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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Why are y’all arguing about whether or not roads should be controlled by nations? Clearly the answer is just to ban roads entirely. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beyonce4Pres


      roads are corrupt wtf??

    3. Fireheart


      !!! Roads should be removed like freebuild next map GRRRRR

    4. Its_Just_Leap


      The difference is that freebuild SHOULD be removed next map @Fireheart

  2. Why did space’s Antifa documentary post get removed? Is everything controversial being banned now?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. argonian


      as much as i love buzzfeed, milo is still not a white nationalist and disavowed the movement declaring himself "alt-lite" when spencer claimed leadership over it.

    3. Space


      i think the video addresses this you should watch it

    4. Zezimus


      Milo just thinks it's cool to be controversial and laps up the publicity, there shouldn't be any denying he's espoused white nationalist beliefs however.

  3. Why do staff april fools jokes get lamer every year? We need a professional staff s**tposter to make sure the next april fools joke will be better.

  4. Why do you get so many slaves

    1. 5itty
    2. HurferDurfer1


      halts outside ct

    3. Inferno_Ougi


      because halflings were off cooldown

  5. why does persona nationality plugin even need to exist

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      isn't flip-flopping nations in wartime like, an RP thing though? Why does a rule need to be added to stop people from changing around due to RP development?

    3. bumblefina


      It literally forces people to participate in "factions" rp. Which is not what our new mission statement encourages. Nationality should be optional on cards 

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      @ShannonLeighye idk why this weird OOC loyalty to nations has to be enforced upon us through plugins now. Shouldn't be required for warclaim attendence tbh, just seems dumb. The way it's set up now if some RP happens and your character switches sides you have to like modreq to get the nationality changed lmao.


      rlly dumb plugin not even sure why it was added

  6. Why does this game give me more anxiety than the real world?

  7. Why does this server always create World Wars nowadays. Whatever happened to the ol’ single nation vs single nation wars?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      i dont mean this in a snide way but i unironically dont think there ever were any in your entire time on the server. every war has been a world war since like the fringe. 

    3. monkeypoacher


      the “world” is like 2 nations and a bunch of minor city states, every war is a world war

    4. argonian


      well like back in asulon and anthos there were a couple wars that were just 2 nations or a couple of military orders duking it out against each other, with little or no outside involvement at all. 

      aegis wars were pretty world-wary though, mostly because they almost all happened on the main road and anyone who happened to be walking by would join in. 

  8. Why don't we just bring people in waves instead of having some people be unable to attend as the contingency plan

  9. Why have the forums been looking like the mobile forums on PC from my perspective? The Recent Status Updates and Latest Topics are shown below whatever I’m looking at instead of off to the side.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tigergiri
    3. NotEvilAtAll



      I ain’t seeing it. Clicking on “Theme by jcdesign” brings me to some other website

    4. Tigergiri


      hmm i dont know whats wrong? maybe a refresh or  close browser and open again



  10. Why is every nation allied to each other now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laeonathan


      every nation always had allies. It's just mandatory to post them publically now + there are so many scattered groups

    3. Sakrat


      holy shit the people replying are nerds


      the real answer is: people cry too much about any kind of rp that isn't shiddy slice of life stand-around scenarios 


      hope i helped buddy

    4. Privet


      The largest nations are afraid of the individual nations/settlements/lair, of course, it is only necessary because otherwise all the little ones might outnumber their hugbox and try to ruin their well deserved hegemony!

  11. Why tf did staff have to step in and decide the whole Haelun'or roleplay thing based on activity numbers instead of having there be a civil war or something? Have we reached peak clown LOTC where you win disputes by having higher activity percentages? LOL?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rukio


      Its simply easier for lotc to retain more players with this decision. End of the day player retention is what matters to admins. Not safety. Not RP. Just how many people actively play/donate. 

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Actual roleplaying on a roleplaying server is secondary to the spreadsheet data as always

    4. Twinny


      it's whatever, dont stress. I'll simply have to bully halflings now 😔

  12. Why tf do people think downvoting will be a good idea.


    It’ll be especially bad considering the current political climate on LoTC.

    1. Harri


      it wont be a good idea which is why we should only have upvotes ?

  13. Why the heck is AFKing illegal now? I’m going to have to reload every gosh darned chunk every time I take a bathroom break just because I’m forced to log out and log back in again. 


    If you’re worried about people leaving important RP, remember that it’s technically possible to lie about there being a sudden emergency and then leave the server to avoid RP as well. It’s not like anybody would know whether you’re lying or not.

    1. monkeypoacher


      iirc they switch on the AFK kick when we net >200 players just so that the server doesn’t get clogged at the server cap with lots of people AFKing. of course this is extreme wishful thinking on the devs’ part, but still

      Edited by xxx
  14. Why we need PvP default:






    Lol this is just clickbait to get you to look at my Rp posts plz halp me I am desperate.

  15. Will LoTC ever be able to distance itself from discord/whatever other 3rd party software or is that just an eternal fact of server existence?

    1. Werew0lf


      no shut up

    2. Franczhiz


      Lets make the LOTC community only be able to communicate with one another using landline telephones.

      Telefoon met snoer, kx-7712CID Wandmontage/bureau Engels Buitenlandse  handel Vaste telefoonlijn Tweedraads interfaceontwerp voor thuis/kantoor  (zwart) : Amazon.nl: Elektronica

    3. Narthok


      you put yourself at an explicit disadvantage by not using discord in terms of geopol / diplo / national success etc

  16. Wizard101’s magic system is better than LOTC’s.

  17. woah epic gamer alert

  18. Wow these new buffed horses are absurdly fast

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      put on a resource pack that changes their gallop to motorcycle sounds and laugh

  19. wtf i was gonna remake oren first

  20. Y’all better be attending the Dunshire Drinking Night coming up soon 

    1. PraiseTheLord


      Don't worry, Orcs are coming.

    2. ___



  21. Y’all remember back in the dark and dreary days of the LoTC forums before we had the “Cancel” button?

    1. Jondead


      Oh gods no... 

  22. Y’all remember the Mapleshire Pumpkin Raid?



    Pepperidge farm remembers

    1. drfate786


      Halfling "raids" aren't raids. Especially when you consider the fact that halflings would just tickle their enemies or hit them gently with a shovel rather then murder them.

    2. Unwillingly


      Are you talking about this 


      if not then ignore what I linked

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      @drfate786  Yep, it was a completely non-violent outing to give the world cake and pumpkins.


      @Unwillingly Nice screenshot! The pumpkin raid was a lot bigger than just Sutica though. We went to Norland, Renatus, Kal’Ulrah, and Lorraine as well, maybe even more places. It was pretty hilarious. Lots of cake, lots of pumpkins, and many shovels waving in the air preaching about Pumpkin Democracy 

  23. Yeah, I ERP


    E: communism 

    R: will

    P: win

  24. Yo, there’s going to be yet another Dunshire Drinking Night in Dunshire (the 17th one so far!). I’d love to see people come and join us in drinking and pleasant chatter + storytelling. Everyone is invited and all of the food and drink will be free. Just come on over at 3 PM EST next Sunday to see it all!




  25. You are my second favorite jaded boomer

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