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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. Darn. I suppose you don't take minas do you?
  2. Imo 3 bell and warhorn emotes are a little too excessive. Birds are understandable, but how do you emote ringing a bell/blowing a horn in 3 emotes? It should be lowered to two tbh since it doesnt take long to ring a bell or blow a horn.

    1. Fireheart


      It's something we are definitely keeping an eye on. The main goal was to give warning to players around as they interact with a raid. Similar things are enforced when RPing magic or when doing RP that is leading up to PvP. If it turns out that three is too much of a stretch in most cases I have no issues with putting it down to two and trying that as well!

    2. Pond


      *pulls out dominion warhorn

      *puts mouth on part, ready to blow

      *blows warhorn and summons 20 dominionites from their erp chambers


      thats how


    1. Zacho


      its afternoon stupid head

    2. 1784


      Forum warning for toxicity incoming...........





      Dominion will soon fall btw

  4. I demand art https://gyazo.com/eff54d4d0f3db237fbe2595e1bd35da7
  5. goodm orning how is everyone

    1. Medvekoma


      wtf stop infringing on my privacy

    2. Zacho


      i dont consent

  6. daily reminder pedos belong in sewers

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      not even sewers, they belong behind bars

    2. dogbew


      Two words, Public Execution

  7. So yall just gonna sit and let a pedo play on your server?

  8. The Dominion will soon fall!!1

  9. Are Striga still a thing? :///

    1. osumanduas


      Si ameigo, although there hasn't been much to do lately.

    2. Unwillingly


      I've been wanting to find someone to turn my character into one but a few of my friends were like "yeah there's only like 2 existing rn" and im like :'*)

  10. im stalking ur profile

    1. Unwillingly


      hi how is everyone I hope you're doing good I cant sleep


    2. Bhased


      Why were you, twelve hours ago, stalking my profile


  11. Crow offers some string, a dead spider, and crumbled up piece of paper.
  12. First, I like this. I've never heard about it, but I'm glad there's a magic that literally cant be used for combat in any way. I LOVE THAT. It's what we need. Second, I hear that self teaching currently cant be done with other magics such as fire evocation or conjuration, but since this magic doesn't require a MA, do we still need to find a teacher in RP or can we pick up the magic ourselves and learn it alone? Edit: Also, will this affect a mage's strength and make them weaker?
  13. I can be really stupid sometimes. Like, really stupid. Ask any one of my friends.

    1. Thornz


      I’ll take your word for it

    2. kingnothing


      you have hands for feet monkey lul !

  14. When will we update to 1.13? Seriously, im really impressed with what mojang did. The waters look so beautiful, and I think it would add some more color to LOTC. Looking forward to it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Banned


      need to update plugins to 1.3 to a stable version that doesn't conflict with ****

    3. Malgonious


      probably 2-3 months

  15. "Did the dominion seriously just warclaim the aspects?" wonders Cyrene.
  16. "Nothing but a bunch of cowards, running from the supposed poor and weak elves on the battlefield." Says an elf.
  17. How will snow dwarves be interesting to RP? What can they bring to Lotc as a race?
  18. Im looking for leaders of guilds who are interested in coming to Sutica and helping out with our new project. PM me on discord if you're interested, and I'll explain some more details to you. Unwillingly#1811.

  19. *shoots u* 
    *pew pew pew*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. D4NNA


      *draws sword & charges at you to decapitate you* "Don't take it personal kid…"

    3. Adelemphii


      "Nothing personnel kid.."

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      dude i want guns

  20. Hi does anybody know if there are any active conjuration ("Life evocation") teachers? I plan on getting one of my characters to learn it, but I dont want to waste my OOC time looking for a teacher that might not exist.

    1. Adelemphii






  21. I really like this. Like, I REALLY liked this.
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