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Status Updates posted by Archbishop

  1. http://gyazo.com/079fe259bfcca3e059c2b76cbd47f086 is this now what bandit rp has turned into?
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. craotor


      Can you post a picture of your death?

    3. Lago


      "Not really.

      Selling armor for coin is more profitable then just getting coin, both IRL & IC."

      Does the bandit genuinely expect an armoured man to strip, then for them to be able to run off carrying armour while wearing it? The mental image is ridiculous.

    4. JVQ


      Are you serious Adam?

  2. http://gyazo.com/22f72059eb762db833e94d8c34436108 er how do i fix this so i can ss to abresi?
    1. paulie


      Some areas on the map don't allow you to soulstone, or maybe your soulstone is broken and you got to re set it.

    2. Archbishop


      i i went to abresi to test the ss and it didnt work there either and i tried to reset it but still no luck

  3. http://gyazo.com/35006f69baac61a6598a2e61f63b2b15 That screenshot was taken in the fringe and since then i've lost the mpm scale to get it to match the size in that screenshot. Any suggestions on what i should set the scale as so its like that in the screenshot?
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Valonqarie


      The priests have an spot where they have to stand during sacrifices

    3. Archbishop


      This was not planned at all, we were visiting the caliphate and saw another priest being attacked by him, we took him to the temple and i saw gigarun was on, he has a kha so he switched personnas and took the screenshots for me per request, the majority of these were either rp'ing at the village or in the caliphate in the end we cam together.

    4. ShameJax


      Ah. I probably would make a kha if I actually had the persona slot for it.

  4. http://s117.photobucket.com/user/Kyrcat/media/tutmap.png.html thats the tut zone in 4.0? Wheres kha race place?
    1. Neri


      I'll ask about it.

  5. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/108608-player-report-on-zionist-raiders/page-3 Lets not be biased now, Oren raiders got banned so i don't see why Zionists are any different
    1. IrishPerson


      Keep it off status updates. No need, mate. Locked.

  6. Please?
    1. Endovelicus


      Could we just go back to Athos?


    1. Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

      Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

      oh metzli please spare me from the wroth of your servant adam barnett 

  8. Did this ever happen??

  9.  Hello why are you archiving posts that have had no response fron Admins?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      think it could be ok to do a poll ingame to see who wants freebuild

    3. Burnsy


      def main():
           dev = tofuus
           while dev == tofuus:
                print(’Tofuus is my favorite dev.’)

      Infinite loop bb.

    4. Coloping
  10. @Evocress can i break into mogs tent and assassinate him whilst hes offline?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Jandy_


      People can kidnap people who are offline? Genius.

    3. Elennanore


      I think you're taking what he said way too literally. If someone that was RP fighting against you had to log off in the middle of RP, who wins? Is the RP voided? No, usually the person that had to leave is killed RPly, or has various other things done to them. Obviously, you can't do in-depth  RP with them while they're offline, but you can still do limited things such as that.





      Edited by TitanOfTheDepths
    4. Sultan
  11. @Fireheart_I think LOTC’s 7.0 trailer should include a lot more then terrain, nobody gets hype over seeing empty plains and a few mountains. Show cities and part of a story arc idk, not just plain boring terrain.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      i think it was cool

    3. Nummy


      I love terrain. 

    4. E__V__O


      As Camera man, we’re in the works that once every nation has been built up for next map the Content Creators apart of the Media Team will be working on a secondary trailer that features cities / charters.

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