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Status Updates posted by WuHanXianShi14

  1. anyone have a worldsave of the fringe?

    1. Sujamma Addict

      Sujamma Addict

      I have no idea if this is it, but it says "world downloads" so I would assume that you might find it there: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/page/resources/downloads

  2. Anyone who wants to play a toddler growing up in an enviroment where magic is commonplace, PM me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shorsand



      But perhaps the former.. Imagine that, Leo; a miniature Beneton walking around Ac'Talarah (or however that's spelled)..

    3. MonkeyCoffee
    4. Aptrotta


      I think I know where this is

  3. Apparently flotsam is an actual LOTC town. Loredo feels a disturbance in the force

  4. April 2014 --- The un-exodus

    1. argonian


      A year later.

  5. are provinces in holland called netherregions?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kaiser


      and no, they're just... what ever the word for the 'province' is in Dutch

    3. Dreek
    4. Senda


      Regardless, we just took revenge on Spain. Let us focus on the important facts at hand.

  6. Are the roses 'leaving with a bang' or are the staying on LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      Yep doesn't really answer my question. ._. Yep to which one...?

    3. BrandNewKitten
    4. Achilles


      Why must the question be asked in the first place :3?

  7. Art and Anri are very tolerant of the mutual poisoning of eachother that keeps happening...

    1. Dranday


      I'm tolerant of my self-poisoning.

  8. Art's weakness: Liquid, I am constantly being screwed over by liquid substances.

  9. Artimec is now in the festive spirit :DDDDDDDD

    1. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
    2. Crowbill


      Dafuq are you saying to me, faiz!?

  10. as a wood elf, i tested with /showhealth on. i do not do more damage with a bow than a human persona.

    1. wealthypiano


      tbh racial bonuses need to be removed until the ycan be fixed and they can actually give one to humans again

    2. IevIr4d
    3. Stevie


      racial bonuses need to be removed ENTIRELY CUZ THEY SUCK

  11. Aw. Too muich to hope for that the Tuetons and Blackmonts simultaneously nuke eachother out of existance?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dwarm


      so funny ...

    3. aron.


      It'd make things a lot more peaceful.. And based on the comments above, a lot less rustled :P

    4. Polgrath


      I hope someone took video of the battle it sounded cool!

  12. Basking in the glory of my 2 days of internet infamy.

    1. Lefty


      can i have ur autograph

    2. Supremacy
  13. Breaking news from the Magestate: Today we appoint the High Pontiff of Nug, the Leader of the one true faith of Nug.

  14. Building on the Delvers tower: No falling related fatalities in THREE-----Wait...Someone reset the sign.

  15. camoryn fletcheries now selling half price to all orenians pleasedon'tgenocideme

  16. Can I haz a new witcher avatar too, gaiz?

    1. Lucas


      I had one before it was cool! #hipsterswagyolo

  17. Can I please set my character card now? ._.

  18. Can we just get a release date for 4.0?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lvke


      So... Soon™?????

    3. problematic z

      problematic z

      4.0 confirmed for 2016

    4. aron.


      Yes, the plugins are necessary for the launch. We looked over the plugins at 3.0 launch, and it was a mistake the whole community regretted. I am glad they are being diligent in their efforts.

  19. can you please fight this war with iron and tactics instead of a banhammer? thanks

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      then you should also make sure you don't break the rules and play it fair and square instead of doing whatever wins you the war

    2. Aedan The Bard
  20. canada vs USA in Olympic semi finals...bring it murica

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dank
    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Canada Vs USA? There is a reason it is called CANada. Because you constantly get your cans kicked lol

    4. 3Pac


      Hockey is what we do. America is about to get slapped.

  21. canada wins 6 - 0 in hockey #repeat2010 go for gold

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dizzy771


      Everyone likes Canadians. Cloaked is obviously a robot

    3. Cloakedsphere
    4. Moot


      Called it Dizzy, you called it.

  22. Canucks are first in the west yee boi *waves flag of minor victory*

    1. Vanir


      maple leaf 4evr

  23. Cappy's been on my profile...Ohgodamiintroubledonthurtme

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      She's been on mine before and I'm still here. Wait a minute... No. NOOO- *banned*

    2. Stephensj
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