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Everything posted by argonian

  1. I don't think people talk about how annoying and ugly it is for countries to be divided by CT/Hub regions, or to get spammed by ((NO VILLAINY HERE PUH-LEASE)) messages constantly. Arcas may not have had hubs but it more than made up for it by making the CT comprise half the map. Can we just stop having cancerous CTs? Like in the literal sense, in that it serves as some overgrown ******* tumour on the map.
  2. In this thread, you ask ScreamingDingo any question on your mind. Thread Redlines: You may not ask for personal information (like Joel's first name or which house on Bickford Street, Adelaide he lives in). You may not ask about WIP lore, including but not limited to, Azdrazi 2.0, Ar'gon'ians and the Barclay CA. He's agreed to answer anything else.
  3. discord and its consequences have been a disaster for minecraft roleplay
  4. "The independence of Haense and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race," says Stanimar.
  5. I filled the wide plain with the corpses of his warriors. These rebels I impaled on stakes. A pyramid of heads I erected in front of the city. Nabû-ushabshi, their king, I hung up in front of the gate of his city on a stake. His land, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his property, the treasure of his palace, I carried off. Bit-Amukâni I trampled down like a threshing sledge. All of its people, and its goods, I took to Assyria. The splendor of Assur, overwhelmed the king of Urartu, and with his own iron dagger he stabbed himself through the heart, like a pig, and ended his life.
  6. Stanimar raises his hands guiltily, mouthing "Sorry".
  7. "The same Tylos I that you smear was arrested for defending Owyn III at the Red Diet, and his own son was slain at the same time. Moreover, there were already three Barclay cardinals and several Barclay bishops (including Tylos I, then Patriarch Alfred as you noted), so the idea that our house gained its standing in the Church through conspiring with Jude II is absurd and patently false. Your only 'evidence' for the malicious and vile claim of conspiracy on House Barclay's part is our continued success in the Church. Ironic, coming from a Barclay that leads the Holy Order. Are we to believe you got your position through conspiracy too, by that same logic? And why would we trust a man accusing himself of conspiracy?" Stanimar indignantly writes, on sheets of paper he attaches to every copy of the missive he finds.
  8. Stanimar, a regrettably non-native yet still somewhat proficient speaker of Waldenian, freted over the concept of the 'Upper Grenz'. Would the the annexation of such a region not merely shift the Upper Grenz to the Lower Grenz, and so on, until the entire Confederacy was subsumed? Did no one know what 'Grenz' meant? He fidgeted agitatedly, considering riding to the border, the Grenz, but where was that now?! He thrashed against his desk for a few moments, clawing his scalp as his face grimaced red. Finally, he rose, with a resolve. An anger pervaded him still, but now overcome by a sense of purpose. He hopped on his trusty steed, and rode through the country, repeating a single yell as he made his lonesome journey in the night: "The Haensers are coming; the Haensers are coming!"
  9. Stanimar mentally notes to never get on Johann's bad side.
  10. "House Watanabe were never cast out and were still invited to Adrian dumas even long after Ves fell. What the **** is the grievance here? Want a statue? Where's Alfred Myre's? If you wanted honours within Oren after the war, then why choose to leave it?" Stanimar asks aloud, reminding himself to never bother with the delusional rants of Vampire Lords again.
  11. discords need way less channels


    and yeah ik i can mute stuff like #skins but what sucks is when there are like 20 general channels and people alternate between them


    why do people do this

    1. Heero


      I miss Skype :(

  12. "Seems like a mixture of Waldenian and Batavian to me, chief. Wonder how elves got speaking that," Stanimar remarks.
  13. "Meine Mama hat mir einfach erlaubt, dass ich Cola trinken darf. Wie cool ist das, bitte? Ich zocke Fortnite und trink Cola. Yippee," says Stanimar with Waldenian pride.
  14. "The die was cast," Stanimar says, except in Flexio, because he's very smart. No, really.
  15. I love charoodler let's not be disingenuous. every nation, vassal, etc. negotiates primarily over OOCly and uses RP to sorta seal the deal. Is it great RP? No. Is it something basically everyone does, and something we therefore shouldn't use as a targeted beating stick for people on the other team? Also no, IMO.
  16. reminder that doxing yourself is cringe

    1. argonian


      i ******* saw that 

    2. Salvo


      show feet

  17. looking for epic irl quotes to steal and attribute to my characters

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LithiumSedai


      "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Corwin I of Sutica

    3. argonian


      "Never interrupt your mistake when he is making an enemy." - idk like every king who fathered a bastard ever 

    4. seannie


      heavy is the head that wears the diamond helmet - emperor joseph I

  18. Stanimar vividly remembers this, having vividly gone there to vividly ransom his friend. Indeed, his friend was vividly outrallied by the Jazlo prisoners, as Stanimar had already vividly remembered.
  19. Stanimar vividly remembers the only time Jazloviecki ever outrallied them was in the Acrean prison cells.
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