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Status Updates posted by _pr0fit

  1. Hey @El Ricktador are you down to make a treaty with norland to fight against the rebellious haensemen in our basement? We got the documents ready!

    1. Kanadensare


      You’re the ones who ran to the aid of the rebellious people of Arberrang?



    2. _pr0fit


      I made this status 13 hours ago my friend... where were you then?

    3. Kanadensare


      Sleeping! Clearly the chad Norlanders don’t need that, though.

  2. How can staff claim to have investigated the rubern “Deceit” without actually talking to anyone in Norland? The group that the accusation is levied against, as well as the people who would have the majority of the evidence to disprove it?

  3. How come I can’t farm in areas that I don’t have region perms in anymore?

  4. how come i cant buy a race change?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HedgeHug


      sounds reasonable, no clue though. GM!!

    3. Aengoth


      Your race and professions can be changed via the donation, its not just a cosmetic thing it actually changes your buffs and racial profession.

    4. Hiebe
  5. How do i farm cocoa beans? like where do I even start; where do i get them, and then how do i start farming them?

    1. Runabarn


      Ask other farmers for beans or buy them. Then you need jungle tree logs. You need to plant them directly on the log and it'll grow a pod. Wait for the pod to fully grow, then use a hoe to harvest them. If you don't use a hoe you'll only get a single bean per pod, making no profit.

  6. How do I get grass and ferns and such? I've tried using shears and silk touch items but everything just destroys the grass and ferns and stuff.

    1. _pr0fit


      update: I've found that I can use shears to break tall grass, but how do i get ferns?

    2. Jakraes


      probably tall ferns?


    3. _pr0fit


      what the hell is a tall fern?


  7. How do I make a nether portal? it says high level tinker can make it, and I'm one of the highest tinkers on the server. all it says is "Try as you might, this portal doesn't seem to hold properly to the connection."

    1. Zindran


      It's a myth. You can't make a nether portal :P

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Maybe if you make a MArt for the portal...

  8. How do I make it so I can see the entire list of required resources and crafting time? 


    1. Wrynn


      Turn your UI to small instead of large in the settings 

  9. how do i remove a redstone pillar?

    1. ImCookiie


      If the pillar is bound to you, you should be able to break it down with a pickaxe.

  10. How do you get Blissfoil?

  11. How many Items can you rename if you are a 200 dollar donator (Bedrock)? Is it the same for a 500 dollar donator?

    1. mitto


      I'm pretty sure it's just three with a cooldown time

  12. How to stop auto-fishers, A famers guide

    Step 1: Gather an inventory full of an irrelevant and plentiful crop (Like sugar cane or carrots)

    Step 2: Dump all of the crop on an auto-fisher

    Step 3: Collect the caskets and other goodies that fly past him cause his inventory is full.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Narthok
    3. H


      fishers do that to themselves anyway since fish don't automatically stack

    4. _pr0fit


      shh... you're ruining it


  13. I am only getting one cocoa bean per plant, I am using a diamond hoe and I am a veteran farmer, What am I doing wrong?

    1. Harri


      nothing, you gotta be legendary, i get the same results with master pal

  14. I don't mean to be Blunt



  15. I like to rp the mina I get from voting as some SIMP sending me money, but is too shy to talk to me.

  16. I lost in pvp and now I hate Vortex

  17. I'm really glad the staff are open and transparent about the recent incredibly controversial ban. The clear lines of communication and very concise and comforting thread that they made either justifying their decision somehow or apologizing for their hasty and unwarranted actions was just what this community needs to begin healing. So I would like to take this moment to whole heartedly thank the staff on behalf of the playerbase for their excellent communication and not stonewalling the community! <3

    1. Narthok



      **** off shill

    2. LatzMomo
    3. SaltAlt


      I had thought that there had been too much RP in Norland recently, the constant group outings and daily events was really getting to me. But now that's gone so I can finally return to my grinding! <3

  18. I've gotten vanilla potions of regeneration from caskets that I got from a fishing net three times in the past month... Is there anyway I can trade these to a staff member to get something useful instead?


  20. Is chorus fruit a thing in lotc, cause you need it to make the purple blocks, but i've never seen them planted before

  21. is there a post that explains what exactly the new arrowheads do?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hRV


      Just so you know;

      • Poison does Poison damage,
      • Armour Piercing damages armour directly,
      • Heavy Arrows do dismount and give a player slowness,
      • Barbed does additional hunger damage, enough to prevent regen with one arrow.


    3. _pr0fit


      the armor piercing does damage to the armor, or does it ignore armor?


    4. hRV


      Damage to the armour, roughly 10-15%, needs more testing.

  22. Is there a way to request events, or does ET not allow requests anymore. If they do take requests, who can I contact to do events?
    I would like to do many different types of events, for example, pvp type events (Like fighting giant slimes), rp hunting events (Hunting a boar,deer,bear,whatever), and mini event lines (an event that expands over multiple days)

    1. Sythan


      Most ET's I've attempted to contact either just don't respond or are currently busy. I suppose there is this forum.





    2. ScreamingDingo


      I'll give you an insight into the mind of a previous ET. Back when I was a young ET holy **** you get really annoyed at the bullshit people try to force you to do. I remember quite a few of my early events were rushed out /request/ events which were basically personalised and complete **** because of the lack of prep. If its common knowledge you can request events, every do hick and harry will ******* bombard you with pm's each and every minute of you being online with. "Can you do an event?" "come on my friends wanna have some fun xD!"

      When you're either busy rp'ing, doing another event or just semi-afk on the server.

      If you really want something to happen, contact them via skype, preferably managers to give them a rundown on something and suggest it to them. Do not ever think your event will definitely get through, it used to be very rare that personalised, ****-house events were allowed w/ full advisory by the ET heads.

      If you want mini-event lines, contact managers. Hunts, pvp events and stuff like that should not be requested unless you have a sizable group, don't waste an ET's time by wanting a one man deer hunt.

    3. excited


      What Grim said, essentially.

  23. Is this opposite day? Flays threatened to BR us lmao...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lunar
    3. nordicg_d
    4. _pr0fit


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Thank you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  24. it must be part of the gm training to wait an hour before answering a modreq

    1. Ever


      sick snark, m8. If it's something urgent, you shouldn't be afraid to PM a mod asking for assistance. likewise if its a big deal you can always just message me on skype: squibbssss

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