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Wolf Druid Ouity

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About Wolf Druid Ouity

  • Rank
    The Forest Sings
  • Birthday 08/20/1996

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  • Minecraft Username

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Planting trees; big trees, small trees, short trees, tall trees

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Ouity Deathsbane

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  1. iykyk https://open.spotify.com/track/06GustVmK5U6yhVbvbjy3q?si=35abd6874d184909

  2. where is voidsoldier where is my long lost love :(

    1. Nug


      woahhh i remember u

  3. Is your bus a 1.7l or 2.0l?

  4. Heeeey there buddy, you ever plannin on making a return?

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      None in particular, was just having a conversation about LOTC and decided to check back in. If I got invested I feel I would probably just wind up having a bad time. Kind of incredulous about some of the things that I see on the forums at a glance, so I can't imagine what's going on behind the scenes in terms of people abusing each other. 

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity
  5. hello mister ouity sir


    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Hey there hope you're doin well :)

  6. Just found the post you made in 2014 petitioning for me to be unbanned. A very late thank you is in order, --it made me smile :) 

    1. Heff


      [Handshake emoji] gotchu

  7. does the title "world administrator" mean you succeeded and became the lord of the craft ?

  8. You are my second favorite jaded boomer

  9. How much of the world do normal players get to interact with while these guys get to fly around in creative and build whatever they want?
  10. Would there be interest in a livestream of me just ripping into lotc from the perspective of an 8 year player? I’ll talk to the viewership anyone who thinks the maps are ever good/the moderation has ever been competent 18+ only pls

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Banned


      Where is it, Ouity? We’re waiting.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Haha. I’ll try to make it a priority. I’ll make a post a week before I do it but I move in tree time ? 

    4. Banned


      I pray this happens soon

  11. Someone help me out: what’s the name of the old LoTCer who became an extra on GoT? Big red beard. Friends with Liri and Shift. Can’t remember his name for the life of me 

    1. Heero



      need his fb? don’t think he showed up for this season

    2. Demotheus
    3. Callistus


      He cast a wildling, I don’t remember the name

  12. Is it normal to wait over a month for any response to an artifact application?

    Edited by Wolf Druid Ouity
    1. Heero


      Yes. Welcome back to LoTC, faux bureaucratic edition 2019

    2. Medvekoma


      You heard Flambo, despite their ehole lack of on-server acticity the LT is perfectly fine and sound.

    3. GodEmperorFlam
  13. When did 3.0 drop?

    1. Burnsy


      Februrary 23, 2013 is the earliest date I can see for Anthos.

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