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Status Updates posted by Chaw

  1. the snakes have eyes of blue

  2. Chaw

    please dont spam the status updates you anime loving ******


    -From everyone

    1. Harri


      please stop trying to be hard and edgy on the forums because you want to get warnings to be a cool kid and boast about it


      -from most people

    2. mitto


      please stop trying to be hard and edgy on the forums because you want to get warnings to be a cool kid and boast about it


      -from most people

  3. Everything is not what it seems
    When you can have what you want by the simplest of means
    Be careful not to mess with the balance of things
    Because everything is not what it seems

  4. cao ni ma

    1. Haintrain


      ni shi sha bi

    2. Vege


      stop speaking ladyboy

  5. you are a king of cards

  6. Chaw

    I hate pc culture

    1. Space


      i think the issue is it's kinda hard to ever criticize 'political correctness' because basically everyone that does aren't making genuine arguments of genuine concerns, rather they're trying to excuse biggotry or racism



    2. Chaw
  7. i have a hair on my face

    1. overlord2305


      And debilitating debt (also congrats)

  8. how is the oil rig?

  9. whats the wecommended amount of

    deddotated wam to have to a sewvew?

  10. taking bets for who's going to win the world cup

  11. if you voted labour im thoroughly dissapointed in you

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Andustar


      Can we just accept they're all bad, at least the SNP lost 21 seats

    3. Andustar
    4. Jakesimonson


      chaw cant even vote haha!

  12. “The road to power is paved with hypocrisy, and casualties. Never regret.”

    1. Pureimp10


      "Cry Havoc" said he who fought chaos with chaos, "and let slip the dogs of war".

  13. you have a nice hair

  14. Banksy = idiot 

  15. mine diamonds!

    1. Trenchist


      play minecraft

  16. taiwan numba 1

  17. ibrahimovic sucks sorry about that

    1. Algoda


      Lucky for me, I'm an ice hockey man

    2. Dreek


      lots of above average players for sweden other than ibra

  18. you makea me anger

    1. LadyRebecca


      I love you too son. Even if you are adopted. 

  19. "Zezimus is not a nice man" -Maly c. 2015

  20. Chaw

    your country sucks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Babadooks



      this is what thailand is, disgusting.

    3. Chaw


      thats indonesia ****** 


    4. Mj.


      WOOF WOOF @Chaw

  21. add me on steam we can play the best game of 2017(pubg)


  22. Chaw

    why did you kill all the abos?

    @GrimReaper98 @Sky @Sythan

    1. Chaw
    2. Jonificus


      for huffing all the gasoline away

    3. Catostrophy


      There are many reasons for this, though they can't be attributed to any singular aspect. Granted, the Australian colonists did not exterminate the entire aboriginal population, and there was no unified or organised campaign against them. It was down to individual efforts and small, unaffiliated groups who had such little regard for aboriginal life that they classed them on par with animals. The government's only involvement with said atrocities was that they did nothing about it, which obviously in this case is just as heinous. The only 'successful' (not to be attributed as a positive thing, mind) extermination of an aboriginal population occurred on the island of Tasmania. Ironically, the location of the only concerted effort to protect aboriginals from the colonists at the time (and vice-versa) was conducted. Despite this, the colonists still continuously killed enough of the aboriginal people that their populations withered away, or they died in exile on remote islands.

      Also, they huffed the gasoline away. 


  23. Chaw

    you are stupid

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