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Everything posted by Supah

  1. A mali'ker scoffs as he looks the letter over, quickly crumbling it up and tossing it into a fire. "They will be met with death, destruction, and fire. The honorable mali'ker who do not follow their creed or any of their ilk will also be met with the same unscrupulous ire, for simply being mali'ker. Have we not learned from the ages of the White Rose, when we were mistaken for those cursed and evil Mori'Quessir? Our kind will be hunted again and again.. Our ancestors would be ashamed." The mali'ker shakes his head, returning to his forge and sharpening blades for what was to come.
  2. A mali'ker takes the letter within his hands, squinting at it. He turns it all around, as if viewing the numbers from different angles would assist him in understanding it. He gives it a total of thirty seconds thought before he shrugs, "Not worth it. I'll just ask 'em myself later." He then tosses the letter aside and goes about his day.
  3. "Better to just go circleless and teach I'd think, but I wish them all the best in bringing like minded folk to the aid of the Balance.." a mud elf sighs, tucking the missive away.
  4. Skin: 2 Bid: 600 Mina Discord: Supah#0001 IGN: DrunkenSnuggles
  5. A mud elf druid sits down in his garden with a cup of coffee and a copy of the Daily Druid Digest, flicking through the pages and yawning. "This early in the day?" He hums curiously, sighing. "I need a vacation."
  6. Clan Des’Nox ~*In Midnight Clad*~ (Source: Anna Razvadovskaya) Origin and History The Maki'ker of the Des'Nox were originally a nomadic clan. While they tended to keep to the Mali lands, they were almost hermit-like with their caution of outsiders, new members only joining after marrying into the family. As roamers, most children of Des'Nox grew up learning to hunt and craft things that could be sold for the betterment of the clan; some members even selling their services as mercenaries. However, over time the main family line found its way back into the fold of the Mali people, even assuming the reins of leadership over the Mali’ker for a few centuries and bringing them back into Ancestralism and Spiritualism after their own awakening. From the days of the Fringe until this very day, the Des'Nox seek to enlighten and protect their people as watchers in the night. Ancestral Awakening Not long after the Des’Nox assumed control over their people from the hands of the Old Families under the banner of Haelun’or, an estranged priestess joined their settlement preaching Khel’s old ways of the Ancestors. The seeds of elder tradition having been planted, Clan Patriarch Dak’ir began to seek out any and all historical information. So far was he in his devotion that he pledged his life to these ways, learning to communicate with them to voice their wishes via the teachings of honored orcish shamans. The ‘Ker soon learnt more of his people… long forgotten histories, names, and eldritch orders. And soon he began to preach the Old Ways and bring the word of the Ancestors to the Mali’ker people once again. Those of his family would also become devout followers and over the decades various orders devoted to these Ancestors were created. One of the old traditional orders that held firm with the Des’Nox was the Ordinators. Vindication Inspired by visions and sights of Ancestors that donned golden chitin and once protected ancient Mali’ker homelands, Dak’ir created the Ordinators who strove to enforce that same protection the Ancestors provided and spread the will of these Ancestors with sometimes vicious zeal. Members of this group became strange priests or zealous warriors that don the gold colored plate and enforce the will of the Ancestors. The Des’Nox sometimes take personal oaths to the Ancestors before taking the golden face. Their armors are marked with hanging scrolls with these written sacred oaths, trophies from battles or heretical purges, or idols made in dedication to their favored Spirits. The sons and daughters of the night favor Luara and Kor the most for their connection to the Mali’ker people, bestowing many offerings and prayers to these Spirits. While not direct descendants of Velulaei, the Des’Nox value Luara’s physical gifts that embody her love for Kor as a source of pride and blessing from the Spirit. The Des'Nox clan venerate the Ancestors above all else. They pray or reflect on the actions of their forebears for guidance. However in the recent centuries Spiritualism has become more prevalent, Luara and Kor being the chosen patron Spirits. As of now, no other belief is accepted within the clan outside of ancestralism. To turn your back on the Ancestors is to turn your back on your family. While other duties may pull the Des’Nox away from this focus, the Ancestors must be venerated above all else. Modern Des'Nox To this day many of the Des'Nox have returned to their nomadic ways, traveling in smaller bands of tight knit families on the outskirts of civilization. Dak'ir Des'Nox was the last to hold the title of clan father when he went on his pilgrimage, yet his grandsons have returned to the lands of Almaris and beyond to take up that mantle and lead the family once more. Today they still follow in the footsteps of their ancestors, teaching any and all who will listen as they spread their faith and stories. Unlike Dak'ir, however, these sons of onyx sought the knowledge held within the Grand City of All, and seek to share what they have found to all who might find kin that reside there. Culture While different sects of the clan may practice smaller traditions or variations, there are many common threads and beliefs that tie this nomadic family together, following the traditions and beliefs set forth by previous Clan Fathers and Ancestors. (Source: Whitney Lanier) The Night The Des'Nox hold a great affinity for the night. As they were originally nomadic, the night offered direction and protection from the usual daylight dangers. But to them, the night was so much more. In concealing themselves, using the stars as guides, and even assisting in night-time hunting. To them, the night’s fall was akin to a loving embrace, forever watching over them. Names The Des'Nox have a strange way of naming their children. They use a combination of syllables from the parent's names as a way of symbolizing the unity between two mates. It's not uncommon for names to be passed down through the generations. (For example: Dak'ir's father was Dak'rezar). Traditionally, the mother's name comes first for their daughters and the father's name would come first for the sons. Full names not following this convention imply that the member was either a bastard or simply married (or adopted) into the family. This roots from the original clan father’s belief of passion. Des’Nox believe that the effort and care taken to create a child should represent that bond. Hence why the parents names are needed to create the new name. Bastards find themselves with a whole name simple because they are usually raised by a single parent. Those who abandon their children are cast out and exiled. Appearance All members clad themselves in the colors of the night sky, various blues, silver, and black. Simple clothing or robes being the usual choice of clothing, however some Des'Nox tend to mix plates of armor into their attire as both a means of protection and as a form of fashion. These plates are almost always the same golden color of the Ordinators, to represent that these honored warriors are always in their hearts and minds. While it’s inevitable that families and races mix, the main bloodline that the Clan Father is normally chosen is to remain pure. Those that wish to spread outside of the Mali’ker may do so by giving up claim to this title. Under no circumstances is it approved to mix with another descendant race, such as valah, under the understanding that this is a permanent curse upon any children. (Source: Questtneo) Rite of passage In the early to mid teen years of young Des'Nox children, they go through a trial to enter adulthood. A simple test of survival and mettle. Historically, the nomadic clan simply left the child or children behind as they traveled between locations, returning for them at a later date. The only rule of this trial is that the child may not follow the clan. Traditionally, the amount of supplies given to the child is a representation of how much faith they have in their child surviving. For the most part, any tool or supply outside of a simple knife is frowned upon, seeing this as a failure on the part of the parent for not preparing their child appropriately. For example: Giving your child a knife is nothing compared to giving it a bow and arrows. By giving them supplies, you're seen as not having faith in their abilities to survive. As well, all children must have found an acceptable ‘piece of night’ to complete their rites. Celebration The Des’Nox have simple pleasures. Celebrating is something the clan frequently enjoy. Whether it be the birth of a newborn, the bond between two lovers, or even a successful hunt, a Des'Nox will turn it into a festivity accompanied by tale telling, drinking and music. They often favor various string and percussion instruments. (Source: Daniel Matui) Craftsmanship The vagabond clan did what it could to make a living. While most were adept hunters and herbalists, coin was still needed for a living. Most clansmen were skilled craftsmen and tailors. From dresses to wooden toys and even carved jewelry, the clan honed their skills for the betterment of the family. The most practiced skill passed down from generation to generation upon finally settling down within Mali lands was stone carving. The Des’Nox view themselves as adept stone workers in working with projects as large as carving out entire cavern systems to house the Mali’ker to as small as intricate jewelry. Black Stone Bracelets Most notable of their craftsmanship are the simple black stone bracelets most, if not all, Des'Nox are seen wearing. Mainly being something parents gave their children or juveniles gave their allure, it represented their love for that person. They were usually crafted from dark colored rocks, such as onyx or obsidian. The Night Father called these stones ‘pieces of night’ as the clan’s love for the night sky is represented in these stones. It was thought that the more beautiful the bracelet, the more that person cared. As the clan was poor, it meant acquiring gems or carving stones would either take a lot of time to find or cost them more than they could afford. As it was mainly given to another as a clan tradition, these bracelets were almost never given to those outside of the clan. Outside of giving this bracelet to someone the ‘Ker cared about, it could also be used during a proposal for marriage. The proposer would show their love for their partner through the materials chosen and the craftsmanship put into the making of the bracelet. Magic Most Des'nox either show open distaste or simply do not care for voidal magics, believing it corrupts the mind and body, weakening it. In recent years, various shamanisms have become common with their worship of the Spirits coming more into the light. OOC:
  7. Very similar. I was 13 when I joined back in 2012, now I'm 22
  8. IGN: DrunkenSnuggles screenshot/s: Luara's Light ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Hall of 'Ker Lords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tinuvial Horse Ranch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. Supah

    Clan Uuthlini

    Arveldir raises a tankard of blueberry lager for the boys in blue.
  10. The current status of the admins options.jpg

    1. LatzMomo


      The current status of Drunkensnuggles


  11. ...Game team? Magic team? What? I thought they were the Magic Application Team and Game/Global Moderator Team? lol

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Areon


      Your thread said Lore Team, Game Team, Forum Team.



    3. Supah


      I know Tea, I know. And what I meant was in the thread it called the game moderators the game team which makes no sense xD and magic team? I thought they dealt with magic applications so they would be called the magic application team xD it just sounds wrong. MAT not MT

    4. TeaLulu


      well u should have been more specific

  12. c8315848340a0e3fb673421b15a8f3ae.png

    1. Supah


      We're a bunch of teenagers moderating a bunch of other teenagers on a minecraft roleplaying server, plz

    2. Pandan


      Read my response, nothing more than bad phrasing rofl. It was never my intention. 

  13. What a waste of time

  14. "Hello there, my name is Arveldir, and I am the mali'ker not judging you on what you like to do with your free time."
  15. Thanks a lot Kowa for this all day ship RP :c

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. VonEbs


      Lies were told, mistakes were made.

    3. Aengoth


      Not so much as lies as lack of proper communication between GM's and Dev's.

    4. Space


      What if he like rushes home from prom for you ungrateful fucks and we effectively cock block him? That'd be some ****.

  16. When someone starts playing a music disk and it's your fav http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/2418/4qc5.gif

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