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Status Updates posted by #Flexave

  1. RIP Margaret Thatcher...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. IrishPerson


      Even though I;m Irish, I still respect the woman and thought she was a great leader. RIP Margaret Thatcher. You will be missed.

    3. Bircalin


      Sorry, I was mixing the actor FOR Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady xD

    4. Samoblivion


      In Britain, people either loved her or detested her. But whatever your politics, her impact in the world was undeniable. RIP.

  2. The designer/ builder of Kralta should be knighted!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Mofo sure does know how to build legit.

    3. Aptrotta


      I want to see what this Kralta looks like

    4. Lark


      We're the capital of Savoie, yet only a few people come to us and leave ;-;

  3. Killing a pregnant woman and her, who happens to be your, son in a church is a new low, Ado. Well done

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #Flexave


      Teasing really makes up for a loss of life ;-;

    3. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Well, in Oren it does.

    4. Tsuyose
  4. Wait. . . what's the rank Fresh Blood?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Javelberg


      Ouh thats sad..tought it meant a sturdy meal :(

    3. Raptorious


      Nikias thats not true, I know a fresh blood that as been here for several months. Its to do with number of posts, I assume its any less than 1000.

    4. Raptorious
  5. Do you need a VA for a little girl to steal a cookie from a bakery? :3

    1. Bawd


      VA1 if you steal the cookie, 2a if it'll be violent, 2b if you plan on torturing the shop owner, 3 if you plan on doing it in the name of an evil god, 4 if it'll cause chaos, and 5 if you're crazy.

    2. Benedick Irontounge

      Benedick Irontounge

      I think she'll need all oft hose!

    3. Swgrclan


      I.. don't think that should be seen as villainous. That is, in fact, taking a cookie. Not robbing a bank or elderly man then skinning him alive.

  6. Forgot how to post colour >_

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      Well there is a button for it. But you can do it manualy if know the code for it. Looks at the top beside the button for font in the full post editor

    2. Aiden


      Highlight what you want to colour then click the colouring icon to the right of bold, italics, underline, etc, then click on the colour you want. It should put [color#<some number>] then around what you highlighted. Hope this helps.

    3. Rom


      The BBCode tags are and . If you surround your text with this, it will be in the selected colour.

  7. Just thought it deserved a screeniehttp://gyazo.com/e051de23f56c932501968d40d9447d1c

    1. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Oh man. That's just edgy, man.

    2. Wretched


      Floating wool block sneaks into every screenshot.

    3. Aislin


      That's gorgeous, what is that?

  8. Congratz MrGreene!

    1. gingernut97
    2. Lanader - Richard Tarus
    3. Lym


      See Lanader, you gotta realize that this is LotC, a harsh world where only friends, bias and favoritism matter.I still believe in you tho, bub :^)

    1. Aislin


      strongest man i know has a beer belly.

    2. Acornlad


      Yup, there are many ways to build muscles. I go with function.

    3. Major Dom
  9. Can you install MPM on mac?

    1. yekim8


      Yes, but I suggest you wait for Hawks to update. It's much easier.

    2. #Flexave


      OK, thanks :3

  10. LoTC doesn't have a rank on mine status. . . or is it just me?

    1. EboBren'



      Just about to post a update about this too.

    2. Skippy


      Sometimes it needs to refresh

  11. Why don't people have manners... munching on a pork chop in your face as you talk :I

    1. Bethykinss


      Oh, like you haven't done it! Some people chew on rotten flesh! Be grateful! :3

    2. Caln McHarnish/porkchopp2
    1. Lefty


      Someone made a pilgrimage to atop the dwarven mountains!

    2. #Flexave


      Seen some pretty interesting things... dragon bones and frozen trolls... Hmmmmmm

  12. Is anything gonna happen to the great marshes? o.O

    1. V0idsoldier


      Didn't spell are right. Not pure.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      It was 8 in morning.

      Leave me alllooonneee

  13. I really want a pony now. Seriously.

    1. Birdwhisperer


      *sniffs* I had a pony once...

    2. Devin~


      You can have mine, no seriously please take her...

  14. The server better be up within 2 hours. I'm getting married Dx

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      You can always postpone or something... Just chill man.

  15. Now that the minas plugin is gone, mean that chest shops'll come back?

    1. Gunner


      I think Minas is on hold for now.

      There's no way of obtaining it

      without selling a 20 dollar worth


  16. Has Hawk's Modpack 1.4 come out yet? Don't shout at me if I should now >_

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      it si in 1.4 just download the newest version

  17. Does anyone know how to swap heads and bodies of skins?

  18. Aaand I found a chicken o.o

    1. Bircalin


      Cluck cluck

  19. Um... er... how do I get ma password?

    1. Silevon


      Password 4 what

  20. Just to clear up, are Soul Stones RP items?

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      Yes, they are 100% legit roleplay items, but still follow the usual Solustone rules.

  21. Why does my bedroom smell of Bolognese?

    1. o_Ben_o


      Because your in Italy!

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