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  1. Fliers would reach around all the Towns, Kingdoms, and Nations of Arcas as one particular Flier would catch your eye. You walk towards the Flier as upon closer inspection you realize that not only the paper was ripped a little, not only the Flier was terribly stuck to the wall, but the entire Flier was hand written with mud that has turned dry over time. Reading the Flier you start to wonder what creature or who has made this Flier in the first place, but you soon to find out... “Dear whoever read this, am Goi. Am strong Hou looking for job. Goi don’t care what job is, as long as Goi get paid... Goi can be humble gardener, or STRONG hired mercenary. Whatever client choose Goi to be. Send Goi letter saying where and when Goi can meet client to discuss Job and reasonable price.” There would be a dirty smiley face with a signature at the end reading ”-Goi” The font would be clearly messy however you can clearly read it. You chuckle at the fact how the grammar was off by alot, but ponder if you should hire this Hou or not. The choice is yours. OOC: Thanks for reading and you can msg me at discord, TypeFaster#1429, or on lotc, Blawpadow or scientist301. Also this is temporary work unless you plan to keep paying him. But he might be able to pull some strings to make it long term.
  2. Here’s examples of my work: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/ebonsquire/ I’ll take the first three requests, first come, first serve. Give as much detail as you want about the skin in a reply on this thread. Then add me on Discord (Ford#7178) once you’ve posted it. FIRST TWO REQUESTS ARE FREE, OTHERS WILL PAY THE STANDARD FEE. All skins will cost 700 minas. I’ll do the skin, then ask for payment, then give the skin Requests: Apostate Banner Man of Respect LeoRabbit JaketheDog115
  3. While walking down the King’s Road you stumble across a sales catalog written on a tattered parchment scroll. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Golden Harvest Catalog of Supplies for Sale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We Deliver! To order, fill out the attached form ((Forum pm)) For immediate service, send a bird to the Westmarch Harvest HQ ((JD_DC)) Wonderous Oddities: Odd Libations – 15 minas Timekeeping Pendants – 85 minas Halfling Pipeweed Cigars – 15 minas Fine Minerals: Raw Diamonds – 35 minas Raw Emeralds – 10 minas Refined Gold – 25 minas Refined Iron – 3 minas Cobble Stone – market price Lapis Blocks – 10 minas Redstone Blocks – 10 minas Food Stuffs: Carrots, Bread, and other vegetarian dishes – 2 minas per serving Steak, Chicken, Mutton, and other meats – 5 minas per serving Pumpkin Pies and other baked goods – 10 minas per serving Tools of the Trade: Herbalists Snippers – 45 minas per pair Leather Riding Saddles – 70 minas Maps Made to Order – 100+ minas Office Supplies: Bookshelves – 40 minas Books – 10 minas Paper – 1 mina String – 10 minas Black Ink – 15 minas
  4. [!]--X--[!] Fawoukh Vendor [!]--X--[!] [!] A poster is roughly tacked onto any surface you may be looking at, so long as it is legal. It depicts a market stall, surrounded by the wares sold on all sides. Pictures of candles with funny quotes, animals hiding within Tokeballs and a variety of other items. Written in the end, as if an afterthought, it states. “Find this stall in Marsumar!” [!] The stall sells quite a few things, including: Hand-Carved Karin Toy: 30 Mina Hand-Carved Basilisk Toy: 30 Mina Hand-Made Woolen Doll With Basket: 30 Mina Grizzly Bears Claws: 10 Mina In The Moment Comedy Candle’s: 5 Mina Freshly Baked Walnut Bread: 4 Mina The Edict Ghost V.1: 30 mina The Edict Ghost V.2: 30 mina Sensory Therapy: 30 mina Tippens Root: 15 mina Blissfoil: 15 mina Serpent’s Stalk: 15 mina Cactus: 3 mina Feathers: 2 mina Paper: 2 mina [OOC: RP items are marked in red. Coords are X -1648, Z 1254. Or use the Marsumar map circling around. If you are having trouble finding it, bird tadabug2000.]
  5. I need a skin for my character Rogg Here’s the skin I’m using for him atm: https://imgur.com/hWQBqIo (Here’s one without the beard and scar: https://imgur.com/a/QPZcanS) I’m looking for a more realistic look to his face but with the same deformed eyes and mouth since the one I have now looks way too happy for what he got goin on Here are some references: https://imgur.com/a/K2VxFjJ https://imgur.com/a/JjYhCMa https://imgur.com/a/EGWTgOJ He’s basically Sloth from The Goonies but with hair and a beard Im broke on LOTC but I can pay with Paypal.
  6. Around some of the sandstone pillars in the Cloud Temple and of some southern notice boards lie a few finely written posters had been made with writing, three posters side by side. , One In Elven, one in Dwarven and one in common Some may see a hooded and masked Mali posting these, though darts off to the next city before being stopped. Each stating the same wording as Follows. “To those that Read this message I am here to seek out a proper tailor for some new attire(s). The Mina will range somewhere from somewhere between 300-1000 depending on quality, amounts and or tips. One will be consisting of a mage robes but that will be disclosed in person. If you would like the offer come to Llyrias tavern, Llyria being at this location. X -1265 Z -73. :east for the next 3-4 Elven hours Less stated otherwise. Search for one downed in halfplate. Or one named Delimoni If failed to reach a time or contact, Yet still wish to do business send a bird my way. -K ((Ooc note this is my first time making any sort of tailor request, so send a bird to PronceJose270 way in adv. or just msg me some of your work. Sorry if it is bad But i’ll work on improving ^^))
  7. [!] There is a notice bearing a red wolf crest posted on every accessible bulletin board. Below it is hammered a small spike, and a leather-bound book is tethered to it with cord. Penned in neat calligraphy, it reads: ~~ To all Buyers & Traders! ~~ Ahoy! Our price reports have been updated. It was updated last fortnight, but circumstances delayed a proper posting. I am including Krugmar as a trial run. Considering what I have to report in Buyer Beware, this may be short-lived. I won’t send people into the maw to get harmed, so Krugmar consider yerself warned. Mess with the traders, and I ain’t including ye here again. [!] The book includes the following information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rO2JInGU1pn8lmQ8vD6mDrlD0B9Dcz_dojCIXEA-1KM/edit?usp=sharing Buyer Beware! First off, my thanks to former Prince Rutledge of Ves for reaching out to me regarding my last report. He quickly addressed the problem, and after an investigation he was able to confirm the bandits were not Ves citizens, just arsehats smearing his city’s good name. I can only hope good came of it, for his citizens and himself. The man has now abdicated, however I hope his successor is inspired by his example of noble leadership. Seems our neighbourhood Uruk are becoming active again, which of course I trade with many and call several friends. However, they seem to be hell-bent on bringing slaves (snagas) back to Krugmar, and camping the bridges outside of Sutica to do it. So be wary, my fellow traders. I know the snaga bit is something they like to do, but after finding out that they brand, burn, beat and torture their slaves? Well, let’s just say I can’t imagine anyone choosing that life (unlike before when they were treated better). If you see a group of them anywhere, turn around and go somewhere else. If ye don’t, yer most likely going to be harmed. Terribly. So just nope the hells out of that. NOPE. You hear me, Doomie? Love ya, NOPE. Fair winds, may Dame Fortune smile on your cups. Honour Rackham Captain, Howl of the North PS: If you ever have a story to share for Buyer Beware, reach out to me. I always like listenin’ to a good tale! ((OOC: The Trade Report Guidelines)) We will be updating our trading information on the 1st and the 15th of every (real) month. An item must have a quantity available by the dates above to be included. In Stock = 0 will be ignored. If you wish your location to be added to the trade report, contact GoldenGRIE (Discord: GoldenGRIE#0254) to make arrangements. All have access to view, but only the Howl of the North crew have access to edit. This is to maintain a level of trust in the reporting, and to prevent people from accidentally borking the formulas in the spreadsheet.
  8. [!] There is a notice bearing a red wolf crest posted on every accessible bulletin board. Below it is hammered a small spike, and a leather-bound book is tethered to it with cord. Penned in neat calligraphy, it reads: ~~ To all Buyers & Traders! ~~ Ahoy me traders! Our price reports has been updated. Brandybrook and the Caravan out front of Aegrothond have been added to the list, along with the city of Thyra. I was interrupted more than a few times trying to put this together for ye, so there may be a missed item here and there. If ye find something truly off, let me know via bird. [!] The book includes the following information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rO2JInGU1pn8lmQ8vD6mDrlD0B9Dcz_dojCIXEA-1KM/edit?usp=sharing Buyer Beware! So there’s a couple of tales to share, and both of them a bit... interesting. Hang on to yer hats, mates. This is going to be quite the story time. First, there was a clash near me dock, one that broke out between the Sutica Guards trying to keep the peace and a group of Hou-Zi (monkey folk). Once the spat was settled, the victims of this attack shared a frightening warning. They said to be mindful of a new group of Imperialistic Hou-Zi lead by the cruel Shen Cao Cao. Cao Cao and his followers pushed their peaceful Hou kin out of their homeland, and are now going from town to town and attacking them and any passerby. One refugee even shared the horrid tale that these Hou ate some poor soul alive! If ye find yourself faced with these hostile and belligerent Hou, think twice before conversing with them. Ye might end up as dinner. The second story has to do with O’ Sweet Adria! I was following a rather friendly individual to check out a new market when we passed the entrance to the Adrian city of Ves. I’m rather fond of Ves and it’s tavern there, The Bird and The Bard, so this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. What was out of the ordinary was being attacked by Ves citizens. I made my way into the city, called for assistance, and lo and behold, the bandits followed me in and said they were doing their “civic duty” as citizens by robbing anyone who came by. So this will be me last update for Ves, and until further notice: Adria is off the trade report until such time as it is safe for me to conduct business. I’ll not risk me neck, nor will I direct anyone there to be harmed. Clean up your mess, mates. Fair winds, may Dame Fortune smile on your cups. Honour Rackham Captain, Howl of the North ((OOC: The Trade Report Guidelines)) We will be updating our trading information on the 1st and the 15th of every (real) month. An item must have a quantity available by the dates above to be included. In Stock = 0 will be ignored. If we do not have access to a trade market to verify prices at stalls, the location will not be included on the report. If leadership of a location wishes to grant access solely for the purpose of acquiring prices, we will gladly fix this. All have access to view, but only the Howl of the North crew have access to edit. This is to maintain a level of trust in the reporting, and to prevent people from accidentally borking the formulas in the spreadsheet. Many thanks to the Halfling, George, for their assistance gathering prices in Brandybrook and The Grove!
  9. Pet ‘N Go Arcas’ one-stop-shop for all your pet needs! [!] A depiction of the interior of Pet ‘N Go. The Pet ‘N Go store, located at Central Ward 13 in Sutica is the premier shop in all of Arcas for all the pet-lovers around! In stock, we have not only the animals themselves but anything you could dream of needing to care for and love them for cheap, affordable prices. We have plenty of exotic pets, including but not limited to: Tigers, Rainbow Boas, Finger Monkeys (!), Ferrets, Wolves, Cocatoos, Snails, Hermit Crabs, Qinling Pandas, Tarantulas, Scarlet Macaws, and a fan-favorite.. Karins! [!] A sketch of a Karin is shown. And plenty more! So come on down to Pet ‘N Go at Central Ward 13 in Sutica for anything pet-related that you require. Remember, brighten your day or anyone you get a gift for with an animal to care for and love. Owned and Operated by Tsarra.
  10. Yeah so I make skins, Ill do any skin type you request. Payment in crowns is Ideal, though I’ll hear out other payment methods, I don’t have a set price. If you want a skin PM me on the forum or in game and we can discuss what exactly you want VIA discord. I prefer to do and almost exclusively make skins from scratch. Here are some of my more recent skins https://imgur.com/a/Oma33LX Skin quality, and system of payment has changed since I posted this, will update when I have time
  11. [!] A drawing of a goblin in a jester outfit appears before you. It has the words “Buying wife 20 minas” written on top of it. A note is attached to it. It reads: Hi. I am Omar Grimmer’Lak. I want to buy a wife for twenty minas. She must be able to produce offspring. If you have any daughters, female friends, or mothers who might be interested, send me a bird!
  12. [!] There is a notice bearing a red wolf crest posted on every accessible bulletin board. Below it is hammered a small spike, and a leather-bound book is tethered to it with cord. Penned in neat calligraphy, it reads: ~~ To all Buyers & Traders! ~~ My name is Honour Rackham. I am the Captain of the Howl of the North, and my crew deals exclusively in the supply and demand of goods across the whole of Arcas. We have created a trading report to show savvy buyers where the best bargains are, and we are committing to update these logs on the regular. [!] The book includes the following information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rO2JInGU1pn8lmQ8vD6mDrlD0B9Dcz_dojCIXEA-1KM/edit?usp=sharing Buyer Beware! If you find yourself talking with an Uruk called Tulga, give this one a miss. He likes to sell information you already know, even when you ask beforehand, it-isn’t-this-right? He’ll play it off on very particular wording, so he didn’t “lie...” (... but he knew exactly what you meant). A few have shared stories about someone matching his physique, saying he talks to the newly arrived at the Temple, befriends them, then either steals what little precious they have or takes them as slaves. Don’t know if there is truth to it, but more than one soul has mentioned his rather unique description, so I am left wondering and somewhat unsure. Friendly bloke, but is it worth the risk? Fair winds, may Dame Fortune smile on your cups. Honour Rackham Captain, Howl of the North ((OOC: The Trade Report Guidelines)) We will be updating our trading information on the 1st and the 15th of every (real) month. An item must have a quantity available by the dates above to be included. In Stock = 0 will be ignored. If we do not have access to a trade market to verify prices at stalls, the location will not be included on the report. If a location wishes to grant access solely for the purpose of acquiring prices, we will gladly fix this. All have access to view, but only the Howl of the North crew have access to edit. This is to maintain a level of trust in the reporting, and to prevent people from accidentally borking the formulas in the spreadsheet. PS – Nuffin but lurvs, BenDaMack! ❤️❤️❤️
  13. ✧・゚: *The Wizard Den *:・゚✧ A family company! ”Lorem Ipsum” Looking for the right reagents to party, unwind, or enhance your magic? Look no further for you’re at the Wizard Den, home of the finest Magical Aides. All our illicit, but certainly legal, substances are: ✧ Hookah Compatible (Except Wizard’s Powder) ✧ Certified Organic ✧ Hand crafted by reliable Wizards ✧ Not allowed in Renatus ✧ Varying in price depending on location Inventory ✧ Cactus Green – Classic The Staple for all Orc Raves and other racial shindigs, great for having long conversations about interesting and outlandish topics. ✧ Blueberry Cactus Love Blue, love berries? Blueberry cactus is your answer, now with extra blue, berries, and both combined! Hit hard and hit often, you’ll find yourself having an amoozing time. (That’s an inside joke for anyone whose taken a puff of this stuff, FYI.) ✧ Eternal Leaf Certified as an alternative medicine, Eternal Leaf can cure every possible health problem except dismemberment. Great for after battles if you’re itching from a toke with your blood stained hands... You murderer. ✧ Ice Kiss Great for cooling off after a long night of extreme exertion, we don’t judge! It’s got a minty after taste you just can’t beat, and it cools your breath to boot! Just don’t mind the flying snow men resembling Iblees itself, they’re definitely normal and you’re not crazy... I see them too! ✧ Box of Crayons I don’t know what’s in these, but they sure are edible and are guaranteed to give you a good time! Now with extra grain and edible wrapper, just as one might think each individual colour tastes just like an organic but artificial fruit flavour. ✧ I̜͆b̳͈̘̜̃̔́̿l̘̥̭̍̄̚ee̢̪̱͗̀͡s̛̟͔͉͑̓̈͢'͈̭̤͗̐͒s͎͎̀͐͌͢ T͔͊o͔̣̖̻͙̍̂̇͌͠ù̦͙̥̔͒c͗͟h̖͔̗̄͐͊ D͉̙͓̅̌̕O̤̬̓͛ ̛̫̞̀N͓͓͙͋̋͡Ȯ̪Ţ̚ ͓̿C̟̯̊̌O̦͚̾͘N̛̳͍̼̿́SŲ̬̗̥̓̇̀̍M̯̥͗͌E,̻̜̀͐͆ͅ ͕̌D̮̙̤̓̅́́͜O ̜̞̒̋͜͡N͓̽Ö̲͍̥̆́T̒͜ ̢̠̫̦̾͑͆̏Ǫ̜̂̒B̧͍̰͙̭͌͂̃͛͋Ş̖̬̥̏̓̐̕Ę͎̦̑̍͠R̬̝̝̋̔̒V̨̳̰̘̋̿̓̕E,͍̰̓̾ ̭͔̽͗D͙̠͉̿̐̌̿͢O̧̙̐̕ ̜̤́̓N̦̏Ơ̺̝̼͍̓͌̇T̡̤̟͑̒̒͐ͅ ̢̒C̮̺͒͂Ṟ͓̼̳̒̆̓̽E̗̤̋̚AT̻͔̣͚̗͊̔̀̃͞E̹̤̮͑͋̓́͟,̡̕ ̖̦̯̾̒̿Ť̯̬̈́H͈́Ę̺͗̈́ ͉̍NḘ̜̜̓͒̽T̛͈̙̿H̥͎̭̑͗͗E̯̤̊̅R̛̹͉͍̆̚ ̬͎͌͂I̗͡S̛͈̫͓͔͂̔͘ Ī̟̻̓N̢̘̯̄͘͡F̨̞͗̕I̛̩͕̒N̛̲͍̭͕̟̉̾́́I̥̒T̨̡̛̩̽̊É̦͖̏,̯͗͂͢ ̦̗̬͍̇̅̔͠Ț̘͎͉͇̑̀͗̈͡H̲͋Ȩ̑ ͕͎̅̚N̛̳̮͛Ê̱͎͍̊̐T̞̥̝̅͑̑H̲̫͍̜̹̑̏͛̑͡E̞͠R̪̍ ̼͓́̿I̮͇̱͂͛̇S̲͔̠͉̀̅̅͟͞͞ ̟̮̰͛̔̆E͟͝T̛̗̬̮͗̈́Ḛ͈̓̚R͕̥̄͠Ñ͕À̻̹̓L̨̖͈̈̐͡.̤͖̿̕͢͞ ̫̙̰̫̘́̓̋̀͠P̹̀R͍͌A̡̰̳̓͡͡I̛̟͎̪̩̱͒̉̓́SE ̧̼̦͖͊̓̽̉̕͟IB̢͓͔̗͇͑̓͑̈̚L͎̳͆̽͘͟É͇E̥͓͒͑͘͢S̺̤͛̎. ✧ Wizard’s Powder™ – Premium Don’t have a Hookah around? No worries, just get a handful of Wizard’s Powder and take a deep breath. Made and invented by the Dimpledorc’s, this family recipe is a close guarded secret that’s guaranteed to cure any ailment, solve any problem, and help you achieve your wildest dreams. Warning, do not consult your doctor before use! Extra willpower must be applied for the best results. ((It’s cocaine)) Locations ✧ Sutica, right by the gate! ✧ The Inn on the Crossroads, upstairs in the lounges if you’re looking to smoke while you buy! ✧ The Wizard Den (Between Adria & Lueven), lounge & personal service.
  14. OXENSTEIRNA TRADING COMPANY Est. 1707 The Oxensteirna is a fiery and enduring Savoyardic family borne from the remains of the of old Lorraine-Savoy Kingdom of Axios. Remarkably esoteric on their origins or affiliations and known for their shrewd business sense, the Oxensteirna has faced numerous setbacks prior to the arrival on Arcas but remains ever resolute, with their gaze set on rising to higher heights. The Oxensteirna Trading Company was borne in conjunction with the fluid state of affairs within Arcas, serving as a minor player in financial markets in Ves, Reza and Helena. Serving dutifully in the purposes of general goods, the O.T.C for short has progressed into a state of expansion in seeking workers and caravan guards for its purposes. Institutionalized with beliefs in the defence of the faith and assistance to the poor, characterized in a form of a ancient common language as ‘Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum’ is enshrined in the O.T.C’s moral compass. Its long-term goals remains ambiguous. Partners of the Oxensteirna Trading Company I: Captain Honour Rackham[LD-001] Associates of the Oxensteirna Trading Company [Publicly Redacted] Workers interested in menial labour or fighters with martial prowess in exchange for payment and incentives are sought for. Recruitment Form, to be mailed in any of the stall locations in Ves, Reza and Helena.  Name: Position: Introduction: OOC information: Username: Discord Men and Women under fealty need not apply. New and returning players are welcome to join, and the following players can be contacted through discord to discuss any questions one may have. Cassiflorn | Crines#2975 Laurelin | Liritho#0797 FireCrimson#1915 No part of this document may be reproduced without prior written permission by a partner of the O.T.C
  15. -=Strong Slave For Auction=- A Waver is posted, showing off the auction of a slave Strong Dark elf of Gladewynn, good for working Bidding starts at four hundred minas
  16. What You Need, Where You Need It Our Mission, brought to you by our Chairman, G. Grokefeller The West Krugmarian Mercantile Company has only one wish: to fulfill the needs and fuel the potential of our guests. That means making the WKMC your preferred shopping destination in all channels by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and exceptional experiences—consistently fulfilling our Expect More, Pay More® brand promise. Success is making ourselves useful in the world, valuable to society, helping in lifting in the level of our enlightened society, so conducting ourselves that when we go the world will be somewhat better of our having lived the brief span of our lives. We care about the young and impoverished Orcish communities we support, and we give back by ensuring there is always a way forward: employment and industry! Our Services The WKMC has specialists in a variety of topics and trades: Our Local, Family-Friendly Mom and Pop Ork Shoppes that sell any conventional desire you want. From metals with which you can make clubs to crack some Elf skulls, to wholesale non-magically modified wheat and a variety of delectable Orcish cuisines [try our Halfling stew], we’ll always be there to help you find what you need. Find our chain locations below! The Personnel Management division ensures that YOU can have someone to take care of everything you could possibly need. For low prices, our specialists are capable of recovering anything from specialized services like “The Elf of Your Dreams, Today!” or the “Gods, I wish I had a Maid!” package! Contact your local Personnel Management representative today for more information! (GGTeixeira, key_of_solomon) The Multifaceted Protection Contractors offer adaptive and intelligent threat management. Contact the Chairman for more information. Our Board Chairman, G. Grokefeller - Primary Liaison, founder Executive Director, Rex B. Lurstein - Primary Shareholder Executive Material Officer, M. O. Groka - Head of Operations Hiring Procedure Submit all declarations of interest to the recruitment officers P.O box at our offices in San’Jezal. WKMC hosts a wide range of bonuses and salary options to help generate exceptional productivity in all it’s field agents and mercantile officers. Include with the aforementioned declaration a list of past experiences pertinent to your preferred tradecraft. (DM amateur rope salesmen [hunter]#6957 and i’ll get back to you eventually.) Chain Locations Central Guild Office located in San’Jezal. Primary branch office now located in Adria This message was brought to you by our sponsors!
  17. I need a skin for my character Rogg heres the skin im using for him rn: https://imgur.com/a/H3BMRKz im looking for a more “realistic” look to his face with the same messed up eyes and mouth here are some references to use: https://imgur.com/a/K2VxFjJ https://imgur.com/a/JjYhCMa https://imgur.com/a/EGWTgOJ he’s basically sloth from the goonies but with hair and a beard i dont have any mina but i got $5 [paypal]
  18. Skin REQ I need a skin for my character (elf). For more details, contact me on discord (Bany#4241) . Remember what I will pay.
  19. The Klargus Company The Klargus Company has recently opened a shop in Carolustadt. The shop, Stall 8, is located just past the bank and the main commerce area of the city List of Items for Sale: Iron Ingots 3 Minas Bread 0.5 Minas Emeralds 5 Minas Redstone Block 5 Minas Lapis Block 5 Minas Coal 0.1 Minas Iron Sword 10 Minas Iron Pickaxe 10 Minas Iron Axe 10 Minas If you’d like to buy items in bulk, send a bird to Karl Klargus (GavinTheViking).
  20. *Signs are posted on the roads near Carolustadt* A new stables has been built outside of Carolustadt. We have a wide variety of horses, mules, and donkeys. Horses’ speed up to 15.5 yards per second, and jump height up to 5 yards high. Dirt cheap prices, starting as low as 150 mina. Stop by sometime and have a look at our finely bred mounts. ((Send me a Discord at GrayMage#5559 for questions, offers, or to have a look at the animals))
  21. [!] While walking about, you notice a poster nailed into a nearby tree. Upon closer inspection you realize it was once the construction plans of a small dwarven structure, but has worn out, now with an ink message. It reads the following: [!] To the strong and honorable, Armakak is in your favor! He has given you a trade deal any competent person would accept. Anybody who is capable of wielding a weapon for the sake of righteousness, you are hereby offered an interview at my tradepost for the position of mercenary. My pockets have been blessed by Armakak, god of wealth, and due to this numerous bandits and naredowells dare attempt to strike me down and steal what is rightfully mine. You must be capable of fighting, and many of your duties include protecting my caravan. I offer 100 minas per caravan trip you help protect, and pay extra for encounters with bandits. A room is given for free, as long as you assist me with my business. Please send a letter or a bird on whether you are interested or if there are questions. May Armakak bless your pockets! [!] The writing stops here, and a large signature in gold reads, “Marguan Goldhand, Merchant Extrordinaire” [!] ((Discord: The_New_Noob #4534))
  22. * A note is put on local notice boards* I am a traveling troubadour named Egil. I offer entertainment to does willing to pay. List of Entertainments: * Musical acts with a lute *Juggeling of any item *Stories from lands near and far *Pleasant conversation requests can be made but will cost extra Price ranges form 100 to 500 minas, depending on the length of the session and requests made. Price is negotiable. Egil, The Silver-Tongued *There is plenty of room for requests on the note*
  23. ((Thread deleted , trading is too hard and frustrating))
  24. *a thin man in a white lab coat nervously approaches the bulletin board, pinning a small, simple note to it, wringing his hands and shuffling off quickly afterwards* -=+=- I am searching for a set of alchemical instruments and a supplier of alchemical reagents. Will buy or trade. Send a bird to Dr. Wolfgang Dippel. ((Tadmonster)) -=+=-
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