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  1. The Poor-Fellow Soldiers of Horen and the Adamantine Cathedral The Order of Saint Lucien of Savoie The Army of the Church of Canon, Soldiers of GOD Pauperes commilitones Horeni et Sanctus Lucianus Follower of the Great Creator be relieved: One day thy loyalty will be rewarded. ____________________________________________________ The Rhodesian Cross. While its origins are unknown, it is a special symbol of the Order of Saint Lucien. How to Join The Order of Saint Lucien is based in the Apostolic Kingdom of Marna’s capital city of Senntisten. Speak to an Orderman about joining or send an application addressed to the Order. Dwarves and Elves not descending from Mali’ker may join the Order of Saint Lucien if they are male. Elves must clip their ears or wear a helmet to hide their elfen characteristics. Fill out the following application. Mission The Order of Saint Lucien, a body of men whom have taken to the call of his holiness, the High Pontiff, has been reformed after centuries of inactivity in order to reform a stable and armed militant wing of the Church of Canon to both defend and enforce the tenets of the faith. As such, the Order of Saint Lucien is not an Order which responds to any secular government, thusly allowing the Order to undertake missions considered unconventional to many. Such missions include expeditions into the corrupted wastes of Iblees’ kin, the hunting of heretics/abominations, the safeguarding of the Clergy and its Missionaries, the escorting of Pilgrims to holy-sites, charitable work and to ultimately educate the masses in the word of GOD. Faith Brothers of the Order are to follow a strict format of the True Faith of the Humans. All are expected to devote themselves to the forgotten sect of Lucienism, after Saint Lucien of Savoie, the patron saint of the Order. They are hence called Lucienists. This faith protects the men of the order from punishment in the afterlife, and, when practiced, provides a sense of monastic servitude. The conservative aspects of the Lucienist ideology forces the Order to be pious representatives of their master on the soil, the High Pontiff. Many Lucienists can be seen in the halls writing books and reprinting various copies of the Holy Scrolls and Church Thesis. A Promise of Rebirth The Order of Saint Lucien, despite a mission to rid the world of heresies through physical means, is unique among all other holy orders, bearing the power to convert and forgive those who cross their way. A last plea for mercy is accepted for criminals, thieves, and heretics who look for a way out of both physical and eternal punishment. Enlistment is for life, unless deemed physically or mentally unfit to continue. In rare occasions, timed servitude can be granted, but this does not allow for one to rise up any more than that of a regular footman. Code and Tenants Tenants Though the origins of the Rhodesian Cross are unknown, it is held as a special symbol of the Order. The arms of the cross represent the four virtues which the order upholds. Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance. On those four arms are eight points. The eight points of the cross represent the eight beatitudes which which thou must preserve. • Spiritual Joy • • To Weep Over Thy Sins • • To Love Justice • • To Be Sincere And Pure Of Heart • • To Live Without Malice • • To Humble Thyself To Those Who Injure Thee • • To Be Merciful • • To Suffer Persecution • Originally named the Vandorian Order, the Order maintains a few examples of their past, such as their code of honor. Why do Vanders fight? † To fear the Creator and maintain His Church † † To serve the liege lord in valour and faith † † To refrain from the wanton giving of offence † † To live by honour and for glory † † To despise pecuniary reward † † To obey those placed in authority † † To guard the honour of fellow Vanders † † To keep faith † † To at all times to speak the truth † † To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun † † To never to refuse a challenge from an equal † † To never to turn the back upon a foe † History Ranks The Prior’s Flag Senior Command The organization of the Order is key to a strong military force that can respond at any threat to the Faith immediately. Grand Master (Grand-Maitre) Ser Rakim Yar, Knight of Justice The Grand Master of the Order and the ultimate head of Order. He wields absolute authority and has full command of the order. Though keeping most of his legislative work for his priors and council of Bailiffs, all reforms and construction papers need to pass through him. Inner Council of Bailiffs The head military council of the order and the personal advisors to the Grand Master. One must be elected by the Council of Bailiffs and approved by the Grand Master to become one of the Great Bailiffs. If a Grand Master dies then the entire Council is to be kept unless commanded by the new Grand Master. A council member, can be dismissed by the Grand Master freely in any case. Grand Commander (Grand-Commandeur) Ser Bart de Denesle, Knight of Justice The high commander of the order. He is also the main commander of the head commandery of the Order. Wielding the highest authority on the battlefield of the order, only below that of the Grand Master. The Grand Commander is an extremely skilled commander and has proven himself time and time again to be honored with such a significant position. The Head of the Council. Knight Commander (Chevaliers-Commandeur) Ser Balian Crast, Knight of Justice These men are extremely skilled knights which are required to be Knights of Justice. These men have full control over all the knights on the battlefield along with their squires and pages. As the third in command, the knight commander does have authority over the ranks of foot but should only exercise this authority in the absence of the Sergeant Major or in times of emergency. Grand Prior (Grand-Prieur) Prestor Robert “Bob” Rovin, Grand Master Emeritus The Head Priest of the Order and the head representative of the Church. He administrates the Grand Priory of Rhodos and is the senior advisor to the Grand Master. He is the head administrator to the entire order. Although he tends to not occupy himself with the affairs of the military, he is allowed to vote on military decisions to ensure the Order does not stray from the Canon in the midst of war. Sergeant Major (Master-Esquire) Sergeant Major Darwin Alers The Sergeant Major is the overseeing officer of the ranks of foot. The Sergeant Major generally ensures the day to day duties are completed by the Order. They work closely with the Grand Chancellor in keeping records up to date. The Sergeant Major dictates work to the Sergeant-at-Arms. He is the Fourth in Command of the Order of Saint Lucien. The Kaedreni Standard Low Command The lower commanders of the field and reside in the commander of the priories, these men’s duty are to lead the men of the priory to victory in battle if ever called for. These men have proven themselves worthy for such positions of honor. Knight Constable (Chevaliers Connètable) Vacant Though the term Constable is mainly associated with legal authority, the Knight Constable acts as a Lieutenant in the battlefield, only Knights of Justice can hold this office. He serves under the Knight Commander. Only two may serve as Knight Constable. Sergeant-at-Arms (Sergent en Armes) Sergeant-at-Arms Voron II Rovin Sergeant-at-Arms Dunstan Sergeant-at-Arms Alain Eastoft A Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for leading a small regiment of Lucienists under them. Sergeant-at-Arms are expected to build comradery in their regiment and lead patrols and assign work to members of their regiments. The Rhodesian Standard Ranks of Foot The Ranks of Foot make up the bulk of the Order of Saint Lucien. The higher in rank a brother is in the Order, Brother-Sergeant (Frère-Sergent) Brother Sergeants serve as subordinates to their respective Sergeant-at-Arms. Brother-Sergeants are seasoned Lucienists who have been given the responsibility of mentoring the newly oathed. Brother-Corporal (Frère-Caporal) A Brother-Corporal is a Brother who has served in the Order for no less than 5 years. Brother-at-Arms (Frère en Armes) A newly oathed member. In order for an initiate to become a brother, they must serve in the Order for at least a year as an initiate and be vouched for by two oathed members in the Order of Saint Lucien. Initiate An unsworn member of the Order of Saint Lucien. Initiates are forbidden from wearing the Lucienist Cross on their tabard until they are oathed. Initiates must wait at least a year before being oathed. Knighthood Only the best of the order can achieve knighthood. This is an extremely prestigious position. Knights are also given the authority to command any of the ranks of foot when the Sergeant Major and the Sergeant-at-Arms are not present. Note, their rank of knight generally applies to their level of knighthood in formal situations. For example, a Knight Constable of Justice. Nobles may send their sons to squire in the Order of Saint Lucien without fear of disenfranchising them from their inheritance should they become a Knight of Obedience. In rare instances, knights of other retinue are allowed to join the Order and keep their titles, though they must undergo the same oaths and are expected to provide a levy of five men to become Brothers. Knightly Ranks Knight of Justice A knight that has taken the triple vow. A holy vows that is enforced for one’s life. It consists of the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Knight of Obedience A knight of noble blood that has taken the oath of obedience. These men are sworn into service for life and a full fledged knight of the Order. They may be married. Knight of Devotion A knight that does not descend from noble blood but has taken the oath of obedience. If a Knight of Devotion has proven himself enough then they may be given the option to become a Knight of Justice. Squire From ages 12-20, a squire apprentices under a Knight of Justice and follows the same vows as a Knight of Justice until they decide on which oaths they will take upon oathing. Should a squire turn 20 and not complete his squireship, they are usually taken into the Order as a Brother with the possibility of receiving training to be an officer. Squires often serve as the equivalent of a Brother when working with the ranks of foot. Page From ages 7-12, a page a young child seeking squireship. Generally they serve the knights of the Order of Saint Lucien by delivering messages and fulfilling errands. By the time they are 12, a knight may choose to take them on as a squire. Pages may not serve as guards like Squires. _______________________________________________________________ Deus Magnus!
  2. A Red Priest invokes the All Father’s purifying flame to oust the abomination The Father’s Gift Preamble Lore OOC / Not Known Rply RP Lore Mechanics of the Father’s Gift PRAYERS AND PRAYER EFFECTS Guidelines and Redlines A Message to the Lore Team (LT)
  3. -=The Herd=- Thunderous hooves, the sound of a horn bellowing into the distance. Reaching out for miles calling for the march of the Cervitaurs from the far stretches of the realms to group up and prepare for the great migration, to ensure that nature is protected. The Herd specialises in many things such as hunting and gathering, much like primitive humans, yet communing with nature, they are a group of Deer like humanoids which see the acts of Spiritualism and the way of life as holy in all things. “Life and death comes to all” - Alikar the Wise. This guild post is a work in progress and would be updated in the future Ranks Herd leader - Ascended_gene - Alikar Shaman: Jondead - Zylan Ranger: Lily - puppetJane , Hen'sur - beingdepressed Cervitaur: Newborn: All lore related to Cervitaurs can be found here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Cervitaurs Application: Mc name: Discord or skype: Have you put up a Creatures app yet, and if so link it: Rp name: age: Role(Rank) in which you would fill:
  4. Elberu’cinhir: Adherents of the Bronze Law The Ceasing Restrained First formally organized by Asthil Haumel for the defense of Lin’ame, the idea of the Ceasing Restrained (Restrained for short) has endured for nigh on a century now. Bronze Elves are hardly warriors in the traditional sense, they do not fight for wealth, fame or grandeur -- they fight for duty, sacrifice and to protect their heritage. This is exemplified in the Code of the Elberu’cinhir written by Haumel, which lays the foundations for the physical and philosophical ideals of the Ceasing Restrained. Code of Elberu’cinhir I. All the grief that Elvenkind has endured can be attributed to either compromising the safety of the home by letting in the depraved, or the lack of self-control exhibited on part of the Elves responsible for the safety of the city. To commit an insane act is to be insane, the Restrained must protect Elven folk from violence and insanity internally or externally at any cost. The enemy is vile. The enemy is deranged and irrational. II. A lack of self-control can be cured; you counter Turmoil with Restraint. The Beru’cinhir are the embodiment of Restraint, acting to preserve the decency of Elfkind while possessing immense self-control. All Elves should aspire to thwart Turmoil and act as the Beru’cinhir do. The enemy can be conquered. To win the war within is to instill resolve in allies and dread within the enemy. III. Conflict is an indulgement, service on the field is no excuse to lose your inner strength. Restrained must not shout while fighting, to shout is to dishonor your battle brothers. Conflict is hell and there is no place for Elves who worship hell. The enemy is insidious. To lose the war within is to be defeated by the enemy. Goal The first and foremost goal of the Elberu’cinhir is to convert Elves to the orthodoxy of the Bronze Law while striving to overthrow the corrupt and inept Dominion of Malin. The second is to safeguard the Aspectist creed from the infidels who’d seek to dismantle the faith and make the Dominion a state without a formally recognized religion. Hierarchy Annilir Incumbent: Kairn of Leyulin (Veist) The leader of the Restrained charged with keeping the Bronze Law and ridding the land of turmoil. Translation: “One who Directs”. Halerir Incumbent: Elwyn of Trost The most capable soldiers make fine officers for the Restrained. They oversee enforcement of the Bronze Law and guide the troops while also serving as guards to the Annilir. Translation: “One who is Oathed”. Beru’cinhir The backbone of the military is the soldiers, or the Beru’cinhir. There would be no military without them, the footmen. Oathed Beru’cinhir are recognized as formal members of the Restrained and are afforded great respect, renowned for their talent on the battlefield and their strict adherence to Bronze Law. Sil’enaer Soldiers who are not considered formal members of the Elberu’cinhir. They can be of any race. Translation: “Guest Sword”. Initiate The untested Mali who must still prove their virtue to the Halerir or Annilir. Prospective soldiers who are still being trained and given tasks by the upper echelons of the Restrained. Application Name: ((MCname)): ((Discord ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)): Age: Are you an Elf? If not you will be considered a "Guest Sword": What skill do you possess in martial combat?: The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Sources: Mali'ito Elberun'tir Elberu'cinhir: "The Ceasing Restrained" Based on the works of PtahWithin and CosmicWhaleshark Reserved.
  5. Kōkuaʻia Name of Culture: Kōkuaʻia Introduction: to the Culture: Japanese cultures are instantly pegged as weeb memes. Viking and (Not Viking but really just Viking) cultures are overdone. And by the looks of the next map, I just know you F**cks won’t be able to help yourselves. The Hou-zi are alright. Given the fact that the Isles of Axios is a series of islands I find it odd that nobody bothered coming up with something based off of Polynesian/Hawaiian/Samoan cultures. It’s a bit late to really kick off a new culture Imo but maybe this could just end up being something people might enjoy playing on the side. Idk. The overall goal here was to combine elements of Polynesian and Native American (Broad term I know) cultures into something coherent. History: The Kōkuaʻia were born on the smaller bridges (islands) that linked Ke’kai to Ka’leele. They were born to sustain the eternal friendship between land and sea. Caring for the Earth while also giving their respects to the waters that surround it. It is here they remain even to this day out of fear of the wilder savages that inhabit the lands inland. The Kōkuaʻia keep no written records since they are an illiterate people. Rather they rely on word of mouth to keep alive the stories of those that come before them. It is believed that Oia’Kaukau took the bark of a great willow and fashioned it into a board after several nights of his dreams being filled with visions of the ocean. The elders thought him to be made as he set his flimsy piece of wood into the sea and climbed on top of it. When he was far out, just on the horizon and like a mere dot to those observing him, Oia’Kaukau stood and began to propel himself across the waves. Ke’kai was delighted by this and immediately sent forth wave after wave to test Oia’Kaukau and his resolve. After hours of balancing and floating back and forth across wave after wave Oia’kaukau was guided inward by the soft tide of the sea and greeted by the cheers and praise of his people. When asked what was the name of the simple piece of wood that he rode responded. “Ia’Pa’kui.” It floats. (More **** to come when I’m not about to pass out on my keyboard.) Language: The language here is a combination of Hawaiian and Samoan with improvisation where I found overlapping words. Orc - Tusi - Tusk Elf - Taliga - Ear Dwarf - Umi - Beard Halfling - Pupu - Short Human - Ka’Nui - The many/great Kōkuaʻia - Those who keep The - Ka It - Ia He - Oia She - Oio They - Tou Me - Iau My - Ku Their - Latou Scum, no good, general insult - Ila Her - Kana His - Lona We - Ma Our - Ko You - Oe Your - Lau I - Oau Is - O Are - E Am - Au Was - Isa Were - Osa Be - Ie This - Ke To - I Sky - Lagi Star - Fetu Sun - Laka Moon - Mahina Day - Aso Night - Po Sea - Kekai People/person - Tagaka Wolf/Dog - Luko Cat - Pusi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Could also be used for Kha.) Fish - Kaia Turtle - Laume Peace to you - Aloha’I’Oe (Greeting and farewell) Thank you - Mahalo’Oe You’re welcome - Lau’ Welina I forgive you/You’re forgiven - Oau’Kalaia Basically just separate the words with apostrophes rather than spaces. It should all look like it’s one big word. Due to how fast they speak they heavily rely on bodily gestures to get their point across. Someone saying “Mahalo’Oe.” might place both hands over their heart while doing so. (I literally wrote this in the dead of night. I get that people don’t want to actually learn a language but I want the language barrier to be a big part of Kōkuaʻia rp. None of them really should be speaking common. I’ll update this as time goes on.) Common Traits: The Kōkuaʻia universally share the same skin tones ranging from a neutral olive to a golden dark. Unless a child is born with mixed heritage there is 0% chance that they will be White like a Heartlander or Black like Farfolk. Their hair is black and is almost universally worn past the shoulders with ornaments and trinkets such as seashells decorating it. Most men have no facial hair whatsoever. Society: The Kōkuaʻia have no hierarchy and believe that the family unit is strongest above all. Important decisions are made as a collective with no single person ever having direct control over the rest. Every person of working age contributes to a wide variety of tasks from farming to building, woodcutting, weapon making, and cooking. The Kōkuaʻia believe that focusing on one field for an entire lifetime wastes an individual’s potential. However, a family may wish to wear a specific color to distinguish its members from others. (Obviously, this conflicts with nexus but who cares) Behaviour: They are an extroverted people and are very open with their emotions and their opinions. Since there is no single leader it is the duty of each individual to make their voice heard among the others no matter the conflicting opinions. They argue loudly in groups, expressing their fears, hopes, dreams, wishes. Festivities: Ka’Nui’Auau - The Great Swim Once a year every Kōkuaʻia of suitable age will wade out into the sea on top of wooden boards to test their strength and bravery. The children who have come of age (12) are the first to mount their boards and paddle out to sea. They meet Ke’kai’s tests of their strength and balance on top of his waves, riding their way across the surface of his face until they reach the adults who wait closer to shore. If they fall from their board during this process, the child will wait until the following year to try again. Once this brief ritual has been completed everyone present will paddle out as a group to have themselves tested by Ke’kai. They ride on top of their boards until everyone has either been thrown into the water or collapsed from fatigue. The Kōkuaʻia then paddle back to shore, completing an ancient ritual that unites the land to water. Ka’Tuli - The Chase Once an elven week The Kōkuaʻia will set off from their island on canoes, paddling toward the main islands closest to them. Upon reaching dry land they proceed to mount a horse from the herds that stride across the shores. To climb atop one of these beasts is an acknowledgment of a sacred bond between man and animal. The mistreatment of a horse is almost taboo as the mistreatment of a turtle. The Kōkuaʻia will then ride bareback through the plains and forests of Axios, spearing animals as they ride. Upon their return back to the sea, they will collect their kills. Clothing: The Ailona are a series of tattoos decorating every ʻOkapoʻe to document their triumphs, heritage, and failures. These tattoos are as significant as one’s own name No two individuals have the same markings. The only defining similarity between every ʻOkapoʻe is The Sea Turtle which can be found on every single individual without fail. It is the first marking awarded to youth when they complete Ka’Nui’Auau. Others may come after completing hunts, defeating enemies, or from elder family members. Because of the importance of these tattoos, The ʻOkapoʻe prefer to wear minimal clothing. Men often forgo clothing on their chest entirely and wrap their legs in loincloths of varying lengths to protect their bodies. Women, of course, wear both upper and lower clothing to keep the server rated pg-13. Architecture: Huts made of straw and wood that tend to surround a central structure that acts as a hub of food, materials, and trade. Religion: La’gini, the great sky is what always existed before even the first of the Kōkuaʻia were born. Within the womb of her belly is all things and all things are La’gini. The first of her children was La’kau. La’kau the sun and La’hina the moon are angry and resentful seeds that saw not the gift of life that La’gini blessed them with but rather viewed her as nothing more than a prison that prevented them from traveling elsewhere. Even before the birth of their younger brothers La’Kau and La’hina have struggled to escape the embrace of La’gini but she refuses to permit her children to abandon her and holds them close to her bosom whenever she feels they stray too far from her sight. Once every so often she brings both brothers into her arms at once. Ke’Kai was born next. A wild spirit that was prone to both long terms of calm as well as furious fits of vengeful anger. Ke’kai’s mind is full of creativity and wonder. He expresses such by creating creatures within the depths of his body, hidden from the destructive eye of his brother and also the caring gaze of his mother. It was only after the birth of Ka’leele that he permitted the discovery of his fish and sustained the life of his brother’s creations through the death of his own. Ka’leele is the youngest of the brothers and the jewel of his mother’s eye. Upon the day that he sprouted from La’gini’s womb his brother Ke’kai immediately wrapped him within his arms, embracing his brother so tightly that the two never separated. Ke’Kai gifted his brother with a Sea Turtle a creature treads upon both land and water. The Sea Turtle remains a symbol of fraternity, and friendship among The Kōkuaʻia. To kill one is to break the very foundation of love that unites The Kōkuaʻia. He is by far the most expressive of La’gini’s children. The hateful gaze of his brother La’kau created vast expanses of a barren earth where even Ke’kai is unable to tread. Yet Ka’keele saw this and created life within these deserts as a sign of forgiveness. Military: The Kōkuaʻia have no standing military or guard force. When they wish to destroy an enemy or defend their home they send every able-bodied man and woman to crush their foes with the full might of their people. They prefer doing so ontop the backs of horses and rarely engage in combat on foot unless absolutely necessary. (Forgive me for this incoherent mess of a post. It’s like 5 am at the time of me posting this and I’ve been working on this for hours. I’ll come back and clean it up so it looks all clean and official later.)
  6. Di'tonteel Tribe The Di'tonteel, translated from Navajo: The Fighters. They are a currently very small group of indigenous humans and wood elves, that look like Native Americans, but call themselves the Tonteel, or Tellian. They are usually taller than most humans and elves, as well as 99% have a stronger build. But they are not the most intellectual group of people. They can only speak Navajo (the Native American language) or as they call it Taza. This page will be a basic rundown of their culture, language, and basic words. At the very bottom will be an application form for becoming one of the tribe. History: Not much is known of the Di'Tonteel people, their history is small to the naked eye but if you take it back centuries you will see it is vast and wonderful. Thousands of years back, there was a large tribe of men and women, ranging up to 40,000. But there was a civil war between this community. Desolating the original tribe into four different groups. The Di'Tonteel, The L'sha, The Fmaow and Finally the Dsarsa. As the years went by only one tribe of the four survived - the Di'Tonteel. However the numbers very little, they at least had some. As people began to modernize, these people did not, they had not evolved with the cities, instead, they retreated into the forests and wildlife as they could - living happily. Centuries went by and to this day they travel the forests - and sometimes set up a base camp outside of cities or towns - living life vastly and with great joy. Many scholars predict that the reason they were able to survive was from, 'cheating' in a way. The Di'Tonteel were the lucky ones of the four as they taken the land from the original tribe where there were mines of jewels and gems. This allowed them to maintain a large supply of food and purchase tents and hunting equipment from the 'westerners' TRADITIONS: NAMES: CURRENT LEADER: ... To join you must find a Tonteel. You must ask to speak to their Chief and they will decide if you're worthy. Or: *An information leaflet flies to you through a light breeze, on it is small yet still significant information on the Di'Tonteel people, telling you who their leader is and where you can find them* ((Where you should send the birds)) [!] You can send a letter to their Chief: - More to Be added -
  7. The Wildlings Sorry, but this page is no longer being used. See the lore on the wiki for an up-to-date version! https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Wildlings
  8. Brotherhood of the Golden Lion The Brotherhood of the Golden Lion is a group of individuals marked as Xan’s Chosen- the Paladins. They all share in a goal divinely appointed by Xan and the Creator - to preSirve the Order against Chaos, and to defend the Descendants against Chaos. Each Paladin is gifted with the Boon of Xan, the Mists. The Mists, however, show themselves in different ways based upon the preference of the Paladin. These two ways are known as the Vindicators and the Wrymstalkers. Vindicators, Xan’s warriors, use their Mists for predominantly melee combat. Wrymstalkers, on the other hand, shape the Mists for the benefit of ranged combat. No matter the path, the Paladins Sirve as a united Brotherhood stalwart against Chaos. Let it be known to all who hold enmity with our Xan, the Aengul of Order and Guardianship, that the Paladin’s of Xan are active in carrying out our divinely-appointed mission within the Descendant’s realm. To any of support this divine mission, let it be known you shall have the support of the Brotherhood in all your efforts to purge the taint that blights our lands. The Maker and his chosen Divine will it, and so it shall be done! Information Application To those who wish to stand with us, we of Xan welcome you with open arms. Though it is no minor thing to pledge yourself thusly, know that all are afforded the tasks, it is only upon your willpower that you persevere. Seek out those Masters mentioned, or send a bird to the High Paladin with your name, gender, age, and a little about why you wish to commit yourself to this holy path. Name: (( MCName: )) ((Discord/Skype: )) Race: (( Timezone: )) Write a little about why it is you wish to serve the Aengul of Order: ((Lore Links)) Paladin Guide: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163916-updated-paladin-guide/ Xan, Aengul of Order, Lord of Guardianship, Patron of the Brotherhood of the Golden Lion: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150744-xan-the-herald-of-order-aengul/ Revival of Xan: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150737-the-revival-of-xan/ Asura’s Demise: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/145789-a-gods-descent-the-capturing-of-asura/ Magic Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150981-%E2%9C%93-the-herald-of-order-the-mists-of-xan-re-write/ Sunspear Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/147954-mists-of-xan-hunters-of-dragonkin/ Limbs of Light: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/139493-mists-of-xan-addition-limbs-of-light/#comment-1317532 The Effects of Disconnection: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/135576-the-effects-of-disconnection/
  9. *Posters hung in back alleys and slums* The Stormskull Thieves Guild The Stormskull thieves are a small group of pickpocket heisters that want to work in unison to make the most of their professional ability. Join me and we'll steal from the dirty rich that prod and fester the cities with their high-value coats and glistening earrings. We will soon have an operation base - hidden to the normal eye, here we will meet and discuss our next moves. Join us now for a chance to prove yourself more than a dirty pick-pocket, join us and prove yourself to be a smart pick-pocket. If you decide to join - we will meet and I will decide if you are fit to join the Stormskulls. (Reply with) Recruitment Form: IGN: IRP NAME: ROLE: [Pickpocket/Organiser/Heister/Alloftheabove/]
  10. Guest

    Daelish Culture

    -= The Daelish =- The Daelish people are a subculture of the Highlander race, they are much more brutish and “less developed” than the majority of Highlanders. Preferring town life to that of city life like others. They are distinguishable by their unique and stark clothing compared to others. The Daelish males don a kilt representing their clans tartan while the females wear their clans tartan as other accessories such as a shawl, hat or leggings. Clan Life Clan life is an important part of the Daelish culture, Daelish are either born into a clan or adopted by a clan at a later stage in their life. Clans enforce a competitive atmosphere within the Daelish. Each clan striving to be better than the next, many activities are done within your clan and clan brawls are a common occurrence to occur to show a clan's strength over the other. Each clan teaches its members to do certain things in specific, something which the clan focuses on. This could be mining, woodcutting or anything really. This way if clans are unified in a society then they can be self sufficient without having to rely on others and outsiders to source them materials, work or help. The current known Daelish clans which are unified under the Cyning Callan Gromach: Clan Gromach - The current leading clan, lead by Callan Gromach who unified the Daelish clans all under him. The clan rarely adopt anyone into their ranks, only furthering their clan by births. Their side-focus is on mining, with of course their main role being to lead and continue to unify and improve the Daelish and their standing in Tahn. Clan Ferguson - Ferguson is a clan that is responsible for feeding and keeping a constant flow of minas into the society. It is a fairly old clan filled with competent traders and farmers. Clan Guthrie - Clan Guthrie is a relatively new clan compared to the rest, being recently birthed by a strong daelishman. Their focus is on a variety of things: Tinkering, Fishing and Woodcutting. They are some of the more intelligent Daelish and have recently been tasked with creating the mechanisms scattered across their towns to slow attacks from raiders. Clan Drummond - Clan Drummond is one of the oldest existing clans and its primary focus is on mining and smithing, providing ores and equipment to the Daelish. However, one thing different about this clan is they have a duo leadership which is maintained by a sister and brother of the clan. Music The well-known bagpipe music is a core part of Daelish culture. It's famous for it's extraordinary sounds that many hate or love. Aside from their bagpipes, the Daelish aren't great fans of other forms of music, never really learning any other music or partaking in other forms of music other than their traditional bagpipe music. Religion The Daelish are open to any religion, with some being of the usual canonist faith, however a good majority have formed under the Cantyrist faith as Cathal of the Daeland has created the faith and preached it to their society, converting many. The Cantyrist Faith believes that The Creator is a enigmatic craftsman of life, going under many aliases and titles troughout culture, Cantyrism believes that The Creator does not directly intervene but instead grant mortals the ability to manipulate and change the world around them. The Cantyrist church thrives off conflict and competition. It believes that the mortal races are at their best when they are in competition of one and another. The Clergy of the Cantyrist Church are known as warrior priests, they are expected to wear armor, and fight in wars like the soldiers they represent. It holds a religious importance for the concept of War, battle, and honor. Teaching that men and women need to fight to keep what is theirs and that actions speak louder than words. Voidal magic is allowed by the church, with the exception being Illusion, which is frowned upon. The Clergy are structured like a military instead of a religious order, with rank determined by merit and ability on the battlefield as well as religious piety. Instead of venerating and strictly following the Holy Scrolls of Canonism, the Cantyrist Church has their own sacred book simply titled "The Book of Trials". Which details the eight Tenets of Cantyrism and their importance, as well as the accomplishments of mortals. The book venerates mortal willpower and their ability to change history around them, with every member of the Clergy given a copy of the book, in order to add more legends and heroes to the growing chapters of the Book of Trials. Government The government of the Daelish is kept rather simple, with only a handful of ranks within the government being on offer. These are: Cyning - The Cyning is the leader of the Daelish, they have the most authority out of everyone in the Daelish and the cyning is the one to make the most important decisions and is the one to appoint other members of the government. Ealdormen - The Ealdormen is a council that doesn't have a fixed number, it can range anywhere between 2 to 5 people. They are advisors who the Cyning confides in and gets their opinion. Some cynings have been known to use a voting system with their Ealdormen to pass certain decisions. Gesith - A Gesith is a personal assistant of a Cyning or Ealdormen, whether their assistance being in advisory, guarding or cooking. They tend to be very good at their role in assisting the person in question. Earl - An Earl is a landholder within the Daelish lands, they normally hold a large portion of land and/or have Thegns underneath him. Thegn - A Thegn is a landholder within the Daelish lands, they normally have a small portion of land. The current holdings within the Daeland are as followed: -Ponce Ponce is a small town located west of Metz, it is currently owned by the Flays after their campaign against Lorraine years ago. Where they managed to succeed and claim all lands owned by Lorraine that are west of their capital, Metz. The town has been expanded greatly under Daelish leadership to suit for all its populace, it has become a good attraction to many as they seem intrigued by the Daelish and their different personality.
  11. ♫ “In the days of yore, when Aegis yet hosted descendant life, there existed two, ancient towers, whose names were Aemon and Daemon. It is said that therein, the race of dragons made covenant with the race of Man. The god Dragur - whose very breath animated stone into life, birthing dragons - so fancied Men, admiring their indomitable wills and capacity for genius. His children, the Dragaar were bestowed unto Man as guardians, forever sworn to safeguard the nascent sons of Horen. It is rumored that this covenant is accredited to Horen’s adoption of a black dragon as his personal standard.” - On Men and Dragons, alleged records of an Aegisian Scribe The Azdrazi are the ancient scions of the Aegisian Knights who pledged themselves to the chieftain of dragons. Theirs is a path of sworn devotion, both in spirit and body. Enamored with the grandeur of Dragur’s children, the progenitors of the order strove to be like their idols in every way. Donning scaled armor, they dressed like their gods. Ascending the highest mountains, they took to the skies like their gods. Wielding fire, they fought like their gods. The greatest of the dragons, Azdromoth - who so honored the covenant between Horen and Dragur - bestowed the gift of dragonflame unto the souls of the aspirants in return for eternal, leal service. Beneath the wings of their lord, the ancient Azdrazi - as named for their master - erected great bastions of dragon worship. Their feats were without rival. The Azdrazi, in all their might, were without means to reproduce. Their seed sowed life as it was before their transformation. Their scions were without the dragonflame they so cherished. Dragon worship yet persisted for aeons, passed down by hopeful, but fruitless, aspirants. Their worship yielded naught. Azdromoth’s defeat at the hands of Eshtael damned them to a slow demise. The greatest were petrified, buried with their master. The weakest died alone, crumbling into ash. The Azdrazi of old were requited naught by the years. They were never again to feel the warmth of fire without the presence of their ancient, imprisoned master. The Tribulations of Ascendance The Tribulations are a set of trials in which every potential Azdrazi endures. They form the very heart of their culture, a culture based upon overcoming adversities to the betterment of oneself. The tribulations are said to have been instituted in honor of Azdromoth according to the more senior and wizened of their kin. It is told that in eons past, their father traveled the world carried by ivory wings and an implacable thirst for knowledge and wisdom on all things, undertaking numerous feats of body and mind alike as testaments to his prestige. Thus did his children, the Azdrazi, follow in his stead. To lose one’s humanity to the process of Transference is a harrowing ordeal and to this day only the strongest and most competent of aspirants survive to undergo the process. When an aspirant seeking to be brought into the fold of Azdromoth’s brood makes their intentions known, they are brought before a gathering of the Azdrazi. There, they must ‘sell’ their qualities to the assembly, who might deign whether or not the aspirant is worthy of their time and may begin their trials. In order to be accepted and taken into the fold, the Aspirant must be sponsored by two Azdrazi who shall vouch for and endorse the person’s potential as an aspirant. This is typically done mid-assembly. After the conditions of sponsorship are met, the aspirant shall be given to one of their sponsors who will oversee their progress and guide them on the Tribulations of Ascendance as their designated mentor. Once they are officially taken under the wing of an Azdrazi, they are required to inhibit Tor Azdraeth for the duration of their trials.The Tribulations consist of six trials which an aspirant is required to complete. Failure in any one of these trials is likely to result in the death of the aspirant or their banishment from the grounds of Tor Azdraeth. Customs In emulation of their master and forebear, the Azdrazi have taken on a number of customs and tradition which they call their own. The Immaculate Blade The Immaculate Blade is a title that has for long shaped the fortunes of the Azdrazi. The rise and fall of these draconic champions can most always be accredited to the Blade. Theirs is a sacred charge bestowed unto them by Azdromoth himself. The Immaculate Blade serves as the Warden of the Azdrazi, a lofty honor of which few are worthy, overseeing both creation and destruction of fledgling Azdrazi. They tend to the flock of Azdromoth, watching over the Tribulations of Ascendance and safeguarding the secrets of their order. It is the Immaculate Blade who doles out punishment for those who have wronged their kind, wielding the feared ability to sever the inner-flame of Azdrazi and inflict permanent death upon his kin. Draconic Names When an Aspirant is deemed worthy to undergo the Transference after completing the Tribulations of Ascendance, it is required of them to take on a new name. The Azdrazi, regardless of their origin, inevitability lose much of their persona - their humanity, as it were, once they take on the boon of Azdromoth’s covenant. It was the belief of the ancient elders of the Azdrazi that taking on a name born of the draconic tongue would signify the death of their old self and final ascendance into their new state of being. It is a practice that carries into the modern day, tying in with the sixth and final tribulation. Chronicles Knowledge is sacred to all dragonkin and Azdrazi are no exception to this. It is said that one of the first Azdrazi was so obsessed with preserving a record of his feats and wisdom that he carved an account of his life onto the walls of a great cavern in the underbelly of Azdromoth’s fortress. As time went on, many of his brothers began to emulate him by carving their own murals into the cavern walls, depicting how they lived and their many accomplishments. So engrossed were some Azdrazi in this form of preserving histories that they would take up hammer and chisel, dedicating themselves to the art of sculpting what they would call chronicles to ensure that their stories would not go untold and went on to spread this practice to the far-flung strongholds of their kin across Aegis. It is continued into the modern era with the inhabitants of Tor Azdraeth preserving the ancient murals and adding their own within the repository. Hoarding The process of Transference imparts a great many qualities onto the Azdrazi, making them closer in likeness and in mind to the Dragaar than to mortal men. These draconic champions emulate their creator in a number of ways, and one of these is an inborn desire to maintain a hoard. As greater dragonkin would keep vast hoards of material wealth or knowledge, so too do the Azdrazi strive to accumulate collections of oddities to augment their pride. While it is not uncommon to keep hoards of treasure, most Azdrazi cherish items of relevance to their past life; a soldier might collect trophies of conflicts long-past while, on the other hand, someone who was a tailor would amass something as mundane as textiles. It is subjective to the individual as no two Azdrazi are the same. It is customary that when Azdrazi answer the call to summons by the Immaculate Blade, they will bring with them an item from their hoard to deposit into the repository beneath Tor Azdraeth. Weaponry The warrior culture of the Azdrazi breeds a certain reverence for their weapons. They are extensions of themselves, both literally and figuratively. Once an Azdrazi has undergone the Transference, they forge their blade of burnsteel in a ritualistic process where their own blood is mixed into the molten ore to impart upon it special properties, after which it is tempered through Dragonfire. For an Azdrazi to be stripped of their weapon is one of the greatest dishonors they can face and is employed as a punishment for those who overstep their boundaries. The Immaculate Blade may at any time demand the sword of an Azdrazi. Those who refuse would blaspheme, warranting their execution and the destruction of their chronicle. Beliefs Chief among these is their reverence for the befouled scion of dragonkind - to others, Azdromoth is a herald of apocalypse; god-eater, defiler. Yet, the Azdrazi do not see him only for the warped creature that he has become and never has their love for their father diminished. His path is a misguided one and ever are his children earnest in their desire to set him free from the weight placed upon his shoulders - to disenthrall him of the Betrayer’s chains. They call him First Born, Giver of Flame, Father of Giants, Lord of the Sky and Protector of the Faithful and his is a majesty is deserving of praise. While the Azdrazi do not necessarily adhere to any one faith, they venerate the memory of their patron, echoes of a time where he held the world upright upon his ivory wings. As the scion of a noble bloodline of man would honor the name of their forebear, so too do the Azdrazi honor their father from whose covenant they are born. For the Azdrazi, death is not lasting. From their covenant with Azdromoth, they are blessed with eternal life. Yet the cycle of ascension comes to an end always, and it is inevitable that an Azdrazi will perish in time - be it by their own hands or by forces greater than themselves. They do not view death as a tragedy worthy of mourning and grief and instead exalt those who have perished in service to the greater good. It is taught by the scions of Azdromoth that when one of their own returns to the earth, their dragonflame endures becoming as starlight, illuminating the night sky whilst their spirit passes on into the halls of Dragur. These distant embers are cataloged by the Azdrazi who attribute many of the constellations to fallen champions of their order, using them as a means to teach their folklore and immortalize the valor of these fallen heroes. Mortal man is viewed in the opposite, however. Unlike the Azdrazi who meticulously catalog their experience so that future generations might reap the boon of their wealth of knowledge, the human mind is nascent and snuffed out ever too quickly by the Deceiver’s curse, leaving much wisdom lost to the ages. So too are fallen mortals honored by the Azdrazi, especially those slain by their hand. They will take the corpse of the fallen with all their possessions and engulf them in dragonfire. It is a common belief amongst Dragonkin that their inner fire signifies purity, thus they effectively cleanse the deceased of their impurities and herald their ascension into the afterlife. It is not uncommon for the ashes of exceptional men to be kept and held by the Azdrazi in urns engraved with a recollection of their most notable deeds. Credit to Pooryeb for the introduction and both Freema and Archangel_Avacyn for ideas
  12. -={Origin & History}=- The Grandaxe clan was founded by one of the sons of Urguan, Bogrin Grandaxe who gathered his family and his followers to the northern ranges of Aegis. The clan participated in the politics of Khaz’Urguan from a distance, and when Velkan Ironborn rose to power and formed the Empire of Khorvad, the Grandaxes joined in Simppa’s rebellion against the Ironborn rule. When Simppa marched on the Ironborn, the Grandaxes followed suit alongside the Frostbeards and Ironguts and vanquished the Ironborn. Thus the Kingdom of Urguan was restored and the Grandaxes stood by it. A tragedy would soon befall the clan however, as the new King Grimlie declares war on the human Kingdom of Oren, the clan descends into disagreement. The Clan Father, Thrain Grandaxe wanted the clan to support the Kingdom in its war effort however his brother; Decks Grandaxe opposed the war and was banished from the Kingdom. Decks now disgraced took his brothers Gulik and Grady and their children and moved into Kal’Domhain, one of the old Grandaxe holds. With the clan split in two, Thrain Grandaxe and his brothers Rhakun and Gilneas named themselves the “Braveaxe Clan” to show their loyalty to the Kingdom while Decks and his followers became the “Blackaxe Clan” a name meant to bring disgrace but was accepted by them. Many years had passed, eventually Decks passed away and his son Bazian Blackaxe became the leader of his clan. Bazian, tired of the grudges between their kin brought the Blackaxes back to Kal’Urguan to live with the rest of their kin. At this time the King was Gotrek Firemane, known to frequently travel and be absent of his people. Thorik Braveaxe, son of Thrain was disgusted by the status of the Kingdom and couped Gotrek from power, taking up the mantle of King himself with support from both the Braveaxes and the Blackaxes. Thorik formed the Grand council out of his supporters Chaecus Braveaxe, Stronghold Braveaxe, Broski Braveaxe, and Valen Blackaxe. The Grandaxe councilors do much for the Kingdom, protecting Urguan in the Great War of Aegis and defeating the Elven-Orcish alliance and later conquering Alras in the Dwarf-Alras war. The Undead of Aegis had begun to further their foothold, forcing the people of Aegis to convene against them. Champions were sent by the four descendants into the Nether to try and destroy it, from the dwarves was Kjell Ireheart, Urir Ireheart, and Valen Blackaxe. At the cost of Urir’s life the attempt was a success, however it was short lived when the Undead overran Kal’Urguan and the other nations, forcing them to flee to the land of Asuloun. In Asuloun Thorik continues to rule the Kingdom until he is supposedly assassinated, the title of King falling to Broski Braveaxe, then Stronghold Braveaxe before finally falling to Kjell Ireheart. With Thorik’s kingdom in shambles and the dwarves in a state of decline Bazian Blackaxe calls the Blackaxes and the Braveaxes together to unite back into the Grandaxe Clan. Both clans agree and the Grandaxes are made whole once more. With Kjell’s new Kingdom, the Grandaxe clan founded Kal’Anart on the northern border of the Dwarven lands, defending them against the Orcs not far from their hold. The Kingdom had now been made up of a great expanse of land, including the Irongut hold of Kal’Dwain, the Grandaxes in Kal’Anart, the Goldhands in Kal’Alras and the Irehearts in Mount Ire and Kal’Mugdor. Under this system the Empire of Urguan was founded, the lords of each hold becoming the council below Emperor Kjell to assist him in managing the Empire. The Orcs attack the Kingdom, and enjoy initial success but are pushed back into the north by the dwarven armies before they are able to conquer any major dwarven holds. The clan continued to live in Kal’Anart through the end of Kjell’s and into Hiebe Irongut’s reign and until the destruction of Asuloun, where they fled to Elysium. As the opportunity to avenge the death of their former King, Thorik Braveaxe arose Valen Grandaxe marched the Grandaxe Clan in full force into the hold of his killers, but found something they did not expect. Under the possession of an ancient evil, Thorik still lived and with the Hammer of Urguan, was freed from the prison of his own mind from Ondnarch, the bringer of the silent cold. The return of the old Grand King had dwarves of all clans and creed rally beneath him as he claimed his right to the throne. With the backing of the Grandaxe Clan, Thorik Grandaxe was once again crowned Grand King of the newly formed Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Thorik started restoring the Grand Kingdom with the Treaty of Aturial, forging an alliance with Emperor Godfrey and the Holy Oren Empire, it was his hope that peace would soon ensue. Thorik also wrote the Articles of Urguan, a constitution to govern the Grand Kingdom with Valen Grandaxe, Bazian Grandaxe. After the articles were finished Thorik stepped down and Omithiel Strongbrow took to the throne. After discovering the path to Anthos, the clan set sail with the dwarves and lived within Kal’Azgoth, the new dwarven city. In Kal’Azgoth Omithiel ruled until he decided to step down, allowing Thorin Grandaxe, a skillful Legion Commander, to become Grand King. When a dwarven lord was killed by the White Rose on the way to Kal’Azgoth, Thorin grew furious and broke the pact with Oren and declared war. The dwarven Legion marched north and met the Orenian army on the battlefield at the Nation’s Crossing, but was pushed back after a flank from the west. Despite the victory, many Orenians decided to leave Anthos for another land, allowing Thorin to pressure many of the human lords into submission and conquering the rest. With the Orenian lands beneath Thorin he divided up the former Empire into individual kingdoms and named himself the Emperor of Urguan, forming the second empire in dwarven history. The clan had little time to enjoy the victory however, as the deaths of Valen Grandaxe and later Thorik Grandaxe left the clan with little leadership outside of Thorin himself. But even then the clan did not have time between its grief, as Thorin Grandaxe himself is slain by Ondnarch, releasing the conquered kingdoms. The clan fell through the leadership of several dwarves with little time in between until falling to Fimlin Grandaxe. Fimlin obtained the position in the midst of the Orenian invasion of Urguan, and urgently called for his clanmates to return and fight against the invaders. Fimlin was largely successful, reviving the clan and bringing it back into an integral part of dwarven politics after both he and his brother Fili Grandaxe earned spots on the King’s council. After the war had ended with the Grand Kingdom successfully repelling the invaders in The Battle of Indagolaf the clan began to further come back to life, and was able to see Wulfgar Grandaxe onto the throne after the death of Indago Stormhammer who had ruled during the war. Wulfgar not only began to rebuild the Grand Kingdom post-war he also helped the clan further gain back its power by promoting Fimlin Grandaxe to the Lord’s Council. The clan continued to grow in numbers and when Anthos fell it followed the Grand Kingdom into Kal’Arkon until eventually moving on to Athera. In Athera, Midgor Ireheart the son of Kjell Ireheart was Grand King, ruling from the mountain city of Kal’Agnar. Early on, the Grandaxes and the Ironguts moved into the north of Athera, founding Hiebenhall and Kal’Akyth respectively. Midgor was not pleased at the leaving dwarves and threatened action, thus when the time arose the council removed Midgor from Kingship. In his place Fimlin Grandaxe was elected and the Grandaxes returned to Kal’Agnar with Fili Grandaxe as the Clan Father. Fimlin ruled the Grand Kingdom when Khaz’Urguan was rediscovered, and the Undead released back into the world. With the return of the Undead, a remnant of the ancient Ironborn clan waited for an opportunity to invade Kal’Agnar, and found that opportunity when the Starbreaker clan rebelled from the “Underkingdom.” The Ironborn with the backing of the Starbreakers and the Undead launched an invasion on Kal’Agnar and overran the dwarven Legion, forcing the remaining dwarves to retreat to Hiebenhall. The clan took many losses in the invasion but continued to persevere with the rest of the dwarves in Hiebenhall until the dwarven armies rallied up to retake the Grand Kingdom and were able to successfully do so despite the fortifications in their way. Fimlin then tried to rebuild the Grand Kingdom after the war, commissioning the construction of Kal’Karaad but was removed by the council before it was finished. The clan then held an ongoing distrust for the council and its deeds, believing it to be corrupt and against the dwarven interests. The Grandaxes, disheartened with the politics of the Kingdom founded Kal’Bogrin north of Hiebenhall for the clan to reside in. Zahrer Irongrinder was elected Grand King and tried to re-establish the Lord’s Council of Anthos but the motion was rejected by the Grandaxe and Frostbeard clans. Furious the Grand King removed the Frostbeards from their power and replaced them with the Doomforged who voted in favor of the council. The new Lord’s Council was made up of its supporters which further angered the Grandaxes, who were then the largest clan in the Kingdom. After an incident with Zahrer’s elven concubine, the Lord’s Council wished to banish the Grandaxes from the Kingdom. When Zahrer refused, the council removed him from Kingship but the Grandaxes had already abandoned Kal’Karaad and moved into Kal’Bogrin. The Grandaxes declared their independence but soon came under immediate threat from the Kingdom of Oren, which marched on Hiebenhall. The Grandaxes vowed to defend Hiebenhall despite the council, and eventually with a majority of dwarves dissenting against the council the Lords were expelled from the Grand Kingdom and the land given over to the Grandaxes. The Grandaxes then without hesitation gave the lands to the elected Grand King Hodir Doomforged and marched south to defend Hiebenhall. The Orenian army, surprised to find a united dwarven army was repelled. The initial victory was soon lost as the dwarven Siege of Drakenburgh failed and the Orenian army given time to recooperate. With a renewed offensive, the Orenian army attacked Kal’Bogrin and captured the hold, which had luckily been evacuated after being warned. Hiebenhall too was captured, at night by a squadron of Orenians while the Legion was fighting in an ancient hall. With the war lost, the Grandaxes moved south of Kal’Karaad in the foothills where Kal’Eknar was founded. Peace would not last long however, as Vrograk’Gorkil became the new Orcish Rex he warred on the dwarves and besieged Kal’Eknar. Although the Orcish horde initially dominated the dwarves, the garrison at Kal’Eknar was able to charge out and cut down the Orcs while they were unexpecting. The Grandaxes, hoping to protect their kin from further tragedy helped form a Mountain Blood-Pact between the Grandaxe, Frostbeard, and Ireheart clans. They continued living in Kal’Eknar until Athera fell and the dwarves forced to move on to Vailor. In Vailor, the Grandaxes established a hold on the Isle of Avar, named Kal’Valen after their renowned ancestor. The Grandaxes formed a vanguard against a potential invasion from Orenian forces, as Avar was a large island between the sea separating the two Kingdoms. Fili Grandaxe went missing and Fimlin Grandaxe became the Clan Father. This issue was used as an excuse for the Frostbeard clan to break the pact, dishonoring the clan greatly and setting a grudge on the Frostbeards. When Skippy Irongut was elected Grand King against his opposition; Verthaik Frostbeard, the Frostbeard clan rebelled and tried to forcefully take the throne. The Grandaxes stood by the Grand King, still angered by the broken pact and the rebellion was defeated. The Grandaxe clan continued living in Kal’Valen when the Eighteen Year’s War broke out between the Dwarves and Oren. The Grandaxes rallied to defend their kin, losing the Battle of Rhewengrad but repelling the armies in the subsequent Battle of Khro’Nagaak. The Rurics, a house of northern humans living on Avar rebelled against the Grandaxes and vassalized under Oren. Launching a new offensive the Orenian army sailed to Avar and broke the Dwarven naval blockade of Seahelm, home of the Rurics. The Orenians then moved on to besiege the fort of Jarnstrand before moving onto Kal’Valen itself. The defence of Kal’Valen was valiant and nearly broke the Orenians however after a lengthy siege the Grandaxes had lost their hold. The clan had suffered great losses, of land and of kin but continued to fight in the Battle of Kal’Ordholm where the war finally ended with a successful dwarven defence. Today the Grandaxes reside in Kal’Omith in northern Axios alongside the rest of the dwarves. -=- -={Notable Clansdwarves}=- Thorik Grandaxe “King of Kings” Grand King of Urguan in Aegis and Asulon where he established dwarven military dominance, leading the dwarves through the Great War of Aegis. He later founded the first of the modern Grand Kingdoms of Urguan in Elysium & Kalos becoming the First Grand King of Urguan, earning himself the title “King of Kings” for which he became the Paragon of Kings. Valen Grandaxe “The Wordsmith” Revered lord of the Grandaxes that helped found the Legion in Aegis and assisted the Grand Kingdom of Urguan in matters of politics and diplomacy for nearly his entire life and helping write the first Articles of Urguan. Valen was also one of the three champions of the dwarves to venture into the Nether when Aegis fell. His death in Anthos prompted him to become a Paragon after his lifelong service to the dwarves had ended. Bazian Grandaxe A long-time Clan Lord of the Grandaxes since their re-joining in Asuloun and Clan Lord of the Blackaxes beforehand. Bazian was the face of the Grandaxe clan during Asulon in Kal’Anart and until in Anthos where he retired; he is still alive today, being one of the oldest dwarves alive. Bazian’s longtime service to the Grandaxes and dwarves earns himself respect and reverence within the clan and all dwarves. Thorin Grandaxe “The Great” Renowned Grand King of the Dwarves in Anthos where in the first Dwarf-Oren war he conquered the human lands and made them his vassals. Thorin was known for being a very skillful leader in battle and in politics which allowed him to conquer Oren despite the initial loss in the war that was named after him; “Thorin’s War.” Fimlin Grandaxe “The Just” The face of the Grandaxes from Anthos to present day Fimlin revived the Grandaxe clan during its decline in Anthos and brought it back to the forefront of dwarven politics. Fimlin also served as Grand King during Athera, leading the dwarves through the release of the Undead back into the world and the Ironborn Invasion. Fimlin Grandaxe is mostly known for his longevity in working with the Grand Kingdom and ruling the Grandaxe Clan; he is still alive to this day. Fili Grandaxe A Notable dwarven figure from the Grandaxes since Anthos, Fili’s longtime service in the Legion and in dwarven government earned him his respect. During the Exodus to Kal’Bogrin in Athera Fili guided the clan into retaking the Grand Kingdom of Urguan for the greater population and expelling the Lord’s Council. Jorik Grandaxe Grand Marshal of the Grand Kingdom in the Frostbeard Rebellion, the 18 Years War and the war that ended Oren. His ability to amass numbers for the dwarven Legion and lead them into battle gave the Grand Kingdom back its military dominance. -=- -={Traditions & Values}=- Honor A Grandaxe will defend his honor with his life, and will demand the same of other dwarves. Grandaxes do not steal or harm other dwarves as it is considered highly dishonorable and nearly unforgivable. They also hold to their word and hold blood pacts in high regard, and will never break them. The Dishonored Grandaxes believe in honor being above all except the Brathmordakin, so when a clanmate becomes dishonorable it is a grievance to the clan. However Grandaxes believe that the Dishonored must redeem themselves so that they can be let into society once more. Yemekar's Balance The Grandaxes are staunch believers in Yemekar's Balance, meaning to maintain a world where the four races are independent and no nation is too overreaching and too imperialist to break this balance. Should one nation attempt to exterminate one of the races from the realm then that is a clear breach of Yemekar's Balance. Such a situation upsets Grandaxes, who take pride in the world as a place where there is great diversity and an endless amount of discovery. Dwarven Unity Grandaxes have strived to maintain dwarven unity, but also have oftentimes attempted to move further away. Grandaxes had historically established their separate holds many times throughout the ages, however after the Fall of Avar, the enthusiasm and drive over making holds collapsed. Afterwards Grandaxes understood the need for unity far better and no longer desired to separate as much as they had before. Additionally Grandaxes believe actions such as rebellion are dishonorable and thus take them very seriously. The last Grandaxe rebellion in Kal'Bogrin was bloodless and the clan promised to help the Grand Kingdom against Oren. Though the favor wasn't expected to be returned. Patron Brathmordakin Dungrimm Dungrimm, the Brathmordakin of war and death is the primary patron of the Grandaxes due to his affinity for valour and glory in war. Young Grandaxes especially choose Dungrimm as their patron, and hope for greatness in battle. Ogradhad Ogradhad, the Brathmordakin of knowledge is the second patron of the Grandaxes, and is usually worshiped more fervently by the politicians and the diplomats of the clan. Nobles of the clan frequently go to Ogradhad for guidance in matters involving politics, and thus is more popular among the older members of the clan. -=- -={Bloodlines}=- The Braveaxe Line Dwarves of the Braveaxe line are characterised by their red hair and blue eyes, with rare cases of green. Their personalities tend to be more peaceful and diplomatic than kin outside their bloodline. Most notably, Thorik Grandaxe belonged to this bloodline. The Blackaxe Line Dwarves of the Blackaxe line are characterized by their red hair and their distinct brown eyes that have come as a result of breeding with other mountain dwarf families. In the old days, these dwarves became infamous for their raids upon settlements who were deemed to have broken their strict code of honour. Mostly notably, the brothers Bazian Grandaxe and Valen Grandaxe belonged to this bloodline. The Grimaxe Line Dwarves of the Grimaxe line are unique amongst the Grandaxes in that they tend to have brown hair and brown eyes. Many are also shorter in stature than most mountain dwarves, due to breeding with other dwarven families. They are the youngest branch of the clan and have much to prove to the rest of their kin. Most notably, Thorin Grandaxe belonged to this bloodline. -=- -={Occupation}=- Most Grandaxes join the dwarven Legion at a young age, and are often taught diplomacy and politics as well, usually becoming key politicians in the Dwarven Kingdom. Grandaxes are known to be the woodworkers and lumberjacks of the dwarves, as most clans typically are miners and blacksmiths. Additionally many Grandaxes chose to be Leatherworkers and Breeders, and are known to produce well-made furs. Grandaxes in Blacksmithing are different than most clans, they favor lighter weights and axes over hammers and swords. Grandaxes usually are focused on chainmail armor and fur for most situations, but during battles and sieges Grandaxes usually wear their notorious Black Plate armor (Khoroklad). -=- -={Clothing and Appearance}=- Most Grandaxes wear chainmail and fur on a casual basis, and wear heavier armor such as the Khoroklad during lengthy battles. Grandaxes usually have a light skin tone, contrary to most cave dwarven clans. Members of the Grandaxe bloodline, specifically the Braveaxe and Blackaxe lines have fiery hair with various hues of red and orange. This comes with one exception called the Grimaxe bloodline, of which they have darker brown hair. Most clansdwarves have brown or blue eyes although some Grimaxes are known to have had grey or green eyes as well. Grandaxes just like all Mountain dwarves are slightly taller than their cave dwarf kin, making it easier to hike up mountains. Many Grandaxes keep more ragged beards, although some keep it trimmed Grandaxes do not put excessive decoration in gold and gems in their beard unlike their cave dwarven kin. -=- -={Weapons, Armor, and Mounts}=- The War-axe Grandaxes use all forms of dwarven weaponry however all Grandaxes are trained with use of the war-axe. Waraxes are the typical weapon of choice for Grandaxes and they are often heavily decorated in runes and various inscriptions. The Ordaz (Hammaxe) The Ordaz or the Hammaxe is a dwarven war-axe with a flat hammerhead on the opposite side of the axe-head. The Ordaz is typically used in engagements that are close-quarters. The Ordaz are also moderately heavier than a war-axe because of the need to balance out the weight of the hammerhead on the other side. Khorok-Klad (Darkclad) Originally forged by a Grandaxe of the Blackaxe line Khoroklad armor is thick plate armor forged from black ferrum alloy and often underlaid with chainmail and leather undercoats. Khoroklad armor is noticeable by its dark complexion and sometimes has the symbol of a double-headed axe on the chest. Azlann (High Ram) Grandaxes unlike other dwarves have a tradition of taming and riding goats as opposed to boars and direwolves. The breed of “Azlann” or High Ram is a species of rams that live in the mountains of the dwarven lands that have distinctly long horns that curve steadily towards the back of their head. The Azlann typically dwell at the highest inhabitable points in mountains and are skilled climbers, making transportation across mountain ranges easier with this breed. Although useful Azlann have never been used in battle, and are very unbeknownst to most dwarves as it is discussed mostly within the clan. Rune Cannon (Rhun-Ithring) Although attempted and within the capacity for many dwarves to invent it was Fili Grandaxe who finally put together the various components to create the first modern Rune-Cannon. The Rune cannon is hardly just for the Grandaxes, as they are a great source of pride and a symbol of power in dwarven society. Grandaxes are no exception to this and are far from shy of incorporating them into their halls. -=- -={Food and Drink}=- The Grandaxe diet consists mostly of meat and fish, with the latter being the centerpiece of a typical meal. Grandaxes are known to hunt more than their cave dwarven brethren, who typically provide grain and mushrooms to the dwarven populace. An ideal Grandaxe meal has meat, bread and some form of cave vegetable. Families with beardlings occasionally provide candies, mostly made from the plant sugars grown by cave dwarves. Once a beardlings reaches adulthood however candies and other sweets are only found at feasts. Most clansdwarves eat four meals on a regular day, morning, midday, afterday, and night meals. The morning meal is had before work, while the midday meal is during the workday but can sometimes be avoided if the job is demanding. The afterday meal is usually eaten right after work or on the way home. The night meal is often eaten at the family home alongside the family. When it comes to drinking, Grandaxes do not fall short of their fellow dwarves, ale is the primary choice of alcohol and is enjoyed by all Grandaxes. -=- -={Architecture}=- Like most dwarves Grandaxes express creativity and art through their architecture. There are few paintings within the Grandaxes and dwarves as a whole, thus nearly all art from dwarves is seen in architecture. The Grandaxes have adhered to age old architectural doctrine, being the first clan to use wood in its architecture; mostly in the roofs and walls of a hall. Grandaxes also abstain from using gems and ores in decorating their halls, instead choosing tapestries and various designs in the wood and stone. -=- -={Rites of Passage}=- Trial of Courage In order for a beardling of the Grandaxe clan to become a full member, the dwarf will first be tasked by the clan father with bringing back the pelt of a direwolf that he has tracked down. After the pelt has been retrieved, it will be nailed to the beardling's wall, as a show of strength and pride. Trial of Honour The trial of honour, acts a test of the beardling's dedication to the ways of honour and bravery. The beardling is given a blessing by the clan father, before being tasked with bringing back the tusks of an orc slain in battle. This will then be carved into an orc tusk dagger and will be carried by the dwarf for use as a side weapon. Trial of Faith Once this has been completed, the clan father will have the dwarf obtain the blessing of the dwarf's patron god, by taking the pilgrimage to their shrine. The shrines are located across the Dwarven mountains. When there, the beardling will be required to make an offering of his choice. Providing he survives the journey, he must return to the clan father and inform him that the task has been completed. If you want to join the Grandaxe clan you may make an application on this thread
  13. [If you're interested in playing an eastern character, and would like to help set up a settlement, please send me a message.] Other Relevant Resources: [Note: There are various interchangeable terms whose usage varies between texts, i.e. a foreigner may use 'Distor', whilst a Shí loyalist may use 'Shíguó'. This is to emphasis the writer's perspective as well as the 'intended audience'. Distor is heavily influenced by Middle China, between the Qin and Han dynasties (considered the founding dynasties of China). Some documents may be considered outdated and contain information that may be perceived as being questionable. This is to ensure that these documents are not too rigid, for other contributors.] Distorian and Eastern Culture A Brief History of Distor, by Oū Ruònéng Tàishǐ, 1187 Wǔyuán - The Five Principles, Qiū Chóngyáng Sēng, 1203 Etymology of Distor, Erictheus Taitale, 1437 The Book of Shí I - Fashion and Culture, Yíng Zhēng, 1569 [If you wish to have a document added to this list, please message me a link, all contributions to the Eastern culture are welcome. Thank you.]
  14. Adúnia: 1. Defining Adunia- To begin, we must first ask; what is an Adunian? Is it the product of a man that is crossed with an elf, a half elf so to say? Is it the name given to half elves that have gained slightly lengthened life, maybe? Is it simply a being that wears a kilt, speaks in a strange forgotten dialect, and has the godly ability to catch maces? Well, to put it bluntly, no. An Adunian is none of these things, and is only partial to a few of them. A being that you would call “Adunian” is a descendant of the tribe of Harrenites, no matter how diluted his or her blood is with that of other races. On its own and by itself, an Adunian is no more or less than that simple definition. However, when one delves deeper, and comes to the word “Adunia”, a whole other world of meaning is opened up to them. For Adunia is not just the word used to collectivise the core group of Harrenite descendants, it is far more, and it’s own definition is ever growing, expanding, spreading itself in ink and blood across the pages of history; and it shall ever continue to grow until the day when Adunians cease to exist, and the sons of Harren have at last passed from the world of the living, leaving thousands of years of knowledge and memory behind them. Henceforth, Adunia cannot truly be defined until such a day comes to pass, but here I shall do my best here to fill in the holes left by this issue, and assure that the memory of this once great race is carried on. 2. The Origins of Adunians- In the years when Aegis was still young and it’s races new to the world, two tribes arose in the Northern mountains of the continent. The first tribe was comprised completely of humans, it’s leader a young man named Harren; a son of Horen himself. The second tribe were elves that had come up from the forests of Malinor, led by a dark haired woman named Sarai whose roots remain a mystery to this day. As is inevitable when two such primitive groups claim the same area, the two tribes clashed. A short but bloody turf war ensued, and soon the mountains were littered with the corpses of both factions. Fearing for the survival of their people with such weakened numbers, Harren and Sarai met and organized treaty between the two tribes. However, Harren’s heart saw him wanting more than simply peace. During their meeting, Harren was overwhelmed by the elven woman’s beauty, and as so made one of the treaty’s terms that she would have to marry him. Fearing her people’s destruction was imminent, Sarai hesitantly accepted these terms and the two were soon wed. Though Sarai despised Harren at first, she eventually grew to love and respect him as her husband, bearing him a single child named Baren. Now leaderless, the elves of Sarai’s former tribe merged into the Harrenites, taking on their customs and way of life. They were quickly accepted by the humans, and very soon they too began to intermarry as their leader had done. The children of these first generation Harrenites were born a new race; the Adunians. 3. In Relation to Aging and the Curses of Iblees- The events that led to the creation of what is now known as the Adunian race (commonly known as the “Mixing of Blood”) did in fact occur before Iblees laid his curses upon the mortal races of Aegis. Due to said curses, half-human/elves bred since said event are stricken with not only the infertility of elvenkind, but also the shortened lifespans of mankind, gaining not an ounce of the longevity possessed by their elven ancestors. However, because the “Mixing of Blood” occurred before Iblees placed his curses, the effects on Adunians seem to have differed ever so slightly. ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* Appearance: Adunians take traits from both their Harrenite and Mali’Dun ancestors. Brown or black hair are the only two colours found, though like other races it goes grey with age. It is not uncommon for an Adunian’s hair to go grey at ages as young as fifteen, a trait inherited from the Mali’Dun. Their skin is pale, but generally no paler than the average Heartlander. An Adunian’s eyes are either grey from the Mali’Dun, brown from the Harrenites (a rare trait), or green, which appears to have come from a mix of both, the most common eye colour. Adunians generally grow to heights of around 5”11’ and have a lean build. Tradition has Adunians keep their hair above shoulder length (though most choose to keep it short), and grow either beards that keep close to the face (rather than hang like that of a dwarf), or large, well tended mustaches. Clothing: The general climate of Al’Ildic was quite cold. Though it’s landscape was only coated in snow during the winter months, the chill of the northern wind was present year round. As a result of this climate, Adunians came to dress in a particular way. Men would wear heavy coats and cloaks, lined with furs and warm skins, thick leather boots and warm wool breeches. Women wore long-sleeved dresses often accompanied with furs draped over their shoulders, light cloaks, and some from of pants to keep their legs warm. Over time, it became considered ‘rude’ or ‘socially unacceptable’ for more than the hands or head to be unclothed. This way of thinking has stuck over the ages, and Adunians true to tradition always cover themselves from the neck down before presenting themselves publicly. Religion: In the Old North Faith there three circles. These circles were the domains of the Gods, and in each were both lesser gods, and demi-gods. The three circles, in order of least powerful, to greatest, were Nature, Life, and Astral. Within each of these realms are one dominant god. Within Nature there is Grønn the Life-Bringer, who is believed to be the Aspects of the Druids in one form, in the Old Faith’s eyes. This means that the Old Faith acknowledges the Druids as true and rightful worshipers of Nature in their own religion. Grønn is said to be twelve feet tall with bark for skin and rocks for teeth. His eyes are two pools of water and his digits are branches and twigs. He has a full beard and head of leaves and vines which twist and turn wildly. Its said he is often seen but never caught, and has the ability to take on anything in nature. This can be taken either way- as some Hunters thank them for his sacrifices to let them eat. Others commune more with the animals and forsake meat eating. He is seen as very benevolent. His charge is to control all of the planets, fish, animals, and happenings of nature. He is what ties Astral to Life. He is also credited for the creation of the elements as gifts to Morighaen. Within Man there is Thrønn the Impartial, who is believed to be the collection of all of humanities desires, virtues, morals, and thoughts. He is an absolutely gray character, with no characteristics in appearance of physically. He is thought to be the shadow of every human, a silhouette of what everyone truly is. People who pray to Thrønn traditionally wait until the sun is half up, or, half down and wait in an open field. They turn to their own shadow and take a knee, nod their head, and fold their hands. All the workings of men are held into the account of Thrønn, which is why people depending on their lives will pray to Thønn. The people who are poorer, downtrodden, who feel betrayed by life and tormented usually shun Thrønn. People who are rich, economical, industrious, and work hard usually thank Thrønn. Thrønn is often looked to positively by mages and Fathers however, for the gift of “Heartfire” to man. Within the Astral planes beyond us is Morighaen, the Night Woman, a soft looking woman covered in a veil of stars and space. She is larger than any planet and we are not even ants to her- we are something less. She is too large to see but she knows we are there- and she may assume a mortal form, or smaller size, to meddle with the cosmos as it pleases her. She is seen as sadistic almost, because of her boredom. She was left alone and to pass time she often destroys planets and galaxies at a whim and casts down the weather to meddle with the affairs of mortal. She is easily the most fearsome of the Gods and the circles, and any who claims to be Morighaen is killed out of fear, for if she has come down, it is already the end, and if she is lying, she may anger Morighaen. People pray to her to appease her, and she is often seen as a pillar of strength for the female half of Northern society. She is the cause for Moonblood and weather, time and space, and in turn, all things beyond, even magic. Her relationship to Thrønn and Grønn is strained by both the distance to one another, and the natures of one another. Places of Worship. God’s Gardens were the most natural and beautiful of the worship places. These were seen as absolute holy grounds made by the Nature Aspects themselves, there are believed to be three God’s Gardens in existence- one for each of the three Aspects (that we recognize). The God’s Garden that we currently have located and are near, is the God’s Garden of the Elements. It is a hot spring situated in the north, protected by a granite and stone wall. Spruce trees spring up with flowers poking through the snow. People would come here to cleanse the blood off themselves, to pray in its hot waters, and to fast and meditate. No blood, on any condition, could ever be shed in a God’s Garden, but blood could be cleansed here. Modern / Aegean At the dawn of man though, when humanity had just reached a point of intelligible thought, civilization, and organization, they had organized their religions, and settled down. The North had quickly picked up on Thønn and Grønn and found themselves in tune with their gods peacefully. The Adunians picked up on the Old Faith, after the First Conflict War, during the Northern Golden Age, and some mingled with the Northern Gods. Some did not, but no conflict stirred from this difference- the North having been a faith of tolerance and acceptance (mostly). The Godly Brothers saw their followers rise, and knew whom to warn of a great tragedy coming. Grønn appeared and an Oasis in the tundra arose. Shrubbery and plants sprung to life at his feet, birds and animals came at his arrival, and life flourished where his feet left impressions. His most humble followers fell before the magnificent ent, who came close to one and said, “Evil lingers in the North. My brother and I entrust you with the most sacred task of all- the defense of all life, from the kind long lost to our touch.” They had no idea he spoke of a fourth deity, of a realm most foul, and a realm unrecognized. The realm of Death, the realm of Iblees- and had no way to prepare. Fall of the Old Faith Before anyone knew what was going on, the Taran Kingdom that stood long vigil in the North and felt it had conquered all evils in the snow, sure they had closed any hope of Grønn’s doomsday prophecy, but, all was wiped out in what is called “The First Event”. One of the earliest recorded events of mass Undead Activity. It nearly wiped out an entire civilization and many blood lines in less than three nights. The Adunians to the South were hit just as hard, their people had some time to escape, most notably Halboron Elendil, the Adunian Leader. Further south were the Aegeans, whom with the help of some surviving Northerners, and some word of mouth, had time to prepare, and time to mount a defense. This, is what we know of our History, and the rest is in the books. ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ADUNIAN COURT LANGUAGE HEARTFIRE
  15. (Let it be known, I am not trying to get any lore really accepted, but mostly out there. This has been discussed between a number of easterner roleplayers, and this provides a way to roleplay someone who looks and acts much more chinese, than the japanese styled Chiyaki, and the much further travelled Xionist Yulthar, while possibly adding a reason as to why our mongol and turkish cultures already rped in-game have an unmistakably asian flare to them. Its all mostly compiled lore from when easterners were a much bigger thing, and now that people are being them again I was approached by two roleplayers that wanted to be more chinese than japanese, so we came up with this. A reminder however, the Xian is not a word for all easterners, just those that are particularly chinese styled, much like the Chiyaki are much more japanese even if they are from similar places.) The Xian An Introduction: The Xian are a numerous group of people from a distant land mass far to the east of those lands familiar to the inhabitants of Vailor and the previous lands known plainly as Xia. Or "Life" in their native tongue. The Xians are a truly ancient people, and their culture reflects that. Having been taken from many other lands they had visited or conquered, along with their status on retaining ancient traditions has kept these people from changing much over the course over their long and storied history. The Xian in their native lands are fiercely loyal to their lords, and in turn to the grand Jade Dragon Emperor. A title granted and passed down through different family lines or histories known as the dynasties. The Xian are extremely intelligent people as a whole, having their own writing and book-keeping systems since near the rise of their empire. They are skilled in navigation, astronomy, alchemy, and strange esoteric practices, along with the many exotic trades that exist in this faraway land. History and Faith: In their earliest myths and stories, it is said the greatest of gods sacrificed most of her divinity to take physical form and created the mountains, seas, valleys, and forests, but left the underground untouched. Populating it with a great array of animals and creatures, but wished for someone to talk to. So the great god then pulled from the verdant soil of the great Tienshan river the first of these people. Shu was his name as told to him by the great serpentine dragon goddess. He rode upon her back as she filled his mind with fantastic stories and tales. Excerpts of which are praised by modern people as wise life lessons, and basis for much worship. However, Shu grew tired of his long life and of his lonesomeness, so the great dragon granted him children. These would be from which all Xian and people of eastern origin descend. With the last of her divinity, the great dragon goddess bequeathed to Shu and three of his children their rights to rule. Then she fled, flying over the hills and valleys, crying over the sadness that she was not enough for this man. Her tears turning to what is known now as jade as they fell, and she retreated into an ancient cave where she continued to weep until she herself was turned to living jade. Forever asleep. The great emperor Shu ruled for over 100 years. His empire growing swiftly, owing to the hidden truths of reality granted to him by his first love. Then, as he aged, he passed his title down to his son. The two daughters of Shu and the great jade dragon had decided to go their own paths, owing to the truths given to them by their mother. The eldest, Shenshin went further east, past the sea until she came to land upon a pair of great islands, where she and her followers became the first natives and nobles. Then the youngest, Shinshen traveled north and west. Never settling in one place. Her people becoming nomads or farmers of the great mountains of the land. Rough Timeline The eldest brother Youlin had taken his father's last name as Shu, and continued the Shu dynasty. As time went on, people from other lands, a change in thinking, or other different situations gave rise to different dynasties. here are some, written in chronological order. Shu Dynasty: Agriculture, expansion, peace, and advancement. Ruled by the dragon goddess, then Shu the first emperor. Lyn Dynasty: Discovery of iron and expansion upon ancient martial arts practices as found in hidden jade dragon scrolls. Rose from the once final Shu emperor married a woman named Lyn, and his love was so great he changed his own name. Jhuxho Dynasty: Period of heavy military expansion outwards. The Jhuxho emperors decided that the wisdom granted by the jade dragon was their's alone. Chizhu Dynasty: The people of the land eventually revolted against the Jhuxho empreror Xha hou. Bringing about a period of reconstruction and restoration of culture. Ghuan Ghuan Dynasty: Seeing their chance as the empire of Xia was returning to power after hundreds of years of rebuilding, invaders descended from the Shinshen rode to conquer all of Xia. Dethroning the previous emperor and placing their own ruler atop the jade throne. Zhen Ku Dynasty(current): with allies from the eastern isles populated by Shinshen's descendants, the people of Xia were able to reinstate a new, proper emperor. This period of trade between the two people led to inventions and advancements and exchange of alchemy, marine agriculture, magics, and many other things. Religion of The East: The people of Xia and the rest of the east believe in a strange mixture of animism, ancestor worship, and spirit worship. Stemming from the earliest days when a god had given up her divinity to form these people, and the belief that those from these lands are related to the spirits of nature through a certain distant, yet still recognizable family tie. Descendants of Youlin The people of the land of Xia hold many beliefs in this day and age. Their core religion however is a belief in a rational order of nature. They worship a large number of divine spirits called the Shen, which can be nature deities, city deities, national deities, cultural heroes and demigods, ancestors and progenitors, and deities of the kinship, but none mightier than the celestial dragons. Complex rituals of worship are performed by priests within mighty cities, or by ascetic monks which follow the teachings of the great jade dragon. The oldest of these schools even house some of the original scrolls. This alternate belief is known as Xhen and has become the state religion in several parts of the large lands of Xia. Descendants of Shenshin The descendants of Shenshin are similar to their cousins in Xia due to the fact they worship many beings, however they differ in the fact that almost every one of these beings, known as the Kami, reside within parts of nature or minor works of humanity and differ in power based on the size of the object. For example, a shrine to the great goddess of the land and sun Amaterasu might be tended by a small nameless tending Kami. The descendants of Shenshin also have many different forms of worship, from radical honor, ancestor, and deed based customs, to ferver and ascetic based, and anywhere in between. A decent number of these people however have also come to follow the teachings of Xhen and follow the doctrines written in the jade dragon scrolls, though it is by no means the state religion. Descendants of Shinshen The nomads and mountain folk descended from the dragon-blooded Shinshen are very prideful and their worship defines that. They tend to trust in their elder's or tribal shamans and look to them for guidance. They mainly venerate their ancestors and great animal spirits. However, as they move around so often, their beliefs evolved to match those of the people they came into contact with, or were shaped by the passing of years.
  16. Please leave a comment about what you think. If you do like to join my folk, please contact me on Skype. ***Lore*** On the high and green valleys of Athera, there lived a mountain folk those who called themselves " Cherkassians". These mountain men were different from the other mountain folks on many aspects, they were warriors, but they knew no barbarism. It is their code of honour and is based on mutual respect and above all requires responsibility, discipline and self-control. The Code requires that all Cherkassians are taught courage, reliability and generosity. Greed, desire for possessions, wealth and ostentation are considered disgraceful by the code. While the other mountain folks' world view was stated on "the survival of the fittest", Cherkassians focused on making the weakest the strongest. "Make the folksman live, so will the folk." Honor is the most valued thing among them, as a word of them that goes "Sell the life to purchase the honor." They had no prisons nor cells, the greatest punishment for them was to get kicked out of the society and this punishment was mostly due to a dishonoring action. Religion The religion of this folk is mainly a kind of monotheism which people worship one creator "Tha" and the thirteen helpers. Tha: The creator of all, almighty ruler Zekotha: God of wanderers Zevatha: God of war Thegelek: God of farming Tlepsh: God of smiths and fire Shible: God of war, thunder and justice Sevseres/Seuserez: Goddess of storm, water and rivers Pshimezitha: God of hunt Psitha Guashe: Goddess of water Merisa: Goddess of honey and bees Mezitha: God of hunt and forests Hipe Guashe: Goddess of seas Blevus: Goddess of games and snakes Amish: God of shepherds Xabze Xabze (Khabze) defies a proper translation, but it roughly means “law”, and commonly refers to the “laws of being Cherkassian”. One could spend days explaining the details of xabze. It is the Cherkassians' way of living, their world view; it is what makes them Cherkassian. Social Life Relations Between Elders and Young People There are certain rules that is vital to obey for Cherkassians towards their elders. While greeting or shaking hands, younger one cannot ask how is he before the elder does. While sitting, younger one cannot sit before all other elders does, and he cannot sit in a higher position than the elder in sitting queue. Younger one cannot begin speaking unless the elders allows them to, it is very disgraceful to speak if an elder forbid the young one from saying a word. When someone enters a place, younger ones who were already in the place stands up, the older ones does a move like they were to stand up, buts stays sitting. Young ones does not sit on the table of elders or important guests, stays standing and serves them. It is a very disgraceful action for young people to disobey the word of elders. Younger men cannot drink in sight or in presence of elders or girls. Elders respects the rights of young men such as requesting a speech. Elders are responsible for young people's Xabze education, if they do something wrong or disgraceful, they should act educative and calm, not forceful and agressive if possible. Relationship between a father and son is formal, son cannot sit with the father in on the same table, and father can only caress his son when they are alone. If the son were to ask something from the father, he asks the mother to ask for him. But as the daughters are more fragile, father can caress them and daughters can directly request what they want. Relations Between Men In a meeting, travel or fight, someone is either choosen as the leader or he naturally is. Age may be the criterion of this, as well as the nobility or position can be too. All the actions are done accordingly to the decisions that the group have made with the leader, which are made accordingly to the Xabze. Honesty and trust is vital. One must not act like the leader of the group aside the real leader and must not humiliate one another. No Cherkassian man shall speak negatively about one another without the presence of him. Even in a war condition, a Cherkessian cannot humiliate a weaker enemy. Anarchic actions are disgraceful and hierachy among the folk is vital. A Cherkassian man should listen to one another until he says everything he is going to and must not interrupt him. Relations Between Women Laws of Xabze does not differ much between men and women, yet some things are different for there are gender differences. As being mother to a daughter is a special condition for Cherkassian women, they are closer to their daughters than their sons, they are advisors for them, they share secrets and special conditions. Women must obey laws of Xabze word by word in their relations towards other women, for a dispute between two women may cause whole houses to become unfriendly. Woman is the most important part of the family, as a word among the folk that goes "It is the woman who can both honor or disgrace the family." Relations Between Men and Women In social life, Cherkassian women are more free and valued more than the other mountain folkwomen are valued. Beating, or even yelling at a woman is the most dishonoring thing for a man. If a woman passes by a group or man or comes near them, those who sit must stand up as a sign of respect, in return, a woman must not cross a man's way when he is passing. Men can never argue or fight in the presence of a woman, they even must not hit an animal in front of them. When a man and woman is traveling on the same horse, man must never make her sit behind the saddle, he lets the woman sit on the saddle, and he sits on behind. When entering a building and such, women must enter first. When leaving, men must exit first. When sitting in a place, women must sit in the farest corner from the entrance. If sitting in open field, women must sit in the safest place. This is done for the protection of women from a threat coming from outside. Until marriage, all girls and boyda are free to keep their social relationships with anyone they like to, and no one can limit their freedom, but that does not mean that they'd rebel against their parents about this. Not to mistake it with freedom about affections; for young ones, neither affections such as kissing, hugging nor holding hands is permitted. Rather than these, they have their folk dances as affections, which is danced as man and woman. A Cherkassian woman would never Lough out loud, smiles pleasantly. They cannot cry openly showing the suffering in front of men. They would never bend, but stay straight, either when standing or sitting; same also goes for the men. They had a different style of flirting called Pseplkhu. Pseplkhu used to done known by everyone in the youth crowd, boys would make poetic compliments to the girls, and so the girls would reject the boys in a kind and poetic way. When boys manage to beat the girls in this Pseplkhu 'game', they become Kashens. People could have multiple Kashens at once. Though this kind of Kashenship is for nothing but joy and to get to know each other better. So there is one other kind of this, the 'serious' Kashenship. It is simply the engagement as in the other cultures, yet has differences. Girl would give her ring to the boy, and the boy would give an another gift to the girl in return. These kind of engagements would rarely get broken, for the boy and girl knew each other well enough before the engagement. This is also why divorcings almost never happen between Cherkassian couples. Kashens can never see each other alone, there should at least one friend of the both boy and girl. Cherkassians get married only once in their lifespan, they rarely make a second marriage after their first wife. If a couple decides to get married but their parents does not allow their marriage, the only way left for them is eloping. Eloping is considered a honorable action and brings reputation, it is a sign of courage and stability. As the boy manages to elope the girl from her village and takes her to his own village, he does not take her to his own home, due to his respect to the girl's family, he leaves the girl to a T'hamade's (elder) house. As he leaves the girl there, girl becomes the daughter-in-law of the whole village, and the boy is not allowed the see the girl until marriage. After the T'hamade takes the girl under his protection, he sends word to the girl's family, telling them that their daughter is safe and unharmed with him, and calls them to discuss the marriage conditions of the couple. Two families meets in the home of T'hamade, in order to allow the marriage, boy's family would pay a notable price to the girl's family. After the meetings and wedding, the father has right to not let his daughter to his home ever again for she disobeyed his word. In the presence of elders and women, respectful conversation and conduct are essential. Disputes are stopped in the presence of women and domestic disputes are never continued in the presence of guests. A woman can request disputing families to reconcile and they must comply with her request. Hospitality Hospitality is one of the brightest features of the culture of the Cherkassians. Guest was offered the best that was in the house, the attention of the hosts was concentrated on him, he was surrounded by the cordial atmosphere. The foremost duty of the host was the providing of the safety of the guest and his belongings. To protect the guest and to help him was at the responsibility of the host even if the guest and the host at that time were enemies. In former homeland of Cherkassians, there was one very popular story telling about the knight who found his shelter in the family the member of which he had once killed. The knight in his turn could render a service to the enemy. If the guest got killed or was insulted, relatives of the host family and villagers were responsible for this and had to take revenge on the offender. Origins of the Tradition This custom goes deep into the history and following the historical facts it shouldn't be described only in "sweet" words. Hospitality is the direct consequence of the severe way of life of the mountain inhabitants when a man had to overcome difficulties connected with the climate conditions and with the constant defiance against enemies. That is why it was natural for people living in the mountains to count on relatives and neighbors. However, the guest was under the patronage of the host only during the time when he was living in his house. The hospitality was of small duration; as the proverb says: guest in a house - three days he's a guest, on the forth - he's a younger brother. Ritual of the Guest Welcoming One shouldn't ask the guest where he came from and why. In the guest room guest stayed in a company of the most respected man in the family, and in this case all people present in the room had to stand. Even if the host was very busy, he had to be with the guest. Host and his familiars tried to satisfy any guest's wish and that requested from him response modesty. Guest was offered the best food and if he stayed over the night a ship was killed even despite the fact that there was fresh meat in the house. Before his departure, guest was given hot food. Guest was expected to be modest and able to keep up the conversation. Place for the Guest The Cherkassians traditionally built up special rooms for the guests beyond the territory of the homestead. Sometimes around the guest house the look of the homestead was recreated. It was impolite for the guest to enter the homestead. Horses Horses are very important animals in their culture. Aside of traveling and logistics, these people considers their horses as their brothers, as the word 'horse' and 'brother' are the same in their tounge. Their horses grows up beside them, they get used to their behaviours and become loyal companions, either in battle or journey. There is a tradition that is considered to be unusual by other cultures in Cherkassian culture. Stealing horses. Among the folk, the owner of the horse can kill whoever steals the horse, the horse thief's family has no right to avenge him. As stealing a horse puts your life in risk, this is considered a courageous action, and brings reputation. If the horse is too valuable, owner steals his horse back. If not, he only wishes safe travels to the thief with the horse. Cherkassian saddle is unique, and made by talented craftsmen. It's designed to not tire both rider and the horse on long distance travels, both comfortable and functional. The filling material of saddle's pillow is gazelle hair, making it soft and preventing it from matting, and surprisingly, the weight of the whole saddle equipment is no more than four kilos. Three craftsmen takes place when a Cherkassian saddle is being made. Leatherworker for the pillow and ropes, woodworker for the skeleton, and jewelmaker for the silver makings. T'hamades T'hamades are the elders who are being highly respected and obeyed to. They can either be men or women. They are wise, patient, honest and justful people. Disobeying their words without an important reason is a major disgrace among the folk. They are chosen by the crowd without an election, anyone that is respected enough can automatically become a T'hamade. But as there are many T'hamades among the folk, if an issue that concerns whole village or house needs to be solved, all T'hamades comes together and does a meeting that is called "Wunafa". These meetings can last for hours and even few days, but in the end, the best decision is made. Governing The crowd used to be gowerned by a council called "Xase" (Khase), consisted by T'hamades (Elders) and Pshis (princes). Xase would rule the crowd by Xabzism, but they would only appear in certain conditions such as Wunafas and battles. In some cases, disputes could not get solved by the Wunafas of Xase. In this condition, they usually decide on the righteous one by arm wrestling. But in the disputes that would affect the personal honor of each one, they prefer dueling. Dueling is done blindfolded, with a small bell hanging on each of the participants' chest. Last standing wins the trial. The family of the one who does in the trial has no right to avenge their relative, for he died in a sacred trial combat. Weapons Made out of Mountain Steel Each boy are considered a man by the age of fourteen, since they could start walking, they train themselves to be hasty, strong warriors and skilled horseback marksmen. Cherkassians has two characteristic weapons: Sashko (Sword) and Qama (Dagger). Qet is a 90cm, one sided and slightly curved sword. Its scabbard is made longer so that the hilt would sink into it, for hiding the blood on the sword after a recent clash. Sashko is being used in certain occasions, but the blade, Qama always stays with the folksman, wherever he enters. These razor-sharp weapons can only be smithed by professional blacksmiths, for their balance, consistence and weight is crucial. And in order to complete crafting an original Cherkassian Sashko, it must be placed on a high peak and get struck by lightning. "Never pull out your sword from its sheath unless it is needed. But if you ever pull it out, put it back to its sheath bloody." Cherkassians never leave their dead behind. But as carrying the whole body in long distances is impractical, they have found a solution for it. All shave their heads bald, they only leave a small amount of hair just enough to grab it on the ponytail spot. And after death, as if it is needed to travel long distances, they chop the head off and carry it back to the home. Abreks When heavily dishonored, been banished or sometimes suffering of loss of beloved, folksmen often swears to live the rest of their lives as Abreks. Meaning, they will abandon society, live in wilderness, hunt the enemies of the folk, and join the battles to do their best to die hard. They feel no fear, for they have already lost what they truly value. Their honor. They seek for it in death, coming from the cold steel of the enemy. Language Cherkassians speaks a unique langue that is incredibly hard to pronounce for other peoples, which is called "Cherkassbze" by them. Albhabeth Simple daily words: Wo: You I/Me: Sa Him/Her: Yi We: Ti Them: Mo You(pl): Sh'u Yes: Ari No: Hao Okay: Hun Welcome: Phesapsh Good morning: Pshediy sh'u(o) Good day: Mafe s'hu(o) Good night: Shesh'rahat Good bye: Wogumaf' Thank you: Wupsow/T'hawupsow You are welcome: Woriwupsow Give me: Q'sat Give me (kindly): Q'saptina Take: Mah Bring: Qah However, home of these mountain men were destroyed by Reavirians due to religious reasons, they scattered all over the land, looked for a home for themselves in small groups, but the traveling is not without trouble, most of them were killed by bandits or died because of plagues. Most are still wandering, looking for a home. Yet, a larger crowd of Cherkassians, led by Janberk of house Kuad'je found a place to call home in the north, with the Golden Crow. At first, Cherkassians couldn't easily fit into these barbaric peoples, but they got used to each other in time. Long before the Janberk of house Kuad'je joined the Golden Crow and introduced the Cherkassian culture to the Northern folks, a few Cherkassians were already laying in wait up North; the Tiberans. Time ago they were a major Cherkassian house in the past, but after they destruction of their home and much of their kin, they were forced to hide their identities due to Akovian influence. Now, seeing Kuad'je Janberk freely walking as a Cherkassian, and the exile of the Volik traitors, they uncover their identity too. Regular Look in Minecraft Skins Male Night Ambush Outfit Golden Crow Outfit Female
  17. A black, one eyed Raven would fly around Atheria. A note dropping from its beak infront of people as it flies. It would contain a note. The note would read. The Leidang of Nerreza. Nerreza, a count of Aesterwald, home to a Clan of Old. Born warriors, nothing to match there anger, and battle harderned men, each men baring a unique nickname for the proof that they have skill in battle. Women, allowed into the Liedang(Levy) each allowed to bare there own shield and show there wit against the brutes of the North. The county ran by Count Daren Bonehill is home to a Clan of old within the keep of Nerezza. Known only to most as Clan Fáoláín, many do not know of them as there name was long forgotten within the Fringe during the Wars of the Coalitions, these warriors died along with their families. Held up within the keep of Frostmere. Torn by the grief of his loses, the leader. Thórvárdr The Fearless as he is known to his shield-brothers, sat upon his throne, not speaking only thinking of destruction. Revenge. Revenge is all he thought of. He needed men, women- Soldiers. Soldiers...ready to die for a cause. For friendship. Bretherin. Friendship..one thing which all soldiers need. The time for the Clan to become known again...had finally come.. Ranks within the Leidang. Merkismathr Only one may hold this rank within the clan. The Champion, anyone within the ranks may hold this, Huskarl or not, they're the best warrior and may show there worth within honour duels. Anyone within the clan may try to grab this rank within Tournaments held by the Chieftain. They do not gain any rank within the military structure, but have the respect of the warriors and chieftain and maybe used to fight other clans. Shield-Maiden. The women warriors of the Leidang. These women have proved themselves within the Leidang. They're able to have the same power as a Huskarl. Each of these women have a number of arm-rings and also will have a necklace showing they're this rank, they've the support of the men and the women of the county and are also the private guards of the leaders. Huskarl. The Huskarl. The top warrior of all. Able to access the armour stores and, in the abscence of one of the three leaders. May control the Leidang. They're elite of the elite, war-harderned. They've proven themselves multiple times within war. The personal knights of the Country. They've the respect of the lower ranks and the leaders. Normally these men bare a huge amount of arm-rings given to them by One of the three leaders, this shows their prowess. Also normally have their own necklace to show there rank-A wolves head with an axe head in its mouth. Berserker. The Berserker, men whom are known to be furious in battle. Each of them showing their anger within battle and channeling this rage into their fighting. Although not always the elite soldiers, each of these men are known to bare some prowess in battle and would bare a name to show this. Well respected, these men can normally control a small amount of men, and in some cases, they're able to lead the training during war-games of the Liedang. Each of these men normally have some arm-rings. Ráðningar. Are chosen by their superiors to handle the introduction of new warriors into an established war-band. The warband must be of well-minded men to create the ultimate shield-wall. The warband will be led by this rank, however, will contain a Berserker and Huskarl to help the Radningar with any of the inferior decisions. The Huskarl has the final say if the decision is bad, but overall the Radningar may appeal to the Clan Chieftain over a decision. Thegn. Older or veteran warriors.. Thegn's are seasoned soldiers, participants of multiple expeditions and shield walls. They are fierce men, brought up learning warrior skills,and have survived the brutalities of the shield wall and war. This Rank is the next step to becoming one of the three top tier ranks. Dreng. The standard rank within the Leidang. These men are the new recruits and hold only the title of Younger. These men have only little respect within the culture. These men have to prove themselves within the shield-wall and battle that they can earn the loyalty and bretherin ship within the clan, Perks of being within the Leidang. Within the Leidang. Each man may get a weekly set of armour, a sword or axe depending on their prefrences and also a shield for battle. They will also get a bunk, a room with a chest aswell they may have as much ale as they wish for. The people within the Leidang will also have the respect of the leaders. They will gain bretherinship from this. Application to Join our ranks. Give us a little about yourself. Send a response to the county of Nerezza, Daren Bonehill, Ragnar Faolain or to Thorvardr Faolain. Name: Past military endevours: What do you want to get out of your time with us? Gender: Race: Do you like Ale? Religion: (OOC:) Do you have Skype? Name of Skype (Feel free to just add me instead of posting here: jakeyd6) Age: OOC: Having been the Leader of the Clan from within the Fringe, we have seen a number of people come and go, the culture of the Clan is based on the Pagan religion and Danish culture with a mixture of the different ancient Scandinavian cultures, such as the one of Guthurum also known as King Athelstan of Mercia for all you history lovers. The culture is of nothing but warriors and each of them are known to show no remorse within battle. I am trying to get this Clan active as it once was. It was a shame to see it go to waste, with out new build in the North of Athera. . We wish to see it put to use with new people and create a roleplay hub for those who want something new from Lord Of the Craft. I hope this was an enjoyable read and if you wish to have a chat to me for further information, feel free to add me on skype: jakeyd6. Thanks for reading. Also Thank you to Patu97 for the great build of the Keep.
  18. Qaranka of Djian ~LORE~ Deep in the swamps and marshes down south, where diseases consume prey and predator, there was a people who lived in the murk. The Djian people inhabited a large swamp that they named Qaranka ga Sooraan. How they came to be is stranger and more alien than any species indigenous to the land. . . Oquul Gandana was the first. He was born to uncertain parents on an uncertain night, and was stolen the day of his birth. Who could’ve stolen such a worthless baby? Moreover, what could’ve done this? A bahal. The Zahaste word for crocodile. Yet, there was a spiritual aura of this bahal that restricted it from eating the infant. The bahal took her little Oquul in. ‘Twas what truly started the Djian people, trust between animal and man. From then on, a people lived amongst the marsh creatures, a people helped the marsh creatures, and a people loved the marsh creatures. Their spirits were said to transcend into a Nagaano, a marsh creatures’ body. This did not mean that the marsh creature was forever controlled, it meant that the marsh creature forever had a friend. Djian people hold no strategical prowess in the art of war, except for being unique masters of guerilla warfare. They would defend the borders of the Qaranka ga Sooraan until the Zwe forsook them. Ashishe Zwe was the Night of the Burnt Land, when their Nagaano were destroyed, and their Nagaan ran with fear. Fire consumed the marsh, and there is now nothing there but ash and soot. The cause was unknown, but what is known, is that the Djian needed to flee. Their current leader, Uku Ophete Bahal, (Named after Oquul’s crocodile-mother,) fled with his remaining Djian family to the deserts of San’Orka, where they would hope to find sanction. ~Beliefs~ Uku Ophete has heard nothing but religious boundaries in Oren, thus he bids his people away from there. Djian worship their own Gods. However. . . they aren’t quite Gods, moreover they are spirits of fallen Djian. These spectral beings are known as Nagaan. The Nagaan are found in the animals of the lands. However, certain people go into certain Nagaano, or host bodies. Here is the list: Sikhe Nagaan - Swans, cranes, jays, quails, hawks, and other majestic birds. Gandana Nagaan - Crocodiles, bears, alligators, wolves, and other mighty beasts. Thengisi Nagaan - Monkeys, mice, foxes, frogs, hares, and other clever species. Umholi Nagaan - Cows, deer, sheep, chickens, and other domestic animals. Ophete Nagaan - Hippopotomi, elk, bulls, falcons, cobras, and other leader-like creatures. ((I know, many of these creatures are not of the swamp, but they are still what a Nagaan would occupy.)) ~System~ The Djian have a government consisting of a few big leader types: Uku Ophete - This is the leader Ophete, who governs all, and whose word is final. He is the only one who may convene meetings and moots, and he must be a man. Kwesibili Ophete - This is the successor of the Ophete, usually related through blood. This one must also be a man, and must advise the Uku when he deems it necessary. Sehli Ophete - Speaker of all women. She advises all on what is fair for the women of the society, as they are just as important as their men. Sehli are usually in relationships with the Uku. Amancu Ophete - Chieftains of their Udenas. They work together to situate the military and to suit the common needs. ((Take note that this system is small, as the population would be small too.)) ~Language~ Salaanta - Hello Nabeylo - Goodbye Aad - You Aay - Me Ga - Of Yes - Tahay No - Dhawen Ophete - Leader Sehli - Woman/Girl/Lady Kwesibili - First/Next in line Amancu - Father Sancu - Mother Lancu - Sister/Daughter Mancu - Brother/Son Udena - Family Gandana - Fight/Fighter Qaranka - City/Nation/Home/Place Zwe - Nature Ashishe - Burn/Burnt Nagaan - Ancestor Nagaano - Host body. ~Accent~ Most Djian people are deep toned, both in skin and in voice. Therefore, they cannot always pronounce words as thoroughly as they would please. Here is an example: “That was far better than we’ve been doing it.” “Taht be fah beddah dan we’av ben do’in et!” Here are the tips. With a word that consists of TH, move the H a letter ahead. (Just, move the H somewhere else, remove letters if necessary.) Example : “Threat.” “Treht” If words end in -r- or -er- then it is best to replace it with -ah-. Example: “Runner” “Runnah.” Replace the letter -g- with apostrophes, and replace most -i’s- with -e’s-. Note: This does not apply to the language itself, as Zahaste words should come naturally to a Djian. ~Names~ Naming is simple, take an animal, and rename the species. (Weird, right.) Then, grab a suffix for a profession, which originates from these titles: Umholi - Commoner Sikhe - Pastor/Priest/ Gandana - Warrior Thengisi - Merchant Ophete - Leader ~Features~ Djian people are much like Southerons. However, they are typically darker, and if a Gandana, they’re typically larger. Djian are made to climb and vault over objects and wade through murky, thick waters. So they should appear to be physically fit at all times. Whereas women hold long dreadlocks, men are known for being bald. They dress oddly, usually covered with crocodile pieces. (Yes, Djian kill Nagaan for their resources, as they believe that the Nagaan will find a new host.) (This culture was inspired by the Zande, Zulu, Swahili, and other African tribes and cultures. I also decided to through in a bit of swamp-lurker for flair. :D) ~Applications to be a Djian~ MC NAME: DJIAN NAME: PROFESSION: BACKGROUND:
  19. Qaranka ga Djian ~LORE~ Deep in the swamps and marshes down south, where diseases consume prey and predator, there was a people who lived in the murk. The Djian people inhabited a large swamp that they named Qaranka ga Sooraan. How they came to be is stranger and more alien than any species indigenous to the land. . . Oquul Gandana was the first. He was born to uncertain parents on an uncertain night, and was stolen the day of his birth. Who could’ve stolen such a worthless baby? Moreover, what could’ve done this? A bahal. The Zahaste word for crocodile. Yet, there was a spiritual aura of this bahal that restricted it from eating the infant. The bahal took her little Oquul in. ‘Twas what truly started the Djian people, trust between animal and man. From then on, a people lived amongst the marsh creatures, a people helped the marsh creatures, and a people loved the marsh creatures. Their spirits were said to transcend into a Nagaano, a marsh creatures’ body. This did not mean that the marsh creature was forever controlled, it meant that the marsh creature forever had a friend. Djian people hold no strategical prowess in the art of war, except for being unique masters of guerilla warfare. They would defend the borders of the Qaranka ga Sooraan until the Zwe forsook them. Ashishe Zwe was the Night of the Burnt Land, when their Nagaano were destroyed, and their Nagaan ran with fear. Fire consumed the marsh, and there is now nothing there but ash and soot. The cause was unknown, but what is known, is that the Djian needed to flee. Their current leader, Uku Ophete Bahal, (Named after Oquul’s crocodile-mother,) fled with his remaining Djian family to the deserts of San’Orka, where they would hope to find sanction. ~Beliefs~ Uku Ophete Bahal has heard nothing but religious boundaries in Oren, thus he bids his people away from there. Djian worship their own Gods. However. . . they aren’t quite Gods, moreover they are spirits of fallen Djian. These spectral beings are known as Nagaan. The Nagaan are found in the animals of the lands. However, certain people go into certain Nagaano, or host bodies. Here is the list: Sikhe Nagaan - Swans, cranes, jays, quails, hawks, and other majestic birds. Gandana Nagaan - Crocodiles, bears, alligators, wolves, and other mighty beasts. Thengisi Nagaan - Monkeys, mice, foxes, frogs, hares, and other clever species. Umholi Nagaan - Cows, deer, sheep, chickens, and other domestic animals. Ophete Nagaan - Hippopotomi, elk, bulls, falcons, cobras, and other leader-like creatures. ((I know, many of these creatures are not of the swamp, but they are still what a Nagaan would occupy.)) ~System~ The Djian have a government consisting of a few big leader types: Uku Ophete - This is the leader Ophete, who governs all, and whose word is final. He is the only one who may convene meetings and moots, and he must be a man. Kwesibili Ophete - This is the successor of the Ophete, usually related through blood. This one must also be a man, and must advise the Uku when he deems it necessary. Sehli Ophete - Speaker of all women. She advises all on what is fair for the women of the society, as they are just as important as their men. Sehli are usually in relationships with the Uku. Amancu Ophete - Chieftains of their Udenas. They work together to situate the military and to suit the common needs. ((Take note that this system is small, as the population would be small too.)) ~Language~ Salaanta - Hello Nabeylo - Goodbye Aad - You Aay - Me Ga - Of Tah - Yes Dah - No Ophete - Leader Sehli - Woman/Girl/Lady Kwesibili - First/Next in line Amancu - Father Sancu - Mother Lancu - Sister Mancu - Brother Udena - Family Gandana - Fight/Fighter Qaranka - City/Nation/Home/Place Zwe - Nature Ashishe - Burn/Burnt Nagaan - Ancestor Nagaano - Host body. ~Accent~ Most Djian people are deep toned, both in skin and in voice. Therefore, they cannot always pronounce words as thoroughly as they would please. Here is an example: “That was far better than we’ve been doing it.” “Taht be fah beddah dan we’ve ben do’in et!” Here are the tips. With a word that consists of TH, move the H a letter ahead. (Just, move the H somewhere else, remove letters if necessary.) Example : “Threat.” “Treht” If words end in -r- or -er- then it is best to replace it with -ah-. Example: “Runner” “Runnah.” Replace the letter -g- with apostrophes if it ends a word, and replace most -i’s- with -e’s-. Note: This does not apply to the language itself, as Zahaste words should come naturally to a Djian. ~Names~ Naming is simple, take an animal, and rename the species. (Weird, right.) Then, grab a prefix for a profession, which originates from these titles: Umholi - Commoner Sikhe - Pastor/Priest/ Gandana - Warrior Thengisi - Merchant Ophete - Leader ~Features~ Djian people are much like Southerons. However, they are typically darker, and if a Gandana, they’re typically larger. Djian are made to climb and vault over objects and wade through murky, thick waters. So they should appear to be physically fit at all times. Whereas women hold long dreadlocks, men are known for being bald. They dress oddly, usually covered with crocodile pieces. (Yes, Djian kill Nagaan for their resources, as they believe that the Nagaan will find a new host.) ~Applications to be a Djian~ MC NAME: DJIAN NAME: PROFESSION: BACKGROUND: ((Now, this is just a rough idea of a culture that I am trying to create. At the moment, there are no Djian people, until this idea is perhaps accepted. I thank you for reading this, and if it is not ready, then I will make revisions.))
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