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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. what do real eyes realize?

  2. We seriously need a new way to lock pick/steal without GMs. There are too many flaws in it now :/

    1. Neri
    2. Dreek


      Just like magic Plugin Soon™

    3. Parading


      When Nexus comes out, we will have a new way.

  3. why do people think the only bandits that can be scary are the "Minas or die" thieves.... Ifpeople could RP like senseable human being you'd have enough fear without the need to drop all your money...

    1. Hanrahan
    2. Mish_


      Yep. IRL I know a few people that got robbed in their car, and one was so scared they just slammed the gas and ran over one robber's foot

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      A friend and I almost got mugged. Until my friend pulled a knife and they left.

  4. wait, there are other developers other than shiftnative?

  5. anyone know how to make skins :( and wana make me one?

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Gladly! What would you like?

    2. Kaiser


      I think I got someone longbow, but I'll keep you posted :P

    3. Dry Crackers
  6. RIP in peace Lenfarthing

    1. Alderium


      You do know that RIP stands for rest in piece

    2. The Womping Wizard
    3. Heff


      rest in peace in peace.

  7. #PrayForLenfarthing

    1. hoodmaster906
    2. Galendar
    3. Heff


      *hoodmaster well our entire home got raided, blown to shreds, and is now Northern Scourge lands/base

  8. Do you need a mic on TS or is it also text? I don't use it so....

    1. Danny


      You don't need a mic, has a text window also. You can still listen to people too.

    2. Kaiser


      thanks Danny, just the answer I wanted :p

    3. monkeymo14


      its also text!

  9. the fact people who cybered are allowed back is a bit scary, but I see why. I think this will backfire, though....

    1. Ivran


      It's really not a huge offence.

    2. Emenzi


      Why would it backfire? They made a misstake and now they are allowed a second chance.

    3. Heff


      *Gets cybered immediately

  10. join da halflings. We got twoo things other races don't, Nukes and Shovels

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. IrishPerson


      MrGreene has nukes. And I want to make a halfling but y'all are EST.

    3. dude


      A Halfling's Life Fer Me..

  11. if you're sexy, make a Halfling

    1. Agith


      If you're halfing, make sexy

    2. Rassidic
    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      If you're Orc, a make sexy Halfing stew.

  12. if Philip isn't the King of OOC than it's official: LOTC is dead and we should all quit

    1. Space


      cowsgopoo is the king of OOC. For a time, the chat was ABOUT cowsgopoo.

    2. Parading
    3. Kaiser


      cowsgopoo is an acceptable replacement, yes.

      no one else

  13. *raises hand* Who wanted these restrictions?

    1. everblue2er101


      I love restrictions. Freedom is overrated.

    2. Rassidic


      Tell that to the child slaves in Uganda.

    3. Aislin


      ive been asking for restrictions on character cards for the longest time

  14. Sometimes the Human Nobles are cartoonishly evil :P I kinda like it

    1. Heff


      ^ and we are the cartoonish goofs

    2. Kaiser


      sometimes I hear them complain "My peasants should be sending me money for not taking any of their women lately"

    3. Emenzi


      ^ Why aren't they!?.. Peasants.. *Mutters*

  15. Where is everyone getting those banners in their descriptions ;-; I want one too

    1. GodEmperorFlam
    2. Kaiser


      thank you

    3. Korvic


      Danke for the quick response, Usopp. :P

  16. anyone got a link to how to make a gif your avatar?

  17. Imagine if all the impassable walls dissapeared from the Fringe... Panic among the Elitists

    1. Heff



    2. Kardel


      *erects another impassable wall in front of his impassable wall in front of dungrims mouth in front of his other impassable wall in front of his lava trap impassable wall and first impassable wall before his underground murderhall that leads to his remote impassable, impregnable castle and uses hax to make himself impassable.

    3. Lark


      Walling intensifies

  18. does lotc have werewolves?

    1. RejhaNarok


      I dont believe so. However if you can justify it in lore, I'm sure you could find a loremaster to let you play it as a subrace.

    2. TrevenT


      If an Orc shaman summons Kurak, they turn into a werewolf sort of creature.

    3. Space
  19. Going to be honest, custom recipes and custom work benches? I can dig it. But if it's buggy and laggy? No thanks...

    1. cmack1028


      dig it dig it :)

    2. DruinsBane


      Actually surprisingly it works off a rather nice system, I had initial but after being reassured it seems that will be a distant problem. But that's why its being tested on the main server before 4.0.

    3. monkeypoacher


      they spent half of the time doing optimization

      It won't lag

  20. a bit difficult to join the druids if no druids are ever around

    1. Heff


      same, + they accept edgies and deny acorn themed halflings

    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      i love halflings, they have some big ass dicks

    3. GavinTheViking
  21. am i unbanana yet

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Patience my friend, no need for haste.

    2. Kaiser


      They could at least look it over, not a long appeal

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      The staff members generally do what they want when they want, who knows how long it could take?

  22. Make a ban report on someone, get yourself banned instead. Genius.

    1. Smaw


      It's glorious.

    2. Pond


      Follow someone around, get banned for harassment. genius 

  23. So arma2 and DayZ, run by the server? I've not gotten it yet but I hope to soon, is it really worth it?

    1. Miquill


      No it rapes your memory

    2. Tristan_P


      It's pretty worth it, I'd say.

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