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Status Updates posted by DahStalker

  1. guess who has summer school

  2. hello apparently my char is the son of ur gay son how r u

  3. hello mister ouity sir


    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Hey there hope you're doin well :)

  4. hey gf

    1. FalconByte


      Hello friend, how can I help?

  5. how did i become a  mc criminal while i was at red lobster 

  6. how have u been sir

    1. shiftnative


      Great..! I'm married, working full-time and playing classic Everquest. Waiting for Counterstrike 2, Hytale, Diablo 4 and hopefully an MMO that holds my interest..! I've been working on a single player minecraft build here and there (you can find it in my earlier recent status's) how about you?

  7. i ask this out of curiosity-.. why is it i feel like that people who are good at politics, event-planning, and other forms of minecraft diplomacy seemingly always taken advantage of? I say this out of observation and no specific reason. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Islamadon


      Group builders put the collective ideal before themselves. In order to meet said collective ideal, these group builders must interact with other players in order to develop a base. Ambitious people around them do not care for the greater ideal and instead only desire personal success or self aggrandizement. Thus, the selfish actor in pursuit of their personal goals, will take advantage of the group builder's selflessness.

      Edited by Islamadon
    3. Booklight12


      I'd also add that most people who actually study political theory try to create long term collective good, as opposed to power politick. Simply put, LOTC's meme culture rewards power politick and disfavors the high politics that political theorists try to emulate. Though, it should be known that most people who practice power politick IRP or OOCly are shortlived as the practice focuses on short term personal clout, as opposed to uplifting ones foundation and creating a change that lasts. So it's all a perspective thing, power politicians may appear the most successful in the immediate, but in the long term; their foundation always crumbles. This leaves the people who practice high politics the opportunity to pick up those pieces and further strengthen the position they've already carved out for their community.

      Edited by Booklight12
    4. Sakrat



  8. i hope madone plays the princess consort of reinmar

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sondher


      😥 my time is up

    3. Gandhi


      coolcod typa beat

    4. DahStalker


      2 hours ago, sondher said:

      😥 my time is up

      nawh bro I read that post there's 2, and ur my number 1 😳

  9. I just baked a tres leches cake and feel powerful. What r ur guys favorite things to bake?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DahStalker
    3. TreeSmoothie



      my aunt would always make it for me :(

    4. TheCapybara


      Tes leches 😁

  10. I know this is a strange request, or perhaps crazed one. But I need to know about Watyll in depth of those whom knew him best. I'm writing a book, and after thought and thought I had decided to make the main character based off of him. The entire book shall be for him - and devoted to what he had done during his time with LOTC. I'm even trying to get in contact with his mother, and if anyone could help me out I will appreciate it greatly. Thank you, and may Watyll continue to rest peacefully.

    1. DahStalker


      Describe him anyway you can. It doesn't have to be in depth. It can be a single word

    2. Desires


      These are pretty generic, but...
      He was; Sweet, Funny, very creative.
      He went as far to make a dark language, committed to being my character's guardian... I wouldn't know if he had enemies, but in my heart he was everyone's friend.


      Rest in peace, my friend. The iron ingot.

  11. I see you’re lingering 

  12. I wish you luck on becoming AT, you'd be a great addition!

  13. I'd like to dedicate this post for @IrishPerson who accepted my application on April 26 2015 and @iMattyzwho whitelisted me

  14. ill be an ewife if u free punchsteel

  15. looking for a cool elf family man just need a char 

    1. Tigergiri
    2. monkeypoacher


      does it have to be an elf family

  16. looking for a minecraft bf.

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. Laeonathan


      you're kinda smelly

    3. Nooblius


      I cannot recommend anyone LESS than DahStalker. Absolutely stinky.

  17. Looking for cute genderbender for GeneralStang838 elf - Eridan Syoll - a nice wood elf woman with tan skin - must have morals 

  18. looking for ppl interested in humble and relaxed farming rp

    1. Greehn


      come to acre!

    2. ibiou


      acre acre acre

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