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Status Updates posted by _pr0fit



  2. The Gm's really need to be more available, if there is a problem they either take a week to respond or ignore you completely

    1. Lubbie


      Oh my god Prof <3


      But I agree with this, the ban appeals should be handled much better in my opinion. But that is just one of the problems.

    2. LatzMomo


      But d-d-d-d-d-d-d-ddos!

  3. what do i type on the fence sign to make a bridge?

    1. Silent™


      On the second line of the sign, you type:


    2. Neri


      You can also do [Bridge End] on the side you don't want people to toggle it from.

      3rd line is how many blocks left of the sign the bridge goes, 4th line is the same for the right.

      So a 5 block wide bridge would be;

      blank line


  4. what the hell is thornbark?

    1. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      Rare drop from lumberjacking Dark Oak, and I think it's biome specific.


      Its now important for making best bows

    2. _pr0fit


      can we get a wiki post on that then, cause there is nothing in there.


  5. Are the dwarves memeing me right now with this Fire from Stone thing?

    1. AlternateKy


      No. You are memeing Game of Thrones with that Iron from Ice thing.


      You should change it to Iron from Memes. Thanks a grank meme right there.

    2. Hiebe


      They are referencing the human house that has their battle cry "Iron from Ice" during the warclaim.

  6. Anyone know any alchemy recipes they can share with me?


    1. LatzMomo



    2. Kaelan


      Lol... They're tough to figure out. No one is just going to share them...

      Though I will give you this. Coal > Blissfold > Tippens Root > Serpents Stalk

  7. What happened to caliphate fast travel?

    1. thaddeus11


      They got taken, the fast travel is still there, just moved.

    2. AlphaMoist


      Taken by who, and when?


  8. my modreq has gone unanswered for 6 hours...

    1. _pr0fit


      nvm It just got answered

    2. Kaelan


      Sounds like you complaining about it made them take notice.

  9. Oren back at it again with that target blacklists.

    1. Harri


      don't say I'm getting target blacklists done, I'm against this as much as you guys are, it's not oren 

    2. _pr0fit


      I'm not blaming you, I'm just saying now that there is a threat to oren, the circle jerk is going to do anything ooc that they can to stop us.

  10. Staff back at it again with those target censors

    1. Gangrel1230
    2. _pr0fit


      when you are the duke of lorraine and you have plenty of salt but no people

  11. Can we talk about how it takes 13 minutes to make 1 glowstone at legendary rank?

  12. SoooOOOO00000 many people in teamspeak!!! https://gyazo.com/55a594ae33b977bb32da327f225fb32c

    1. _NotChris
    2. DrakeHaze.


      uh oh kyle is doing things

  13. Why does my soulstone pillar keep upgrading back and forth between the quartz and ender stone levels every few hours?

    1. Gallic


      This is a question I would also like to know the answer to.

    2. _pr0fit
  14. How do I make a nether portal? it says high level tinker can make it, and I'm one of the highest tinkers on the server. all it says is "Try as you might, this portal doesn't seem to hold properly to the connection."

    1. Zindran


      It's a myth. You can't make a nether portal :P

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Maybe if you make a MArt for the portal...

  15. "Pugsy is the act of committing Multiple-No RP PVP killings."


    Try again...

    lying on a br that's blatantly obvious is one thing, trying to lie about what an established rule is is just stupid...

    1. Pinsir99


      That IS the definition. It's literally what Pugsy did.

    2. LatzMomo


      The definition has evolved past that my friend


    1. rukio


      If Collectivist is the king why do you have the NL tag....

    2. drfate786


      Isn't it obvious? He's shadow-counseling! 

  17. How can staff claim to have investigated the rubern “Deceit” without actually talking to anyone in Norland? The group that the accusation is levied against, as well as the people who would have the majority of the evidence to disprove it?

  18. :)

    1. Rattussmackus


      This is the worst thing you’ve ever posted, delete it, I hate happy people.

  19. Can someone come to Polaris and plant a potato for us?

  20. Can someone tell me what the IC date of the orc warclaim was?

    1. _pr0fit


      Also the bronze's bite warclaim as well?

  21. Polaris is begining to turn into an RP hub, most houses are sold through in-game RP, but you can also apply for a house here: We would love to have you come RP with us anytime.

    1. _pr0fit


      coords are X = 500, Z = -400

  22. I can't vote on the second voting site (http://minecraftservers.org/server/73) it just says the captcha needs to be solved, but I am doing it...

    1. everblue2er101


      Mmm, I'm having the same issue.

  23. when the hell did the khas get a floating city?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Recently, after their deity descended into the mortal realm.

  24. how can i get a fire charge or alternatively blaze powder?

    1. KarmaDelta


      Kill Blazes. Usually event drops since they mass spawn in Blazes to fight.

  25. Where do you get alchemy ingredients at?

    1. James


      Farming,lumberjacking and fishing.

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