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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Gustando

  1. thanks for not making it so that you could pulverize a person with 2 emotes with the punchy one Also chi is a magic change my mind #Tahmas
  2. Chase the Turkey - October 2019 nice one, LotsOfMuffins
  3. Do you ever just look at a post of someone applying for a staff position, then scroll to the comments and realise how all the +1’s are meaningless?

    1. Bhased


      You aren't the first to make this realisation, nor will you be the last to bring it up

    2. jdesarno


      I’m pretty sure all the +1’s are their friends and hope to get some brownie points when/if the said person applying becomes staff. 

    3. Demotheus


      Anything in any direction should ha e a good reason beyond "they're a nice person!!!!" or something. 

  4. as a previous holder of such magic, and still a teacher. I give a hmmm/10 to this spell
  5. They always come back.........
  6. genuinely don't think this is necessary, shouldn’t be a redline. I’d leave these kind of things up to players and how they wish to RP their kha. As i, personally, play one which highly likes riches and anything shiny.
  7. TBH never thought you were a pedo, just a bit deranged and hit on the head somewhat in your childhood
  8. Frost witches also were not allowed to ftb or erp.
  9. What the ****? Another gender-swapping erotica, sub-druid playerbase in the making? If you want shapeshifting, go for izkuthii, fat no from me On a serious note. Remove gender swapping and this lorepiece should be fine, otherwise i’ll break myself apart
  10. I miss charles the bald’s disstracks and rap songs..........

    1. Heero


      yung_guck is better in every way tho


    2. z3m0s


      My favourite magic plugin.

  11. Wagwan

    1. Banned



      sand men sinned for the final time!1!1 

    2. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      you've been watching top boy i'm sure 

  12. On a serious note. I’d like to see maps more like Axios. As where ever you’d go, which direction you’d take, you’d eventually come across some sort of a fun, even if it was just a little place on the map. Perhaps like a broken caravan in the middle of somewhere, or something along the lines of that.
  13. Okay, now this looks epic. +1 my guy
  14. Daily reminder Archons OP

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