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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Harri

  1. anyone wanna start pokemmo 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      its still not perfect teegah but its a nice time sink/its still pretty fun to just do in the background, especially if you hook a controller up and just kick back

    3. nordicg_d
    4. Ambduscias


      i'm the kind of neet that's been playing it for a while already whats ur starter kid?



  2. can i play a female noble

  3. if you want to unlock the rep feature, you gotta go to IPS' website and pay for premium whilst selecting lotc's website

  4. peasants if you haven't figured out how to +1 yet you're a casual

    1. Elfen_


      gimme +1s on all my post or perish and be pk'd.

    2. nordicg_d


      use default theme zzzzzzz

  5. In these stressful and hostile times on the forums - how's your day, friend?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ambduscias


      smh harry "hugbox" barnes opens his rectangular trap about some dumb **** once more. the forums arent hostile you nonce we're just cultivating COOL culture, alright?

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      how come u dont talk to me anymore harry i thought u were my amigo

    4. Thatpyrodude


      Tfw Harry calls you a friend...

  6. What exemption to the rules do you require?: being able to post suggestive 15+ (nothing 18+!!!) images in my private clubWhy do you need said exemption?: i think the images are pretty funny and so do the others in the club and people have been punished for posting cropped images of eyes before so we dont want to get in trouble
  7. pathetic politic club can't compare to actual anime club

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      But... we have more members than you :'^)

    3. Harri


      nice job leeching my members and saying this AFTER i made the update idiot liam

    4. Papa Liam
  8. that's an act of war hero :megugun:

  9. quick join the largest club on the forums before it goes down again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mitto
    3. Kvasir


      thanks a lot mitto i hat u 2

      oh nevermind that was harriosn

    4. Chorale__


      i want to join !

  10. join my club if you like anime :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      Can I join if I don't like anime?

    3. Harri
    4. Chimp


      pls lemme in desu desu

  11. If you're late to the World Event, there is a portal at Tahn Docks for you to take!

  12. je mappelle ******* idiot

    1. mitto


      je mapple [redacted]

  13. Anyone who sees themselves as a frequent/'good' RP fighter, or even someone who prefers not to do them, please contact me if you'd like to help with a guide on the concept.

  14. congrats on failing your trial!

    1. fighting evil by moonlight

      fighting evil by moonlight

      please stop bullying my friend esry

    2. mitto


      youre just a large piece of the poo emoji harrison brules

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      That wasn't very nice...

  15. the best stardust crusader was the 3 legged one

  16. tryouts for 'Global Moderator' esports team are in a week

  17. god this makes her lore even more sad


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Swgrclan



    3. ggggg3g2g245gggg2jjjgh
    4. SeventhCircle


      Blizzard has such good writer. That wassss sooo good imo

  18. I invite everyone to take a look at this thread and discuss how they feel about combat defaults and specifics on the server.


    1. Space


      i thought we were supposed to be pg-13? if so, there's some maybe rule violations because the circle jerking going on with some of those people is frankly obscene....

    2. Weabootrash


      i eat meat space

      i eat meat

  19. c-can i.. request a place.. o-or do i have to wait..
  20. is it time for the moderation lead dynamic duo..?

    1. Nolan_


      can we make it a trio?

    2. mitto


      north and south essex locked in war

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