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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. yall its supposed to be like, -35 to -65 on tuesday and wednesday im gonna ******* die, the ice age is here 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bhased


      I live in canada and we're getting hit hard which is big yikes cause I have an exam tomorrow 

    3. Bluee


      b-but it says -1 on tuesday and -11 on wednesday

    4. Unwillingly
  2. yeah sorry lets not forget how much worse the orcs got it than african americans in the 50s ur right my bad
  3. ? it’s a mineman play-pretend server, man bye tho
  4. Fun? On my good LOTC forums? NO FUN ALLOWED. Get banned kiddo. ur both fucked. this was great
  5. thumb is doing better, healed the next day I did NOT break it water is not wet https://gyazo.com/2aa79093a0e79ff218b22e56d03c9ce7 you cannot see water on top of water as individual droplets you cannot dry water with a towel, but you can dry a counter top Because that counter top Is WET no and **** you
  6. AMA because why not just not answering anything I find uncomfortable e
  7. Name ((and Username)): Cyrene ((Unwillingly)) Giveaway Item #1: Spear of the Abyss Giveaway Item #2: Liver of Khurmut Giveaway Item #3: One Nose Fits All
  8. +1 on everything except the fact that players can play it at all. Just leave it to ET/LT tbh.

  10. Despite all of the horrible feedback with recent changes, there’s no signs of stopping

    this server is beginning to nosedive 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rickson


      apparently LT, WT and ET are merging into one team now as well for some reason, which I think is the worst decision made by admins in the history of this server


      but its just a rumour so idk

    3. monkeypoacher


      god that sounds terrible

      Edited by xxx
    4. Rickson


      not only with tons of ET have to drop out, but being an LT would have to become a full time unpaid job.

  11. yo can I have my own tile next map

    just for me??

    1. LeoRabbit99


      Only if you give me one

  12. remember to drink ur sleep and get 8 hours of water especially in the winter

    1. MangoArt


      Also, get 1,000-2,000 calories of exercise every day and make sure you don’t go above 2 hours of food

  13. So this is just a creative writing story type thing, and not an eventline you plan on doing?
  14. “oh **** not again,” a passing elf says, groaning.
  15. Keep in mind player events are very very restrictive. Players cant even use magic in their own events. Not to mention time travel of any kind is impossible. If you want to create your own kind of eventline, I suggest doing a lot of talking with the LT to see what is and isnt possible. See what players will like when it comes to an eventline. Talk to people, and most importantly, refrain from making yourself the main character in any way, shape, or form. Nobody likes that.
  16. If you’re interested in Satyr lore or anything like that, PM me on discord or in game idc. Trying to collect people to make a satyr rewrite.

    1. E__V__O


      Sure, PM me. Jenny Bobbs#0001

    2. Parker


      Sure, PM me. Jenny Bobbs#0001

  17. its already 2019 what is this sorcery

    1. PosidonX7
    2. Its_Just_Leap
    3. Unwillingly


      well I meant that 2018 flew by fast but timezones also work too

  18. It takes 19 IRL years for an elf to reach the age of 1000 in game, which is their max life span afaik think about that
  19. The LOTC community is dead. Its filled with mostly brainlets that can’t do emotes besides *gib minas or die* *attacks u* *throws fireball at u* 

    but im also not gonna do anything to actually fix this l0l kthxbye

    Edited by Unwillingly
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bluee


      I’m going to disagree with this as a lot of people still put in effort but okay.

    3. James


      lol it’s better to just let it degrade in quality than to actually put forth the effort required to fix it

    4. TheNanMan2000


      The problem is that when fighting on the road, CRP takes an hour or more, and during that time atleast 10 people walk-by, so CRPers need to be as quick as possible to minimize some random getting involved with combat that would realistically last seconds


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