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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. “Music to my ears.” Cyrene states upon hearing of the pact.
  2. When I first saw this I thought it was a meme submission but then I realized it was legit. If its accepted my call is that its gonna die out in less than a month tbh. Either that or we'll just get really memey rp. Like, seriously, is anybody actually expecting to get some decent rp from ******* frog men? Im sure not.
  3. Tbh magic seems like it’s everywhere. Almost everyone you meet has some sort of magic, and if you’re in a busy square while there’s a battle (sutica for example) chances are there’s gonna be at least a 102 fire evo mages, 74 arcanists, 9 dark mages, and 8 people with some enchantment on their weapon. Don’t take that seriously but you know what I mean-- it’s something that seems too easily obtainable. Another thing I wanna talk about is “voidal weakening”. Yeah, this stuff does nothing to put a mage at a disadvantage in combat since they’ll just use their magic anyways, lets be real. And not a lot of people RP it as weakening their character either. There needs to be something more than just ‘physical weakness’, something that will actually affect the mage in their day to day life and will create interesting RP. Combat magic. Yeah, there’s way too much magic that can be used in combat. One way or another, magic can be used in combat and it just makes people want to go after magic so they can be a mfing tank or w/e. The only magic I can think of that can't be used in combat is that yeu stuff. The thing I liked about mental magic was that I’ve done a lot of RP outside of combat with mental magic and it was a lot of fun, and I feel like that’s the kind of magic that we need. A magic that creates a lot of RP outside of combat and does little to help in combat.
  4. how many drugs are you on cats or dogs is water wet favorite color
  5. planning on applying to the CT in June <o/
  6. Minecraft IGN: Unwillingly Discord Username: Unwillingly#9099 Link to example(s) of past work:
  7. heartbreaking RP is an aesthetic don’t @ me 

    1. Viltaren
    2. Auriel_


      yeah you're not wrong

    3. LeoRabbit99


      I hate it @w_ill

      Edited by LeoRabbit99

  8. are there any actually interesting non-nation groups I can RP with
    no SOL Rp and what not
    im so bored

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      What’s a SOL?

    3. Bluee


      Huntsmen ?

    4. Viltaren


      no one, loser. Lotc is a SOL server only. ?

  9. Hey there, glad to see you playing again. If you wanna chat just go ahead and pm me in game ?
  10. what is this english rule im hearing about

    what happened this time

    1. saint swag

      saint swag



      Edited by _Hexe_
  11. I like this a lot, especially the scenario responses thing. Something I would suggest adding is for a player to give a description of the world LOTC is set in. I used to look at new player apps in my free time, and from time to time some people would get the completely wrong idea and think LOTC is set in modern day new york or some **** like that. Even if it has them explain the descendant races, the genre of LOTC, etc, I feel like this would help out a lot ?
  12. we gonna rock down to

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      and then we take it higher

    2. Bhased


      Top ten terrible opening sentences to a thesis on the use of the electric chair

  13. elf vs human war   ? ? ? ?

  14. I thought this would be fitting to make abt haelun’or 
    no harsh feelings tis just a meme

    Edited by w_ill
  15. ?so what r the elves up to 

  16. ‘the orcs are at it again better stay off the roads” says cyrene
  17. 5e31757d8f9e19f413fef30f9c4ba6f5.png

    I would like to thank @Nectoristfor helping me get the 3 rep I need to reach 666 

  18. what still inspires you to continue playing this server 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fireheart
    3. Potts244


      I haven’t played in over a year because my main characters family stopped playing and in the end all that kept me going was Nexus with Omar Grimmer.

    4. Bhased
  19. Cyrene blinks, before quickly calling out. “Three hundred!”
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