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  1. A literal 'news cycle' rolls up to your doorstep. there seems to be a crinkled piece of paper glued to the wheel.
  2. It's me, ya theydy, back to try this again. Art auction, rules, all nice and fancy: -There will be TWO separate auctions, one specifically for Mina's, and one for USD -Mina auction starts at 100, goes up by 50 per bid, minimum. -USD auction starts at 5$, goes up by 50c, minimum. -Please ping the bidder you've outbid. Winners get to choose between a crest, headshot/bust, or an animal! Ends May 7th. Crest Example: Headshot/bust example: Animal Example: Please DM me on discord if you have more questions! neojunior#0657
  3. After years of peace.. a piece of muddy wrinkled up paper falls out of your door when you open it this morning. Dear god buck news is back..
  4. (OLD CONTENT) The Moonlight Studio Art Displays [!] As you slowly feel the gravity pulling you down as you rise from the lift, a sort of wonder begins to tickle at your soul. The lift doors open, and immediately you are bathed in light, let it be the Sun's warmth or the Moon's cleanse. Your eyes are bombarded with eye candy, paintings on nearly every wall and sculptures showcased in the very center of the room; even the very pedestals they are placed on seem to be a work of art, beautiful, intricate patterns engraved into the stone. In the very corner of the room is a small station, where trinkets and artistic goods are sold; each object tastefully placed so each have a spotlight of their own. In the back, and very center, of the room there is a quaint table and chairs, a spot to take in the room and receive portraits; or perhaps a spot simply to share ideas and perspective. The studio gives off a youthful vibe, a place where all thoughts and questions are welcomed.
  5. ARCHITECURAL PORTFOLIO Hello, if you are viewing this you must be interested in Otis' Architectural Services (OAS) These services include Interior Exterior Landscaping Demolition Beautification If you are interested speak to Otis de Rosius or leave a letter at Selm Nine! We will be happy to assist. You be given an estimate upon viewing the property. Our prices are the cheapest and most affordable in Almaris, below you will find customers reviews and architects sketches of their homes. Rochefort Street 2: https://imgur.com/wrT1hVg https://imgur.com/i5p61dP https://imgur.com/1eINvho Pompourelia Street 5: https://imgur.com/H6B8uT7 https://imgur.com/uarDbTB https://imgur.com/hl6VC3s Pompourelia Street 8: https://imgur.com/QNtIrxQ https://imgur.com/fQA4uyv https://imgur.com/d7SLikE Selm Street 8: https://imgur.com/QJXivz5 https://imgur.com/j1czev3 https://imgur.com/ch9taRV
  6. Hello Fellow LOTCERS Time has come again where I've overloaded on self skins that i need to let go, which is why I bring to you this amazing skin auction- for uh, females. I'm going to keep it short, I've made too many skins. Do i love these skins? Yes. But do i need mina more? Yes ! :D This auction will end at 10 CST on Sunday the 31st of January. So heads start at 30, and clothing will start at 50 , and you bid by increments of 10+ Happy Bidding! -Latte <3 <3 BIDDING FORMAT: (Quote the previous bidder) IGN: SKIN/S: DISCORD: BID: Flower Crown babe: Blue Pirate: Purple Regalia: Soft Spring: Cottage Core: Green Monk: Ruby Red: Air Bender Blue: Renaissance Rouge: Scandinavian Elfess (HAIR AND DRESS SEPERATE, Though, you could buy both for 85):
  7. https://imgur.com/ME7HTlt
  8. Buck hastily throws today's buck news to everyone in crumpled balls.
  9. Heyo, Neo here. Some of you may've been around for my recent skin auction. Granted I'm not that big of a skinner on LoTC yet, but I'm looking to get my name out there. I've set up a discord with the assistance of my friend (who did most of the work and also happens to of written most of my forum posts but that's beside the point). Check it out with the link below. Commissions, both skins, and art are open. As well as for anyone who just wants to come in and vibe, that's welcome too. If you have any questions, dm me, or if you have technical problems, Cats who's in the discord. Some things may still need to be set up, so report and bugs if you see them! We have a ticket bot up as well, if you want to make tickets my commission info is in there. Please before I'm forced to work at a grocery store or something lol Some of my stuff: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/neoroseo/ The Server: https://discord.gg/dyfwDUfk8m
  10. You wake up with something in your mouth. You open it, and pull out a crinkled up piece of paper that tastes like dirt and grubs. You wonder who it could possibly be from. And what ever the hell this is
  11. Nummy

    Nummy's Art Auction

    Nummy’s Art Auction It’s rather simple, folks. I’ve come across the need for minas, and since it’s end of map, why not spend them all on an art auction? What are you bidding on? You may ask? Well! Winner of today’s auction will walk away with a colored bust art! Like This!! Just post what you’d like to bid. Highest bid by the time I get home from work today (Tuesday) at 7est wins! The Minimum bid is set at 2000 minas.
  12. Hello, many of you might know me as Dashing or Latte. One thing you might not know about me is that I like to skin in my free time. I have roughly started this hobby at the beginning of the new year. Having a lot of time my hands since then, I would like to say that I have improved! Which is why I wish to start an auction as well as just advertise in general. Auction Rules: Ends at 12:00 AM EST on Sunday August 23 Bidding starts at 500 Do NOT edit original comment or your bidding will be null and void Highest Bidder gets the Outfit Bidding Format: IGN: Discord: Skin: Bidding amount: =Skins For Auction=- Peach Flowers Savinian Regality Teal Rennaisance Fire Lord Ohani Elven Two Piece Faded Yellow Regency -=EXAMPLES OF COMMISSIONS=- My information: IGN: ILOVEG3CKO Discord: LATTE HOT-TAY#9269
  13. Sup gamers I bought a new ipad for uni and art - super cool whoop whoop, but also super expensive so I’m spitting out commissions like I’m santa on the 25th of December right now What can you commission you may ask? Hoh hoh hoh do I have some super cool wow spectacular art for you! Super cool and wow, I know. Now, you may be asking : but Grandpa, how do I commission you, and do you do any other art? But fear not my sweet summer child for I have answers: Information on other commissions (like maybe a SICK nation wax stamp) and my gallery (which has a lot more than just chibis): https://grandpablue.weebly.com/ Contact me on discord!: Grandpa Shay#1084 I asked my mom to rate my commissions but she said no (she didn’t actually say no, she’s asleep right now but we’ll look past that) - I still think they’re super rad and cool and can be finished in a day!
  14. OOC: From now on I’ll be writing these posts in a somewhat dramatic story-telling fashion. This was not uncommon in ancient times. Most history was written in rhyme or in a the dramatic. (It’s also more fun) The sweltering sun beat down upon the thirsty dark elf. Used to the cool of the forest trees of Siramenor, the heat of the desert plains during the Sun’s Smile fell like a hammer on his shoulders. The sound of his footsteps sounded hollow across the barren landscape. A soft, hot, humid wind ruffled the gray grass. It whistled past small rocks that stuck up from the red dusty earth. The crimson eyes of the ‘Ker rose slowly to glare at the sky. His lips were curled in a slight grimace as if daring the sun to shine. The sun paid no attention to the small, figure. The light of the sun seemed to sparkly lovingly off the red sand. It jumped from stone to stone. Yet as the elf cleared the next small hill, his gaze fell upon an orc who lay dead upon the ground. His mouth was open and his tongue protruded from the side, cracked, swollen, and stiff. The dark elf glanced at the orc. He walked over to the body and knelt by its head. The voice of the elf sounded in the deathly silence, croaky but still with a touch of sadness, “Hello my friend, I suppose you fell to the sun’s embrace.” The elf then smiled at the orc, a smile that seemed entirely out of place in the brutal heat so close to death. “May you have died so that the sun does not seek to take me.” The elf paused looking at the orc before continuing on, his feet plodding, each impact releasing a fine cloud of red dust. It was for ambition that the elf was to be found on that day, on that road, in that heat. His eyes shared a kindred spirit with that terrible sun, as they burned with the intensity of fire, his irises flickering. Yet who are we to judge the sins of elven kind or of the morality of powerful ambition. For do we consider the world to be filled with only those perfect and those evil? This elf struggling through the heat was no saint. But like the sun, a force of nature, he bore no ill will to those that stood in his way. Like the sun, his hammer would fall regardless of race, creed, or allegiance. Should we call that evil, or immoral? If you define it be so, yes. But, like the sun, this elf could be gentle, giving life to those he loved. Like so many emerald trees, the fruits of his labor would grow and would be loved. Perhaps, in the end, we shouldn’t think of this elf as the sun that killed that orc, or as the sun hovering over the trees of Siramenor, but instead as a flawed being just as any other. Good and evil in equal measure, internal struggle radiating outward, burning and loving, killing and growing. On this day, he was none of these things. He wasn’t the sun, or powerful elf. He was a small figure who was thirsty and lost. The elf was searching for Ker’Okarn. He hoped to bargain with the ‘Ker who lived there and begin the building of the tower of Sirame Khel. He hoped to start a great dynasty lasting thousands of years. Yet, on this day, he was nothing but a young wandering poet. It was many days till he reached the sea port of Ker’Okarn. He looked down upon the small city, his throat parched, his eyes stretched thin, his water bag empty. Yet the salt air woke his tired mind. His thin ashen lips curled in a smile as he surveyed his new home. He could imagine where the tower would stand, a little off to the side, and near the shining sea. This was a dark elf without family, without a father, without a clan. A dark elf who lived during one of the the most dangerous and terrible times for his race. Yet as this elf of little means looked down from that small hill his lost heritage didn’t matter. He would forge a new family, a new clan, and a new future for the dark elves. Poem written by Tide Falkmoor at this time: A deep sorrowful note, A long forgotten song, A wailing from each throat, The tale of those long-gone. Silence upon the scene, For birds knew not to sing, When the oldest did keen, When death the breeze did bring. No comfort for the weak, No promise to forgive, Paradise they did not seek, For they sought not to live. A rushing of dark wings, As quiet ravens flew. The dissonance now rings, Of stories sadly true. Deadly rain, Fire of incessant pain, Fire of a realm insane. There is no light. Except burning deathly bright. Light that only dead may see. Entry two of “The History of Sirame Khel and its Rise to Power” by Selion Drogon
  15. Hello! I have tons of skins and am willing to auction them off so they are being used and not just taking up my space on my computer and so you can enjoy them just as I did! Here are the rules. Once you post your bid, do not edit it! Please only comment to up the bid and no spam. You must be able to pay the full amount once the auction is done. Bidding starts at 800 minas, and the minimum it may increase by is 100. The auction will last until 8/9/2020. Skins Format Skin Name: Bid: Previous Bidder:
  16. Tigers Outfit Auction 。☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆。 Heyo, so I’ve recently been seeing a bunch of these on the forums and I thought why not? All of these skins are either brand new, never used, or used maybe once. The categories will go as followed: Elvish, human, bundles and Miscellaneous. Please excuse some of my older works their shading is a bit wacky. None of these skin have been uploaded to pmc. If you later down the road upload it after being bought please remember to credit me!! ❤️ ゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤RULES﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚ Once you post a comment, do not edit it! Please add a new comment to up the bid. You must be able to pay the full amount once the auction is over. Bidding starts at 500 minae, and the minimum it may increase by is 100. There are a few ones with recolours those come together and start at 800 mina Increase of bid by 100. Bidding will on end Saturday, August 8th. So you may bid properly it goes Spoiler, underneath it the name of the skin. BID FORMAT: Discord: Skin Name – Bid (List multiple separately please!) No editing your comments! 🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦 Elvish ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Mani Eagle Golden Beach Purple Party His sunlight Human ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Rouge Court Babushka’s Festival Watermelon Sugar Prince Edward Daisy Princess Navy Dream Morsgrad Child Ruska Violet Helena Magenta Magic Student Miscellaneous ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Desponnia Autumm Wedding Peach Hanbok Forest Gladiator Bundles (skin with recolours) ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Gothic & BabyBreath Druid Houzi Hanboks Dusk & Midnight To the dudes im sorry there are like 3 male outfits in here. sorry boys
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