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Everything posted by overlord2305

  1. What am frost-e

    1. zaezae


      Okay, imagine you build a fort and name it "Remaining Alive" and under it you put another sign that reads "No boys allowed!" and that's what a frost-e is. 

    2. overlord2305


      Can I burglarize this fort, reel sneeky deeky?

    3. zaezae


      You  can be forced to become a thrall I guess?

  2. So are you going to give vague non-awnsers as to why leap got booted aswell or is there actualy a competent admin left? Also since when is 'a few weeks' a month and a half, in regards to trial status

    Edited by overlord2305
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Vaynth


      Hey, I was no part of the decision and really can't answer any better than Paleo had about this. I clicked the denied button on behalf of the GM team, as Paleo recently went on a hiatus and there was no one else with the forum pex to do so.

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      Overlord, It's time to stop. Like Vaynth had said this is far from her decision nor do I believe she had anything to do with my removal. Apparently I didn't fit his vision for the GM Team (Even though 501Warhead apparently likes to think otherwise and spout toxic remarks in the OOC server chat) While I don't believe this was enough for me to be removed I don't care enough to fight a battle that can't be won. Also @Dewper What's the relevance of that screenshot, and why didn't you show the rest of the chat where the other players were acting worse than I was? I guess you just have to shield everything off to make one person seem bad.

    4. devvy


      just move on already. stop blowing up the notifications of everyone who commented and take it somewhere else. 

  3. #freeleap2017

    1. Kaldwin_


      we got it the first time

  4. Good soldiers don't enlist to begin with.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. overlord2305


      Only get semi decent communication skills after twelve years, basicly don't have a dad, struggle with depression for four years and make sure no one has shown you kindness in the last three years

    3. UnusualBrit
    4. Corvoo



  5. Why do you feel knowing who I am is somehow relevant to my arguement? 

    1. ScreamingDingo


      i dont want to get banned but

      please shut up

      (lack of profanities)

    2. overlord2305
    3. Archipelego
  6. And suddenly the first comment is back

    Edited by overlord2305
  7. So a GM willing to do their job, be fair and balanced and that doesn't immidiatly resort to threats of bans doesn't fit with your vision of the GM team? And making a thread critizing your decision, which a large part of the community has shown they disagree with isn't usefull?. And you then try to shift conversations towards private channels, where you and I both know the poewr dynamic is overwhelmingly shifted in your favor? Why the **** are you even on any staff team?

    Edited by overlord2305
    1. Rella101


      Overlord, no one cares, go away.

    2. Anderssn


      Stop talking you literally know nothing about everything.

  8. That moment when the gm team of all people boot a trial who does more on a daily basis than I've seen most fully fledged GMs do in a month

  9. I'm technicly your senpai

    1. MissToni


      because you are older than me?

    2. overlord2305
  10. So who the hell actualy aproved the renatus boat, it's not big, it's comedicly so to the point where I doubt it has a high enough bouyancy factor to stay afloat

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Narthok


      There are literally two small boats, bolted to the side of it to help it float

    3. overlord2305


      Purge boat is done. Has sun bathing area.

  11. @501warhead just confirmed the kha will be the primary protagonist race during the entirety of 6.0

    1. dogbew


      ...Am I /warhead/ now?

  12. 15 minas on the pontif getting his head lobbed off by the end of next month

  13. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: RACE: master race (High elf) GENDER: F SKIN COLOR: Pale af BODYMASS: Thin as a rail tall as a tree HAIR COLOR: Silvery grey HAIR STYLE: Let down, reaches down to just above her hips FACIAL HAIR: No. EYE COLOR: Dull-ish azure blue CLOTHES: Dress, elven looking, can be somewhat decadant. Current skin to use for reference (if you want!) : http://prntscr.com/hdfexf (or rip it somehow or something) Sidenote: If possible please include a version with a blindfold, only covering the front of the face instead of going around all the way around <3
  14. First one to send me a dank lynn related meme (has to be new) gets a copy of titan quest

    1. Its_Just_Leap


      you're a meme by yourself.

    2. overlord2305
  15. Asling as he actualy exists unlike cough human cough gods
  16. Looking for someone to make a new skin for lynn, pm me if you're interested

    1. _pr0fit
    2. overlord2305


      Still the wrong char, you're looking for basillia mate, but the meme does get better with each itteration!

  17. -1 best girl points for zae, frlst witches ur mean

    1. zaezae


      Jokes on you, has been frst witch for a long ass time.

    2. manicfairy


      shes been 1 since 2015

  18. Why does Eliza look like she's feeling herself up on her char sheet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. overlord2305


      Good, good. now if you can just manage to kill one another...

    3. Raomir
  19. Tears of joy do tend to be very loud yes
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