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Everything posted by Gustando

  1. Isn’t ur group the only group of azdrazi who would be capable of disconnecting? Suspicious....
  2. i will miss you my humble skinner
  3. Gustando

    Gun Plugin

    are you saying that i can’t use fireworks as makeshift missiles?
  4. bro ligma more like ligmaba**s
  5. everyone seems to like C, so why not.
  6. you ignore me every time i pm you in minecraft but you respond to my post?! Revolting.
  7. consider this my appeal to be flam’s replacement via my excellent, absolutely original lorepiece.
  8. Oxygen is the chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group in the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds. By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas with the formula O 2. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the Earth's atmosphere. As compounds including oxides, the element makes up almost half of the Earth's crust. Dioxygen is used in cellular respiration and many major classes of organic molecules in living organisms contain oxygen, such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and fats, as do the major constituent inorganic compounds of animal shells, teeth, and bone. Most of the mass of living organisms is oxygen as a component of water, the major constituent of lifeforms. Oxygen is continuously replenished in Earth's atmosphere by photosynthesis, which uses the energy of sunlight to produce oxygen from water and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is too chemically reactive to remain a free element in air without being continuously replenished by the photosynthetic action of living organisms. Another form (allotrope) of oxygen, ozone (O 3), strongly absorbs ultraviolet UVB radiation and the high-altitude ozone layer helps protect the biosphere from ultraviolet radiation. However, ozone present at the surface is a byproduct of smog and thus a pollutant. REDLINES - If one holds air in their lungs for too long, you will pass out. - One must emote their breath in every single emote, otherwise it is considered as powergaming. - one requires lungs to breathe. - you cannot hold your breath longer than 5 minutes otherwise it is considered as powergaming and you will be permanently banned.
  9. I hope this is a joke becuz im too lazy to read it
  10. Durr we’re gonna fix the lag durr!

  11. haven’t read the lore but who cares, probably another witcher ripoff @AtrexPieren So ur saved....
  12. how do you deal with all the hate? Like, honestly, that’s commendable... in a way
  13. Just me or is lotc having a meltdown today?

  14. Don’t accept this pun is gonna own too much lore stop this
  15. The ultimate threat to this server; the e-girls.

    1. bumblefina


      really i was thinking it was the pedophiles

    2. Gustando


      who says the e-girls can’t be pedophiles?

    3. MongolKhan


      31 minutes ago, TheMissileKnowsWhereItIs said:

      who says the e-girls can’t be pedophiles?

      there was one lol, they’re as bad

  16. “New rp standarts”
    > plays billy bob, a literal deity of potatoes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gustando


      i have seen him, yes

    3. AlphaMoist


      Telanir there ain’t even any lore written for billy bob why do you do this to lore team 

    4. monkeypoacher
  17. Just me or is lotc dead atm?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unwillingly


      yh like 80% of the server is in athera

    3. Gustando


      not the ******* athera event you doughnuts, i’m talking in regards to the whole server which you couldn’t access to like a couple hours ago

    4. Unwillingly


      LOOOL aiite then

  18. They had a good ending, should’ve just left it at that in my personal opinion
  19. Ah, yes, hit the gym 6 days a week In lotc, right?
  20. couldn’t have said better myself. Awful lore, just copy-pasted from witcher, the abilities are easy to powergame, they do not give any unique traits to this ‘mutation magic’. Like come on man, we all know you just changed the name from witchers to shikari, even the ref art is from witcher.
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