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Story Management
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Everything posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. Hate to blogpost but I will anyway. The intent of this guide is probably for all the wrong reasons, but the small philosophy about creating characters with depth is something that rings true. Emotions are something that we should feel with roleplay, it helps evoke certain reactions to scenarios and also allows for a further depth that allows for characters to become their own people beyond your every control. You should be making characters that are not throwaways, giving them flaws, dreams and goals to actually follow and build their own personal philosophy to create a truly unique experience. What most people fall into the trap of, is that these goals are motivated OOC or your character turns into an extension of your irl problems and how to escape and/or deal with them [Which escapism is fine to do if you really need to, but the narrative of others is what should be prioritised over all]. You should care about your characters, their actions and their resolution, it should be slightly emotional to let go of a good character that you have spent years on. Though, it becomes a problem when these emotions leak into roleplay itself and stop your character from actually performing how they would with what has been built for years, sudden 'preservation' instincts, making them break their morals to not PK, even avoiding PKs entirely and disparaging an entire group for your own personal gain. You should also never approach these characters similarly to tabletop characters, it is viewing the server in a closed lens when we compare the stakes of what this server actually presents to the player. DnD and most tabletop settings are following the few, where the world is crafted around them and their actions. Every single interaction that a DM does for a small, personal group, will always be with the end goal of entertaining and enjoyment of those playing it. It is like playing a single player RPG. Then comparing to this server, where hundreds of players actually craft the world, the circumstances and the existence that your character has been thrust into. It is a truly unique experience of a sandbox that has rules, limitations, hierarchies and experiences that go well beyond the structure of a typical RPG. It is a narrative that is not written by you, but you are able to contribute small amounts to this book to craft a story of a world that has existed beyond your input. It is the main appeal of LotC, being able to either be such a monumental figure, or just a passerby that could change someone's characters ambition with a few words. The depth of characters that you have on the server can be monumental, but you must always realise that every action you take is affecting another person's story, it is truly selfish to believe that you are the center of the universe and the server does punish those that think in this mentality with how easy it is to die for speaking out of turn in court, getting randomly attacked or even suffering massive defeat against creatures beyond your comprehension. You are allowed to feel emotion for your character's story, it allows for your own roleplay to be augmented by what a human[person] would truly feel in that situation. But it can never break into OOC or the outcome of roleplay itself, a PK is a sweet resolution of closure, a loss is a great way to build character, a win is a pursuing of goals, but all of these things are done to expand the story of those around you, not your own. Don't be a selfish roleplayer, this server does not need more of them
  2. Art by Kavishvan Thump, thump, thump, thump Within the ensnaring darkness, the thunderous echoes of the heart are felt within your senses. Each rhythmic beat follows a continuous melody that does not falter or stop. Thump, thump, thump, thump Your eyes open to a familiar scene, those of the swamps that lingered in fog. Yet your body lies attached to the central, gnarled tree that you once observed before. Your limbs, restrained and embedded into the wood, unable to tear themselves as you look around with quickened panic. Thump, thump, thump, thump. The heat of the swamp lingers upon your skin, as your head is held taut to remain straight ahead at all times. The deep, resounding echoes of the heart-beat are felt throughout your form, through your limbs, through your fingers and toes, deep within your head and deep within your stomach. Thump, thump, thump, thump. The emotion of panic seems to take your body, complete restraint as the blanket of claustrophobia ensnares you, enveloping you in its entirety as you remain suspended within the tree. Unable to move, unable to speak or scream, unable to do anything but look, and hear that sound that does not falter. Thump, thump, thump, thump. A lonesome goat is seen within the trees, it simply wanders forward as it goes to clamp upon the loose foliage that surrounds your vessel. It narrows its haired chin and chews, staring sheepishly towards you. It simply watches as the rain now plummets from the heavens, soaking the wretched swamp in the winds of the world. The cold water is felt against your skin as it hits your bound form, you try to twist your head but it remains firm, held by the restraints of your wooden prison. You close your eyes to avoid the rain, and then the darkness ensnares your vision. Yet the familiar sound continues as your own senses then feel every movement of the land. Every breeze, every foot that digs within your flesh, every grazing animal that chews upon your hair, every bird that burrows within your vessel. It is all felt, at once. A sensation that overwhelms you, where everything is realised and yet, nothing is known. Thump, thump, thump, thump. And so, ends the sickened vision.
  3. indefinite bans been taking out members that'd abuse a warning system to continually do dogshit things. maybe the issue isnt the indefinite bans but the fostering of behaviors that these players are encouraging which is ultimately anti roleplay and gets people banned for disrupting the spirit of roleplay for ooc'ly scheming, intimidating and colluding in schemes to alter ic actions
  4. Hollow. Empty. Silent. Your eyes flutter to from the darkness that consumed them, to large branches of a gnarled tree that protrudes from the center of your vision. The blackened wood remains cracked, twisting and knotted in its macabre beauty. Stones surround its form, scattered absently from the aftermath of destruction as the features of wood seem to protrude outwards. Endless faces carved into the wood, their mouths moving where no sound would leave from its form. Torn upon its upper roots lay the corpse of a beast of gold, its mane mattered and covered in crimson and black. Its form lays limp, its crimson dripping into the ground with sickening splashes that break through the silence. The endless expanse of wood was blanketed by the fog that clings to the area, the roots burrowing and anchoring as if the skies were trying to ensnare them into the clouds. The symphony of nature is replaced by an eerie silence that haunts its presence, the lack of nature encapsulates the grotto. The winds of humid heat cascade into nothingness as skin is brushed by the waking calm, a lingering threat of the unknown, of the unfound. Stagnant winds brush aside the dust of continuity, of change. All that awaits is the present, the now, the never. The Heart of the World now lies asleep, when shall it wake?
  5. t. response to denying guns Think what we need is you away from the community :)
  6. The Cloudbreaker’s Journey Long has the draconic beast plagued the lands of Almaris. From its first sightings amongst the people of Brev, to the driving of it from its lands that were near the seas of sand. It has lingered, strayed and become a sight for many to grow used to. The Almarian Society of Bounties and Beasts has now located an entry-way within the lands of fire to find the nest of this beast, we were able to track it into the deep, western mountains but no further without fear of death. So we grant this opportunity and tell you to ride along the coastline of the west, once the water fades there will be a guided valley that shall take you to where we believe the nest of the beast is. If any are stupid enough to hunt it, then do so. Or at least ensure that the beast does not plague our lands any longer. It hunts for food it cannot find in its own lair, perhaps there may be a way to entice it to stay where it belongs? Good luck Adventurers and Almarians.
  7. As I do thank you descendants for your work with the compilation of works from Aegis and Asulon. We are still actively seeking texts from this era and recountings of its time, so I do beg of you to search through any works that you have, or write your own and take credit to become an esteemed scholar. We will then move towards the compilation of texts over the next period of time, which shall be Anthos, Athera and Vailor. These three continents are filled with pivotal movements of all the descendants, with threats following forth and allowing for us to truly appreciate that of the past. The peaceful times that we live in now are something that was not even dreamed of, and this means that there is history to tell within these eras. Specific areas of interest that we are looking to gather knowledge upon are below: Anthos ✎ The Rise and Fall of the Holy Orenian Empire and the Exodus ✎ The Formation of the Conclave [And exploration into the dissolution of Malinor] ✎ The Dwarven Threat [An Exploration on their power post-exodus] Athera ✎ The Death of King Vydra ✎ The Rise of Laure’lin ✎ The Legacy of Kalenz Uradir ✎ The Ibleesian corruption of Renatus ✎ The Empire of Khorvad Vailor ✎ The Duke’s War ✎ The Assassination of Guy De Bar [And the formation of the New Holy Orenian Empire] ✎ The Plague Above are the topics we are wishing for critical works and analysis upon for the new library. These will grant 100 mina per entry and then all other information surrounding the lands above will be granted 75 mina each. These can be submitted next to the awakening place of the Cloud Temple, there is a monk next to a chest to the left that will allow for you to deposit your entries in. It will take a year of analysis to verify your books and entries to be legitimate and not complete nonsense. With such, we will then further arrange payment and take the name of those who submitted it for the purpose of immortalisation. Do know, that now entries surrounding Aegis and Asulon have been increased to 150 - 200 mina respectively to represent the higher demand for them. Thank you, shall the Triumvirate guide you. Monk Florencio, Keeper of Knowledge
  8. im going to do something, its in the comments

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lemonke


      **** you got me

    3. Scuba


      you got me too wow that boomerang i didnt see coming

    4. Nug
  9. The strange substance vanished from Charles Galbraith, it seemed that it was only him that preached falsehoods and inaccuracies with things that bent past reality.
  10. Blessed be, those of the descendants under the care of our beloved Triumvirate. We of Wilven do seek those of the blood of scholars to fill our library. For our own shelves have laid empty since the Library of Dragur, held its departure with the destruction of Arcas. What we seek is a true return to us honoring our ancestors and the times that they took part in, for the newer generation to absorb and understand the mistakes of the past. For this, I do ask for those of long life, or those that have recorded these events to immortalise themselves with their works. For our first collection of works, we aim to look for those recounting events from the era of Aegis and Asulon, outlining certain familiar eras that are iconic to the development of the nations that stand here. Specific areas of interest that we are looking to gather knowledge upon are below: ✎ The Fall of Alkhazar ✎ The fleeing of Aegis ✎ The Phoenix Rebellion ✎ The Death of the Wandering Wizard ✎ The histories/interactions with the Mori’Quessor ✎ The Chronicles of the Creation of the Holy Orenian Empire ✎ The Trial and Burning of Dawn “The Baker” Perea and the Salvian Histories These are topics that we believe critical works and knowledge are missing within our libraries, important events that helped shape the lands that we now inhabit. For this, we are offering 100 mina for every work that is written on the topics present and 75 mina for every other work that will be used to help understand these lands. For submission, there will be an assortment of chests that will be at the Cloud Temple for us to analyze and gather. These books will need to be titled and your name should be presented for us to grant you an allocation of mina after reviewal. They will be under scrutiny and will be then immortalized within the Cloud Temple’s new library which is under development. If there are questions, we do have an aviary at the Temple to ask questions. Do contact me there so I will be able to answer and respond to any true inquiries. Shall the Sun, the Moon and Stars shine ever brightly above us, to guide us through the darkness that dwells in the edges of the world. Monk Florencio, Keeper of Knowledge

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nug


      thats kinda hot ...

    3. AnonymousAlexa
    4. Heero


      alexa, he has a pulse now. what did you do

  12. on behalf of dingo incorporated we do not take responsibility for the recent attack. thank you for your cooperation and support of this company, we appreciate you all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HogoBojo


      Thank you Spokesman of Dingo Incorporated. 

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      I am so glad to be an employee of Dingo Incorporated! 

    4. Mio



  13. oren will dissolve and acre will do a courland and become insignificant after the first month as a bunch of human kingdoms pop up for the orenian battle royale for the empire unification 6 months down the track
  14. How to design eventlines - Google Popular Game Copy Paste into Google Doc
  15. Lore has been shelved and moved to the appropriate subforum. If you have questions about why this specific lore has been shelved, please contact an ST Manager or the ST Administrator.
  16. What DOES THIS MEAN WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK IM A SECRETARY also can't believe the weird Tokyo Ghoul rper from 2011 is an admin... more oldheads...
  17. its a shame i liked the build in acre, its not reflective of its insides though :*(
  18. This lore has been denied - This lore falls under the Deific Embargo, focusing on Primordials which are currently being sorted out and could potentially have a large plothole if this piece goes ahead.
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