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Everything posted by RLNGO

  1. Kezmur Vinteki, fighting for his life in an outhouse in Krugmar, is told the news by Klog. Inbetween loud grunts, and quiet crying, mutters "Dem Elfiez finally going on latz own. Powerful."
  2. Kezmur, currently on vacation with the Vinteki crew, gets notice of the announcement that took two decades to create, along with countless nights between him, Gundnant, and the now deceased Grommash. Despite this delay, he was heard screaming "ZOUTHERN PRIDE!!!" for hours.
  3. God bless, christ is king.
  4. another excellent hordic victory.
  5. A great victory for the effeminate, silky skin, cute, and proud lover of many Heorcs, Klog. Having him represent what many orcs stand for is brave.
  6. Yah we should prolly ban homophobia if we already ban colorism/racism. Ban transphobia too + romance rp
  7. Transfer and Reappointment of Targoth Since I have taken over as Vizer, the sorry state of the Krughai has only worsened, despite three different targoths, dozens of warbosses, and many others attempting to fix it. The latest victim of the position, and fellow Vinteki Clansmen, is being replaced. He bears no fault of his own in this matter. Despite his best efforts, few know or respect him outside the field of combat. Regardless of his actions, he has had trouble gaining influence with his fellow Urukhim . Therefore, under decree of Rex, and my own authority, I am removing him from this position. He will henceforth serve in an advisor role to the Vizer. I acknowledge that Targoth traditionally has been a position held by our strongest and most militant Uruk. However, the current Targoth and the Rex have both agreed that he needs to be replaced urgently by someone with competence and veterancy. After some thought about how we can we replace him as he is still by far the strongest and most capable Orc, I will replace him with Grozthzark’Dom, and if anyone wishes to challenge this appointment, they first must challenge the former Targoth and win, then fight Grozthzark’Dom. Grozthzark has presented to me his vision for the reforms of the Krughai, and I, along with Rex, view it to be imperative that he seizes control of this failing institution. While all other officers of the left hand have succeeded beyond belief, both in diplomacy and espionage, the military remains in a failed state. Grozthzark will be given appropriate resources and manpower but his efforts will be able to decide the success of the military. Those who wish to disrupt the current reforms would therefore have to win two consecutive duels. I understand that this violates our past traditions, yet the sorry state of the Krughai demands it. I will also impose the follow rules on further challenges: Targoth can only be challenged once for in either a duel that allows all magicks and is observed by several others, managed by the Vizer, or the Targoth may instead elect to fight three times wearing steel plate, a daemonsteel sword, also refereed by the Vizer. If obstructionists still wish to seize control of the military, I will still hold the singular right to replace and remove useless warriors from the highest military position within our Rexdom. His Most Martial and Masculine Excellence, the Grand Vizier of the Iron Horde, Master of the Left Hand, Savior of Adrian Women and Children, Destroyer of Westmark, Imprisoner of the Cuckold King, Joint Wargoth of the Vinteki-Vuhk, Defeater of the Haenser Army, Lover of Haenser women, Jailor of the Many-Captured King, Noted Martial Arts Enthusiast, and Proud Urukhim Supremacist, Defeater of Doors, Lord of the Southmarch, Grand Admiral of the Fleet, High Marshall of the Good Guys Alliance, Supreme Commander of the Aaunish Airforce, Supreme Commandant General of the Holy Confederation of Hating Unnecessary Titles, Kezmur Vinteki
  8. Kezmur was confused. How could the armless, scarred man sign an agreement? He was shocked he was still considered alive. Whatever the case, Hyspian independence perhaps meant the desert could see some peace.
  9. Kezmur was stupefied and maddened as Reynard held no titles, and was simply given an old fort to live in with his family and brothers when they were wanderers. He never had betrayed his canonism or his beliefs while he lived in Krugmar, and was a good friend and man who kept darkspawn out of the desert. He would mourn his loss and decide to hunt down the liars that used the orcs hospitality towards Reynard against him.
  10. Kezmur would sit in his mudhut, proud of the orcs everlasting commitment to diversity of opinion and individuality. He would think of men like @AlternisJand @olpx, proud 'non-traditionalists' in Krugmar that were widely accepted. The traditions of the humans would eventually have to break if they ever hoped to advance to progressivism, acceptance, and civil advancement that were bountiful in Krugmar. His nation pride made him so happy that he decided to abduct and punt a Hypsian child off the aviary.
  11. Orcs aren't canonist. If your char isn't hetero, you are welcome in the mudhuts of krugmar. @Narthok welcomes diversity and has beem a good ally to me and other community members.

    Edited by RLNGO
    1. TreeSmoothie


      Orks are born from blood that sheds on ground & pop out of the dirt 9 months later, nub need Momo agh Popo like poopoo elves and humans😤

  12. Kezmur, knowing every single nation on Aevos routinely checks for darkspawns,demons and voidals, and knowing that the shamans provide the most harmless testing out of any group, and also knowing the shaman lodge are the only people in entire desert who are trying to stop the constant darkspawn swarm, does not care.
  13. Kezmur, upon reading the missive, thought something was awry. He would start rallying his klan to talk to the rex. Minto would not be disposed of by a lodge who answered to no one.
  14. Kezmur, the Orcvizer and political commisar serving faithfully under the Rex, would get onto the Rexrock and announce the following to the orcs huddled around the square. "The people throughout the South have been plunged into bitter suffering and tribulations since the Hyspian and Coalition reactionary government betrayed the fatherland, colluded with imperialists, and launched the counter-revolutionary war. Fortunately our Southern Liberation Army, backed by the whole nation, has been fighting heroically and selflessly to defend the territorial sovereignty of our homeland, to protect the people's lives and property, to relieve the people of their sufferings, and to struggle for their rights, and it eventually wiped out the reactionary troops and overthrew the reactionary rule of the Hyspian occupation government." Now, the Orcish War of Northern Liberation has been basically stalled out to the point they arent trying to kill us anymore, and the majority of the people in the country have been saved. On this foundation, the first session of the Southern Summit Conference, composed of delegates of all the parties and people's organization of Aevos, the Krughai, the various regions and nationalities of the country, and the overseas Oni and other patriotic elements, has been convened. Kezmur would be pictured below.
  15. Kezmur would watch on the whitewash and his brutal duel, thinking he had regained any honor he had lost in the eyes of Krug.
  16. Kezmur read the missive and was shocked. He shouted"WOW! Mi cannot believe Haense wuz the bad guys all along! Something must be done or the canoist church will explode or something!" Quickly thereafter he returned to butchering a captured Hyspian child alive for the goblin soup.
  17. Kezmur was so excited about the prospect of slaughtering more Haensers that he summoned all the goblins and feorcs to grab as much sand, dirt, mud, and stolen makeup they could find. They surrounded him, dumping plaster and mud on his face. Head to toe, he had caked his body in order to look like a pale Adrian. He had shamans finish his disguise with magical bindings and alchemical potions. He made plans to ride into Adria, kill a man, and steal his identity so he could fight in the upcoming battle. Kezmur would be there, fighting on the walls, and no one would be the wiser. Surely no one would figure out that the 8 foot tall 'man' whose skin was constantly peeling off was an orc.
  18. -1 too political

  19. To the victors go the spoils!
  20. This is so huge orcbros.
  21. Kezmur looks and feels so proud of his Rex for constructing such a cute little fort that is very pretty and visually pleasing.
  22. In the ancient city of Stassion, nestled between towering mountains and lush forests, there lived an orc named Kezmur. Unlike his warlike kin, Kezmur had a dream that went beyond constant battles and skirmishes. He envisioned a place where orcs could live peacefully, away from the prejudices of the outside world. With determination burning in his eyes, Kezmur decided to build a fort within the abandoned palace at the heart of Stassion. The once majestic palace, now in ruins, echoed with the whispers of its glorious past. Kezmur, with his immense strength and unwavering resolve, began the arduous task of clearing debris and rebuilding the structure. He gathered a group of like-minded orcs who shared his vision of a sanctuary where their kind could thrive without the constant threat of war. As the days turned into weeks, the sound of hammers and the clang of metal echoed through the palace halls. Kezmur's fort began to take shape, a testament to the orc's determination. The courtyard, once overgrown with weeds, was transformed into a training ground where orcs practiced martial arts and combat skills. The grand halls were repurposed into communal spaces where orc families could gather and share stories. Kezmur's leadership and vision inspired loyalty among his followers. Orcs who had only known the life of constant conflict now found solace within the walls of the fort. The once-divided orc clans united under Kezmur's banner, forging a new identity for themselves as defenders rather than aggressors. Word of Kezmur's fort spread throughout Stassion, reaching the ears of other races inhabiting the city. Some were skeptical, having long-held prejudices against orcs, but others were curious and ooen minded. As the fort continued to thrive, it became a symbol of unity and transformation. Kezmur faced challenges along the way, from external threats to internal disputes, but his resilience prevailed. He navigated diplomatic waters, earning the trust and respect of neighboring communities. The palace, once a relic of a bygone era, now stood as a beacon of hope and coexistence.The orc fort in the heart of Stassion became a testament to Kezmur's dream – a dream that proved orcs could build more than just war machines; they could build a haven, a home, and a legacy that defied the expectations of the world. And so, within the walls of the palace, Kezmur's fort stood proudly, a symbol of unity, strength, and the enduring power of dreams. =
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