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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. 0 days since last accident

  2. I've been involved in the naz civil war arc since the beginning of the year, and there's been a lot of really interesting RP that's come out of it, RP that's served to benefit the magic as a whole and the micro communities in between, but the list of things occurring have irked me on an OOC level is getting pretty excessive. constant disguises, people not disengaging with the plot after being killed (on my life I don't care about a PK, I just care about respect for the story), there being quite literally nothing we can do to levy consequence or make this plotline feel like it has any actual weight in RP. but never in a million years would I look at this and go "romance RP is the issue" I'm so exhausted with this puritan pearl-clutching nonsense. I'm not even going to address this from how realistic it may or may not be from a thematic perspective because it's never been about that, but I think people have a very strangled creative scope if they can't think of any possible reason for how the concept of love or devotion can be incorporated into the storyline of an actual "deal with the devil, sell your soul" magic. because that shit is an actual goldmine of opportunities to be had, and it's why some of the best RPers on the server are the david and goliath of storytelling. they don't care about this shit. but the Le Romance Bad players can only look at it and go "look at how not-degenerate I am for not participating in this kind of RP and look at how degenerate you are for participating in it" and I'm genuinely starting to hate having this conversation because they literally only have one joke, one thing to say, and it's that you're a degenerate and they're not I have immense respect for u as an RPer leyd and I'm not here to take shots at u, but what is this accomplishing? what is the purpose of this, genuinely? we've had conversations in DMs and I know how you feel about certain things and certain types of RP, and I get it. but this is just so out of left field

  4. how do I enable my member title, I see other ppl have it but I type something in and click save and nothing happens

    1. ScreamingDingo


      98% sure it got disabled like a year+ ago with forum updates


    2. Unwillingly
  5. upvote if you think mod bad guys <3

    1. Zacho


      upvote me if you love me, the mods 

  6. do any NL kings or queens on the server have court jesters, have you guys considered getting court jesters, I realized I've never seen one ever

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. salamanderfantasy


      Ive been a clown  for hire since January and nobodies put in a court jester request :--(

    3. tilly


      I am here on behalf of Petra to request a court jester. I have been in search of one since 2023.

    4. Turbo_Dog
  7. "Credit where credit is due, this was a bold move," quietly notes a creature. It considers the ledger heavily. "Snuffing a spark before it becomes a wildfire."
  8. since when is it metagaming to just observe something happening in front of me? if I'm using my actual eyeballs to observe a fight and its participants, that's not metagaming, that's just other people interacting with you. this rule does nothing but enable infantilization in trying to fulfill a non-existent issue. I'd even argue that being able to observe a fight you can't interact with counter balances the combat timer. you can reap the benefits of CRP lock, but the consequence is that there are witnesses. that's just how the game is played
  9. "He has such a way with words." remarks Galahad, proud to serve such a brilliant leader.
  10. if u guys don't use this as an excuse to kill all druids and elves with funny markings and tattoos I'm gonna be really disappointed

    1. Haseroth


      the days of white rose are long over, unwillingly.

  11. Somewhere in the north, the icy gales drink the last bit of warmth from an animal's blood. A thing lumbers through the brush, a darkened blemish on the pale canvas of snow that carries with it the sinew of a hare, pierced through by ivory incisors. "They spread your name like plague in the ledgers," croaks a milky-eyed corvid that found a home on its crown of horns. "Cowardly, but effective." "I concur," goes the creature. "But cowardice is a plague no less, a smattering of raw shame they see suitable to feast on. It's why they find comfort in clayfaces, anonymous letters, and steel bunkers, and I do not. They do not deserve to share this mantle with me."
  12. the human mind cannot comprehend this image
  13. a couple years ago there was a conversation surrounding whether or not independent nation discords were considered "LOTC mediums" and whether players could be held accountable for actions committed in those spaces. they aren't ran as an "official" LOTC mediums by staff, but they're LOTC affiliated in the content, purpose, and people involved. it was later decided they're legitimate LOTC mediums because if they weren't, it suddenly means that person who called you a slur, doxxed you, threatened you, whatever, etc, can't be banned because it didn't happen in an official LOTC medium, and 99% of every atrocity known to this server has happened in DMs or in a player-ran discord
  14. I dont know who the bad guy is

    1. Borin


      yeah ive had that issue w that BR

  15. what happened

  16. it'd be really cool if we got a plugin that made keys to doors a physical MC object that could be destroyed, stolen, sold, etc. this way it's not isolated to a singular command or the whim of whoever owns the door if they decide they want to remove you, and they'd need to actually do the RP of taking it from you. only issue is I think it'd be a rather convoluted system and I can't really think of any efficient way to make something like this work mechanically, but I'm also not on tech so maybe it's really simple and I'm just overthinking it. but I think it'd lead to fun niche RP and allow people more opportunities to bypass security illegally rather than just hoping someone willingly lets u inside an area. imagine holding a guy at sword point and demanding he gives you access to a special room, or robbing someone for their citizen door keys, etc

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Poor_Fellow


      make minas a physical item next

    3. Balmakka


      This plus a keyring item to store them (similar to alchemy bags) would be golden. 

    4. Zacho


      i think it is the fun in theory pain in practice type thing, but i do think it would be awesome sauce.

  17. yeah I'll hop on the gaiusmarius for mod admin train

  18. big T awakens from his eternal rest to deliver his divine judgment.
  19. destroyed by his own creation

    1. Milenkhov


      corruption reigns supreme

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