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1767 Godly

About CombatRolePlay

  • Rank
    MineMan Artist
  • Birthday 10/25/1997

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    Hunters Lounge

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  1. Comment underneath this post if you're okay with me making "trading card" art of your character and sell them in RP in RNG card packs lol.

    (this is for a future project that I plan to do once I'm no longer busy with graduation. if interested please leave a google doc link with references. ty)

    Examples bellow. (art used as examples are relatively old.)





    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. CombatRolePlay


      Small nore, if u dont have art of ur character, ur nameMC skin and a brief description is fine too

    3. Lmcfc
    4. KudosMetro
  2. someone make and approve one gun mart, put it in an alts inventory and never log in ever again.

  3. Java please I beg of you , use a different font color. My eyes... I cannot read it.
  4. Since lowering emote count for range weapons is undeniably a bad idea scaling wise, can we simply make it so , that within a certain range (depending on the ranged weapon this may vary) , one cannot "Dodge" an incoming arrow? E.g ( within a 5 block radius, an archer with a short bow will not miss their target) Obviously this is in the context that the target is out in the open with no cover to run to.. seeing as how fast arrows travel something like this feels fine to me. I believe this is a pretty solid buff for ranged weapons without it effectively making mages useless. obviously this is subject to testing but I just wanted to give my own take. This does not at all answer the problem with mass plate but giving ranged weapons an accuracy buff is very much needed imo
  5. LETS GOOO gimme new chat colors. Ive been begging for this for so long
  6. A tall elf clad in armor goes to inform the staff of the new tavern of the news. We must improve our services
  7. Just @ me at that point lol. I also hate it when said 7ft tall scaddernak armor wearing elf does.. [insert made up scenario] Regardless, heres your reddit gold.
  8. Probably an Anthology type storyline where it follows the stories of different characters per episode, but somehow all connected in some sort of way, maybe something like how said characters are reacting / preparing for any of the multiple end of map events? Atleast thats what i'd like to see in the TV show hypothetical.
  9. A tall elf clad in black armor sat silently in the middle of his make-shift camp with a letter in hand, a moment of silence given to a friend now lost.
  10. how tf do ppl upload gifs as profile pics?

    1. Traveller


      same way you do a picture

    2. CombatRolePlay


      Figured it out, ty for the dms

  11. CombatRolePlay

    please advise

    My rule of thumb on usd to mina is 100=1$ , so go from there maybe
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