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  1. THIS POST IS CANCELED The Jade Riders The Jade Riders are a broad group of rangers and adventurers alike who oppose threats to the natural world and help others survive in dangerous environments. A Rider might help a small village prepare for a brutal winter, or aid a Kingdom in a deadly war. Riders may protect a town from an onslaught of malicious foes or simply aid in the construction of a new settlement. Members of the Jade Riders know how to survive, and more importantly, they want to help others do the same. They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to prevent civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another. Members of the Riders are spread far and wide, generally in isolation or small cadres. Survival in a harsh world also demands great fortitude and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills. Beliefs: The natural order must be respected and preserved. Forces that seek to upset the natural balance must be destroyed. The wilderness can be harsh. Not everyone can survive in it without assistance. Goals: The Jade Riders goals are to restore and preserve the natural order, keep the elemental forces of the world in check, keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another, and help others survive the perils of the wilderness. Creed: Allies: Aragrad (Yves Aragon) Ranks: Ranger Division General Rider: Myriil Thuridan Rider Captain: (N/A) Rider Of The Mark: (N/A) Senior Rider: (N/A) Rider Of The Wild: (N/A) Junior Rider: (N/A) Scout: (N/A) --------- Every Rank From Here Up Is A Rider --------- Trainee: (N/A) Diplomatic Division Party President: (N/A) Elder: (N/A) Scholar: (N/A) Diplomat: (N/A) Envoy: (N/A) Emmisary: (N/A) ----- All Ranks From Here Up Are Diplomats ---- Junior Trainee: (N/A) Dress Code: Ranger Division The Jade Riders - Ranger Uniform Each colored cloak varies depending on the rangers environment (White for snow, Green for forest or plains, Yellow/Beige for desert, Orange for red desert or mesa, Blue for water etc.) The color of your belt/undershirt varies depending on rank (The solid white spaces on the skin are for your skin [skin, eyes, hair etc.]) Belt Ranks: General Rider: Green Rider Captain: Black Rider Of The Mark: Gold Senior Rider: Purple Rider Of The Wild: Red Junior Rider: Blue Scout: Brown Initiate : White Diplomat Division: Diplomat’s have no set dress code at this time Out Of Character Rules Don’t be a jerk to ANYONE, be they a Rider or not. Don’t purposely or through inactivity provoke someone. Being active is not mandatory but it would be appreciated. Dress code in not mandatory but appreciated These rules are subject to change in the future Rider Code Of Conduct All people of any race, gender or sexuality are welcome in the Jade Riders. Discrimination will not be tolerated. You must renounce fealty to any organization or national order if the laws of said order conflict with those of the Riders Comitting acts of violence against nations to aid another nation is strictly prohibtied unless the Riders have voted to help Riders who reveal sensitive information or align themselves with a specific nation against another nation will be banished from the ranks without prior warning All Riders must train in the basic skills of a Ranger: bowmanship, swordplay, animal behavior studies, flora and fauna studies, and basic diplomacy. Illiterate recruits will be taught to read and write before they are inducted. One must not intentionally harm any animal, plant, or person not actively threatening one’s self, the Riders, or the balance of nature. Rangers seen breaking this rule are subject to verbal warnings, imprisonment, and banishment, in order of number of offenses. These rules are not to be bent in any way shape or form These rules are subject to change in the future **(To apply, copy and paste this form into a reply below. Being accepted on this forum DOES NOT mean you are a Rider, you must first pass the Initiate Training Process)** Application For The Jade Riders Ooc Information Minecraft Gamertag (Required*): Real-Life Age (Required*): Nickname (Optional*): Prefered Pronoun(s) (Required*): (He/Him, She/Her, They/Them etc.) Roleplay Sample (Required*): Ic Information Characters Full Name (Required*): Current And/Or Former Titles Held (Required*): Race (Required*): Sub-Race (Optional*): Sex And Gender (Required*): Training Known (Optional*): Training Wanted/Needed (Required*): *“By signing this document, you agree to the above laws and any the General, Captain and Senior Rider see fit of adding. You agree to renounce any title that conflicts with the goals/code and will uphold peace and balance between the natural world and society”*
  2. I need a skin for my character Rogg heres the skin im using for him rn: https://imgur.com/a/H3BMRKz im looking for a more “realistic” look to his face with the same messed up eyes and mouth here are some references to use: https://imgur.com/a/K2VxFjJ https://imgur.com/a/JjYhCMa https://imgur.com/a/EGWTgOJ he’s basically sloth from the goonies but with hair and a beard i dont have any mina but i got $5 [paypal]
  3. Pact of Man and Mali’ker, 1703 Preface: The Sable Principality of Vira’ker has seen fit to establish contact with His Imperial Majesty and the Empire of Man. As such it is by His Imperial Majesty’s will that the Empire of Man and the Sable Principality of Vira’ker enter into a defensive pact to ensure the mutual success of both nations. Terms, agreed upon by both nations: Both nations agree to entering in a defensive pact, as such both nations agree to provide military support it the other nation is threatened. Both nations agree to permit free and safe passage of the other faction’s citizens within their lands IN NOMINE DEI HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Augustus I of the House of Horen, Emperor of Man, King of Renatus, Marna, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland, Santegia, and Norland, Duke of the Crownlands, Cascadia, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Carolustadt, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera. His Highness, John d’Anpalais, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince of Beaufort His Highness, Vulnir Syllar of Clan Syllar, Prince of the Sable Principality of Vira’ker, Protector of Mali’ker and the Onyx
  4. Previous Stories: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: We have reached Part 4 in this series, ending the first arc in the “Key to Oblivion” stories. Thank you for reading the storyline so far and I hope you enjoy “The Darkness Within,” the final story of the first arc. ~(+)=~=(+)~ Some stories don’t get to end with a joyous note. Others have far more twisted ends to them while the people are left with a sobering fact of life. We all can die and never come back. This was especially true to Karren Myrsta when his throat was slit back in the Druid Grove by Nivndil some years ago. He had left the world while the September Prince still roamed the land, terrorizing the population and leaving him with the sense of powerlessness that drove him to begging for death. Now, he resided in a world that offered no quarter with demons wishing to end his pathetic life so that he may never exist again. When his grandfather “dreamed” of seeing him as he was now, in the middle of transitioning into a beast of corruption and wielding dangerous magical power, he did not wish for him to see how far he had fallen and how close he was to turning into a being of pure hatred-tortured relentlessly by those that resided within the hellworld of The Pit. It was the one thing that he had wished to never lose-the good memories of him, tainted forever by how far that he had become-and the one thing that forced him to cling to dear life within this hellscape. To Jarsek, however, the sight of his grandson being a figure of pure heart and how he became something frightening was enough to break his very heart-shatter his core into millions of pieces. Ascended could not help him with this kind of problem as it affected him deeply to the point of wanting to die, but there was another force deeper within that fought to keep him alive. There was no other way for him to stay alive, broken as he was, besides taking up the darkness within his very being and letting it run free within him. Surging like wildfire and feeling cold to the touch, Jarsek would begin to learn about this driving force of Creation and even attempt to understand it through how it would react to certain situations, but however, something felt like it was being prevented from unleashing itself fully into his body, acting like a powerful restraint that would appear to be indestructible. Not a single clue on how to release that preventive restraint, Jarsek had only one option left to him at the time: begin to learn about the darkness within. This would motivate him into something that would either drive him into insanity or elevate him into power, depending on how fate had willed it. He wanted to know what this darkness was inside of him to the point of asking critical questions that would prove to be even more complex to answer as they simple to ask. “What is this feeling? Where did it come from? Is this part of our curse?” would three of the many questions that would plague his mind for years to come until he either gained a satisfactory answer or not. Critical questions that would endlessly plague him to the point that they would be burned forever to his core, questioning everything. Unbeknownst to even most High Elves, curiosity can be a powerful motivator for either the good or the bad choices made every second of every day, but Jarsek was the most afflicted in this case. Intelligent and witty, he would try his best to understand how this feeling within him worked and what it was truly... ~(+)=~=(+)~ While Jarsek had this feeling within him, something else was brewing in a currently unknown continent known as Arcas. Something that was not always so simple as the lands were brimming with life and suppressing that which was attuned to the darkness, keeping it in perpetual slumber. At least, for now...
  5. Perthus Alabaster Human – Heartlander Height: 6’2’’ Weight: 120 lbs General Attributes: Caucasian, gray eyes, white hair Age: 23 Left Arm is covered in a burn scar and the grip in his left hand is weak Chaotic Neutral Perthus is a very quiet man. When he does talk, his voice isn’t remarkable but still manages to attain a certain tone of authority. He friendly and conversable at most times, but few have the fortune of finding anything regarding his personal life. His father killed and his mother turned a drunk while he was very young, Perthus has never known the pleasure of good parenting. He was taught what he knows of courtesy and chivalry by an uncle who was killed by a band of thieves while on a trade run. He seeks no vengeance, but to help the weak and defenseless at any cost necessary. When protecting his charge, whomever it may be, the law is of no consequence. Only the greater good.
  6. NAME AND FORMALITIES Full Name: Yoshimi Otsugowara Nicknames: Chibi-Chan, Imoto GENERAL INFORMATION Age: 18 Gender: Female Race: Farfolk - Easterner Status: Alive PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Weight & Height: 97 lbs, 5’2ft. Body Type: Petite Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black Skin: Sunkissed with rosy cheeks. PERSONALITY & MISC. Personality: Quite, protective, silly, charming, kind, optimistic, and a helpful hand. Alignment: Chaotic Good Religion: ??? Home: ??? Titles: Seamstress and Chef Voice Claim: 2B Japanese Voice Actress Theme Songs: At Peace Cutesy Song Finding Beauty Going to War Art & Face Claim:
  7. *Signs are posted on the roads near Carolustadt* A new stables has been built outside of Carolustadt. We have a wide variety of horses, mules, and donkeys. Horses’ speed up to 15.5 yards per second, and jump height up to 5 yards high. Dirt cheap prices, starting as low as 150 mina. Stop by sometime and have a look at our finely bred mounts. ((Send me a Discord at GrayMage#5559 for questions, offers, or to have a look at the animals))
  8. Send me a message on discord so we can discuss the details further. Dallren#3257
  9. How does it feel? Dreycon asked himself that question as he went home towards Sutica. It wasn’t much of a question, but when he set those crops on fire, something felt off about him. This feeling seemed to persist as the walk back to Sutica continued through the forests and the beautiful landscape. He was a firm believer in fate and the balance of the world, but after the encounter with the sprite and the whole arson, nothing felt familiar. It was almost like he had done something to himself that had yet to be revealed. How does it feel? It lingered in his mind. The only question he was unsure of on how to answer properly. His feelings were complicated at the beginning when he lost his family to elven warriors, making him an orphan. He guessed that it felt good? How does it feel? It didn’t go away. It was maddening to ask himself the same question in his mind over and over again, almost like a broken record. He sought out the forces of September as a way to figure out what was wrong with him and see if they had healers that could heal him, but all he found was a maddening feeling that consumed his mind. How does it feel? He prayed to GOD in the hopes that he’d find redemption, but his prayers were left unanswered. That question still left a mark in his mind that seemed to never go, searing itself into his very core. How does it feel? Dreycon smiled with a dark grin. It felt nice to get it out of its cage. The pent-up rage and fury that had been building over his life finally turned into a bonfire that had plenty of fuel to burn. The flame was a cold one, but his cold embers would wear away his sanity and turn him into a clear psychopath. He felt like some of his constraints had been shaken off of him, the ones that made him weak and insufferable. It would grant him power, but not the magical kind. Power, the type he had his eye on, was physical alone. He didn’t wish to give away control to anything but himself. The dream he had the night before last finally started to make sense. It was a dream of fire that burned cold, but it would consume the world. Dreycon dreamed of a world without nature or descendants, but a world ravaged by the flames of war. How does it feel to finally let me free, Dreycon? To finally let your inner demon burn through your mind and fill your veins with fire and fury?
  10. AL-GUL BASIC INFORMATION: NAME: AL-GUL AGE: 35 RACE: HUMAN STATUS: ALIVE NICKNAME: Outlaw SUBRACE: Highlander DESCRIPTION: Body type: ATHLETIC EYE COLOR: DARK BROWN SKIN : WHITE HEIGHT: 6’2 PERSONALITY: Mostly cares about money and himself in situations. Inventory: A small dagger on his side A pouch of money A mask A short blade behind his back
  11. Hey I'm putting all my LotC videos as unlisted and wanted to make this post so that the links could be found without asking me. These videos start in 2013 when I joined and the last one I uploaded was last year in 2017. Green = Better quality / recommended videos. Red = Boring videos that I put in just for the record. Harbinger Fight (Anthos, 2013) Battle of the Nation's Crossing (Thorin's War, Anthos 2013) Battle of Shadowcastle (Pre-Trench War, Anthos 2013) Fall of the Cloud Temple (Anthos, 2013) Deeproads Breach (Ondnarch, Anthos, 2013) Battle of Thoringrad (Trench War, Anthos, 2014) Battle of Indagolaf End (Trench War, Anthos, 2014) Dwarves Help the Conclave (Anthos, 2014) Battle for Kal'Azgoth (Ondnarch, Anthos 2014) The Last Ice Morph (Ondnarch, Anthos 2014) Battle of the Dreadfort (Anthos, 2014) Welcome to the Fringe (Anthos - Fringe, 2014) Skirmish in Kaldonia (The Fringe, 2014) The Battle of Kal'Agnar (Athera, 2014) Battle of Hiebenhall (Athera, 2015) Battle of the Withering Woods Battle of the Melting Frost (1st Frostbeard Rebellion, Vailor, 2015) Dwarf vs Orc Wargames (Vailor, 2015) Battle of Khro'Nagaak (Vailor, 2015) Battle of Kal'Ordholm (Vailor, 2016) Battle of the Gorge (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Battle of Goldfield (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Skirmish of Johannesburg (Dwarves & Courland vs Oren War, Axios, 2017) Skirmish by Curon (Courland-Haense War, Axios, 2017) Mordring Attacks Bastion (Axios, 2017) Skirmish Outside the Krag (Dwarves vs Norland War, Axios, 2017) Battle in the Cultist's Lair (Axios, 2017)
  12. THE RAUBRITTER COMPANY “Perseverance by light under god” Men of The Raubritter Company flaunting their flamboyant Landsknecht outfits. The Raubritter Company formed by the men of House Steuben,Achenbach von Steuben and Johan von Steuben have set out to seek for wealth and fortune. Putting themselves to work by offering their well versed abilities in combat for coin as mercenaries they would set out,putting themselves for hire through contracts and other means. After deciding a talk between the Steuben brothers,they had decided to settle down building a fair keep in which they will form The Raubritter Company a mercenary company to encourage their waldenian heritage the company would specialize in weapons of the likes of Zweihanders and Halberds,uniforms and armors incorporated within The Raubritter Company are either of the likes of the flamboyant landsknechts or simply of what a man can afford ranging from simple padded leather to plated suits of armor. Those whom embark upon the task of joining of The Raubritter Company will have their skills in combat trained upon in the first saints week of their Arrival. From there they will promptly be enlisted within the company with the rank of Rekrut and put to work. Upon achieving the rank of Rekrut,from then on all spoils of combat managed to be received will be yours to keep and you will be entitled to your own home either within the company’s various keeps or in the lands surrounding them. The ranks of the company are listed as follows: Oberste The Oberste is the lead commander of the company given the utmost power within the company’s decisions and aswell is tasked with finding the company work through means of contracts and whatnot and with as well electing to promote men within the company. Hauptmann The Hauptmann are the second in command to the Oberste expected to be of utmost skill within the company and to have an expertise of leading without fail regardless of the situation put within. The benefits of such a title are to be granted with keeps or lands to their own liking. Feldwaibel The Feldwaibel rank entitles men to a lower leadership position,being expected in battle to lead when needed and as well expected to be well versed in combat able to hold their own if needed. Doppelsöldner A title meaning “Double-Pay Men” a rank given to Rekrut’s who have proved themselves in combat,Doppelsöldner’s are expected to show a level of combat superior to Rekrut’s when in battle aswell their title Doppelsöldner being shown in combat as they are expected to achieve twice the spoils and loot from combat through defeating more foes. Rekrut The initial rank given to members of the company,treated almost as cannon-fodder in their position,expected to show strength and merit through battle in order to climb the ranks of the company. The Appplication to join: Application RP: Name: Age: Race: Military experience: Reason for Joining: OOC: Username: Discord:
  13. The Nordengrad Imperialization Act Est anno Domini 1690 The title of Nordengrad still left a sour taste in the mouth of many, yet it was now once more bountiful land within the Emperor's holding. Thus, the Nordengrad Imperialization Act has been put in place to once more put this land, which is a vital settlement to remain presence in the North, to good use. Potential suitors to hand Nordengrad to were audited and no better option was found other than His Grace, Demetrius var Ruthern. A long serving and loyal Duke to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska who would then subsequently pass it on to the deserving House of Mournstone - a house who proved to be a great asset in the funding of Our Imperial Crown during the hard fought rebellion against the pretender King. Therefore, from the publication of this act Lady Valencia of the House of Mournstone shall serve as the Countess of Nordengrad and it’s sole ruler. The Terms, agreed upon by both nations, are as followed: In the event that the Earldom of Nordengrad claims itself as independent or begins to make it’s way down the road of rebellion against the Empire of Man, then the de facto leadership shall be stripped and the title of Earldom of Nordengrad, and all the rights that come with it, then will be given to the Lord-Patriarch of House Ruthern. In the event that, after the aforementioned title stripping at appointing to the Lord-Patriarch of House Ruthern, if the Ruthern Lord begins to make it’s way down the road of rebellion against the Empire of Man, then the de facto leadership shall be stripped of the title of Earldom of Nordengrad and all the rights that come with it, then will be given to the Lord-Patriarch of House Barbanov. To cement the land back under Imperial control the House of Mournstone will be expected to erect a church, or place of worship, to the canonist faith within or near to the newly granted lands. It is acknowledged that the worship of the Red Faith may continue within Nordengrad alongside the Canonist faith and the preaching of the Red Faith will remain confined within the lands of the Earldom. HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Robert I Bihar, King of Hanseti-Ruska HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS, Augustus Horen, Crown Prince of the Imperium Septimus HIS GRACE, Demetrius var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus HER LADYSHIP, Valencia Mournstone, Countess of Nordengrad
  14. COMMON SENSE ACT The Empire of Man holds vast territory, with many diverse peoples owing fealty to His Divine Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Man, Aurelius I Horen. Throughout the years, many lords and ladies have sworn to the Horen scion, adding their armies to the Imperial horde, and finding peace through service. These various folks together comprise the Imperial nation – from Adria to Haense, they collectively form the heartland of humanity. Law and logic assert these men and women as subjects of the Imperial Crown. They therefore, quite naturally, assist one another. The Imperial armies defend her people; her people, in turn, offer tax and levy to the crown. It is a trade off – a feudal hierarchy. Some of the Imperial vassals themselves have vassals. Just as the leaders of the more powerful fiefdoms were awarded land and office by the King, so to do they offer land and office to subservient lords and ladies. The feudal hierarchy is as follows. EMPEROR OF MAN | @Sultan KING OF SANTEGIA | @Sultan KING OF NORLAND-SIEGHOF | @Sultan KING OF RENATUS-MARNA - LANDS OF THE IMPERIAL CROWN OF EXALTED GODFREY | @Sultan DUKE OF UMBRA | @R3D7uP COUNT OF KASTROVY | @Gressy COUNTESS OF ALDENBURG | @roseways COUNT OF PEMBROKESHIRE | @Sheczar COUNT OF CYRILSBURG | @KosherZombie BARON OF RADOM BARON OF RED PEAK | @Caranthir_ BARON OF RENNES | @LithiumSedai BARON OF TARRACO | @TheArena BARON OF KOVGRAD | @TankM1A2 BARONESS OF AUSTRASIA | @Benelux BARON OF ARRAV | @Zhulik DUKE OF ADRIA | @Kid Mackin BARON OF AESCULUS BARON OF GOZA | @erik0821 MARGRAVE OF STYRIA | @Tornado_ BARON OF VILACZ | @Tornado_ MARGRAVE OF ARDENNES | @Babadooks CALIPH OF KADARSI | @ibraheemc2000 EARL OF NORDENGRAD | @Narthok KING OF HANSETI-RUSKA | @JuliusAakerlund DUCHESS OF KVASZ | @EternalSaturn MARGRAVE OF VASILAND | @Top_Goon COUNT OF AYR COUNT OF CARRENHALL | @JuliusAakerlund BARON OF THURANT | @sandey0000 BARON OF IHIRION | @Juststan147 BARON OF ANTIOCH | @Capace LORD OF ABERRANG | @Tidemanno DUKE OF VIDAUS | @Sky BARON OF ROSTIG Various documents exist which notate and reinforce this subject status. Usually these exist as letters patent, imperial and royal letters, or other letters from the Emperor or his Council which notate the privileges and expectations offered to individuals and in future their progeny. Copies of these exist in various legal libraries in the capital, and naturally each person awarded such a letter would maintain copies, so as to secure their rights were it to be taken to court, or challenged in any other way. These letters would serve as documentation of the feudal hierarchy. However, at times there would be land awards without such letters or documentation, or other documents would exist, such as the Adrian Proclamation. These vassals would merely swear a verbal oath to their liege lord, and begin their service without such regalia. Whether or not such a documented award was given, it is clear that those enfeoffed with land and titulage owed service to the crown, and would be expected to maintain justice, law, and order in their lands. In exchange for privilege and esteem, they are required to rally a levy, pay taxes, et cetera. Imperial vassals are expected to do as follows. Rally as a singular entity, calling forth all their levy and banners. Allow the Crown to negotiate foreign policy. Maintain law and order in their subject territories. Negotiate and pay taxes to the Emperor. Uphold the lawful orders of the Crown always. [All tagged and listed parties, please reply with a signature containing some roleplay, your character's name, titles, and such, notating the terms as per alliance rules.] [Credit: Lyonharted for the original format and post]
  15. The bell began to toll loudly across the small town of Dalrak. It was a church bell that rang loudly, however, but it did not ring out in joyous ding-dong as it normally did. It rang out in solemn tones as if someone had just passed away, attracting the townspeople to the church and gathering all to the funeral procession. It was a special kind of funeral where a magician of great renown had passed away, his body now spilling all of its powerful magic into the church. The funeral of this great wizard was one of many that were all lined up to be set throughout the day, though the funeral processors cleared the whole two hours for this wizard out of sheer respect for him. He fought in the war that was being fought all over the world, one of the last great generals of the gods that ruled over this fragile world, and his army was beginning to lose with his passing. No one knew how he died, save for one being who coincidentally attended his funeral. The name of this wizard would have been etched into the history books of the multiverse forever, but there was a sinister plan in motion to kill all who attended this great wizard-general’s funeral. No magic in the multiverse could protect these innocent funeralgoers, save for one. The one magic that this war began over. Oblivion Magic. The magic of Creation and Destruction on a massive scale. In the whole room where the funeral was taking place, there was only two wizards that could do such magic. One of them laid in a coffin, dead, and the other was very much alive. This other wizard had been alive for countless millennia, but he looked so much younger than that. He couldn’t have been much older than nineteen years old, but he had been fighting in the same war as the wizard-general though for much longer. The wizard knew of the sinister plot ahead of time, but how he knew was not easily known to the people inside of the church. They did not know what forces he commanded or just how powerful he truly was, but he and the wizard-general both knew just how dangerously powerful he was. This powerful wizard had told the wizard-general what he was capable of doing as the war raged on. Even saved his life on multiple occasions, this wizard did. But he did not predict that the wizard-general was not a proper vessel for Oblivion Magic. That would prove to be this great general’s downfall as the forces that governed this magical school tore through his soul like a massive tsunami hitting the coast of a very small island. Though this wizard was capable enough to slay any creature he came across, he knew that he could not outright attack them. There were rules he certainly had to follow. Rules that if broken or violated would spell the downfall of many more people than this war had taken. There were explosions outside and they were getting ever-so-closer to the church where the funeral had began. The wizard had retrieved a small pocket watch and opened it, checking the time. He’d mutter something unintelligible as he closed the pocket watch, placing it back inside of his pocket. This was mere moments before the room had exploded into wooden fragments, killing some of the funeralgoers. The war had reached the funeral and this event was known to pass to a certain wizard. He pulled out his wand amidst the smoke cloud of the explosion, igniting it with a small purple glow. The magic used in the explosion, he recognized, was pyromancy. Specifically, it was a fire spell of firebomb, but it was an attack nonetheless. The wizard muttered something in a strange and ancient language and a spell was cast nearly seconds later. The spell had been a teleportation spell for the rest of the survivors, save for the caster himself. He did not flee, but this was when he began to change quite rapidly. To those who were innocent, he made himself look human completely and flawlessly. He loved that form, but he knew that he had to discard it for now. The smoke began to clear and those who instigated the attack were horrified at the sight of the man. To them, they saw what he reconstructed himself to be. They saw his true form, a man who had skin of the astral plane and eyes that glew emerald green. He looked powerful and he was powerful. Powerful enough to destroy the whole multiverse if he so wanted. They saw what the third Lord of Creation looked like and the fear they felt was astronomical. The attackers had no idea that they faced real certain death at the hands of the second most powerful wizard in all of Creation and it had certainly terrified them to the core. Men, women, and children alike in the attacking party didn’t even notice it, but their bodies began to drop to the ground. There was nothing to do when you face the third Lord of Creation in all history and when he starts dropping bodies en masse. Not one of the attackers survived, physically and spiritually. The third Lord of Creation had slaughtered them all and destroyed their souls in the process as he was full of rage that burned through the Oblivion Realm and fanned with the foreknowledge of the attack. He was a time traveler and he knew that this war was going to make noise around the multiverse. He just didn’t know how it would, but he had to figure out how to stop the war from spreading to other worlds. It was his job throughout the war and it was still his job now. For gods shall fall when he is enraged. ((The Shifting Tear event is a continuation of this story, though it does not involve the Lord of Creation. If you wish to help act this out, PM me over discord. Thanks, -TheDragonsRoost))
  16. ========================================= Name of the Treaty: The Elven Contract , 1689 ========================================= Type of Treaty: [Alliance, Non-Aggression and Defensive Pact] ========================================= [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: The Empire of Man] [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: The Sable Enclave of Vira’ker] ========================================= Date of Signing: 13th Malins Welcome, 13th of Owyn’s Flame ========================================= The Sable Contract, 1689 A world at war draws any and all to the table. The fledgling remnants of the blood of Ker’nor had sought to keep their newly proclaimed freedom since severing ties with the Dominion, offering assistance in the upcoming battles to the Empire; that should the wars to come sway in their favor, they would thrive thereforth. Entering the fray alongside the Ichorian elves and reformed ‘aheral, the elves now join the war in full. CEASE WITH THE FLUFF The Terms, agreed upon by both nations, are as followed: They will enter an Alliance, Defensive Pact and Non-Aggression pact for the duration of the war that will commence against the following: Enemies of the Empire, Enemies of the Vira’ker. HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Aurelius Horen, Emperor of Man HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS, Augustus Horen ,Crown Prince of the Imperium Septimus SABLE PRINCE, Ganzorig Vincrute, Hierarch of the Div’cruan
  17. [OOC: This is a comedic, kinda meta, diary-form story of Egil, The Silver-Tongued - a young, hot-blooded and totally-not-desperate-for-attention 21 years old troubadour(bard). Excuse my odd grammar and mistakes. English is my 3rd language] 13th of The Grand Harvest, 1689 I woke up in a temple, miraculously without a hangover from last night's partying. Instead I felt oddly fresh, like a newborn. I stood up and wandered towards the only exit I could see, looking around curiously, feeling as if things seemed a bit more.. square. As my feet took me closer to the doorway of the Temple, the sweet scent of adventure, of maiden's bosoms yet untouched and ale yet to be tasted filled my nose, urging me on! To make haste, before they are claimed and shackled into boring books and senile old minds. Stepping outside, I was greeted by a few monks who seemed to repeat the same one or two lines of wisdom, probably not paying much attention whom they spoke to. There were a few other non-monks like myself wandering around the temple, each more colourful than than the next, browsing things, chatting up or just awkwardly looking at the ground or the sky. After receiving an odd cristal like ornament from one of the monks, I decided to sit and ponder about my situation, checking and tuning my lute. Until, Goddess herself walked into my view from the temple. Her brown hair flowed in the slight breeze like water flows in a river, the sun gently dancing on each of her hair. Her eyes were like the biggest shiny gems, deep green - like woods one could get lost in for weeks. Her nose was small and cute, her lips plump and rose coloured. The way she carried herself down the stairs with such elegant manner was nothing more, but an act to marvel at. A mini-miracle! She stopped by one of the many bookshelves in the temple and seemed to look right at me. I of course approached the lady with bravado and confidence that one of my caliber should have and bowed to the lady, asking her name. To my surprise she stood still, peering past me into the distance. Like a sculpture too real and perfect to be man made. I tried to get the ladies attention yet again but to no avail. Thinking maybe a piece of music might make the beautiful, yet mysterious sculpture woman come back to life I played a short melody to her, my fingers dancing on the strings like elves in the rowdy tavern songs dance around the fire - elegant and wild at the same time. To my disappointment the lady did not react: deaf, blind and mute, still in the moment as the time around her passed. With a sigh I put away my lute and started to look for the next maiden to woo when I heard a kharajyr growl behind me:" oh is thwat a bawd?".
  18. Hi! I'm looking for a player to play my son, please read his details below to see if you are interested! Description of Character A dark-skinned, black hair lad. Son of a southeron and a.. probably farfolk-mix with a large nose. Mother is a 5’6 Southeron by the name of Rivaini Semaili, married to 6’0 Antanios Rutledge. Family resides in Belvitz, yes there is a house. I would prefer if you had MPM, cause it makes things more fun and such. Character Name Medhi S. Rutledge You will receive skin upon due time and acceptance. Preview I swear you’ll get a better skin some day. Application What’s your MC Name? How long have you been a part of this server? Have you played a human child before? Have you ever been interested in playing a human child? How much do you know about Human culture? Would you feel comfortable on your own? Please post the application in the comments! Please post your application in a private message with me!
  19. ?????? ??????? ”Blood for Science. Death Before Dishonor." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information Full Name: Marius DeNurem Titles: Prince of Hanseti-Judah, Lion ov Judah, Hochmeister of the Steel Company 2-11, Director of the DeNurem Inc. Nickname/Aliases: None Important Information Age: Late-Forties Gender: Male Race: Human Sexuality: Heterosexual Languages Spoken: Common, Marian, and Flexio Physical Disabilities: None Jewelry/Accessories: DeNurem Ornate Circlet. Physical Attributes Body Type: Soldier physique Height: 6’6” Weight: 208 lbs Hair: Short silver-white hair Skin: Fair Eyes: Green Markings/Tattoos: Black cross tattoo on the back of the neck General Appearance: Marius appears older than he actually is, as his hair color resembles that of an elder. He often wore a neutral expression. Current-Attire: Regularly wears a full plated armor and a white cape over chainmail, the Black Cross of the Teutonic Order displayed on his tabard. Hygiene: An above-average sense of hygiene. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present Current Location: Caius Circle 3, Carolustadt, Empire Of Man Religion: Canonist Personality: Formidable and wise when it comes to military actions, stern and quiet most of the time but capable of booming commands when the event calls for it. Battle-hardened and seasoned veteran of many wars, a realist and more acceptive towards reason and logic in his decision-making process. Occupation: Hochmesiter of the Steel Company 2-11 and Director of the DeNurem Inc. Moral Alignment: Lawful-Neutral
  20. (THESE ARE NOT MY PICTURES NOR DO I CLAIM THEM) Introduction The Southeron people, also known as the Southernos or the Southerners - are inarguably the darkest-skinned of the human subraces/subcultures. Natives to Aegis, the Southerons are known as one of the products of Horen’s Firstborn Son, Harren; alongside the Adunians. Although its a common stereotype to believe they are aggressive, Southeron are quite calm and care-free(although combative). Many of their chief values include but are not limited to : independence, isolationism, unity, family, honour, tradition, and filial piety. Though they are typically associated with tribalism, some Southeron have opted to live in Feudal societies; forming great families or houses. Culture The culture of the Southeron are varied and unique, consisting of a mixture of various tribes that each have their own unique characteristics. Southeron culture is expressed in its art, folklore and religion, clothing, cuisine, music and language. Though Southeron cultures are host to a wealth of diverse subgroups, it is also, when closely studied, seen to have many similarities. For example, the morals they uphold, their love and respect for their culture as well as the strong respect they hold for their elders and their importants (Kings and Chiefs). Traditional Southeron music is as diverse as the various populations. The common perception of Southeron music is that it is rhythmic music centered on the drums.Although the drum does play a central role in many Southeron musical traditions, that is not fully the case. Other important musical traditions also involve strings, horns and very little rhythm. For example, an important instrument to the Mengesha Tribe is the Kora, a twenty-one-stringed guitar-like instrument made out of a halved, dried, hollowed-out gourd covered with cow or goat skin. The strings are made of fishing line. It plays an important role not only in Mengeshan musical tradition, but also folklore and the Mengesha’s rich oral tradition, as the primary tool of Mengeshan griots. Although most Southerons are known to live sedentary in the desert, they prefer tropical environments that boasts water sources such as: desert oasis’, jungles, desert coasts, lakesides, riversides, etc... - the sun is their friend. Due to previous Southeron interactions with general foreign influence(trade, diplomacy, etc...) - it is arguable to say that there are many languages that Southeron’s speak, the most common of them being Caeole, the Common Tongue, and Qalashi. This does not mean that many Southeron are not weary of foreigners – most can easily feel intimidated around groups of people who are unlike them and become more competitive if an event warrants competition. History It is commonly believed that when the world began all Humans appeared largely the same, based off of the image of their father, Horen. Due to Human restlessness, drive for discovery and quickly growing population, various groups split off from the first Human settlements. Some lived in the hot, tropical, and flat plains in the area of what would become Whisper Isles and Al'Khazar. They would be the first Southerons. Living in an excellent climate for farming and the growing of crops meant that Southeron grew to become a people well suited for agriculture. In time they grew taller as a result of excellent nutrition, darker skinned with exposure to the sun, growing harsher physical attributes due to their environment, and built up large cities. The Southeron were once seen as a subrace exclusive from their Farfolk brethren. However, when the change of continents began to arrive - the Southeron began to falter as a people; it seemed as though every time there was a Great Descendant Migration - the population of Southeron people would decrease less and less in size. The first migration being arguably the worse, as the geography and environment of the continent was reversed fatally. This caused obstruction - to many of the Southeron, who mainly stayed in one place for the duration of their lives, the geography reverse of the continent caused them to either adjust for survivability or to accept death. Many of the Southeron people failed to adjust, the few remaining being forced to migrate to live with their Northeron cousins for survivability; slowly assimilating into Northeron society, sometimes mating and procreating with them until sovereign Southeron communities were nearly impossible to find after Asulon. As Great Migrations became more frequent, the Southeron community’s population began to decrease. By Athera the Southeron communities had largely died off - though you did find independent Southeron occasionally. The remaining Southeron that adapted to Northeron society had adopted feudalism and joined various Houses, eventually forming great families of their own in the nations they were with. Places such as The Sultanate of Haria and Empire of Oren had at least one demographic group with Southeron ancestry or heritage. The Southeron people were slowly making a return come Axios, adapting to Feudalism fairly well. It was not until Atlas that many of the surviving remnants of the Southeron people, displaced on the new continent, found themselves divided and separated into disparate tribes adopting their own personal traditions. Tradition In Southeron societies, tradition is a large and important part of the Southeron culture. Filial piety to one's elders and ancestors especially, are one of the most important aspects of Southeron social relations. Social behaviors such as the respect for parents and elders, raising children appropriately, providing hospitality, and being honest, trustworthy, and courageous are highly valued and even revered as virtues one should live by. This plays into traditional religious thought, as morality is associated with obedience or disobedience to Deities regarding the way a person or a community lives. Most traditional Southeron societies worship various spirits as well as veneration of their ancestors. These spirits are believed to serve as intermediaries between humans and deities. Rituals honoring deities and spirits through libation and sacrifice are common across a number of Southeron cultures. A common form of southeron spiritual tradition is through communal ceremonies or divinatory rites in which members of the community, overcome by force, or spirit, are excited to the point of going into a meditative trance in response to rhythmic or mantric drumming or singing. Divination is a common facet of Southeron culture and Diviners are sought out on a regular basis for wisdom as counselors in life and for their knowledge of herbal medicine. Similar to their Human brethren, the Southeron people are victims of the mortality curse casted upon Horen by Iblees. Appearance/Physicality Clothing, as is true of Southeron culture on a whole, is widely Diverse. Each tribe has their own specific cultural garbs and customs. They can range from the Khonma Tribe who are known for their unusually light and sparse clothing, typically consisting of little more than an apron or loincloth, to the Mengesha known for their long white shawl like robes called a “Shamma”. If anything is to be said of the commonality in Southeron dress, it is the use of beads, shells, feathers and pelts as decorations and symbols of wealth and status. Use of color also tend to be common amongst many Southeron groups as well. The Southeron are well known for their dark black skin. This is a commonality shared broadly among the disparate groups, besides those of mixed heritage, where there may be more variance. besides that, there is a wide range of physicality as is the case with any of the human races. The hair of a Southeron ranges from tight coils to free-flowing curls - it isn’t uncommon to have more than a single hair type. Though their hair is typically always black in color unless the persons is of mixed heritage or has dyed. Some Southeron, especially those who live in feudal societies, see jewelry as a sign of wealth or a prestigious rank - other Southeron who live without the need for international currency see them as worthless as rocks. Many tribalistic Southerons, similar to the feudal jewelry, see face paint or masks as a sign of prestigious rank - usually sporting the colors of their tribe through them. Terminology Specific Terminology for the Southeron include but are not limited to : Sun people(Hou-zhi) Sahiri(Ghanyans) Southeron/Southernos(Other) Southeron Prominence Notable Characters - Forrest Sarr - A notable pirate and Steward of Privets Ford Vallero(The Ear-Slicer) - A notable killer and member of the White Rose who typically targeted Elves, ironically settling down with an Adunian. Juumane M’Baku - First Neguš of Ghanyah and one of the first Southeron persons to lead on a national level. Haadi Mubdee - A powerful mage and an Archmage/Founder of the Mages Guild or The Tamed Arcane. Notable Families - House Denaseth - A Harian Noble House House Atatis - An independent Mounsidian Noble House Credits @LicorishLicorish - Co-writer @KribKribbitz - Co-writer @ChamoChamo - Original Lore Writer @MalocchioMalocchio - Original Lore Writer @ViolinoViolino - Advice, Aid, and Info @FordEbonsquire - Advice, Aid, Info, Char Mention @SodaiKamikazeNalatac - Advice, Aid, Info, Mention @FinalAwakenMyLove - Advice, Aid, and Info @Elad™ Elad - Character Mention @Appie Appie - Character Mention
  21. "A single soul is bound to the hand their dealt, but what happens when would they seek to change fate?" -Thorvn Bronvyn Psychical description and basic Introduction: Before you stands a 5'6 onyx cloaked male, his stance having no bearing, no significance other than an observant nature, with no visibly descriptive facial features most would see a full covering grey mask. From anyone's perspective It would look to be Thorvn wouldn't attempt to stick out, unfortunately.. the golden decor covering around the highlanders collarbone shined bright in moderate occasions with plenty of sun would be like calling a pack of hyena's to a dinner-party, that's if the hyena's were brigands and the party was a single feeble being suffering from poverty- Alas, poor Thorvn. Under robe would be a plethora of burned scars, varying from malformed skin due to improper medical treatment to direct third degree burn-scars upon the upper body. The main lower-torso down seems wholesomely untouched due to sheer luck, as for Thorvn's face, it'd have the largest damage, the former feeble youth having little recognition compared to his younger years, long- charcoal black hair irony aside covered the main scar formation, two large blue globes on rare occasion seen throughout the shroud of soot, Thorvn was mainly a harmless being unless improperly provoked with enough spur. Mannerisms: Thorvn normally behaves in a more civilized manner compared to others, not one to throw insults like clumps of dust to provoke those quick to anger, more-so avoiding conflict entirely when It comes down to the general gist however, nae If anything when well being of himself or those he'd personally care for will act on prime wits rather than instinctive reaction, easier said the highlander is a 'think first' act later type. Personality: More of an intellectual than a brute fighter, Thorvn would've easily be mistaken for a scholar, a man of words that fought better with a quill than an actual blade. With those he'd find companionship would be significantly different in tone compared to those he'd find complete strangers would be probing, similar to a cat tapping at the water's edge to flush out their afternoon fish. Though it's easier said the feeble being's personality solely depended on the person, finding women much easier to talk to compared to men, mainly for the sole reason of knowing It'd be much more unlikely for a woman to strike him down for mispronouncing a name, or unintentionally insulting heritage. Equipment and inventory: Nae, the highlander had no pockets but from behind was a connective mid-back satchel to carry light encumbering belongings, varrying from a small amount of trinkets, parchment to the occasional purchased commodity (Holm Falafel bread) wrapped up in preserving papers. One might not noted at first that Thorvn kept his whole body within shroud for the sake of others, but upon further inspection there were slight indents above the wrist, under-body clothing had hidden two sheathed dagger-like hilts that could've been exposed with ease in a matter of flicking a wrist, to most else It'd require a sheer understanding of dexterity and blade-handling to be able to ready one of these four inch knives without injuring oneself, lest in both hands at once. The blades weren't designed to kill, but cripple whatever target would be upon the receiving end through a numerous of serrated edges that resided upon the blades tip, from the pommel down was a smooth blade, influencing a more muscle severing cut than pure jagged point that would leave the target moreso unable to use the limb rather than forcing a fatal hemorrhage, not that Thorvn was hesitant to kill, he just.. preferred not to unless It was absolutely necessary, after all the blades were under-performing unless you've had a professionals knowledge of where the connective limbs were most weakest. Strengths, Weakness's and on races: Not one to usually boast, Thorvn's Intelligence Is larger on average to others, not one to show unless the time arisen, mainly dulling his tone out to compensate, nor to confuse other people within the general vicinity, he's just that considerate~ Extensive tutoring on the human body has resulted upon Thorvn diagnosing Injuries within record time, this has been proven to assist in both medical knowledge, and the art of crippling an opponent, be It severing an essential muscle to semi-permanently cripple a foe, or target the lower-extremities to force a violent hemorrhage within, causing spontaneous death within a matter of minutes If left untreated. To compensate for extensive Intelligence, Thorvn's birthright had left the male on average less psychically powerful than the standard human, It'd be a miracle to win a fight by himself, lest a tavern-brawl with the local drunk, the psychical disability isn't on its own crippling, but- It doesn't mean the male would be able to do strenuous tasks for an extended period of time, to compensate this, Thorvn takes on occasion self brewed medicinal tablets created at home, being no more different than an (ooc based, vitamin) daily remedy. Due to lack of proper psychical prowess, the highlanders body is much more feeble, meaning much more susceptible Injuries, a great-hammer to the thigh-bone would be overkill, in short. (Due to the previous bullet) Thorvn compensates his lack of fortitude by taking an acuity to dodge blows, mind anyone else he'd not keep this up forever, or be able to properly evade arrows, bolts, or magic, but with enough practice, evading small arms could be second nature for some. Due to lack of experience with the majority of races, Thorvn isn't one to discriminate upon any of the beings of Atlas, be It elves, dwarves, fellow humans or even orcs. This may subject to change, but this is mainly due to inexperience. (This part may be updated.) History of the burned (Thovrn's history, and how his form came to be): In the year 1627 In the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, a pair of rose entwined lovers attempted to concede a child, the mother wanting a beautiful, robust girl to call her own while the father wished for a son to bear the family name of Bronwyn and pass down years of experience to a healthy child that'll ensure their future as a fledgling armor-smith. The Bronwyn family served three generations of service with the Holy Orenian Empire, primarily in chain and reinforced hauberks that saved countless lives during the great northern war, unfortunately their line was quickly driven out of work when the wars ceased, leaving the family in a state of poverty for years to come. An unshared experience with Thoromir's town mainly kept secret that his wife, Gretchen was mostly infertile due to birth defects, meaning the chance of bearing his child or in this case anyone's was slim to none, everything they've tried- constant attempts in secret, tonics that would most people retch, herbal teas, you name it, they desperately seeked for an answer, the whole town knew of their shared conflict and had no answer for them. Another few weeks pass, the couple was only after the assistance of a town-faring alchemist that allowed Gretchen to finally squeeze out enough fertility for one child, and his name was Thorvn. To the relieved couples shock several months prior to planned birth that Thorvn came early in-rushed miscarriage, most would've assumed that a child In such harsh environments would've perished without proper care, the funding- the savings to raise a child, the two were no more than 12 years apart from one another In age at the very least Thoromir had an actual professional background, assumed dead the couple rushed the blanketed infant to the local soothsayer, It was found that Thorvn had survived, barely- to their surprise such a petite baby was crying out under the rough-spun blanket, weighing little over an ounce the miracle child that had come to be was their own rightful heir to the family name like it or not.. they had properly given care to a progeny. Several years pass, struggled attempts to treat Thorvn's 'condition' leaving little success, having Gretchen hopelessly tend to the boy while Thoromir made ends meet gave little time for family bonding between father and son, Thorvn struggling with crippling psychical disability could do what only most bed-ridden folks could do, read! Taught by his mother on occasion and with a hell of a-lot of practice the inspiring cripple had developed a knowledge that would surpass all but the wisest within the village. Read, practice walking, watch snow, eat, sleep, repeat: This was Thorvn's daily routine until he could finally walk without assistance at the age of ten.. in another note, the same year the local residential district found Thoromir's body in the snow, frozen to the bone, skin white as porcelain presumably working himself to death to feed his family, the renowned retired smith was barely recognizable , not even to his psychically inept son. Another few years pass, Thorvn completely oblivious to the blacksmith's profession had taken up apprenticeship in alchemy, to his mentors surprise coming on quite fast compared to previous pupils, It was easier said they'd have a mutual relationship in the forthcoming years, seeing the wiser apothecary more as a father that taught basic life lessons than his previously deceased Thoromir, in time forgetting the name entirely, as for Gretchen- her life fell to pieces within the prior year, committing what sounded to be a mercy for herself- and the intellectual Thorvn, burning the house down while he'd sleep- setting herself ablaze, running off and meeting the same fate, the struggling Thorvn had no Idea of what happened.. until at least the fire reached his face.
  22. «Guard de Vasilie» Army of Vasile _____________________ General History: The Guard de Vasilie led by Charles I of House Halcourt, Baron of Vasile, are the army of the Barony of Vasile. Fort de Vasilie would be the Baronies and the Guards foothold, thusly have been faithfully guarded by the heavy infantry of House Halcourt since 1659. tt “The two most powerful weapons are patience and time” -Ser Sylvester III, Baron of Vasile circa 1657 _____________________ ⁌ Ranks ⁌ Commander: The Commander commands the Regiment in its entirety and is the Baron of Vasile. The Commander works with the guard lead. A man of few words, the Constable is required to be adaptable and collected. He has the final say in all matters. Captain: Are important members of the Regiment. They assist with keeping order within the ranks and are often granted minor privileges and duties like training, as well as missions to lead the enlisted men on. Enlisted Sergeant Master-at-Arms Man-at-Arms Footman Name: Race: Age: Any past military experience?: ((OOC)) MC Name: Discord: Timezone: ____________________ Notable Engagements: Storming of Cyrilsburg, 11th of the Snow’s Maiden, 1662 Siege of Ruriksgrad, 8th of the Grand Harvest, 1662 Siege of White Peak, 9th of the Grand Harvest, 1668
  23. The order of nightfall charging into battle Three of the Order Of Nightfall's greatest warriors watching over a battlefield The Order Of Nightfall History The original creator, Johnathan Cantwell, was a simple boy. He learned of his father being a lord and soon became a lord under a county in Santegia. He took his fathers old armor, darkened the steel and decided to make a levy that would aid people. Seeing as the Black Knight always saves the damsel, the levy was formed. It was passed down to his son who shortly lost lordship and the Black Knights went extinct. Many other Cantwells tried reforming them, but only one succeeded. Zachary an Cantwell. Shortly he passed away and it went onto his brother, then onto the last Cantwell alive; Sarah Thomson. Under her new rule the name was changed to the Order Of Nightfall. Black Knights were the titles given to the male warriors and Black Dames to the female warriors. The order of Nightfall isn't for the faintest of heart, their work requires them to complete tasks the average soldier wouldn't, because of this the soldiers of the order are hardy warriors. Rankings Captain -the highest rank achievable in the order, this is held by a soldier that is a great warrior but an even greater leader. They are responsible for every soldier in the order and take care of any business the order is involved in, whether that be battles or simple guard duty. Again this is a difficult rank to achieve, you must prove yourself to be a great leader and fine warrior, therefore this rank will be awarded by a captain with the approval of the other soldiers in the order. Lieutenant -a soldier that is known for their great leadership skills and can draft letters and reports for their Captain. This rank is hard to achieve, in order to achieve it you must work hard in battle and prove yourself to your fellow lieutenants and captain. Sergeant -a soldier that is responsible for the training, gear management and overall appearance of the soldiers under their control. Corporal -a soldier that has proven themselves a good leader and are able to lead a small group of soldiers. Private -the lowest rank in the order, usually held by a soldier that needs more training in combat. Footman -a tried and tested soldier that has proven themselves in battle, they are the bulk of the order. Recruit -a recently recruited soldier that are untested in battle and may need training in the art of combat. Enlistment Requirements -must be hardened soldiers -loyal to the Order -respectful to others and more importantly those of a higher rank Application Name: Age: Race: Gender: Discord(required):
  24. Needing someone to be able to make me a custom skin, willing to pay, if you are able to do it, we can talk about the details over discord. Discord: Dallren#3257
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