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Status Updates posted by DahStalker

  1. I know this is a strange request, or perhaps crazed one. But I need to know about Watyll in depth of those whom knew him best. I'm writing a book, and after thought and thought I had decided to make the main character based off of him. The entire book shall be for him - and devoted to what he had done during his time with LOTC. I'm even trying to get in contact with his mother, and if anyone could help me out I will appreciate it greatly. Thank you, and may Watyll continue to rest peacefully.

    1. DahStalker


      Describe him anyway you can. It doesn't have to be in depth. It can be a single word

    2. Desires


      These are pretty generic, but...
      He was; Sweet, Funny, very creative.
      He went as far to make a dark language, committed to being my character's guardian... I wouldn't know if he had enemies, but in my heart he was everyone's friend.


      Rest in peace, my friend. The iron ingot.

  2. want to start an egirl rebellion xoxoxo girlfriend txtme what you think!! ???????

    1. Archipelego


      every day we stray further from gods light

    2. devvy


      -hiss- she's mine, back off

  3. Where can I find Courland? I've been wanting to join.

    1. UnusualBrit
    2. Vege


      We’ve got White speak and a war camp near CT, add my discord if you wanna talk, vegetarianism#8288

  4. post as many comments or how long on why you dislike me. Go go go

    1. SpodoKaiba


      you're not as cool as the tv show phineas and ferb

    2. ___


      im the real daddy of the pollos

  5. can some1 hand me blacklist appeal format - apparently I was blacklisted without my knowledge : O

    1. B


      ur corrupt thts y

    2. DahStalker
  6. so uh remember that adelburg festival. Yeah I'm doing another one - what do you guys want in it 

    1. Ducklingator


      adelburg back mainly

    2. Consulary Republic of Holm

      Consulary Republic of Holm

      do it corny carnival style again

  7. looking for a cool elf family man just need a char 

    1. Tigergiri
    2. monkeypoacher


      does it have to be an elf family

  8. thank you for all the love and support on my striga ca


  9. Do we know when Almaris is releasing?

    1. _pr0fit


      There is no Almaris, only Nyrheim.

    2. Unwillingly
  10. looking for ppl interested in humble and relaxed farming rp

    1. Greehn


      come to acre!

    2. ibiou


      acre acre acre

  11. You forgot your **** at home - I spoke to your mother she misses you. Day 2

  12. Alright Hayden here we go. Day 1

  13. What’s your favorite type of cottage cheese?

  14. I wish you luck on becoming AT, you'd be a great addition!

  15. TBH I'm going to be honest here. Think of a hormonal teenage girl lacking any life so lives off of the reputation from forum posts that are really irrelevant to anything. Now insert it here and feel compelled to give me reputation. Thanks

  16. +1 and I'll quit LOTC

    1. Gladuos


      Save yourself!

  17. show mitto those bones 

    1. Ducklingator


      sir i ordered a boneless pizza please


    my first yt video 



  19. hey gf

    1. FalconByte


      Hello friend, how can I help?

  20. Need someone to play grown elf male as my son ur mom and dad be dead but u got a brother 

    1. Accrayer


      Message me on discord, Dallren#3257

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