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Status Updates posted by Medvekoma

  1. The highlight wasn't the lack of PK but the vanished GM team member observing through the event. If your character is affiliated, do not sneak-observe RP.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Algoda


      I will keep my argument, and you will keep your abusing gms. Raw deal

    3. Medvekoma


      So let us summarise.


      1. Josh arrives to Kaz'Ulrah on a call after I had fine RP with various people from his side ICly. He brings along an alting, banned player known for trolling. Logs of the ban and confirmation of identity are there.

      2. The player gets banned and in a couple minutes another player speaks up, who is a GM in vanish also happening to be a character the discussion at hand is about. Screenshots prove this.

      3. There was a precedence where Josh arriving to Kaz'Ulrah was accompanied by a vanished pocket GM of his, and said pocket GM had been reported to the administration for various cases of abuse. A report with screenshots proved this, and the GM involved discussed the mistake with me.

      4. The present Kaz'Ulrah players avoided meme-ing or devolving into animals so that they prove better than they were in the previous event. Logs can prove this rather easily.


      I would like to hear how this is spun into any other direction than "staff abuse" or "awkward coincidence" since you seem to be trying to argue that we are unnecessarily toxic.

    4. itdontmatta
  2. The meme wars have begun.

    1. Vege



      stauntbucks coffee co. endorses this 

  3. The reason the magic lore update is still missing is because @FlamboyantRage was made lead developer of Half Life 3.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Medvekoma


      Yeah. So cool I want to tell a member of the game staff. I do wonder why there’s none here yet ?

    3. gandalfo


      thanks med. very cool.

    4. dogbew


      Ya’ll are just mad he’s got the best Staff position. He gets all the bonuses of being Admin, without any of the work! I can’t blame him for taking it.

  4. The secret of high mining level:



    1. Bvie


      Wasn't really a secret tbh lol

    2. Medvekoma


      Of course it isn't ;p  Although, rather surprising that only 78% of my mining EXP is quartz

  5. There's been chaos in the queue since you left. Reeeeeee

    1. Harri


      i cant ******* connect the hotel is gassing me

    2. Matheus


      shouldve hid ur star of david bro

  6. They ? Accused ? The one who was screensharing with a mod ?  With hacking

  7. They alter the rules for denial. You play by their new rules and they deny still.


    When are we purging *runesmiths* and Josh "Hawkeye" 3738?

    1. saint swag
    2. paladinxo1


      to much to explain but those who know know.

    3. saint swag
  8. They may take our lives, but they can never take ... our daily monkbread!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Medvekoma


      I'm pretty sure if Oren could, it'd do that. Warclaim the cloud temple for the sole purpose of preventing resurrection and monkbread for a week.

    3. Wrynn


      Oh... I meant GMs could, not Oren..

    4. Medvekoma


      Game masters for sure. But I meant, if you lot would offer Oren the chance to warclaim the CT.

  9. This changes nothing.

  10. This is the sixth day half an hour's walk away from limited internet connection. I've re-discovered my writing skills and may even complete NaNo despite being 20 days behind.


    My housemates are revolting. They are calling BT every day to make sure they know what ******* they are.

  11. This started as a joke, but is soon becoming reality. Lmao.



  12. Three days after Narvak oz Urguan and an announced intent to partition a Frostbeard kingdom burned to the ground I'll have to deal with them hiding behind CB rules.

  13. Time to tie hot air balloons to Ben Nevis and help physically leave Europe.

  14. Today I realised how all my favourite musical scores are partial copies. The Star Wars soundtrack (including the Imperial March), Morrowind's theme ... all from the same classical suite. And there's Terminator, Alien and Star Trek as well. Gustav Holst was a genius.

  15. Today I realised why Canonists in Oren say AMEN.



    1. Endovelicus


      I love those Kaedrin crosses

    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      this picture is very offensive to me and my family of good orenian cannonist men.


      Nonetheless, amen.

    3. Medvekoma


      Your family of good orenian canonist men is offensive to my family of more canonist men and women. I am triggered.

  16. Today I saw "I wish it was Christmas" from three people already. How about we all pretend it's Christmas, give gifts, drink eggnog and have a pre-Christmas in September?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Violino


      You Sir, are a wonderful person. Also **** you @AGiantPie!

    3. AGiantPie


      @violinist how about **** you??

    4. Violino
  17. Updated 5.0 map with claims! 



    1. Jonificus
    2. Medvekoma


      I was informed two minutes after posting it that the map's incorrect.

      The peninsula in the mid-right part of the map should be called "New Oren" and not just "Oren".

    3. Gangrel1230


      Last I heard Oren didn't get any land. Its all Dland now.

  18. Very good preparation. Much warclaim 10/10.

  19. Vote on the upcoming Onyxheart™ ale's name!


  20. Want. To. Get. Back. In.

  21. Warning: pushing a warclaim on @Josh3738's faction may make you liable to bans, pex-espionage and removal of forum statuses.

  22. We must settle all dwarven grudges with rap battles. @wrenik @JokerLow

    1. thesaintjaleel


      please I join dwarves

    2. Auriel_


      that is not all dwarves, , , ,,,


  23. We need to hold a GoT .gif profile picture party one day. @Finalhazard

  24. We should transform LOTC into a Great War era fantasy RP server.

    1. Burnsy


      Give me landships or give me death.

  25. We will rant and we'll roar like true Minecraft players; We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt seas.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Medvekoma
    3. Narthok



      Ryan "Fireheart" Corleone sending out a hit on unruly players that he dislikes oocly colorized 1682

    4. Medvekoma
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