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Status Updates posted by gameingg

  1. I've become so much like Avaeramos it's scary. I wear black armor, verbally assault women, and physically assault my friends. When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means fight, fight in common.) I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to wear it in a bun and I don't care what people think so shut **** up Spoon! I always leave an open wound on my hand, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I am in control. When I see kha being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am. I can't ftb with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Rhaella or Naeri , both of whom remind me of Dael. When I order fast food, I refuse to call them french fries and insist on calling them azdrazi fries. I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.(edited)
    [3:57 PM]
  2. Really shows how much the server's staff team has fallen when sexpests are allowed to roam free, but calling someone a c*nt for spamming OOC in the middle of rp gets you banned. I know I'll get a warning point for saying this, but I don't really care at this point. Nine more to go, baby!

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Epistile


      gotta lock the forum post first before anyone can comment and provide constructive feedback

    3. NotEvilAtAll
    4. Laeonathan


      @JentosI haven't been bandited since ******* Atlas man :(


      Reivers come back pls

  3. the m*derator who kicked me from the lotc discord will find a very sticky and foul smelling package in his mailbox tommorow i assure you









    please do not ban me for threats pleas epleas eplease 

    1. gameingg


      The man who muted me shall face the same treatment

    2. Gemini


      I’m a woman lol 

  4. The new voidal rewrite is retarded


    1. squakhawk


      why? id like to know

    2. Sorcerio


      Guess I can't powergame anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. CanadianKiwiFlight


      Bro i cant multi-cast strong connection attack while casting



  5. @TheDragonsRoost broski you haven’t done an MT app yet

    Edited by LtBepis
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheDragonsRoost


      Dont think I'm well cut out for it

    3. gameingg


      that hasn’t stopped you before has it

    4. TheDragonsRoost
  6.  If you voted for "Uncapped" you are a subhuman and deserve to be burned on the stake?

    Edited by LtBepis
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Narthok


      Glory to uncapped dynamic cd raids

    3. Inferno_Ougi


      dont die next time

    4. _pr0fit


      honestly, having uncapped raids actually makes it easier in most cases for the defender believe it or not.

  7. You didn't give an explanation as to why kha are CA, we cant be powergamed and our community is small enough as it is, why lock us behind a CA????


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kanadensare


      I agree with what Holy said for the most part, nowadays Kha are just played as fetish characters used in weird ERP scenarios and little outside of that. I think locking them behind a CA will help the Kha community, not destroy it.

    3. Archbishop


      I can imagine the reasonining for it is due to inactivity, the way kharajyr are meant to be and how certain players rp them, as stated above. Coming from somebody who practically lead the kharajyr as a spiritual leader for a year or 2, this is the best thing that can happen to them.

    4. gameingg


      In retrospect, this status was kinda stupid and mostly fuelled by not wanting to have to wait for a CA to be accepted.

      Perhaps the quality of kha rp will improve thanks to this



      Or it will die out. We will see

  8. Please check my MA, it's not that hard you just have to type the word "accepted" it shouldn't take you 48 hours!!!!

    1. saint swag
    2. mitto


      press f to pay respect to the TAs which have been pending for 48 years

  9. kicked from september prince discord
    because I said
    "breathe if you want dominion to fall"
  10. Daily reminder: yeet

  11. WTF is with these crashes and lag

  12. Considering coming back. Can someone tell me what's changed so I'm not totally confused?

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I started an international UN copycat and got 90% of settlements and nations to join only to have it be systematically dismantled ten weeks later when people discovered it was really just my globalist plot to manipulate world governments

  13. @Kowaman

    You say that waffles can't be added into the chef plugin because waffle press does not exist?

    Explain this:

    In the heads shop in cloud temple, bakery section, second page.

    THERE IS A WAFFLE HEAD (would post screenie but it's too large apperently)




    1. Llir


      Those are decorative. Talk with the LT about the techlock.

    2. Keefy


      Maenir please desist on targeting Kowaman about your waffle issues. Kowa is precious.

    3. gameingg


      ok, b0ss ;-;

  14. Why is my rank Tree puncher?!?

  15. Need fire evo teacher or atleast an OOC overseer so I can ST.

    1. Altarael


       Make your application and tag me.

  16. Here's a fun challenge if you're feeling bored:Make a 'lvl 1' character.Start from square one witha  bunch of flaws and try to develop your character,I promise you it's fun as ****.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll




      what Narthok said

    3. Archipelego


      w-why is this a challenge isnt this what we're supposed to do

    4. DrakeHaze.


      How do I check my level?

  17. Looking for resource pack reccomendations.

    1. Wendigo


      John Smith Legacy pack isn't too shabby.

    2. gameingg
    3. Wendigo


      I suggest using forge combined with optifine and mpm.

  18. You guys banned a guy for 3 months because he phottoshopped someones face onto Dr.Eggman?Wtf thats not a reason to bad someone for 3 months

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. J
    3. monkeypoacher


      "upheld the rules" is very vague, mitto


      if I banned people for having incorrect persona information I'd be almost universally considered a **** gm, even though I was just "upholding the rules"

    4. fat robert

      fat robert

      "upheld the rules" keep telling that people buddy :)

  19. I'm done with these piece of **** oren white knights who just call pvp every ******* time I try to do anything even remotely aggresive just because they're too much of a ***** to fight an olog or anoyone with actual gear.

  20. Haven't been on for a while and decided to log on,thought up a new char and made the skin,but I can't connect?

    1. The Lion

      The Lion

      Server appears to be broke. 0/300 all day. Give it a bit, some Devs might wake up soon.

  21. Comic about MrSnowbal.Made by MrPepsiWaffles(me).

    Mrsnowbals ban.png

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Gustando



      its edgys fault ;0

    3. Harri


      Locking since you two are just posting to post.

    4. Gustando
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