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Everything posted by TheCapybara

  1. Alyssa Seregon - She would be that one dude with the flute. Butler de Perra - My bit*hy butler? Would be using a trumpet.
  2. Welcome! If you need any help there are plenty of people who had offered and myself. Besides that somewhere I would honestly advise to role-play is no where (mainly like role-play at one spot the whole time). First thing you should try is to role-play at different areas and nations to learn what’s up you know? Or read form post coming from that nation to get a vibe and feel of what the nation is about and their roleplaying style. (Overall what im saying is see the options of nations and settlements as well races before choosing, you don’t have to choose one nation or race. You can role-play your character as you want to.) Anyways, besides the small Ted-Talk. Welcome to the server, @Ms. Lo Ssier My discord : silkie#1539
  3. -Ted-talk by SilkieSilky So for my current character Alyssa Seregon I would say that the song Dont You Worry ‘Bout A Thing by Tori Kelly. [Before any of you guys say yes I know it was originally by Stevie Wonder and the one Tori Kelly did is considered a cover.] The reason I picked this song for the theme for my character [For now...] is that she is very socially awkward and has a slight anxiety. She is terrified around new people and sometimes just wears a mask to keep themselves from bursting into flames. I picked this song cause it is very uplifting and I personally feel like it’s fits my character’s vibe [For now...]. But everyday she tries very hard to socialize and work over her struggles. Thank you for coming to my Ted-talk-
  4. Alyssa Seregon pulled out her quill, writing neatly to the play-write. After finishing the letter, the woman went to scroll up the paper and tie it to a dove’s talon. Then she sent it to the address of the Orenian Play-write. @Urara
  5. "Huh... interesting those Elvenesse hadn't ripped this man to shreds. Guess those tree huggers have some mercy within their courts and culture." Alyssa Seregon said to herself while drinking a small bit of her tea and being wrapped in quilts and such to keep herself warm. Then, suddenly, the young lady would then get out a quill and write out to the kind man sending such an offer. "Dear Vulln'maelu, I have sent you this to ask for teaching in one of the many voidal arts and teachings you had offer. I would prefer to be taught water evocation, as well if you do accept my plead to teach me I would be very willing to let you come into the house I live in the capital city of Haelun'or, Karinah'siol. I have personally grown and thought and searched the knowledge of the voidal, hearing of the wonders but corruption such mystery and bring." The letter would be neatly signed by the Seregon, then the Mali'aheral would walk up to her dove to scroll up the small note and wrap it up to the bird's talon. Alyssa then would send it off to the residency of the voidal mage. After all of this, the slightly socially awkward elf would roll up into a ball inside of her bed sheets to calm herself down and not faint dramatically from the nervous feeling she felt from doing this action. [silkie#1539]
  6. This is KINDA toxic (Destiny guns are KINDA toxic) #AndTheHelmetStayedOn #BeyondLight...MoreOfBeyondFuckedOrCrucibleIsFucked #MaraSov'sThiccThighs #NotSimpingForMaraSov #TitansEatCrayonsAndDrinkMarkers [If you got all of these good job! Also I kinda suck at Destiny and have not a lot of the guns so big F]
  7. The Blossom Of A New Star A painting of a dream from an unknown Mali'aheral. You have been all humbly invited to the birthday party of Alyssa Rozia Seregon. On the Amber Cold of the year of 1751, the daughter of Dele Seregon was born, and on this same day and same year she will finally turn 50 years old and be able to call herself an adult by Mali'aheral standards. The Event Rundown The theme of this lavish event shall be the night sky, such as the stars and moon, colors such as navy blue, black, white, and silver are expected for such an elegent theme. Gifts are expected as well but are not needed or required but will be kind and nice to give out. Below will be listed all of the activities during this important day. The Start 5:00 PM EST When the event starts, they will be a speech given by Alyssa Rozia Seregon. Welcoming all of the gracious and kind guest using their time to come to such a special day. Social Buzzing At this activity, the first activity will be all about socializing. All guests shall be able to socialize and take their time to get in the celebration mood of this splendid night. Dancing Among the Stars 5:30 PM EST After many hours and minutes of socializing one of the main-stream activities shall start. Guests all alike shall be able to start dancing among each other. The Most Brightest Star 6:00 PM EST The hostess shall announce once the time comes, for a costume or outfit contest! Each contestant will be called over to be judged, the winner shall be awarded with the honor of getting the first piece of cake! Let Them Eat Cake 6:30 PM EST Once the contest is over, the cake will be cut and sliced and given out to each guess! As well, if you had brought a gift, this will be the perfect time to properly give them out to Alyssa for her to open. The End 7:00 PM EST Alas, all things must come to an end, and now Alyssa is no more a girl but a woman. A speech given by the hostess, at the end of this speech the party shall be over. Sincerely From Alyssa Seregon Dele Seregon
  8. “Guess hell is all loose? Or **** starting? Eh who cares.” Says Theodosiya a Vryonov, away, free and long gone from her homeland taking the life as a wild woman in the woods. Only hunting till the end of her life.
  9. “Haelun! I’m dying my hair black to join this play!” Alyssa Seregon screamed to mother, Dele Seregon, jokingly while baking a cake. @Demented_Delila
  10. “Hm, the flamed haired Mali my Haelun introduced for me... how interesting.” Alyssa Seregon would say, preparing for her 50th birthday.
  11. What’s my zodiac! Don’t look at my profile to guess! Or I will know!
  12. "Oh sh-" Said the sister of the missing man, Leana d'Emyth would then drink her tea faster.
  13. I got a guess for mine, but you guess mine 🙂 (I like this post fighting for first with the game of thrones one) go ahead my fellow queen!
  14. Eh, Robin at least survived, which, maybe I’m wrong about him being a plane Jane but, haven’t really visited the serious since the ending..... @Shmeepicus. Anyways sorry for filling your beautiful post. +1
  15. @Shmeepicus know what I’ll take it, you gave me one of the people who survived at the end. So I guess it’s a win 🤷‍♂️ might be one of the most plan janes but, I’ll take it.
  16. Please select a character which fits me, or I am letting the dragon burn you, feed you to your own hounds, or yeet you out of the moon door, or allow the night walkers to be all evil and stuff. so what character am I oh mighty one (overall, finally someone does game of thrones! I am happy)
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