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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. I play the only pure elf. The last dodo of LoTC 

  2. Anyone know why I can't connect? https://gyazo.com/2ab19ca28a4dba960347c671c59d75ee

    1. ImCookiie


      That means your client can't communicate to the server properly. It could be affected if you have mods installed or your firewall anti-virus, I believe. You should try adding/removing the port at the end of the IP, and direct connecting too.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      I was finally able to direct connect.  I don't have any mods and nothing has been changed since the last time I played. Too a solid two hours of trying to connect though


  3. Pocket dimensions aren’t really a thing we should be doing on LoTC. It is too complicated & requires too much assistance. Might be cool as an idea for an event though. You are also adding a powerful spell that costs the cognat absolutely nothing in return while crossing into other magics. Not to mention the spell itself is PG. Mental links require consent ICly or if they refuse ICly then OOC consent with extreme focus. This is essentially a circling spell that doesn’t do any of that. So I disaprove.
  4. I don’t want to sound rude and ask if you read the lore but it does seem to say in multiple locations that they do keep their old powers as they learn these new ones. Unfortunately by your own definition of “end game” we have a contradiction.
  5. See you totally had me before you got into the battle effects. Like it seemed dope that druids could ascend to live in the fae realm and maybe even come back as Force Ghosts or something but if voidal arts are gonna get blasted for "power creep" then this cannot be accepted as it adds an entirely new level of power to every aspect of the druid without sufficient consequences. I love fae realm lore and I think that if you had passive effects rather than active effects and cut this lore to 20% of what it is I could get behind it. Maybe instead of having them be super spirit warriors their dedication builds an effect on the monument of their death? From the ritual point certain nature-y effects occur that don't involve OP forms of combat? Maybe the animals become healthier or a the area is harder to taint or something. The ritual site being a pilgrimage spot of sorts? Give up their powers and put their personality in a tree or spriggan? (and pls don't use LoL as refs. For my sanity q_q)
  6. Omg Gilly! You give me hope.
  7. The initial idea seems cool (I like the show you got the idea from) but a but shallow atm. If there are artificial lines I don’t think mages should be able to change the natural ones on their accord. It just needs more substance. Mana rivers and stuff already exists so it isn’t as if this is ground-breaking lore. I just wanna see some more specific interactions.
  8. Anyone could research and craft a medeusculor
  9. True true. Tbh it was the name that sparked the mostly joking idea. Dissonance from the void for these Ressonant Knights!! #spooksgetnooks
  10. If you aren’t weak to holy maybe you should be weak to voidal. Just for fun and stuff.
  11. Member that thing I did for a single week? 

     I member. 

    Obviously I suck but the general idea would be cool for someone to start up again. So which ******* has too much time on their hands? 

  12. I don’t understand the point. What is the main point? Am I missing something or is it just too similar to feats in cognatism? I am also gonna play the villain here and say I don’t like that they have what you call “heightened aura.” You added this but there doesn’t seem to be any reason other than to add to a list of things they do. Is it in the OG lore too? Archons and Celestialists have heightened aura and both of them (moreso in Celestialism) have effects and interaction with that change that occurs. Adding in this effect may seem harmless but I believe it would come to be muddying or what so many others have called “lore bloat.” edit: I enjoyed the in OG lore how subtle it was and how it was really just an expansion and way of thinking about meditation RP. I think this may be an unnecessary step to an otherwise solid lore piece.
  13. 2 major issues with this piece: 1.) this is a knockoff archon with less accessibility, more reliance on staff intervention, and less opportunity to involve others in RP. 2.) there is a bias in this piece. The persistent pessimism and negativity towards void magic is an OOC bias that needs to stop. Its a nuetral thing and so much oppressive writing as of late is really bogging down on actual opportunities to provide voidal RP.
  14. There is just community bias here in the regards to RP that literally has nothing to do with you. So my counter proposal (because the Lore doesn’t make sense) is that plant will produce a plant. Female plants will have babies that are plants. This should be a purer form of byrophite. However should a male plant do the thing the offspring is 100% the non-plant parent. So base it off the mother. Give meaning to their roleplay instead of limiting it because your poor feels are triggered. #sass
  15. I guess like it (moreso the art. Archons have always felt a but weird to me) but why did you specifically add a way to eat celestials. q_q
  16. I don’t agree with the horror blood one. Why would horror blood have a painful effect on mages? Also horror blood isn’t supposed to last. When it is spilt or the horror dies the blood eventually dissipates. That is why it is a hard ingredient to use in blood magic despite its boons.
  17. Why do you need to write up lore for it? I am saying lore is already accepted for it. Hence why I posted a link to accepted lore xD like idk if you took a look but there is a section on shades.
  18. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/155763-✓-magic-addition-celestialism-additions-clarifications/ Technically it is “incompatible” but there is an event clause albeit it might need slight altering. I worked with Tsu on it.
  19. I have never agreed with the idea that shade based arcanism is automatically harder/stronger than non-shade arcanism. It seems as though while most other magics have additional effects there is no equal boon to arcanism. Also I would reference Celestialism lore on how it mixes sice it was left out here. Besides that there is a contradiction elsewhere in the lore. I believe I read that the substance must stay attached to the shade but how can it also take on a gaseous form? It seems to me that you would just be burning off amber.
  20. Beaver is my state animal. Approve approve approve!
  21. So basically the dwarven version of snow elves?
  22. I hate to always be "that" guy but the term "Celestials" has already been coined in my magic lore "Celestialism" in which he user summons "Celestials." So... like... dibs?
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