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Status Updates posted by K00l

  1. So, since when are people allowed to Force you to /damage 20 again?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Geo


      With death comes penalty. Stop dying, or stop carrying your valuables with you everywhere you go.

    3. ΚΨΙΞ


      Blackmont doesn't tell people to /20! Lolwut

    4. Raptorious


      chucky does

  2. I just witnessed the weirdest RP in LoTC. As punishment for A crime, a man got his butt chopped off. ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wavejammers


      Soup rice, but seks

    3. Aiden
    4. Blundermore


      He probably made himself look like a complete arse then.

  3. I name the day, the day of ban reports.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tnoy23


      Declaration of officialness is seconded.

    3. Chikachu


      The Movement is officially Implemented. Any found not cooperating with this movement will be terminated on sight. All Hail Ban Report day.

    4. schizo


      All Hail Ban Report day seconded.

  4. So...I'm banned for 1 day for floating trees that aren't mine? Makes sense.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      Arik is right, this player is being childish and is causing drama for nothing.

    3. Lym


      It's not like Arik could easily access the server ban section, show the player some proof so he could write a proper appeal without having to defend himself against "baseless" claims either.

    4. Shoi


      Logblock doesn't lie, it records the actions done in an area. Floating trees are a temp banned. If their to tall, do a modreq. But there were quite a few that could have been broken down.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crayfishchris


      I enjoy having lengthy conversations with them.

    3. mmat


      I'm into college girls can i have one

    4. K00l


      go ahead matt, send her a contact request, all I did was troll

  5. Someberdy switch meh accounts. Unwhitelist kooldriftzz and whitelist TheH0neyB33, have to switch because OOC reasons. (And switch the bedrock VIP too.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. K00l


      Waiting for my other thing to be answered in that section.

    3. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-
    4. Rhia


      Please make a post, we have to have it for records.

  6. What is dds spec

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MediocreGamer


      DDS spec is a specialized fighting style in Runescape relying on a dragon dagger special attack

    3. dank


      please lern 2 runescape

    4. Monomakhos


      lol nerds who use dds, get with the crystal longbow

  7. I like too go through ban reports, and ocasionally I laugh at the silly things people are reported for...

    1. Garret Baretta (preston19)
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Har har, same here c:

    3. MetaSolaray


      Can I ban report you for looking through the ban reports and laughing :(?

  8. Ave banwar ;)

    1. calculusdesola


      OOC Warfare Tactical Operations engage!

    2. bickando
    3. ShameJax


      Ave banwarian! Ave Fenn!

  9. I like too feel important, although it'll never happen. c;

    1. Bircalin


      Make it happen! There's nothing stopping you :>

    2. Bircalin


      Make it happen! There's nothing stopping you :>

    3. Kaiser


      I think your important <3

  10. I wish Neci Solaray would change that video in her signature... REALLY creeps me out...

    1. MetaSolaray



    2. Ventusyr


      OMG I SECOND THAT STATEMENT. I was sitting by my mom, staring at it, and she's like "Dude wth is that."

    3. Raomir


      I AGREE creepy!

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Not really a rant, just a trolly thing from a person who assumed.

    2. K00l


      No. It's where LoTC is heading. It's turning into a pvp server, albeit slowly. Keep PvP in wars and other servers.

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I'm not going to argue with someone stuck on an idea like this.

  11. Tythus & Rhia vs Rogue GMs

    1. gingernut97


      "Rogue GMs" Did I miss something while I was at school?

    2. Samoblivion


      Crazyguy tp'd everyone on the server into lava.

    3. Alu


      CRAZYguy. I would mistrust anyone named that.

  12. . . . Ever. What the hell is your forum pic. I've seen it a billion times on here, and never bothered asking.

    1. Taiga
    2. Ever
    3. Katherine1


      I still liked the Hourou Musuko avi the best :P

  13. ...When the APP team denies someone, should they not explain /why/? To assist them in getting their app accepted and their RP added to the server quicker. The app length wasn't the only problem, you know. Aaand don't bother arguing ''Well it was the main one.''

    1. DelaneyG


      They are suppose to give the reasons.



      Which one didn't? They're supposed to give reasons like juicy said.

    3. K00l


      I'd rather not point anyone out.

  14. ... ◾Given the somewhat ambiguous nature of magical strength and abilities, magic users must now follow the PVP default rule. Eventually, a magic plugin should fill this void, but until then, one must rely on standard MC mechanics to PVP fight. Deviating from PVP default exclusively for magic users once more creates an ulterior motive for learning magic, and also causes some of the problems which PVP default has evidently solved otherwise. This however does not stop you from roleplaying your...

    1. Bircalin
    2. SirSnowMan


      get an iron sword

    3. paulie


      r u havin a giggle ther m8?

  15. So, ummm. Can we update to 1.7.2. I've been trying to log into the server since about 5:15 PM EST. Using all the IPs. Thanks.

    1. BrandNewKitten


      I just really want the flowers and tinted glass. Pl0x

    2. K00l


      I've restarted my internet, MC, laptop, everything. No work.

    3. Cyndikate


      It's sometimes the server itself the problem. Not Mojang. I have other 1.6.4 server that I connect to and they worked fine. LOTC did not.

  16. Crap. Just deleted my old MC folder, thinking it was why Hawks MP wouldn't work for me, then re-downloaded MC. Anyone want to send me a link to an update patcher?

  17. I'm so bored that I think I'll draw a picture of my characters. ._.

    1. Gunner


      DA server is up

    2. EboBren'


      I would do that too, but they would just come out as disproportional stick figures.

  18. Whats wif dis Error thing?

    1. Bethykinss


      Idk but it's annoying :(

    2. ek_knight


      I believe Mojang servers are down.

  19. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91776-brent42817s-ban-appeal/ C'mon guise. This guy has been waiting over a week for his appeal to even get looked over.
    1. Fid


      So? Took mine a month.

    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      He hacked, he can wait.

    1. K00l


      You'll die of laughter you scroll down to the fourth thing, the guy's app...

    2. Jchizz


      Two, three, four, and Boiendl's GM app. Good work, LotC. You're not as dumb as I thought you were.

  20. I don't want to sound like a ****, but he always caused OOC shitstorms...

    1. Ford


      who're you even talking about...

    2. mmat


      Lets not cause another.

  21. ..Just realized, prolly gonn' be awhile guise, with some if not all of the techs away for thanksgiving. You might as well drop your hope.

    1. FlareGunCalamity


      But it's the evening of black friday not thanksgiving

    2. K00l


      Thanksgiving weekend. Some peeps travel far.

    1. Ever


      Quality roleplay!

    2. Mankaar


      Remember we fought so that could come back on the server.

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