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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by SethWolf

  1. This. It's a short-sighted numbers game. If the only thing that mattered, and I mean the only thing that mattered in LOTC was a percentage, then even by that metric alone, it is failing as that number is getting smaller, and smaller. Slowly, but surely. You either flock to the mega-powers, or you die on the limb, there is no middle-ground. Maybe I'm just a stupid idiot new player, but it seems to me like the staff are falling for the oldest trick in the book that every staff team seems to do: Overly ridged, top-down, arbituary, bureaucratic systems that look really nice on paper but ultimately just end up stifling creativity. This server, I do declare and will say again: This server does not need a rule, and clause, and rigid definition and super-high tech system in place for literally everything on the planet. Stop it.
  2. Activity checks are a simpleton's solution to inactivity. "Haha they'll actually rp if we put a gun to their head" My current tile in Haense has nearly 0.60% pop sometimes. Is that *amazingly good*? No, it isn't, but it's good for a Barony tile of a new house, and it's fine for any little place where friends are making memories and a community together. However, I'm not beholden to a psychotic drive to make sure people play on my tile. People play on my tile because they want to hang out with eachother there. I can't even imagine what being whipped into the servitude of a percentage every single week on top of my regular responsibilities would do to me. The halflings deserve better. Remove the rule, leave Bywater alone and let them roleplay.
  3. SethWolf

    shine on

    "This is some sort of craft in a mine moment." The baron said as he lazily read the missive, sipping on his carrion black. (Buy Zvaervauld Lilac Honey(TM). My family is being held hostage.)
  4. "That was fast." The Marshal mused as he munched on his Zvaervauld Lilac Honey Drops(TM).
  5. Any child who'd go to the Lord's room would find this sign on the door:
  6. Wanna hop on LOTC?

  7. Felix was seriously starting to become worried that his house was going to develop chronic diabetes. "Oh well, these honey drops are delicious!" He declared as he popped one into his mouth.
  8. SethWolf

    Whats up CT?

    When I see new players, esp ones who struggle to type, I do the following: 1. Hang out with them, and make them feel accepted. 2. Bring them to the tavern or some other activity. Ask em what their story is, get them into the mindset of who they're playing as. 3. Give them a job. Use this to gently guide them and help them improve their capabilities as a roleplayer and community member. If they make mistakes like messing up the chat system, discreetly message them and tell them how to avoid it. "Yeah I know the chat systems a little wonky. Here's what I did to overcome it when I first joined-" 4. Invite them to friend discords, include them in things, make them more than a player, but a friend that feels wanted. Both parties win. They get to roleplay, I make a friend. Make this the standard everywhere and good things will come from it. It's a philosophy I got from @Xx_BloodStalk_xX and @GMRO, and I will keep doing it until the day I die because at the end of the day they aren't just 'new players', they're friends you haven't made yet!
  9. I think an Autocratic Stratocracy where you still have absolute power but the country's military entirely owns the state is a cool idea. You could have that Starship Troopers vibe where being a soldier means youre a higher tier citizen and get lots of perks meanwhile the plebbits that dont want to serve cant be put into office. Nobility would still exist too, as you'd have military dynasties of skilled warriors and commanders that would be competing for promotions and positions within this militaristic state. Could even have democratic system with 'officers' or high-tier citizens meeting to vote and discuss plans on where the country's going and where things should head. Cool thing about this system is you could make it revolutionary, idealistic, racist, inclusive - whatever! As long as you serve the state! :) And ofcourse, they would come together to elect a supreme leader from their ranks, most likely by duel or popular vote to ensure the strongest, most respected and most capable battle commander is leading their state. Pure democracies are kinda mid unless you put a cool spin on it like that.
  10. "A kongzem to be feared with a Weiss as Knight Paramount." Felix chuckled as he read the missive within the confines of his dining room. "Eam so proud." He looked to his House Staff. "Prepare a special batch of Zvaervauld Lilac Honey for this mighty kongzem!" He commanded at once!
  11. "This one's every inch of her father." Felix smirked as he took one of the missives whilst on patrol. "The children are the future. Eam glad they take such pride in their civic duties. Court, then Duma. They should be rewarded for their dedication to Haeseni values - even if they're a little overzealous." He said as he gently folded the missive and slid it under his wristplate, keeping on patrol.
  12. Touch grass, idiot.

    1. Frostdrop1


      No u, dumbweed.

  13. Felix was sat on his Bossirzem throne as he enjoyed a delicious spoonfull of Zvaervauld Lilac Honey™! A servant ran over with a missive, and Felix's eyes scanned over it. "Whew boy. Seems he's really kicking the hornet's nest left, right, and center, eh?" He asked.
  14. Felix Weiss smiled as he sipped his iced tea and gazed over the ocean of Zvaervauld lilacs that were peppered with buzzing bees! He watched as artisans in the workshop carefully filled up the little glass jars with the delicious golden-amber honey, and as his children snuck little bites of honeycomb here and there. "It may not be the grandest of industries, but House Weiss now has a product that we can be proud of." He smiled to himself as he sipped his iced tea.
  15. Felix Weiss read the missive. "Lord Bishop is either a nitwit or a drunk. Audo had just come from a battle that practically determined fate of the world, and has never committed a crime in his life. He is then assaulted by some random miscreant, and he is the one dragged into court?" He shook his head. "What nonsense this court system is. Shame on all involved. My son is a good man, a patriot, and a veteran. Lord Bishop should treat our soldiers with more respect. I hope my son's trial isnt so mismanaged as Lord Bishop's first circus of a court was." He crumpled up the missive and tossed it into the bin.
  16. "Prepare the kill squads." Felix told the BSK.
  17. "Harsh words from the Herzen." Felix said, looking to his own signature on the missive. He pondered why all of the noble houses did not even think to inform House Weiss of this scheme, even if he was left the odd one out. He was given no time to respond to this incident and left in the dark by people he thought were his friends. "But to keep secrets, especially ones like this is niet the act of a friend. Herzen Ruthern treated my family with great respect, and such he is given my recognition." He said firmly as he looked to his sons. "We now know who our real friends are. Remember that."
  18. Lord Felix, Speaker and Royal Captain is wondering why he's being mentioned when no one came to speak to him about any of this. "Whelp. Best of luck to these houses." He left his home to put the military on standby. "Gonna have to prepare for some arrests one way or the other it seems."
  19. "That nipple is mine." Lord Speaker Felix said as he rubbed his hands together in a devious manner.
  20. Felix read the missive. He put down the letter, and immediately ran to fetch his sons. They had to go bird hunting.
  21. Felix read the missive and frowned. "A boy with his...affliction should be grateful for his priviledged position. And to plot his fiances murder to be with a man?" He shook his head, disgusted. "This will be a permanent stain upon their house. The boy is lucky to still be alive."
  22. "Bout damn time." Felix said as he read the missive, and went back to work.
  23. The Baron Weiss read the parchment in silence, as a group of soldiers were crowded around to read it alongside him. "Very rarely can a wordsmith conjure up every duty, pride, and honor a soldier can be afforded," He said to one of them as they finished reading it outloud. "but by GOD, this man must be blessed!"
  24. As Felix read the missive as he was out on patrol, he idley stepped off into a side-alley and looked up to the sky as he had the letter pinched in his hands. "You old goat." He shook his head. He could not help but smile. "You out-do me even in death..Spasiva, brother. Krusae zwy Kongzem." He neatly folded the letter and put it under his wrist-plate, and got back to work with a smile on his face.
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