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Status Updates posted by homijoe

  1. If you could go out on a hot date with any staff member, who would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zarsies
    3. Zarsies


      (it's probably end with more dessert than intended eh-huehuehue)

    4. AGiantPie


      Hot date? Come on now.


  2. Why does everyone hate me?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skippy
    3. Cappy


      I believe it's cyber bullies.

    4. homijoe


      The thing is...I have no idea why I have negative 9 rep??????????? Someone -1'd every one of my posts on a report

  3. what is a brony?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eleatic
    3. Onslaughted


      We'll tell you when you are Older :)

    4. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      People a part of a fandom that is focused around watching a show called "my little ponies."

  4. Someone -1'd all my posts on one of my strike reports so now I have -9 rep..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      Dont matter. Ive got -20 somethin. And one guy has -200 something.

    3. Aislin


      I have -250

      Oh wait I have +250

    4. Cappy


      Each person can only give out 1 a day, so either you've got someone really dedicated or a bunch of people don't like your posts...

  5. i know this will get lost in the comments but, sometimes i cover myself in vaseline and pretend im a slug

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mmat


      Definitely not ripped from Youtube, no sir.

    3. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      Dis ain't a YouTube comment section!

    4. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      I cover myself in slugs and pretend im Vaseline

  6. Well 6 days into the new year i already got a ban report on me for my crazy rampancy, thus breaking my new years resolution. God damnit, it's really hard to not act crazy

  7. So people are arguing like ******* crazy on Teamspeak and I decide to play some spanish mariachi tunes to break the tension and I get permabanned from teamspeak

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AgentSunny


      Should have played some smooth jazz.

    3. Avacyn


      thats what happens when you troll

    4. Snake Plissken
  8. You know whats great. Not doing your essay and instead, spending some quality time on LOTC

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      I pay taxes, you do schoolwork, kapish?

    2. Slic3man


      Gaius, back to the secrecy in which you came from!

    3. Elfen_


      No kapish, Gaius.

  9. Banned from the server. No report or reason..... what

    1. danic


      I got an idea, instead of making a status how you were totally banned for NO reason, ASK a GM and find out why.

    2. everblue2er101


      Probably a one day ban for floating trees, there have been a lot of those lately.

    3. homijoe


      Already made an appeal and asked.

      I can't afford to lose today

  10. New years resolution: Work on being less trolly, more of a leader, control my temper, and to keep mature

    1. BrandNewKitten


      I think that is a pretty dandy resolution.

    2. WuHanXianShi14
    3. Zarsies


      Kitten's got it. Good on ya mate.

  11. Birthday in like a week. Im gonna hold a gigantic feast or do something....

    1. StellarDweller


      Are kha's invited?

    2. IevIr4d


      Kha's will /be/ the feast?

    3. Islam


      Why dont you do someone not on LotC? Kind of depressing imo

  12. These drawing females of Athera things im doing are really spicing up LoTC for me right now

    1. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      They look good so far! Aren't drawing males though?

    2. KarmaDelta


      Damn male cis scum.

    3. homijoe


      Nah im moving onto orcs next

  13. Waiting intently for my implementation!

    1. 0000


      Great to have you here! Hope to role-play with you some day! Hope you enjoy the server (you will)

    2. homijoe


      Well thank you for your kind words!

  14. #readingoldstatusupdates Man... i joined this server when i was 14 and im almost 18 now ),:

    1. Hanrahan


      I joined.. jeezus 3 years ago

    2. Haribo


      hanrahan brae...........

  15. Banned for 4 days.... It'll give me a chance to start over and be forum active

    1. Shar'ku/jenspelao
    2. CTap


      lol, wtf? forum active?

  16. yo somebody pm me a skin of their

    character ill draw it rn im bored af

    1. DarkElfs


      Still drawing peoples skins? I have a soon be chimera olog/bear deal been waiting on be accepted or declined if you want draw it or not

  17. Just gonna say, anyone who dislikes the god that is homijoe, I can be a **** sometimes, I fully apologise to any humans/dwarves I flamed at /did lude RP at. Love all of my LoTC buddies! -Homi

    1. Nug


      if you loved them like you say you do, you wouldn't have done anything negative to them. :/

    2. Lathros


      I still love you, Homijoe. <3


    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Happy day you were birthed guy!

    2. Lark


      Happy cakeday

  19. RIP Dwarf Kingdom


    I kept them alive obviously

    1. GloriaPreussens


      homojoe your sacrifice will be remembered

    2. Dizzy771


      Wasn't a life worth living if thats the case.

  20. Hey everyone! Opening up character commissions.. specifically classic fantasy style.. please check this link for info! https://discordapp.com/channels/209129045281996810/704812833333837855/712138865632083987

    1. homijoe


      rip link seems to not show

    2. Urahra


      hey, I’m always looking for commissions. Took a look at your insta and I like what I see! Mind sending me your rates?

  21. Kal' Dwain is the best!!

    1. MediocreGamer


      Kal'Alras is better! We have professional miners that sing in synch whilst mining :D

  22. The Battle of Kaz' Has been won!!!

    1. Teemo (Beast_Teemo)

      Teemo (Beast_Teemo)

      ^ Yay, for whatever your talking about...

  23. Banned from teamspeak. What the heck

    1. ek_knight


      I would PM the person who banned you. Seems as if quite a few people have been banned with little reason, perhaps it is a mistake.

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