious intent, but still enjoys a fight every now and then. So now, Aech is on the move, looking for a place to call home. Or maybe she won't ever stop moving, who knows? Certainly not Aech. She may be small and cute, but don’t be fooled. What she lacks in size, she makes up for in pure attitude. (she is genderfluid, but I used she/her for this part :D)
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