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Everything posted by Wavey

  1. Upon reading the missive, a certain Amiratus of Balian reminisces about the casual conversations he would have with the now late Rex. “Rest well comrade, Y hope you enjoyed mea pastries.”
  2. A certain young Ivanovich lord reads the missive with a confused blink. He then shows the missive to his father, "Papej...Y niet heard of Oksana Marusya Ivanovich...ever...who jest?" (@Optimus420)
  3. Gaius signed the Lorraine as he read the missive, a gentle sigh parting his lips. “A Countess and once Procurator dedicated to the service of Balian and to her own family…Y hope more of our Peers strive to be like her.” He remained silent for a few moments, standing up from his chair whilst he then murmured, “Rest well cousin…May you find peace in the seven skies with your husband.” The Ruthern would then begin preparing a trip to Acquillae to speak to his ward who is now the new Countess of Acquilae.
  4. Dam 2 years already. What’s your favorite type of pizza?
  5. Cesar II de Pelear would cheer alongside his twin sister, "YAY TIA!"
  6. The little lord Istvan sat down upon the chair in the tavern, his gaze upon the empty table and then to the empty seat before him. "Y miss soup vy cook...Felden...", He muttered as he then brought his gaze down to the table again, glaring at it. Oh, how he missed the delicious smell of beef soup that Felden would cook for him at the tavern...
  7. Gaius var Ruthern sent a letter in response to his Ivanovich cousin. Dear Jan, Yes he is I believe. He would be a distant relative of yours. His mother, the late Queen Yelena is a Ruthern and my aunt. Signed, Gaius var Ruthern
  8. “These drawings are so adorable!” Gaius smiled at his children, Charlotte and Demetrius, “Y guess…being a dictator jest niet bad if you are a kind one.”
  9. Gaius couldn't be ever the more optimistic and happier for the future of the Kingdom.
  10. Gaius var Ruthern closed his eyes, a soft sigh escaping his lips. The Ruthern felt a feeling of hollowness as the news of Alexander's passing reached his ears. The first time the Baron of Marsana had met Alexander was with his sister at the gates of old Atrus. He was merely the age of six back then. Oh how have times passed. Now Gaius himself was a married man. Odd isn't it? To see the ones whom you have looked up to and known for all your life now slowly slip away from this world. "Rest in peace, Alexander...May GODAN see that you find peace in the seven skies. Your words of wisdom and rule of fair justice kept our nation together...it was an honor serving you."
  11. István Mátyás Ivanovich couldn't be ever the more prouder for his Papej, Count Jan Ivanovich.
  12. Wavey smiles at the world <3 for it’s a really beautiful place, one which he thinks we all have to cherish and protect.
  13. The Sun and Moon Pact Established on the 6th of The Deep Cold, Year 123 .S.A. PREAMBLE The Crown of Amaethea, the Iron Horde, The Silver State of Haelun’or & The Kingdom of Balian hereinafter known as the Signatories extend one another’s hand in mutual friendship through a pact of non aggression and defensive alliance, known as the Sol Entente. The Ashen State of Nor’Asath is hereby granted temporary membership, so that they may have the opportunity to be officialized into the pact at the unanimous vote of all official members. Refer to ARTICLE VI: ON MEMBERSHIP. TERMS OF ALLIANCE ARTICLE I: ON SOVEREIGNTY I. The signatories hereby acknowledge each other's sovereignty claims and rights to the lands under their jurisdiction. II. The signatories agree to regard and acknowledge their counterparts' individual laws, culture, and religion while within the jurisdiction of their respective lands. They recognize that denizens from all listed domains are subject to the respective laws in effect during visitation. If a subject from any of the listed signatories violates this clause, the signatories hereby agree to their counterpart's right to detain but pledge to deliberate before taking further action in order to reach an agreeable consensus. III. Under the nations legislation, the Signatories will allow free passage for civilians and refugees through their respective territories. ARTICLE II: NON-AGGRESSION I. The signatories agree that no military action will be taken against any of their listed counterparts by any of their forces; this includes vassals and all endorsed factions under their jurisdiction. If this clause is violated, the agreement will be declared benign until further action is taken and the agreement is re-implemented through proper diplomatic means. II. All non-hostile military exploits concerning any of the opposing signatories must first be deliberated upon by the involved parties. III. No citizen of all involved domains may in any way be harmed regardless of their race, practices, culture and religion. Any exception to this clause must be unanimously agreed upon by all involved parties. Refer to ARTICLE I: ON SOVEREIGNTY, Section II. ARTICLE III: ON DEFENSE I. The Signatories will enforce a partnership between their domains and will not incite conflict among themselves or their allied forces. The Signatories agree that they are willing to aid each other militarily if they are threatened. II. Should the nature of a conflict - in this case whether it is defensive or offensive - come into question or be unclear according to the assent’s agreed definition, all signatories pledge to hold a summit in order to deliberate on a decision. They pledge to adhere to the consensus. III. The definition of a defensive conflict, as agreed on by the signatories, is as follows… A defensive conflict consists of one where the defending party did not strike the first blow, did not provoke the other nation and had war declared upon them. ARTICLE IV: FREE TRADE I. The Signatories pledge to take part in cultural exchanges between the nations' Monarchs in order to broaden understanding in both domains. Texts, scrolls, knowledge, and scholars may be traded in such exchanges. II. Merchants assigned to manage their respective stalls will be granted free access into all to facilitate the management of goods. If this privilege is abused, the pact will be rendered harmless until further action is taken and the agreement re-implemented through proper diplomatic means. ARTICLE V: DARKSPAWN I. The Signatories agree to unveil their knowledge of any and all darkspawn they may confront. They promise to lend any and all available resources to assist them in their fight against Darkspawn. They pledge to work together in the pursuit of this mutual goal. II. The definition of a darkspawn, as agreed on by the signatories, is as follows… Anyone or anything aligned with Iblees and Azdromoth in any way. As well as those whose practices and intentions are nefarious or provoke environmental damage and bring harm to any and all descendants, regardless of whether nations, vassals, settlements, etc. III. Joint hunts will be organized by the signatories to rid the continent of as many spawns of Iblees as possible. ARTICLE VI: ON MEMBERSHIP This article serves to elaborate on a probationary role granted to those wishing to join The Sol Entente, but have yet to be granted an official seat in the alliance. I. Temporary membership is granted only at the unanimous agreement of all official members of the Sol Entente. II. Temporary membership can be revoked at any time at the unanimous agreement of all official members of the Sol Entente. III. A temporary member may be officialized into The Sol Entente at the unanimous agreement of all its formal members. IV. A temporary member is not permitted a vote on any matter concerning the Sol Entente. They have a right to all other terms and privileges listed in the pact. ARTICLE VII: DURATION This agreement will remain in effect indefinitely. Should leadership change on any side, the parties involved reserve the right to reevaluate this agreement as they see fit. Any changes to the terms of this agreement require the unanimous approval of all signatories. If one of them opts to depart the alliance, it will be done without complexity. Signed, Uell ito Maruthiran, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Idril Sylvaeri, The V High Princess of Elvendom, High Princess of Amaethea, The Heart of The Sea, Warden of the Wild Sohaer of The Silver State of Haelun’or, Luthien Maeyr'onn HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca,Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. Destroyer of Elysium. Lady of Nor’asath Champion of Ogrol, Chosen of the Ilzgûlz, the Brown, the Burned, the Mad. Primarch of Nor’asath, Primarch of the Mali’ker, Heir of Magara’lin.
  14. The Search for a New Secretary of Interior 20th of Peter's Glory, 52 B.A. A Decree from the Crown To my fellow citizens of The Kingdom of Balian, Upon my ascension to the position of Amiratus, it has become necessary for the Duana to look for candidates for the position of the Ministry of Interior. To my fellow Balianese citizens who hold expertise in architectural matters and immigration matters, I ask for you to apply to become the new Secretary of Interior for The Kingdom. The duties of the Secretary of Interior pertains to managing the various holdings of Balian. They are responsible for the Ecumene, or land survey of Balian, ensure that the land as a whole is held to royal architectural standards, and approve new constructions made by the private efforts of noble and commoners alike. They also control the immigration into Balian and are expected to maintain an immigration office and organize events and programs to help welcome new subjects into the kingdom. Requirements Those who may wish to apply must send a letter to the Amiratus (@WaveLincoln) including an introduction of your character and experience. It is also imperative to note that the Secretary of Interior must accommodate the following criteria, 1. Be at least sixteen summers old. 2. Have a permanent address in Balian. 3. Have previous work with architectural matters and in immigration. Further questions regarding qualification and experience will be raised during the interview process. May GODAN grant you the best of luck. Signed, HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.
  15. Gaius var Ruthern’s lips curled into a warm smile as he read the missive. “Congratulations coz, congratulations to the both of you.” He marked the date on his calendar, making sure to attend the Crown-Prince’s and the Princess of Ba’as’s wedding.
  16. Gaius var Ruthern nodded with a smile. The talks were a success. "For prosperity, defense and cooperation!"
  17. Gaius var Ruthern is happy for his fellow peers and friends. He made note to deliver gifts to the Kervallen estate sometime soon.
  18. Baron Gaius var Ruthern will miss his mentor and father-figure dearly. Oh how he had always encouraged him and pushed him to hone and sharpen his mind whilst striving for what is best for his beloved nation! The Baron made note to bake some pastries for his dear friend and take them to his home. Perhaps they could spend the rest of the day reminiscing about their time working alongside each other in the Duana?
  19. “Que? Tio Audo shaved his beard?!”, Cesar blinked in confusion towards the individual who had whispered the rumor to him. “But he still has a beard…”, Nevertheless, the little Prince shrugged. He then moved towards his twin sister Frisketa to deliver the rumor. “Keta! Escuché un rumor que Tio Audo saved a bear!”, Cesar II de Pelear was beginning to enjoy this game, even though he could barely remember what was being whispered to him.
  20. Upon hearing the news the Baron of Marsana, Gaius Rosius var Ruthern signed the Lorraine before murmuring a soft prayer for the Musin. A sigh would then escape his lips, “You deserve a peaceful rest, komyn. Dravo and spasibo for all the humorous yet interesting conversations Y had with you.”
  21. Gaius var Ruthern polishes his thanhic steel mace, ready to break some heretic bones.
  22. "Boy do Y love Canonism!" A certain Ruthern would proclaim in the south.
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