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The Media Wizard

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by The Media Wizard

  1. Well, I finally got onto the Media Team by doing nothing but talking. See kids? Being lazy rewards you sometime! ;D

    1. Shadeleaf


      Shut up I did all the work damn it!

    2. CommunistSpy


      Shields rap <3 yess..

    3. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Arzota? Work? Pfft.

  2. It's so late... and I have school. FML

    1. gingernut97


      Ha! (How are you 250lbs? O_O )

    2. seannie


      then go the sleep...?

    3. Praetor
  3. "I'm too sexy for RP, too sexy for RP, so /damage 20 please...~"

    1. Stephensj
    2. KiiNg



    3. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      I was being sarcastic, Kiing. xD #RPDefault2013

  4. I don't understand why we need 4.0 yet. I love Anthos, and it seems its time went quick. But, I understand the reasons why and I await a new land! I expect my own nation, of course, but my land none the less! I shall call it Meowingtons, ruled by King Meow-Meow III. Any takers?

    1. mmat


      So... You just want the Kha back? :3

    2. Skippy


      omg the kha race consisting of 6 people so important much rp

    3. Hanrahan


      omg just like every other minority let's kill all minorities nyeeaah

  5. Gemmy is going to get Drunk Girl wasted. Lock your doors.

  6. "I say... we get naked."

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Oh look you're back already :^)

    2. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Read my post! I said I was leaving the RP aspect you dirty Monkey! <3

    3. Helvetius


      Find meh at meh home :3.

  7. Yay, I'm the Trailer Team Leader. :D

    1. Volutional


      Yes. You are the leader of a team, in a team. In a team.

    2. Aislin


      You are now GM because team leader

    3. Raptorious


      So decrees King Gronkk the Great, first of his name.

  8. Sometimes, even a calm and kind guy like myself will rage-quit when BS goes down.

    1. Parading


      everyone has a breaking point

    2. Raptorious


      mine is every time i skin

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Three time champion here.

  9. 400 Rep! Woop woop!

    1. Bircalin


      Almost double what I've had in just under three years, lel.

    2. Knox213


      1 year 800 +1's its safe to say i am god.

    3. Lawrna



      (jk, luv u)

  10. Hey all you people! Hey all you people! Hey all you people, won't you listen to meeee?!

    1. Wobbajack


      I just had a sandwich! No ordinary sandwich, a sandwich filled with jellyfish jellyyyy!!

    2. gam


      Hey man you've got to try this sandwich! It's no ordinary sandwich! Its the tastiest sandwich in the seeaaaa! A skee-ba-da-ba-doo-ba-da-ba-doo-doo-da-doo, yeeeaaaaah!

    3. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Thank you all! xD

  11. I think God nominated Arizona for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge this morning. ;-;

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅
    2. gam


      It was so bad my school actually got canceled, lol. There is a full flowing river running through an area down here in Scottsdale right now, hehe.

    3. Nug


      and i'm living in a drought wowowowow

  12. Ahem... what happened to my custom Forum Group? ;-;

    1. Glyc


      Custom forum groups were removed a while ago as they serve no real purpose.

    2. J


      I ate them all

    3. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      That's just rude! I earned that title! :P

  13. God, I am litterally applying for every staff position. I know I won't be accepted for all of them if any at that, but it'd be funny to have a signature with Accepted Member, Media Team, Game Master, Forum Moderator, Mentor, and Event Team. xD

    1. gingernut97


      Why are you applying for all of them? I uncerstand your logic that you're BOUND to get at least one acceptance out of the many applications that you have submitted, but I think the reviewers would be wanting to see that you sre primarily focused on that position, and that position alone. Anyway, good luck with you app(s)!

    2. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Honestly, I want each one. But, knowing that many on the server will place more negative feedback privately, I know that some are going to be impossible to attain. If I could have all, I would do it in a heartbeat. But, sadly, I know I won't. No matter the position, everyone should know that I will put my heart and soul into them all. :D

  14. I want to create a group called "The Kinks". Any takers? Eh?

    1. gingernut97


      Is Iblees allowed to join?

    2. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Yeah! Did you not read my Quotes?

  15. How does a song about Fallout warrant Stuffed-Animal Fights? #ImagineDragons

    1. Heff


      This is so true. ._.

    2. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      The stuffed animals were radioactive, giving them the ability to move, and fight. I mean come one. If you saw stuffed animals fight you would endorse it.

  16. "Its raaaainin' Bans~!"

    1. Rassidic


      Halleluiah it's raining bans.

    2. Shadeleaf
  17. Cat. I'm a kitty Cat. And I dance, dance, dance and I dance, dance, dance.

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. BrandNewKitten


      YEA! I am the kitty cat here.

  18. I'm leading the Media Team on the Polls. I'm so happy that so many people think I actually do stuff! xD

    1. Garukumus


      It's all 'bout the channel intros

    2. JtPv


      I didn't read this properly. I thought you said you were leaving the media team xP

  19. "Gemmy you suck, you should just quit life." - Zilldude, 2013

    1. Gemmylou
    2. Dizzy771


      Abuse of staff members. Ban him gemmy, ban him!!

  20. So, anyone else having fun today? :p

    1. Trintea☕️



      Just finished watching world war Z :3

    2. Dyrr


      ^ Coolio, that's a pretty cool movie.

  21. Nothing like jumping out of cars and scaring children to the Pokemon Battle music. :D

    1. Mephistophelian


      The image I got in my head whilst reading this... XD priceless!

    2. The Media Wizard
  22. I'm legal now! :3

    1. AgentSunny
    2. oblivionsbane


      Can you hear that silence?... That is the sound of people who care.

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