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Mr. Etan

Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Mr. Etan

    1. KarmaDelta


      Make it rain shovels of death and destruction for the great overlord Shovelon, the dread lord and evil master of the shovel race. And smacker of wood.

    2. Nug
  1. What would fletching be under? Wood working skill?

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. DrakeHaze.


      You can make bows that shoot faster or something, so like rapid fire bows.

    3. monkeypoacher


      Nah, just shoot arrows that fly faster. Fletching is currently under woodworking.

  2. Would using glitched armor that has no speed debuffs be against the rules?

    1. Lago



    2. Galendar


      no rules against it!!!!!!!!!

    3. IrishPerson


      Abusing a glitch would be against the rules.

  3. /looc omg do you have a VA for that?

  4. Why do I feel like we're going to be spending a month on Thales.

    1. Original


      Because we are.

    2. Hydra


      A month lol this is 4.0 the mods have not told you yet XD

    3. The Lion

      The Lion

      As a past builder for 4.0, Hydra is right. HAIL HYDRA!

  5. I leave for a week and expected 4.0 to be out when I got interwebs again. :(

  6. Alright guys. What would you wear, Chainmail Armor or Plate Armor.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LatzMomo
    3. Birdwhisperer
    4. oblivionsbane


      Depends really, most of the time plate is better. Chain has it's perks, and for just walking around day to day is more more viable than plate.

  7. Servers not up? Huh.

  8. Monty Python The Holy Grail shows that the Orenian Church can develop holy grenades.

    1. blindmind


      Only so long as a single rabbit can stop your armies.

  9. Server knock knock let us in pls.

  10. Someone explain each races perk, I cant find anywhere that explains em.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VonEbs


      Wood elves get less of a speed boost and more bow damage I believe.

    3. Mr. Etan
    4. K00l


      Mind you, the speed boost isn't to major.

  11. Just listening to everyone's reaction to the plugins, changes must be really scary or something.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Endeavour


      I for one love it. I only hate the time it takes to make something. So I just buy stuff from other people.

    3. Helbolt


      I love it :) even though I'm a blacksmith who seems to have an insane level of lumberjacking - it's my own fault. I need to stop chopping down trees!

    4. Helbolt


      Or turn off xp gain, but what fun is that?

  12. Welcome to Lord of the Craft MMO RPG.

    1. Sneaky


      Not really. No combat plugin.

    2. shiftnative


      We've always been an MMORPG ;^D

  13. Lordy lord lord.

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