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Posts posted by Fanasty

  1. The Canonesses of the Canonist Church

    “For the cross and unity of the sisters is steady, while the world is turning.”


    Authored & Initiated by her excellency, Lotte Adelinda, Holy Mother of the church of the canon and prelate of the sisterhood.

    Presided over by the Pontifical office and the prelate of the sisterhood.

    Table of contents:


    SECTION I - Abstract

    SECTION II - When is someone a nun / canoness?

    SECTION III - Becoming a sister

                      SECTION III.I - Monastic sisterly orders

                         SECTION III.II - Mendicant sisterly orders

    SECTION IV - Hierachy of the sisterly orders

    SECTION V - Formation of a sisterly order



    ♝SECTION I - Abstract on the Canonesses of the Canonist Church:

    To underpin and preserve the ecclesiastical lifestyle and scholastical or charitable achievements of the sisters of the canonist church, the prelate of the sisterhood, Holy Mother Lotte Adelinda in order of his Holiness, Everard VI has authored this document serving the purpose of enlightening the ordinarily silent and undisclosed lifes and rules of the female clergy and abbeys that serve GOD himself. This record informs readers on the vows to become a nun, the attire, the prevalent rules of the Canonesses of the Canonist Church and the perpetual steps of the formation of an abbey. 

    ♝ SECTION II - When is someone a nun / canoness:

    A nun (Commonly referred to as a sister or canoness) is a woman who is consecrated by an ordained priest. A nun has taken the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. The sisters underpin the church in a wide range of ministries, especially those of health care, education, evangelization and social services. They are broadly recognized by their attire consisting of a tunic, scapular, cincture, coif and veil. The colours and materials however, may vary depending on the sisterly order, abbey or monastery a nun belongs to and the rank she holds within this order, abbey or monastery.

    ♝ SECTION III - Becoming a Sister:

    As a woman wishes to pursue a life of chastity and devotion, one must be consecrated by an ordained priest of the canonist faith. Any unmarried or widowed woman may be consecrated into sisterhood by the canonist church with the perpetual exemption of married women. The consecration ceremony consists of registering yourself in the ledger of GOD through mentioning your name, age and gender to the priest. After which a woman promises to give her soul, mind, heart and body to GOD. Upon completion of the first two steps, she shall be taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. To end the consecration ceremony, the woman shall sign a Lorraine and say a small prayer of choice which upon finishing she is officially a canoness.


    Upon ascension to sisterhood, nuns have the duty to find their apostolate. An apostolate is the mission that God has picked for them. A variety of options are available  beginning with a choice between two forms of sisterly orders. Within the canonist church there are two different types of orders, monastic sisterly orders and mendicant sisterly orders:


    SECTION III.I - Monastic sisterly orders 

    are the most devout. Bound to an abbey or a monastery, in which they practice their beliefs. Alongside of such, their abbey usually focuses on one specific charitable practise which is ran inside of the abbey or monastery. Examples of such could be a poorhouse, or a medical clinic. Monastic orders also hold the right to create income for the order and for the canonist church. This is often done through management of vineyards that surround an abbey or a monastery, or through collecting, creating and selling items and materials. Through their financial importance, Monastic sisters may lead a more decadent lifestyle than mendicant sisters.


    SECTION III.II Mendicant sisterly orders

     do not operate from an abbey or monastery and are commonly less devout and generally lead a lifestyle of poverty. Their sisters are often deployed in various parts of the world ranging from missionary missions to positions in a palatial aristocratic court as governess, tutoring children on theology and other subjects. Mendicant sisters may also choose to take up chambers in a basilica, cathedral or church assisting the priest or bishop of that diocese with their tasks. In addition, mendicant sisters may also be selected by members of the Curia to assist in their specific ministries. As the aforementioned text concludes, Mendicant sisters enjoy more freedom and are therefore more free to choose how they wish to fulfill their tasks and duties. 


    Once a sister has chosen between Monastic and Mendicant she may choose an order that she wishes to join. More information on these orders can be found in other documents published by the office of the prelate of the sisterhood. Each order has different Apostolate missions, attires, locations and patrons. Once a sister has found an order, she shall become a postulant for a year in which she gets introduced to the order and their apostolate mission. Once successfully passed, she becomes a sister of that order and so her faithful life begins. The sister shall receive further instructions and information as well as  personal tasks and duties through the corresponding Abbess. 

    ♝SECTION IV - Hierachy of the Sisterly orders:

    The sisterly orders follows strict structural codes that renders formations that enable sisters to progress and pursue their ascetic lives in accordance to the Church of the Canon. All Sisterly orders are obliged to follow the same structural hierachy, with exemption to the specific duty and tasks in an order. An ecosystem is built that encourages equal levels for the majority of the sisters, exempting the official roles which sisters can strive for to rise within the Church as secondary and tertiary servants of GOD. In alignment to the Church, the High Pontiff wields absolute authority from the Exalted Throne over the Order of the Saint Catherine, and no sister can challenge his judgement regardless of her office. The sisters of the Order are sworn into their devotion until death, and so all of them are encouraged to aspire to deliver glory and charity in the name of the Creator. All sisters are expected to uphold the principles of the Canonist faith through their education of the Holy Scrolls.


    Holy mother-superior

    The Holy Mother of the Church of the Canon is the highest ranking woman of the clergy and is the supreme mother of all the orders of the church of the Canon. She sits the figurative throne beneath the High Pontiff, whom she closely confides and works with. The Holy Mother, in officiality, is the Prelate of the Sisterhood and is thus in charged with assuring the discipline and well-being of the Orders through the rank of Arch-Abbess. 



    An abbess runs an abbey or monastery in alignment and relation to the Church of the Canon. Typically, there are only one or two abbess’ serving in their order in any one age. The Holy Mother is the archabbess, and might elect another competent woman to oversee another abbey or monastery.



    A prioress can either be the religious sister tasked with managing specific groups in a mendicant order or function as the assistant head over an abbey or monastery. She is tasked with the responsibilities of managing the internal affairs of the institution as well as the relations with other monasteries and communities. The prioress serves duly in her duties of discipline and organisation of the sisters within the convent, and actively participates as a right hand to their abbess. Many prioresses claim origins from prosperous houses and families, often being the fourth or latter daughter that would be unlikely to serve higher marital purposes



    A sister that has undergone the consecration of  the Church of the Canon. A Sister has dedicated her life to GOD and performs various tasks and duties within an order. Some orders tend to add certain forms of address in front of their sisterly status such as tonsured or virgin to express their principles. 



     a postulant is a consecrated sister that has not been assigned to a certain order yet. For a year she shall train with the sisters of the order in which she gets introduced to the order and their apostolate mission, as well as execute tasks to ascend to the actual rank of sister. 

    ♝SECTION V - Formation of an order:

    As orders have gone and died within the rich history of the canonist church, new ones are able to be formed with the approval of the current pontifical office and the prelate of the sisterhood. A sister who wishes to form her own order shall first be tasked with writing a modus operandi which must consist of: The reason for establishment, the form of the order, the chosen patron, the ideology, the apostolate mission and the attire donned by the sisters of the church. Upon approval of the pontifical office and the holy mother, the sister shall be tasked with the recruitment of a number of sisters that is chosen by the pontifical office and the prelate of the clergy. After such, a new sisterly order can be formed which shall be named after the chosen patron. 

    May one be interested or have any other questions or issues pertaining to this document, one may contact anyone of the church of the Canon to answer or redirect them to the corresponding sister or priest. 


    In nomine dei,


    His Holiness Everard VI , High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD


    Her Excellency, Lotte-Adelinda von Alstreim, Holy Mother of the Canonist church




    Please join the church discord for any questions or to become a nun! In the church discord you can also find a directory to every member of the canonist church. This is regularly updated, so it should be quite easy to find the person you are looking for!
    LINK TO THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/tzgdymbfEe

    Oh and @VIROS thanks for checking the document! <3 

  2. The tea party of Johanna I, 1832


    12th of The Deep Cold, 1832

    Her Excellency, the Grand Chamberlain Lotte Adelinda von Alstreim is commanded by HRM, Johanna I

    to cordially invite all ladies of the canonist realms for a tea party in her comital summer residence the Sarissan keep

    for an evening full of riveting topics paired with exclusive and exotic teas.

    ♔Additional information♔

    ♕TOPICS: Her royal majesty the queen wishes to introduce 3 topics for the ladies to converse on during the tea party. The first one that shall be introduced is Intermarriage. The second one to be introduced is the rights of a woman and the last one shall be faith.

    ♕DRESSCODE: The attendees are requested to wear their most extravagant headwear to the summer residence. As the tea party comes to an end, her royal majesty the queen shall pick out one attendee with the best headwear & tongue who shall win a grand prize.

    ♕LOCATION: Her royal majesty’s summer residence can be found when taking a right just in front the capital of Sutica’s gate. From there, it is a saint minute away. Signs shall be put down to indicate the way.

    *Weapons and Acts of aggression shall not be tolerated and shall be dealt with accordingly by the Cerulean Watch*

    All the ladies of the canonist realms are invited, but her Majesty the queen @Axelu has deemed it fit to specially invite the following:


    Sutican Vassals

    -Her Archducal Highness Catalina, Archduchess consort of Hyspia

    -Her Serene Highness Infanta Margarita of Hyspia @ncarr

    The Augustine Court

    -Her Imperial Highness Princess Josephine, Duchess of Sunholdt @VIROS

    -Her Imperial Highness Princess Amelia of Renzfeld @libbybelle

    -Her Imperial Highness Holy Dame Helena, Countess of Temesch

    -Her Excellency Lady Mary Casimira of Carrington, Majordomo of the Augustine @ncarr

    -And all other ladies of the Augustine court.


    The Nikiralian Court


    -Her Royal Majesty, Queen-Consort Annika of Hanseti-Ruska @Mady

    -Her Royal Highness, Princess-Royal Petra Barbanov @sarahbarah

    -Her Royal Highness, Anastasya Isabel of Antioch @shay

    -And all other ladies of the Nikiralian Court.




    Her Excellency, Lady Lotte Adelinda von Alstreim, Grand Chamberlain of the Sutican Commonwealth




    When: Saturday 15-8-2021




  3. The young royal Johanna Adelina  looked up from her sketching book full of architectural templates as her lady in waiting informed the young lady of the news “May GOD bless Sutica, and may GOD bless George in the seven skies” 

  4. THE




    A portrait of the empress-mother, Cesarina Louise c. FA 1730 

    Written by lady Charlotte Pruvia-Albarosa

    To the noble families of the Holy Orenian Empire,

    Lady Charlotte Rosamund Pruvia-Albarosa is commanded by HIH, The Duchess of Helena to cordially invite all nobles of the Holy Orenian Empire to the imperial palace of Providence to revive an ancient tradition started by the empress-mother, Cesarina of Marna  for an assembly of Nobles.



    ♔STATE BANQUET - The evening shall begin with a state banquet to celebrate and honour those that came before us. To start conversation, the court of trissingham has decided to introduce 3 talking points which may be discussed during the evening: 

    -The rights of a woman and their purpose

    -Wigs: Fashionable or quaint?

    -Providence or Helena?


    ♔GRAND BALL - As the banquet rounds up, we ask for those present to start moving to the informal throne room where a grand ball shall be held for all to enjoy. The Palatial staff shall pour liquors while we enjoy the music and company of others. During the grand ball, HIH the Duchess of Helena and two members of her imperial retinue shall judge the outfits of all the lords and ladies present. The winner shall be granted a small prize and the honorary title of “Lady/Lord of the Wardrobe.” 


     ♔PETITION TO THE CROWN- To round the festivities up, the evening shall end with a chance to petition to the court of HIM, Anne I and HIM, Joseph II. Here you may ask for favours, or simply shine light on certain situations that are worthy of their attention.



    Formal Attire: Families entering the competition with aligning outfits is recommended.


        If one seeks to take up arms against the guests of the imperial party, they will be swiftly dealt with. Weapons and foul play shall not be tolerated.

    [!] Invitations are sent to the following families. [!]


    His Grace Henry Frederick Helvets, The Duke of Cathalon @Fishy

    And his Ducal household.


    His Grace Peter Baldwin d'Arkent, The Duke of Sunholdt @ErikAzog

    And his Ducal household.



    His Imperial Highness Prince John Charles, The Duke of Helena @KosherZombie and his princely household.



    His Imperial Highness Prince Philip Augustus, The Duke of Crestfall @kp 

    and his princely household.



    The Right Honorable george ulysses de sarkozy, The Count of Pompourelia @Scipp3r and his comital household.



    The Right Honorable Adrian Othodoric Helvets, The Count of Rochefort @Draeris and his comital household.



    The Right Honorable Jahan Basrid , The Count of Susa @Dyl

    and his comital household.



    The Right Honorable Azariah O'Rourke, The Countess of Halstaig @Asutto and his comital household.



    The Right Honorable Alren DeNurem, The Count of Mordskov @markosi

    and his comital household.



    The Right Honorable Albert Arthur Ashford de Falstaff, The Count of Leuven @edelos and his comital household.



    His Imperial Highness Prince Peter Maximilian, The Count of Kaphro @Ark and his comital household.



    His Imperial Highness Prince Joseph Leopold, The Count of Aldersburg @spookylean and his comital household.



    Her Imperial Highness Princess Elizabeth Anne, The Countess of Rosemoor @Ivorey and her comital household.



    The Right Honorable Alexander Laurence, The Viscount of Pruvia-Albarosa @Ausunburg and his viscomital household.



    The Right Honorable John Michael Pruvia, The Viscount of Pruvia-Provins @Bawg and his viscomital household.



    The Right Honorable Riordain Armas-MacDroch, The Viscount of Rillsworth @Vulcthehulk and his viscomital household.



    The Right Honorable Eric Othaman, The Viscount of Valles @grnappa

    and his viscomital household.



    The Right Honorable Victor Halcourt, The Baron of Artois @Lyonharted and his baronial household.



    The Right Honorable Charles Augustus d'Arkent , The Baron of Carrington @Sporan and his baronial household.



    The Right Honorable Ostromir Tuvyic, The Baron of Woldzmir @Lhindir_and his barionial household



    HIH, The Duchess of Helena, Wilhelmina Beatrix


    Her Ladyship, Charlotte Rosamund Pruvia-Albarosa



    -SATURDAY 12-12-2020

    -3PM EST

    -Please PM @Fanasty for any questions or concerns.

    (This list of invites was taken from the #imperial-peerage channel in the Holy Orenian Empire discord)





  5. The countess of Rochefort put her saucer down on the salon table, taking one last sip out of her cup as she skimmed through the letter swiftly as she sat in the grand salon of the imperial palace "Mm.. Look what he wrote me." Charlotte showed the letter to Minerva de Selm and  yawned "Quite the spectacle.." She rised from her seat, asking a servant to bring the small painting to her chambers before returning her attention on the teea.


    The Palatial Pocketbook:

    From peasant to pageant


    A pocketbook for courtiers and visitors of the imperial court

    Written by Lady Charlotte of Rochefort

    Preamble: You have been cordially invited to the imperial palace  or to the court of trissingham.

    But, what do you wear? How do you find that exact salon out of the oh-so many? Fred not!

    This pocketbook shall introduce you to all the sophisticated rules and quirks!

    From Peasant to Pageant!


     First and foremost you must find your way in the extravagant halls of the palace.

    It is without a doubt that you shall get lost!

    therefore, I have made a small map for you so you can easily guide your way through!

    (Note: these are my names for these chambers and halls, not official terms!)



    [Yellow: Formal throne room & informal throne room] [Gray/Blue-ish: Halls]

    [Peach: Ballroom & State banquet hall] [Orange: Salons]

    [Light blue: Library] [Dark green: Servant quarters] [Gray: Mourning room]

    [Arrow: Staircases]  [Light green: Courtyard] [Dark blue: Offices/chambers] [/\: entrances]



    [Purple: Empress/Emperor suite] [Gray/Blue-ish: Halls] [Peach: Ballroom & Casino]

    [Orange: Salons] [Arrow: Staircases] [Light green: Courtyard] 



    When visiting or living in the imperial palace, you are visiting or residing in the house of the imperial family.

    One could only assume you’d put on your finest attire and wig! Though, is it the correct one?

    No. There is never a correct gown, or frock coat unless the imperial family says it’s in!

    But, to make your life a little easier let me give you some tips: It’s all about extravagance!



     As Vespira Antonia Helane wrote in her apodictic guide to the fairer sex: 

    “Gone are the days of the archaic gamurra, Auvergnian hoods, and trumpet-sleeved gowns of yore.

    Now, respectable ladies powder their hair, adorn themselves with exuberant hats and plumage,

    paint their faces, and opt to outfit themselves in sack-back gowns and mantuas.”

    (Tip: Read Vespira’s apodictic guide to the fairer sex or her guide to the makings of an enlightened man

    for an elaborated guide on dress code and manners!)



    -Wear an imperial court gown which consists of a bodice and a skirt. The bodice is constructed in an identical way of a corset.

    During your stay or visit, you shall see various variations of this bodice, some daring, some modest and some encrusted with the largest diamonds!

    The skirt consists of the overskirt which typically connects to the bodice and

    is made of the same or similar material while the underskirt is used to express a ladies wealth! 

    And to top it off, purchase yourself a pannier or some side hoops to enhance a strong silhouette!

    (Tip: Visit the Helvets atelier in Providence established at carrington emporium 15!)


    Now you must be thinking: I got the gown! Let’s begin my palatial adventure! Sorry to disappoint,

    but we haven’t even gotten to the best part yet!



    -I know I know, you see all these ladies wearing wigs and you probaly think you must wear one too! False! Your own hair does wonders.

    ( If augmented with fake hair, padding and wiring of course!)

    do make sure to apply a pomade in there, or some powder! You can also use hot iron rods to create curls or waves!

    There are many hairstyles you can choose from,

    but I would recommend keeping it simple since you didn’t read this guide for no reason!



    -A noble lady can use cosmetics to enhance her beauty.

    This can be done through applying powder or pomade to your face in pale colors.

    Rouge is used to enhance the redness of the cheek and you can also use this on your lips!

    (Tip: Spent too much mina on that beautiful gown from the Helvets Atelier? Use beetroot as rouge! be careful though, the aristocrats shall likely spot it immediately!)

    Now for the eyebrows it is recommended to make them darker, the best way is through using burnt cloves. Never apply too much makeup though!

    Ladies at court wish to look at a face and not a painting, they already got plenty of those!

    (Tip: Looking for fabulous accesories such as umbrella's or fans? Visit Red Rose Botique located on Carrington Emporium 14!)



    To once again quote Vespira Helane: “A frequent utterance amongst courtiers is: “one day you are in, one day you are out”,

    and unlike many common sayings, this one actually rings true; Orenian court is infamous for its cut-throat nature,

    and multiple court favorites have lost their coveted status due to a singular faux-pas.”



    -To be a sophisticated gentleman in the palace, one is suggested to wear a frock coat, a waist coat and breeches.

    These should complement each other in colour and pattern and you usually buy them in sets!

    Wear bright colours, and use lace! Show off your wealth! ( if you have any left after purchasing this)

    As most breeches do not extend past the knee, it is customary to wear stockings and low heeled leather shoes.



    - If you are indeed a fine gentleman with proper hair, you can come to court without a wig! Lucky you!

    Though, most men opt to wear a wig anyways, so it is always an option!

    Men who are losing hair must always cover their head with either a wig or a hat.

    (My personal favourite hat is the tricorn, but I shall leave that up to you!)



    -Admit it, sometimes you are lazy and you grow out your hair.

    This is a true faux-pas in the imperial palace!

    Never shall you be recommended to grow facial hair!


    Now comes the hardest part, how do I behave?

    Do I simply say hello, or do I kneel for them? Luckily for you, I have all the answers!





    In oration “His/Her imperial majesty”

    In address “Your imperial majesty”

    Informally “Your majesty”



    In oration “His/Her imperial highness”

    In address “Your imperial highness”

    Informally “Your highness”



    in oration: “His/Her grace”

    in address: “Your grace”

    informally: “Sir/Madam"



    In oration: “The Most Honorable”

    In address: “My lord/lady”

    Informally: “Sir/Madam"



    In oration: “The Right Honorable”

    In Address: “My lord/lady”

    Informally: “Sir/Madam”



    In oration: “The Right Honorable”

    In Address: “My lord/lady”

    Informally: “Sir/Madam”



    In oration: “The Right Honorable”

    In Address: “My lord/lady”

    Informally: “Sir/Madam”



    Now that you know how to address those of noble stock, it is time to learn how to act around them.

    Ladies generally curtsy for ladies or lords who hold a higher title or position within court, and Lords generally bow.

    Never show up too early to an event, it puts the host/hostess in an uncomfortable situation! Never forget to say “Please” and “Thank you”,

    as courtiers should act with decorum at all times. As for introductions, I recommend asking the host if she could introduce you to someone!

    It is seen as improper for a woman to introduce herself to a stranger. As for dining etiquette or a simple drink,

    simply do not haste yourself and watch how your conversation partners behave and act,

    that shall bring you a long way in the imperial palace!


    From peasant to pageant, 

    Lady Charlotte Rosamund Helvets 





    Luciana “The Harlot” Maria Napoliza

    Per stato é gloria



    My beloved family and friends,


    If you are reading this, it means that I have decided to end my journey on Arcas, and begin a new one to the seven skies, to at last find my freedom. My long journey, whom many of you loyally followed has come to an end. In my long lifetime, I have learned much about the world, and that life comes with many sacrifices. As I am still but a humble servant to my family and former subjects. My journey as a crow, my journey from a Vilac to a Napoliza and my journey from sovereign to citizen hopefully has left a mark on you all. As most know, I was born as a horridly spoiled lady, whom always fought for what she wanted. In this letter,  I shall tell you, my dearest family and friends my story, one with many secrets and of course my will. 


    As most know, I was born as a horridly spoiled lady by my mother, the former princess of Vilachia. Though I certainly did not learn many life lessons from it, I did learn to always fight for what I want which I continued to do until my last breath. Even going as far as stabbing myself in the tavern of Helena at only seventeen years old to accuse a former enemy of mine so that she would be imprisoned. At eighteen years old, I married my late husband the Count of Pestilles. The count of a religious county, who fought with the alliance of independent states against the Holy Orenian Empire in the Ruberni war. Back then, I was loyal to the Holy Orenian Empire and promptly left my son and husband to return to the glorious metropolis of Helena. 


    Once returned, I fought for my families glory and petitioned to the holy orenian emperor, peter the third for a colony in the Korvassa in 1761. Albeit my efforts, most of you know that this was not received well, and I was forced to leave the name of Vilac, as well as my mothers maidens name Varoche. The two once mighty houses where stripped of their nobility, and we had to pay fifty thousand mina’s to the lord treasurer as a fine.  


    Not long after that, I was kidnapped by some Azdrazi, whom used me for a ritual to summon Azdromoth. Albeit being one of the very few to personally speak to Azdromoth, I was not kind and was punished by a sigil on my head of two dragons forming the shape of a crown, with in the middle a place for a gem. The sigil prevented me from ever speaking out of term again, and shaped me as the woman that I am today. Though I never figured out what the gem would do, it did change my entire life.


    I left the empire alongside my family to the Korvassa, where I changed our name to the princely house of Napoliza, and I founded the principality of Vitenna near it’s coastal line. The sovereign state would go on to function as a home for illatians, as well as a home where it’s primary ideals were freedom, cohesion and pride. and even though destroyed by the inferi, it has been my life’s work. One that I am still very proud of. 


    I have had the pleasure as sovereign of this state, to rule and govern over magnificent subjects. And we modernized Arcas through our ideals. One of my late friends is a great example of this, Jago Brownfolk. The bishop of Korvassa, and at that, a halfling whom changed the way me and my family think about religion and race. I also had the pleasure of being great and loyal friends to the sultanate of Al-Faiz and its inhabitants. Their culture, though very different of ours, should be something that the rest of human-kind should strive towards. This very Sultanate, that has granted my subjects a place to live within their grand city as Vitenna grew unlivable due to Inferi attacks.


    Vitenna was the center of art, knowledge and freedom. During my reign, I have also made many mistakes. One of which was the support of a rebel group in Courland. Furthermore, I have also allowed for public intercourse within the palace of Vileux, and for my many love affairs to be public which gave me the reputation of Luciana the Harlot princess. 


    At a certain point, my daughter Julienna Maria Napoliza whom I shall miss dearly, told me that we needed to move to the Sultanate, as the living conditions of Vitenna grew worse. Perhaps the thing I regret the most in life, is not fighting more for my great state and subjects. As we evacuated Vitenna, I moved my family back to Helena. Where I left a quiet live in the shadows, and where I taught my family the strong ideals that I hold, and that my former state held. As I write you all right now, my wish is for all my dynasts to pass on these ideals and care for our illatian kin. 


    Now, to move on to my will and wishes, I wish to be buried in the fallen principality of Vitenna and for my stone to be made of illatian marble. 


    -To my mother, I leave you all my jewelry.


    -To my sister, Johanna Maria Napoliza. I regret marrying you off to the high prince of Vanmark, and I shall leave you my manor in Helena, so that you may escape your misery and find peace.


    -To my grand-daughter Anabela Corina, I leave to you my titles which are recognized by the sultanate of Korvassa as well as full control over the family. Please give the house the proper status that it deserves.


    -To his holiness, James II. I leave to you my request, to make Jago brownfolk, the bishop of Korvassa a saint. A saint who sacrificed his life to protect several other canonists. and who devoted his entire life to our great religion.


    -To the former king of Norland, I leave my great sword and my regrets of never marrying him.


     -Sultan Al-Nabeel, I leave you my consent for your marriage with my previous daughter-in-law Sapphira. Something that I always have refused to give.


    -And to my former subjects, I give you the promise of freedom once death becomes you. 


    Now, as I always have during my reign. I shall close my letter by the words Per stato e gloria. and do not forget, through struggle I persevered, and at last, I found my freedom and success. 


    -Per stato é gloria,

    Luciana Maria Napoliza





    A handbook made by Lady Charlotte Rosamund Helmvets
    6th of Snow’s Maiden 1794

    A new Kaedreni pastime came to be within the walls of Owynsburg. Invented by Leufroy d’Amaury, in 1793, a young adolescent with a taste for gambling, it was quickly popularized within the Rhoswenii echelon and Imperial citizens in Kaedrin. Due to popular demand, I write this handbook for the newer players: a compact guide to the rules of this nerve-racking game! 


    Mina or Die can be played by two players or more. It is primarily played in taverns, but the maker of Mina or Die also suggests that you play with larger crowds: such as during festivals, dinner events, or family gatherings. 

    II). TIME
    Depending on the number of players, a game of Mina or Die could take upwards to one Saint Minute, but lasts approximately Five Saint Minutes.


    The game features 20 cards that display notable figures from the Holy Orenian Empire. However, one of these cards is called the Reiver Card, and displays a Reiver wearing a blue bandana, wielding a sword: if you pull this card, you lose.


    The variation in the other cards are for primarily aesthetic purposes.

    The twenty cards in the game are:



    HIM Empress Anne

    HIM Emperor-consort Joseph

    HIH John Charles 

    HIH Wilhelmina Beatrix Helvets



    HE Jonah Stahl-Elendil

    HE Franz Nikolai de Sarkozy

    HE Alren DeNurem

    HE Dimitri Orlov

    HE Arnaud de Ruyter

    HE Basil Baelius

    HE Alexander d'Arkent

    HE Victor Halcourt

    HE Ledicort d'Azor



    HE Simon Basrid 

    HE Joachim Haas

    HE  Frederick Armas 

    HE Richard Helvets

    HE Richard de Reden

    HE Laurence Pruvia-Albarosa



    The Blue Bandana wearing Bandito (losing card).



    -I). The first player is whoever is the eldest among the players. 


    -II). He pulls a card from a shuffled deck of Mina or Die cards.


    -II.I.). Does the first player pull the Reiver card immediately?
    He loses and must pay his payout to everyone. 

    -II.II.). Does the first player pull any other card? 
    The person to his right may pull a card. 

    -II.III). Does another player pull the Reiver Card?
    The round is over, that person loses, and he must pay his payout to everyone.


    -III). If everyone pulled a card, but nobody pulled the Reiver, then the round ends, and the stakes get doubled. This process repeats every round where the Reiver is not drawn, until the card is drawn. 


    -IV). The original payout for the starting round is 25 Mina, but can be different depending on the thrill and stakes the participant seeks. 


    Every participant must pay their stake, which traditionally is 25 Mina. If that participant loses, he must split his stake between the participants. If nobody loses within the round, and the stake gets doubled to 50 Mina, he must split 50 Mina amongst the other participants. 


    Have fun playing Mina or Die,
    Charlotte Rosamund Helvets


    The first player rolls 100. 

    If the first player gets 95/100, the second player does /roll 95. 

    The second player gets 45, the third player does /roll 45.

    Third player gets 6, fourth player does /roll 6. 

    When a player rolls 1, he drew the Reiver card, and thus loses. 


    If there are four players playing the game, and none of the four pulled the Reiver card.

    All stakes double. 






    3rd of Owyn’s Flame, 1787


    House of Helvets

    *A wax seal depicting a bat kept the envelope sealed*





    Her Imperial Majesty, Anne I  @DreamInSpace

    His Imperial Majesty, Joseph II @Hunwald

    His Excellency, Jonah Stahl-Elendil @Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth

    His Excellency, Basileios Balthazar Baelius @MCVDK


    I pen all of you due to my recent enlightenment on the firing of my husband, Adrian Othodoric Helvets. A man of honour, integrity and loyalty, who has been unlawfully fired by His Excellency, Basileios Balthazar Baelius, the newly appointed Solicitor-General of Oren. The reason for his termination remains unknown, as he has yet to hear a lawful reason for this. 


    My husband has told me that he was fired from the ministry of Justice as Attorney-General for being the chairman of the Evarardine party. It has come to my attention that the Solicitor-General himself is a Josephite, much as all of the other Cabinet members. To better explain my point, we must look at my  husband's morals and ideology and that of his party, the Everardines. I simply ask you to read “The Everardines”, published by the Ministry of Civil Affairs which explains much about the party itself. The morals that my husband holds clearly are the opposite of the morals and ideology that His Excellency, Basileios Balthazar Baelius holds. 


    The Solicitor-General then proceeded to state that his termination was because of poor behavioral conduct which clearly is a scapegoat for him being an everardine. Or, let me rephrase: An excellent way to fire someone for holding different morals and ideologies and obviously for being a treat to the Josephite party itself. My beloved, Adrian Othodoric Helvets was not even granted a chance to prove himself as a functioning member of the ministry of Justice, since as soon as the Solicitor-General heard that he was a member of the Everardine party, he was unlawfully fired. There is no poor behavioral conduct to begin with, as he was never given a chance to proof himself as Attorney-General. 


    To conclude this letter, it is quite clear that his termination was unlawful, unnecessary and quite bluntly, discrimination because my husband holds a different ideology then the Solicitor-General himself which he blamed on poor behavioral conduct, poor behavior that could not even have occurred as my beloved husband was never even given a chance as Attorney-General, he was just recently instated and has not been granted a chance to even show the slightest bit of poor behaviour. I hope this letter shall be taken seriously, and that my husband, Adrian Othodoric Helvets shall be re-instated within the ministry of Justice, or re-instated in his honour as an upstanding citizen of this Empire. A reputation that was snapped by its neck by Josephite segregationists. 


    By ancient right,


    Her Ladyship, 

    Charlotte Rosamund Helvets née Pruvia-Albarosa

  10. Charlotte Rosamund Pruvia-Albarosa smiled as she spoke “I, Charlotte Rosamund Pruvia-Albarosa do.” a small tear made its way down her cheek as she thought of her upbringing in Novellen Palace under her imperial highness, Wilhelmina Beatrix Novellen where she first met Adrian Othodoric Helvets. “I love you, Adrian.”

  11. Luciana Maria Napoliza stood at the graveyard of Viarmo as she placed a boquet of flowers on the grave of Bishop Jago Brownfolk, a tear rolling down her cheeks “My dearest friend, we finally did it. We finally became part of the glorious Holy Orenian Empire. This celebration is held for heroes like you, that have given their life in the war against the inferi for others. This celebration is held to give hope.”  The illatian mused as she performed a lorraine cross “May you rest in peace.”

  12. District of Viarmo

    1st celebration

    Published by Grand Burgess Luciana Maria Napoliza of Viarmo on the 1st of The Deep Cold, 1781.


    Landscape with Castle: the paintings of Carl Friedrich Lessing, 2 ...

    Let it be known that the ruins of brunswick shall be renamed to the district of Viarmo. A small and humble borough outside of Helena that many illatians may call their home. To celebrate the almost finished construction of this new district, we wish to duly invite the citizens of the Holy Orenian Empire to the keep of Viarmo for a themed ball:


    •  The theme of the ball is INFERNI TIP: use darker colours, scary accesories and inhuman shapes for gowns, hats and wigs.
    • The best & scariest dressed shall recieve a reward!
    • A treasure hunt shall be hosted for the younger children of the empire, where they may win several prizes.
    • Upon entering the keep of Viarmo, we ask you to make a voluntary donation to the ISA in attempt to help the war efforts.
    • In the later hours, we shall move to the church of Viarmo to do a prayer for all imperial soldiers fighting the inferni.


     On the back of the card there would be a description on how to get from Helena to the district of Viarmo:

    1.  Once on the bridge of Helena, take a right and continue till you find a bridge.
    2. take another right ( cross the bridge) and continue untill you find two large flowerfields.
    3. Arrived at Viarmo!




    Miss Luciana Maria Napoliza,

    Grand Burgess of Viarmo.

    Everyone is duly invited, but special invites are sent to the following:


    -The Imperial Household

    -The Basrid Ministry

    -The mayor of Helena

    -Matraisse en-titre Renee Antoinette Rothesay

    -House Galbraith

    -House Pruvia-Provins

    -House Pruvia-Albarosa

    -House Al-Nabeel

    -The royal family of Haense




    Where: Viarmo

    When: 3PM EST || Saturday the 29th of August 2020

    Theme INFERNI









  13. The humble return of house Napoliza


    The Trafalgar Way - Post-chaise Travel
    Issued on the 12th of Malin's welcome, 1781
    It is early in the morning when the gates of Fonsi bellowed and churned, hefting for what would seem to be the last time.  Soldiers, servants and citizens could be seen packing their carriages as the noble household of Napoliza moved to stand on a lifted platform. Vague noises could be heard as lady Luciana Maria Napoliza spoke to her citizens one last time "Through struggle we persevered, and we found unity and success." The elderly exclaimed with pride "A motto that stands very close to my heart, and a motto that is true now more then ever. Today we shall leave our beloved town in the desert of Korvassa, so that we may rebuild our home once more." The illatian lady paused for a moment as she cleared her throat "With sixteen carriages full of supplies, stock and our prideful citizens we shall ride to a better place! The inferni have killed our children, diminished our state’s populace and our morale. Thus, let us pray one more time, and look forward to better times." Luciana performed a lorraine cross as she spoke the words, "Per dio e gloria!"
    And with those words, sixteen carriages rode out of Fonsi, the first carriage adorned with gold and orange gems carrying the Matriarch of house Napoliza and her immediate household. The second,third and fourth bore the government, noble entourage and notable business owners. All other carriages contained citizens, armor and supplies "Signore Maximiliano, please send this letter to the palaces of the three nations Oren, Haense and Kaedrin and to the imperial state army."

    "To whomever may read this,


    Earlier this morning, we left Fonsi as the city was no longer defendable against the inferni. We have stumbled upon ruins of Brunswick which we plan to settle on, west of the majestic Duchy Helena and subsequent Ducal crownlands. In these troubling times for the world, we ask our brothers and sisters that descended  from Horen to pray for the soldiers on the battlefront, as we rebuild our community near your land. We hope to mend our relations with the Holy Orenian Empire, and persevere through these hard times together: United as one. As a sign of goodwill, the house of Napoliza shall donate its entire armory to aid supply the brave soldiers in their wars. We may supply around 300 soldiers with armor, weapons and food. Furthermore, we wish to announce that we shall name these ruins the province of Frontino until a more suitable name for the territory is discussed with either the house of Lords, or his imperial majesty and his wise advisors.


    For god and glory,


    her ladyship, Luciana I Maria Napoliza dei Frontino

    (Previously known as HSH Luciana I maria Napoliza of Vitenna, Duchess of Fonsi and Baroness of Vileux.)


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