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Status Updates posted by CombatRolePlay

  1. Drew Smawton and put it in Batch two of the character page.

  2. I wonder if I could apply for a staff pos. that isn't wiki team or work slave Gm

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      learn how to build and we both join et builder xx

    2. CombatRolePlay
  3. Heres an image of the latest three weapons I've Rply crafted. Visit my shop!


  4. 99cd32e8dd141df04cec44e873b343b9.png


    My dreams have been crushed by @Finalhazard

    1. CombatRolePlay
    2. J


      what is a final hazard?

  5. If anyone needs me. Just send me a pm here or on skype.

    Dont have an internet connection util now.

  6. The helmet of knoxmas is suddenly gone from my chests    :  ^(   ok i see how it is


  7. I need more RP items to satisfy my growing ego.

    1. PraiseTheLord


      Orcs always here :D

    2. FreeHongKong


      Hey you dirty ****, go find your pocket staff and I'll shove some ET items down your throat to turn into memey pvp gear

  8. 4vfYKVW.png

    GM Abuse By @NekkoREEEEE

    I'm constantly being harassed by a 'certain' GM . Everyday I would log on with a message to kms. I've been stressed out because of this constant harassment. Please. Gm team do something about this

    1. Nekkore


      please end yourself


      he's slaving me to do his mod reqs, and i'm standing against my opressor!

    2. CombatRolePlay


      Im being oppressed . I only Modreqd him to suck my chubby but to no reply.

  9. When you get a commission from a someone you've never talked to, to draw l00ds.


    I meant its money but...

    1. Nekkore


      better than free, ecks dee

    2. J
  10. Banner wont fit the entire image so i'll just post it here.

  11. Nice profile pic

    1. SodaiKamikaze


      ikr, you should check out the guy who made it

    2. CombatRolePlay


      He must be so nice and attractive right 

  12. @Dewlox™ the guardian of the fountain

    1. CombatRolePlay
    2. Ducklingator


      This will be a good meme, I know it.


      Said no-one ever.

  13. whos the best armor skinner you know?

    Willing to commission with either minas or actual cash.

    1. Ducklingator


      http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/10718404/armor-set-complete/ I made this skin not long ago. I don't know just how good it is, but I'm proud of it and it got me 3k mina so.

  14. Post was deleted... It was good while it lasted boys.

    1. Elennanore


      what you mean


      edit: i know the mean now

    2. Starfelt


      ...Wait really? jesus

  15. Can i please get a developer to clear my /Auth? Currently stuck in lobby

  16. I was asked for group picture prices recently and was wondering how many people are interested for group pictures of 3+ for half the usual price?

  17. Friends that deal with Crypto, Whats the general consensus on using crpyto to pay for art commissions? Do you know anyone who'd be interested? Ive been open to the idea since my bank account is too fucked to buy and trade it myself, so i need it from another source.

    1. Cobbler


      Def depends on the cyrpto, and honestly I just wouldn't do it unless it's bitcoin

    2. CombatRolePlay


      Ive been looking around for people paying with ETH, so far no hits.

  18. how tf do ppl upload gifs as profile pics?

    1. Traveller


      same way you do a picture

    2. CombatRolePlay


      Figured it out, ty for the dms

  19. New character art Added into my thread.

    1. Archbishop


      Where can one request art?

  20. Day 22-


    Still no server, five days of food left

    1. Samsan99


      We found another survivor today, We now have 7 days of food left and enough water for the month.

  21. Saw meta squad 6 pass through just now. Someones day is about to get fucked

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