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  1. The trade of Ed Roberts We’ll be trading off Ed Roberts for a sum of ten thousand minas. If this minas is not handed over then we’ll kill the man and hang him from one of the various large trees in Kaedrin. If you wish to meet with me, I’ll be at Cloud Temple.
  2. [!] A letter has been sent to you detailing the events of the 200th anniversary of the Kingdom of Haense and the days forth coming. Dear friend, I am writing to you to tell you of some very happy and strange events that have happened to me. On the day that I send out this letter these events have already passed, but for me they are still ever fresh in my mind. Yesterday was the day of the 200th anniversary of Haense. With that I had hoped that I could enjoy it with friends. That part had fallen short, and I was left to watch everyone enjoy the day spent. Suddenly, a new face showed up in front of me. His name was Lynx, and almost immediately he flirted with me. Though I pushed passed the flirting to just chat with him, he ever continued to persevere a love that wasn’t for him. After taking me to the tavern to grab a drink, to which I didn’t care to drink at the time, he lead me outside of the walls and to the bridge to the left of the entrance to New Reza. There was where he confessed that I had a great beauty, and to which I told him I already had a lover. Lynx soon left me alone, and went about to his own devices. Later, when I came back into town and groomed my pets I saw one of my friends chatting with a HRA soldier. I gave him a friendly smile and motioned for him to come inside the tavern to have a chat. And to which we did, Corann and I talked about the happenings of earlier that day. As I talked about my lover he used the word future-fiance. To which I continued to tell him that it was Darien’s choice as to if we would get engaged. After some friendly banter back and forth, I heard Darien’s voice from outside the tavern. I got excited, cause my friend Corann has only heard of Darien and never met him. So after speaking to Darien and taking him inside, I introduced him to Corann. I prayed silently that they would be friendly to each other, and they did. For a few good hours, we sat and chatted with each other. Twice Darien was called out for some work, which I didn’t mind. After Corann and I said our parting goodbyes Darien approached me and told me to go wait at my house for he had a few items to pick up before he took me out on a picnic. This I didn’t mind so I went back to my home and switched my clothing and took off some of my jewelry. I waited for Darien to show up, and in no time he did. He took my hand and led me out to a small boat. Darien rowed us out to the middle of the large lake. There is where it happened, he got down on one knee and took out a small box. My eyes started to water, for I knew what it was. And to me he said, ”Althea Tozzer, since I first laid my eyes on you I have loved you. Ever since we have started dating I have seen myself become a new man.” I already had small tears trickling their way down my face. ”I wish for us to grow old together, so would you marry me?” I had said yes almost immediately, he had picked me up and spun me around as my head was nestled into his shoulder crying tears of joy. Darien placed me back onto the boat, throwing a fur over my shoulders before rowing us back to the shores of New Reza. He soon lead me back to my home before asking, “Which house should we move into, yours or mine?” To which I said mine, since it was his childhood home but I told him about the fault of the basement floor feeling hallow. So we agreed that I would move into his home. Then while he was checking out my pets, I was collecting a few items to bring to his house first. For the next few days that is what it consisted of, bringing my items into his home. While I was bringing things back to Darien’s home he asked if I could do interior decoration. I told him I could, so he left me with the job of re-decorating the house as well as reorganizing it all. That is just what I did, now the house feels like a home to me. I hope to start planning the wedding soon, but I also want to have Darien’s agreement on it all. Sending many blessings your way, Althea Frostfire
  3. The Introduction The Uddad -a Farfolk sub-culture & tribe of Qalasheen peoples, being mainly Desert Dwellers & Nomads, Craftsmen, Philosophers, Artists, Musicians, and great Warriors. Some live in Tent camps in the middle of a Desert, herding ram & sheep - travelling around on a mount & trading, others found joy in crafting complex art, with colours & sciences.The Uddad, commonly referred to as "Beni Uddad" in the Qalasheen tongue, are a tribe of semi-nomadic herdsmen that roam deep within the Korvassa desert, grazing their cattle and patrolling the edges of the Sultanate's borders. History Little is fully known of the origins of Uddad, however according to Oral tradition, the founder of the tribe was a man by the name of Abd Al Tandir-A Warrior who gathered his brothers to form a Tribe. According to ancient texts found within the Grand Library of Al-Faiz, it is mentioned that there was a man of the same name that existed around the time Uddad claim their tribe was founded (thus adding some weight to scholarly claims), Tandir was on a Dune with his white horse, Baobul-upon the other side of the dune, there was a fresh piece of land-with grass perfect for herding & setting up a camp-though protecting it was a Lion named Mihran, he rode into the sands with spear in hand, stabbing the beast before it could attack him-with it then he set a stick upon the ground, marking it the new homeplace for his Tribe. Uddad had been a nomadic herdsmen known for his breeding of exceptional Rams, they were shown to be larger, stronger and faster than the average of their species.The Herdsman's children would come spend most of their days herding and taking care of the livestock, and in time, they had come to take on some of the bear's qualities, namely their stubborn nature and unrelenting behavior. Current conditions After decades of roaming around aimlessly, the chief of the Uddad, Badir Yahya, led the tribe to the desert of Korvassa, seeking an audience with the ruler of the land, Sultan Al-Mujaddid, soon after this audience, the Uddad were formally granted permission to around around the desert, as vassals and and tributaries of the Sultan. Society Society Uddad Society is quite Democratic, in each tribe there is a leading council of 9, known as the Jamelzih-the Jamelzih have one leader inwhich is the Chieftain/Chieftess of the tribe-who would sign off on the Council’s decision-they deal with Social, Economic, and Political issues amongst the tribe, along with crime & punishment-all who commit the crime of Banditry is sentenced to death. Uddad women have much freedoms in the tribe unlike other culture, they dont wear veils-they could pick their husbands, and they could even become the tribe chief. Uddad Chiefs rule as Monarchs, their known as “Amenkl”-most often then not their women, or sometimes men-to become a Chief one must belong to a family known as the “Aitzigh”, being the descendants of the very first Uddad-once born into the Family you are sent into one of the 4 main Uddad tribes, the Dorduga-The Urzil-The Langtazigh-or the Hassanir. The Dorduga being the main leading tribe of Uddad, ruled formly by Badir Yahya, until he was beheaded after he was caught in the middle of selling slaves. Now being ruled by his son, Aderfi Yahya. For Uddad marriage rituals, it often follows the same as those who follow Al’ Rashidun Faith, however-due to the Uddad’s past traditions, theres a twist. Once the marriage ceremony is completed, the Imam would carry out a Uddad ram from the herdsman-the couple must then put their hands on the ram for 1 saint minute, as they recite prayers, after that they kill the ram through a slit of the throat, however the Imam would measure the amount of blood droplets from the ram, putting the blood onto the couples hand-the couple must then mix the blood around their hands as they recite more prayers, then they will interlace their hands with the blood, this symbolizes how Uddad society is based upon the ram, the ram’s blood means how they are connected to eachother through a common thing-Even if the Uddad was a upper class Helenian Noble, or a Wealthy merchant-the ram is always a reminder to all Uddads around the realms, that they started off as Shepherds in Korvassa. Uddad men are allowed to have as many Wives & Concubines as they wish, most often then not the frist & primary wife would belong to the Uddad Culture, and her children will hold their father’s claims to whatever the family owns, however the Concubines & other wives would be Foriegn, such as Ruska & Lech Women (being the most popular concubines of Uddad men), or even elven women-reasoning behind this being unknown for now. Clothing Uddad clothing mainly consists of wear well suited for desert climates-made up of linen & wools (the wool made from the Uddad Ram of course) being wrapped around their heads, only showing some of their face-to protect them from the sands of Korvassa, one might say they've never seen a Uddad man without his Turban on. Men Men’s clothing is often wrapped around the head to form a Turban, most often then not its in Black, Dark Blue, Orange, or Purple-this part of the Uddad’s wear is called the “Talgult”, a Uddad Turban. Another inside clothing, mainly for Uddads living in cities & such, being known as the “Llamba”, a long robe like clothing, most often being topped by a Fez-the fez is a red/black fur/linen cap worn on the head. Women The clothing of a Uddad woman involves large amounts Jewelry, made from Qalesheen steel & golds, and a heavy interest in blue rocks, these blue rocks would be dug from the sands & smithed onto a set of Jewelry, the larger the rock the more power you have in Uddad culture, along with this the woman would wear dress with complex detailed geometric designs on the wool (made by Uddad sheep of course). Its common fashion to see Uddad women wear black tattoos around the upper body, reasoning behind this go back to the early Uddad Spiritual beliefs. Festivities & Cuisine The Uddad enjoy the same Festivities as the Qalesheen, however they have one unique holiday known as “Ram”, Ram is a day of feasting on the well known Uddad Ram, being some of the best Mutton in the World-the entire day & night each Uddad must only eat the mutton of Uddad Ram & their other productions, whilst dancing & colourful outfits are being worn. While the Uddad are well known for their Mutton, they do have another dish thats not as well known, yet still tasty-”Garmok”, Garmok is a type of hard cheesy bread made from flour, grain/wheat, and of course Uddad milk, being mixed together & put in the oven for 2 days, its quite crunchy in the outside, however in the inside its cheesy & milky, a savory taste that anyone could enjoy! Along with this, Uddad Milk, known as Blue Milk is quite popular amongst the Uddad, for some reason, all Uddad ram that have black wool produce a strange blue milk, when you drink it, it tasts like any other milk, however its very sour & creamy, if one were to put some water in a cup with blue milk, itll bubble up-making it even more creamy, however it becomes very sweet instead of sour. Most Uddad women enjoy a rare type of Tea known as “Ulik”, its made from 15% blue milk, 10% normal Uddad Ram milk, and the rest is grass taken from deserts, mixed together along with some water, heated up-surprisingly its quite nice, especially when warmed. Religion The Uddad religion is Al’ Rashidun, followed by most Qalesheen-however before then they followed a Pagan Pantheon. Not much is known of their old ways, however what is known is there was 3 gods, formulating 3 forms of life-with it then each tribe of Uddad (still being tribes to this day) Would follow, along with 5 other minor gods-there was 1 god leading all the other ones, with it then all Uddad folks worship him. During the time of Al Rashidun’s early foundation in the worlds, the Uddad converted willingly. Architecture Due to the Uddad mainly being desert dwelling nomads, it only seems fit for them to live in Tents, Uddad tents are often black, or white-with complex designs sown on the backings of the tent, being made from Uddad sheep wool, however-those Uddad who live in Cities or have access to large buildings, take great joy in Tilework. Uddads are probraly the greatest tile workers of the Human realm, they create complex geometric design, adorned with colourful hues of Blue & orange, yellow & red-etc… it is truly a wonder to look upon such detail into art. Most Uddad buildings feature a inside open area known as the “Riaad”, the Riaad would serve as the primary meeting place of the home, most often then not it’s floors have tilework, along with a good amount of flora, and in the very center is a Fountain. The Outside of Uddad housing is mainly made up of Red Mudbrick, having simple yet detailed designs carved into the hardened wall-some of these houses are fully whitewashed, red washed, or made completely blue. Military Still being Written, however heres a traditional Uddad War song. Language Ntaughzigh is the language used by the Uddad, sounding similar to Qalesheen & Original Uddad delelects. --- Amenkl - Chief/Monarch/Sultan/Emir Jamelzih - Council Aitzigh - Uddad ruling family Iqqifar - Sand/Desert Ayyour - Sun/Moon Yeurmih - Sea Tatuich - Tree Zamil - Man Zamal - Woman Baba - Grandfather Yima - Grandmother Tamgarth - Wife Tamgiral - Husband Khalu - Father Kuaal - Son/Daughter Names Male Badis Badir Aderfi Brahim Gwafa Idder Iken Izel Izil Imersan Sufian Ridha Uada Wangu Warani Yedder Ziri Zdan Female Yimul Basil Illi Kahina Lalla Lunja Safiyya Sekkura Thiyya Sakina Tadla Tagweran Tafara Notable Uddads throughout History -Badir Yahya, Former Chieftan of the Dorduga tribe of the Beni Uddad -Aderfi Ibn Badir Yahya, Former Chieftan of the Dorduga & Urzil tribe of the Beni Uddad -Alib Kemish, ⅓ Uddad, due to him being more Kalamite, Uddad/Kalamesh Polymath & Poet -Mohammad Ibn Badir Al’ Fujadeen, ‘Chieftan’ of the Uddads as a Whole, however mainly a Poet ((If you wanna be on this list, I suggest making a Uddad character!)) (( OOC ENDING NOTE : As you could tell, the Uddads are inspired by the Amazigh of North Africa, or known as the Berbers. If you wish to play a Uddad character, feel free to contact me. Still writing the Military Section! Also, I would like to thank @AquaticWolf for helping me write this to fit in with the current lore! Discord Seus#4667 IGN CatalanSupremacy Planet Minecraft Teseo ))
  4. You wake up wearing a messily folded paper hat, you open it to a new buck news.
  5. Bralt is dead and the war is over now original song by: Billy Joel parody by: Limo_man It's seven o'clock on a Sunday The smallest crowd shuffles in There's an HRA brother sittin' next to me Makin' love to his carrion and halfling He says, "Am, can you play me a memory? I'm not really sure how it went But it's flames and it's smoke and I knew it complete As we sat at the gates" La la la, le li la La la, le li la, da dum crush us a scyfling, with your logs They’ll al burn tonight Well, we somehow lived And Hra get another day Now Manfred the barclay is a friend of mine He got skewered like some meat And he’s lost a pc or two and has always died But he somehow survived the siege The priest says, ",God please have mercy for manfred" As he sat there, and he prayed "Well, I'm sure that he will die But please have him rest in peace" Oh, la la la, de di da La la, de di da, da dum Now Bralt is a scyfling king Who never could be killed And he's talkin' with erwin, who's still in the hra And probably will be for life And the shaman are throwin’ drugs As the Brotherhood slowly get stoned Yes, they're sharing a fate that only bring death But it's better than dyin’ alone, Bralt, you're a psychopath Killing the hostages Well, we're all in the mood to see his ash And you lost your first fight It's a pretty bad ral’ for a Sunday night And the xarkly gives us a smile 'Cause he knows that nat 20’s are all he rolls To kill all of the knights And the nat 1’s, they sound like a pk And the cocktails smell like beer And they shriek at the walls and they burn in my gaze And say, "is there any god?" Oh, la la la, de di da La la, de di da, da dum Bralt is now dead, we’ve unlocked scyflings He sat in a pile of ash Well, we're all in the mood for a drink After the 4 hour fight
  6. You wake up this morning, no buck news in sight. With a sigh of relief you slip your shoes on. There’s an odd crinkle coming from underneath your feet. And one of your shoelaces are missing.
  7. Original song by: john denver Parody by: Limo_man, Cheezzy_Garlik Haensetti Mothman: Almost to Reza gates, ruben bridge, hangmen river, helena our neighbor Life is german there, older than the Dwarves Younger than the buck, happy like Amelot Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth All my memories gather 'round ‘em Mini’s single, though he’s married, To saint karl, wait that is homo, Dead volik children, painted on the field Sweet taste of carrion ,we all die at the siege Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates where I belong, Back to reza, mothman noises, Take me home, haensetti moth I hear it’s noise in the mornin' hour it chirps, the late nights with lick remind me of my horrible life (IRL) walkin’ down the road, I get a feelin' That it was watchin’ me yesterday, yesterday Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth Haensetti mothman, take me home To the gates, where I belong Back to reza, mothman noises Take me home, Haensetti moth Take me home, mothman noises Take me home, mothman noises
  8. Now that it's always night, buck doesn't quite know when to sneak into your house anymore. It gets slingshotted at you in a crumpled ball from the roofs.
  9. Buck news has been nailed to the ceiling over your head, so you can read it as soon as you open your eyes in the morning! How convenient(?)
  10. This buck news has been just tossed at your doorstep. Buck just doesn’t seem to be in the mood tonight.
  11. You wake up this morning.. no sign of buck news. you check your pantry, all of your food is there. No more holes in your window, all of your possessions intact. Not even a single smidge of mud tracked on your floor. You breath a sigh of relief, opening your closet for you morning coat when 50 MORE COPIES OF BUCK NEWS SPILL OUT ALL OVER YOU AND THE FLOOR
  12. You wake up with a buck news in your bed, and more food missing. For every food item missing, there is another buck news left in it's place. Unfortunate(?)
  13. A new buck news has been glued over the hole in your window in an attempt to cover up the damage done by the previous buck news outing. Also more of your food is gone. He just couldn’t help himself.
  14. You have waken up this morning with a buck news issue on your face. If you have a partner in bed, they also have their own on their face. Your window has been broken into with mud footprints in your house. Also, your cookie supply is gone.
  15. a crinkled up “news” paper as been thrown at your door
  16. Scribed in remembrance of those fallen in the defensive effort against the Scyfling forces. Geast I Ve Fitsker As the smoke clears and the casualties are counted, a lone fighter hangs high in the sky. His comrades gather their wounded and rest their lost, trekking along a beaten path to their home of New Reza. As they venture through the lush and lively Haeseni countryside the fighter follows along, shortly behind his brothers as they return to the walls of the city. The fighter hangs his head as he knows his time is up and he no longer can walk with his men, with one final look over New Reza he nods and makes his leave. The fighter retreats over the sky scraping Steel Hills and into the dense and quiet Wick Wood. He is at peace with what has come of him and knows it was for the better of his country and people. As the fighter slowly closes his eyes looking over the land he called home, one final thought fled his mind and escaped his lips in a soft mutter “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”. With this he was ready, his soul being claimed and returned to the Seven Skies. But behind he left, a single mortal possession. One he could not take with him and was forced to leave behind. Sojoernaal I Ve Fitsker The shouting begins and the screaming is heard, as the Haeseni holds their ground strong and true. A flood of Scyfling scum rushing out towards the stout walls of the Fort at Metterden, this would be the true test of strength. Javelin quickly flew overhead, shattering shields of the Crows one by one, sending ballista fire back in response. Their motive to take this land remains unclear to most, but this will not stop the men of gold and black as we fight until our last breath, and in response “Krause Zwy Kongzem” we shout until our voice cannot be heard any longer. We fight for the spirit of Haense and the protection of our heritage, this land gifted to us by Godani and protected by the soldiers of those who inherited it. It was not long though until the Scyfling horde began creeping in on the ravine that held our brave cavalrymen. They through everything at us, but we prevailed even lost in a daze of confusion and pain simply because the fight was not over. As javelin continued to fly towards the proud Haeseni men, we gave a constant fight back until the moment we break. Our men falling one by one and there was no telling how this would end, so what could we do but fight. My life before theres, I will not not this kingdom fall under some barbarian claiming this is his land. Bralt I pity you, thinking we will fall so easily. So hear this in fear “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”. Ser Siegmund Wick
  17. Hangman’s promise “Big Tony, Big Money.” - Big Tony My figureheads have grown quite the liking of the people of Haense, I even allowed them to teach the HRA a couple of things on the fields of war. I’ve been sending my prayers to up above ever since I got word about the war, blessing the blades of the Haensemen and cursing the arrows of the Suticans, hoping their projectiles would miss the throats of my comrades. Sadly enough, the leadership of the Orenian Empire did not have the sufficient funds to buy us out of the Sutican war. May my brothers coated in green watch my back as I take up the mantle of a leader in this war, may my friends from Haense toss their weapons to the side when I face them on the battlefield, for then they will be spared. Gold and glory, my comrades… gold and glory Once this contract is signed, my men will raise their blades alongside the poor folk of Sutica, who just want to protect their land. It saddens me, the biggest fish going after one of the weakest fish. The Agreement The Suticans: -The Sutican leadership will hand 70 000 minas to The Hangmen. (50% up front) -The Sutican leadership will hand The Hangmen a simple plot of land for when they are forced to move out of this realm. -If there is any way to spare The King of Haense and his people, an effort must be made to make sure that there will always be an option for the Haensemen to get out of the war, safely. The Hangmen: -The Hangmen will aid Sutica and their allies in any militairy exercises against the Holy Orenian Empire. -The Hangmen Keep will serve as an outpost for the forces of Sutica and their allies. -The Overseers of The Hangmen will lend Sutica all of their knowledge regarding waging war, becoming a part of the core of the leadership of the conflict. “I’m sorry, comrades of my people. coin comes first. May our paths never cross during these troubling times.” Signed,
  18. Geast I Ve Fitsker As the smoke clears and the casualties are counted, a lone fighter hangs high in the sky. His comrades gather their wounded and rest their lost, trekking along a beaten path to their home of New Reza. As they venture through the lush and lively Haeseni countryside the fighter follows along, shortly behind his brothers as they return to the walls of the city. The fighter hangs his head as he knows his time is up and he no longer can walk with his men, with one final look over New Reza he nods and makes his leave. The fighter retreats over the sky scraping Steel Hills and into the dense and quiet Wick Wood. He is at peace with what has come of him and knows it was for the better of his country and people. As the fighter slowly closes his eyes looking over the land he called home, one final thought fled his mind and escaped his lips in a soft mutter “Krusae zwy Kongzem”. With this he was ready, his soul being claimed and returned to the Seven Skies. Ser Siegmund Wick
  19. Name: Lysander Elme Race: Human Age: 20 years old Gender: Male Physical Description: Lysander wears a long robe in a dark blue color, adorned with three broaches. He wears it to hide his boney and scrawny body from others. He has long blonde hair, which is usually really messy, but he has it stuffed in the hood of his robe ususally, since he is a bit embarrassed about his hair. Under his robe he wears baggy brown pants, a beige shirt and brown suspenders with a belt. His boots are the color of his robe while his gloves are brown like his pants. Lysanders eyes are a gentle hazel color, but due to his hair falling over his right eye, only one of them is usually visible. He usually has heavy eyebags. He‘s about 5‘8“ and a little underweight. Character Description: Lysander was born in Helena, the capital of the Holy Orenian Empire. His parents were both middle class citizens with his mother being an aspiring author and his father working as a merchant. They had most of their wealth due to inheritance. He grew up an only child for 8 years until his younger sister Rosetta was born. He didn’t really like her or interact with her a lot, but he had a soft spot for his younger sister nonetheless. Up until his 16th birthday he’d been a child that was very closed off and mostly hid in his room to read. He spent a lot of time inside, avoiding his peers and other people in general. In his Adventure books he found solace and purpose, later wishing to go on lots of adventures himself. He was homeschooled due to his refusal to leave his house. After his 16th Birthday, Lysander began to question his belief and came to the conclusion that the only Person who is superior to him was himself. As he was already considered an outcast by most that knew him, he was shunned for rejecting the Church of Canon on top of his antisocial behavior. His parents threatened to kick him out three 1/2 years later, as they were unable to keep up their reputation with him in the house. Though Lysander decided that he’d leave on his own to go on adventures and travel the world, which he did. Due to being so closed off all his life, he now has Trouble opening up to others and trust them, though he can also be very naive as well, since most of his knowledge about the outside world comes from books and no experience, he often compares reality to the stories in his books and assumes that the fiction he reads is what reality is like. It can be hard for him to accept a reality where what he supposed would be doesn‘t come true or is vastly different. Since Lysander was inside his house and very sheltered for most of his life, he doesn‘t know how to do very basic things like how to use a sword or hoe. He‘s not very physically strong due to that as well, but his enthusiasm usually makes up for his lack of strength, as he often tries very hard to learn and will go all out on even the simplest tasks. He‘s an adventurous and very curious person who loves heroic stories and experiencing new things. But due to being closed off from society for such a long time, Lysander is easily scared as well and his cowardice often wins against his curiosity. He comes across as rude and unsure, since he can‘t handle talking to strangers. If he is being talked to and manages to get used to the person he‘ll be a lot more open though, even clingy. In front of strangers he gets very anxious and can‘t handle big groups of people either. This and the fact that he tends to hide and watch people can make him seem raher suspicious and weird. Even though Lysander acts rudely when talking to people he doesn‘t know, he has good manners and respects people who are older than him if he trusts them. He sees himself as a realist and doesn‘t like his own weakness. He often feels as if he‘s bothering people and has a hard time reading others, since he‘s just never had a chance to learn it. Lyanders favorite thing in the world is reading. He loves books and will spent all his money on them, even if that means he won‘t be able to eat. He writes down his adventures in a journal as well and someday would like to write books of his own. Until then books are his escapism and the way he learns best, next to practical experience. He can read for hours and often tries to find similarities between the stories and reality. Even though Lysander is not a big fan of religion, he is interested in learning about it. As such, he loves to read almost every genre (Adventure, History and Fantasy being his favorites).
  20. Heavy rain, thunder, neighing, the stifled thudding of hooves skipping along a blanket of fallen leaves. The duo of riders galloped fast through the ongoing storm. The rain, made worse by a harsh gale, would have any other passerby seek shelter at the nearest inn, wait out the downpour with a bellyful of mashed potatoes and thick gravy with a warm hearth for the feet. And for that reason precisely the pair decided to ride this night. They came upon a large clearing, the wet grass glistening under the full moon’s light, which gleamed even through the thick gloomy clouds, distant overhead. The moonlight made it suitable enough to see one’s track, but also dim enough to allow one to hide in the wood’s thicket, relatively undetected. However, there was no time to gawk. The foremost rider stood up on his stirrups, eyes keenly peering towards the center of the meadow, where several large willows and bushes protruded. He then skimmed through the border of the clearing at the opposite side, shifted back to his saddle and the pair continued uphill, towards the group of trees. The wet mud made their way messy, but they made it through to the copse. They came to a synchronized halt and the second rider whistled, like a cricket, loud enough to not be stifled by the storm’s teem. Each laid a hand on their scabbard, and for a few seconds all they could hear was the rain and their own cold, nervous breaths. A similar whistle then answered. They gave each other a reassuring nod and trotted inside. The copse’s overgrowth was not enough to block all the rain - the drops still sliced through the leaves at the top, but it offered a secluded atmosphere. Before them was a wagon, covered by a grey blanket, raindrops sliding off of it. Under it stood two men, hoods covering their faces - yet given the circumstance, were just as nervous. “You tardied another minute, we’d have frozen!” rasped the irritated wagoner, then nudged and overtaken by his accomplice. “We’s got it here, all is well.” he turned around and lifted a bit of the tarpaulin. “This arsenal’s been through many hands, goodman. They say a pair of officers nicked it in the chaos of some attempted coup at Kaedrin.” he eludicated, eyes trailing to the two horsemen with a sly smile. “Oh, Ja, Ich know zhese intricacies of yesteryear all-too-well.” replied one of them with a visibly greying beard. The combination of his thick accent and a miniscule yellow-and-black checkered shield hanging from his right shoulder made his ancestry obvious. “Lieberman.” he shot his confrere a courteous nod and the two dismounted and bore closer to the wagon. Lieberman produced a heavy coin pouch from his belt, fiddling with it in his hand. The merchant’s grin plastered onto him like a statue, eyes almost balefuly following it. The first rider, Martin, ungloved his right and ran a hand through the cold metal of a sword. In his finger was a large, shimmering golden ring. Saint Robert’s. They examined the arms with clicking tongues, scrutinizing the weaponry closely, and Lieberman remarked calmly, “You are not lying, friend. These are Kaedreni-made indeed.” He extended the pouch to the merchant, yet following a reluctant moment, he withdrew. “We will pay when we part ways, actually. Let us keep this promise amicably, in goodwill.” he commented. The merchant glowered, growled and then rasped. “Fine. We’s lead the cart, though.” he added with a frown, clicking his tongue and then he and the wagoner climbed the transport. Martin and Lieberman mounted their steeds. The cavalcade left to the clearing, then to the causeway, and back the way they came. The riders’ hands still clenched their scabbards. DIE HEUSSTANDARTE KOMPANIE THE HEUSSEN REGIMENT 7th of Owyn’s Light, 1772 MISSION The Heusstandarte is a band of Waldeno-Kaedreni freelancers and sellswords who found themselves bereft of a home in wake of the thirty-year-long war of Nordling Aggression. Clad in full sombre tinted steel, the core of the Heussen company are a heavy shock cavalry, having mastered equestrian combat in a renditioned fashion of their contemporary and distant ancestors. Upholders of the Vander code, the company maintains a strict disciplinary ethic and vow to earn their keep by cross and lance alike. CONTRACTS The Heusstandarte company excels in a variety of duties, be they combative or conciliatory, to any presentable contractor. A decorated past experience of commando work amongst the company’s senior members and a thorough proficiency in law (accredited in large thanks to the company’s private business attorney, Tomas B. Fitzgerald Esq.) comes to ensure an incontrovertibly professional commitment in any contract. Among the company’s fields of expertise are namely garrisoning and police work, the conducting of causeway checkpoints, patrols and scouting, construction of fortifications befitting Kaedreni siege-masters, custody of persons (penal or otherwise) as well as wartime security, offense and foray depredation. Prices vary depending on circumstance, and may be privately negotiated with the company’s legist. RANK STRUCTURE Commandant (Commander) The de jure head of the Company, the commander maintains incontrovertible ultimatum in affairs both civil and martial, as well as ratifies contracts, promotions and military decisions. Currently Martin Heusmann [@Trenchist]. Oberhauptmann (Chief Captain) The commander’s second-hand, he sees to the execution of orders and assignment of duties to his lieutenants, as well as the readiness of arms, armor and victuals. Hauptmann* (Captain) These chief officers correspond directly to the Oberhauptmann and administer their respective specialised units. By their advice enlisted may rise the ranks but also receive punishment. As well as in charge of recruitment, a captain’s guiding principle is discipline and his conduct must fully reflect it. Current Haupt Johann Betzler [@Pokantu1] and Friedrich Müller [@Semihilyus]. Sergeant* Battle-tested and seasoned soldiers, these wield the whip of discipline as well as the standard. By their nous they see to the indoctrination of recruits and are entrusted with maintaining the company’s esprit de corps. In addition, Sergeants may be assigned specialized duties by their captains, such as drillmaster, horsemaster, head scout, liaison officer and so on. Corporal Exemplary soldiers with whom lies the responsibility of enacting their seniors’ commands, they thus wield mild officer power between soldats and recruits and may, voluntarily, be assigned to a sergeant - in order to learn his specialization in preparation for their own. Soldat The most numerous of rank in the company, these riders have been drilled thoroughly yet do not yet possess battle prowess. Although their pay is meager, it is in this rank that soldiers are expected to exhibit discipline and talent for future promotion. Recruit Yet to be sifted by body and spirit, these new additions to the company must pass through training and indoctrination of the equine field before they may earn their keep. RECRUITMENT Should any able bodied man seek enlistment in the company, they ought to further a notice to the company’s address. In advance, however, it is recommended to ensure one’s eligibility or face rejection. In our age’s zeitgeist, the company is deemed strict in its required preconditions, which follow; One must be of full Human lineage. One must profess the Canonist Faith. One must be of the male gender. One must be disabused from degenerate vices and their connotations. Full name: Age: Experience: Ethnicity: [OOC] Username: [OOC] Discord:
  21. The Treaty of Sand & Mountain The Sultanate of Korvassa long held respect for the Kingdom of Urguan, Their skills of trade and hard work from both respective sovereignty is to be admired. With mutual respect, the two nations begin their relations with this document, in hopes for a peaceful future and brotherhood that would bring awe to Arcas. 8th of The Deep Cold, 1770 ARTICLE I - A policy of free trade and travel shall be enacted between the signatories, As well as the trade of a tax free merchant stall in both respective nations. ARTICLE II - The Kingdom of Urguan and The Sultanate of Korvassa agree to adhere to a strict non aggression pact, under all circumstances. ARTICLE III - Kingdom of Urguan Recognises that the Sultanate of Korvassa and it’s descendants are the True Sovereigns and Owners of the entirety of the Korvassa desert. ARTICLE IV - The Sultanate of Korvassa Recognises that The Kingdom of Urguan and it’s descendants are the True Sovereigns and Owners of Mountains of the west. ARTICLE V - In the case wherein one signatory is found to be in violation of this pact, all articles shall remain in effect, so long as sincere diplomatic efforts are taken Within Seven Qali/Stone Days by the offending party to rectify the situation. ARTICLE VI - The following treaty would expire and can be renewed in eight years/8 Qali/stone weeks. Signed Utak Ireheart, Grand King of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan Signed Saeed Ibn Hamzah Faheem, Diplomate of the Sultanate of Korvassa Signed SAYYID AS’SADAAT, Ameen “Al-Mujjadid” Al-Nabeel, Sultan of Korvassa, Sheikh of Al-Faiz, Sword of Allah, Defender of Faiths, Defender and follower of Al’Iman Rashidun, Supreme Leader of the Qalasheen, Defender and Protector of the Farfolk people, Commander of the Sultanate’s Armed Forces, Sovereign of Korvassa
  22. So i am getting ready to put together an application for this server and i wan’t sure what forum to field this question in. What i would like to do is have a Human that was raised by a dwarf Redstone smith due to a horrible event that befell his family when he was a child. Is this a valid background? I didn’t notice anything about human/Dwarf relations in the lore per say, though i might have missed it. Thanks for any information and responses. V/R, Blaznhurricane/Volkan#0226
  23. NEW PLAYER GUIDE TO APPLYING AS A HUMAN Written by @Draeris and @edelos The first thing you’ll want to do when joining the LotC community, of course, is apply to the server - and honestly, this is the most stressful part of joining LotC. What if you don’t know enough lore? What if you don’t get accepted? To avoid losing sleep over these questions, we will give you several tips to almost certainly pass. We’ll be starting from the parts after the basics - with Character Race, Gender, Age, and the rest. Note: You should already know the definition of Powergaming and Metagaming, and fill all of LotC’s other OOC requirements, before using this guide. Character Name and Culture Human names are pretty safe, since 90% of the ones you’d think of will work. You can spice up your application, however, with some neat tricks like picking an LotC culture. IMPORTANT NOTE: To play a Human noble, you need to have acquired prior permission from the head of that house to make a character in it (like if you want to be James Pruvia, you need to ask the head of House Pruvia). Here’s a basic list of the Orenian cultures that we’ve collected; Crownlander/Heartlander - Crownlanders, called by many names, occupy the heart of the Holy Orenian Empire (also called Oren), currently centered around the Imperial Capital of Helena. Helena, which has been fought for over the course of a few different wars (Like the War of Two Emperors, and the AIS War), is ruled by the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire. He rules with the help of the Imperial Government, a large bureaucracy with many different ministries - think of Harry Potter’s Ministry of Magic for a basic idea - and with a Senate to decide its laws - think of the US Senate for this, or maybe the British one. Helena is the largest city in Arcas, and the people there live in townhomes or slums and fight for the best accommodations. The Crownlanders are bureaucratic and capitalist to the core - if a fast-paced meritocracy where anyone can rise with some good old-fashioned effort is your cup of tea, look no further. Crownlander cultural names are based loosely off of the British Empire, and we’ve added a list of some typical names to help inspire you if you love that idea (most Orenian names are from British Empire-English); Joseph Carl Reeds Edmund Hastings Martin Desmond Green Anton Morgan Mary Jane A lot of Crownlander names, we’ve noticed, have middle names as well, so keep that in mind. Kaedreni/Rhoswenii - The Kaedreni, who occupy the Commonwealth of Kaedrin, find their capital in the City of Owynsburg, and their noble court is centered in the lavish Varoche Palace. Ruled by an elected King, who chooses a regent in the Governor-General, the Kaedreni are steeped in traditional ideals and live a more rural and court-centered life than their Crownlander allies. Until recently, their capital was the City of Ves, which collapsed after the War of Two Emperors. They take the same first names as their kings three hundred years ago (or seven real-life years!), and are focused on a peaceful, happy lifestyle centered around vineyards, farms, and countryside villas. If the Crownlanders are city folk of the British Empire, the Kaedreni are the French aristocrats or countryside of the Napoleonic Empire. If this sounds like it’s for you, here are some typical names - which are usually in the style of older English or French; Thomas Peter Laurence Robert Lorena Louis Mariana Anna Julia Lavinia Hildegard Note that in Kaedrin, many families are named after the lands they rule, or the places they were from. Some notable places in Kaedrin for you to use if you want to go this route are Guise, Mt. Saint Catherine, Ves, Rillsworth, Aldenburg, and Owynsburg. If you’re thinking of something else for your character, try names that sound like they could be villages or towns! Waldenian/Haeseni - The Waldenians of now-extinct Waldenia, and the Haeseni of Hanseti-Ruska, are the last of the Imperial Humans that we’ll be going over. Think of this as a more low-medieval Dark Ages setting, living in thatched huts that surround aged stone castles. They live in the frigid northern reaches of Oren/Arcas, where the population is thinly spread, but hardy and tight-knit. Here are some names we collected; Ludvik Edvard Heinrik Franz Gertrude Ekaterina Character Race After your character name comes race. Since we’re covering how to apply as a human, we’re just going to put good old Human here. You can get a little tricky with it by putting Human – [Culture], if you really want. Character Gender and Age Next is your character’s gender and age. Gender discrimination is slowly being eliminated in the Crownlands and Kaedrin, so don’t let it factor into your choice too much - play what feels right to you. Age, however, is important. Anything older than 30-ish is middle aged, and anything over sixty is ancient. While humans can live to be a hundred, it almost never happens in Oren (and a lot of people tend to frown upon it). Physical Description and Personality Traits A strong would-be knight or General; a thin, intelligent librarian-type; a beautiful maiden. Humans can be anything and everything, and are easily our pick for the most versatile race in LotC. Imagine the type of person you’d be in a such a world; are you a hopeless romantic searching for love through, or maybe a strong, silent agent of the Empire? Here’s where you put it into words. Tell the reviewer how tall you are, what you’d be wearing, if you’re lean, muscular, or even fat, and basic things like eye color and hair color. Brownie points if you add things like smile lines and wrinkles with age. Once you’ve done that, move onto personality traits - most Orenians, for example, are Canonists, or devout followers of the Church of the Canon, and believe in God. Many Orenians are ruthless money-makers, or bookish reader-writers, or avid swordsmen - this is where you’d put their favorite things to do, their religion of choice, and how they feel about such things as the political parties (in Oren that’s the Josephites and Everardines), noble houses (for example, in Kaedrin there’s Pruvia, Helvets, Armas and de Falstaff, to name just a few - and each rule over different counties, baronies, and duchies), and the military (in the Holy Orenian Empire, that’s the ISA - Imperial State Army). Character Biography Here, use the information we’ve given you about your starting location of choice - whether it be Helena or Owynsburg or anything in between - and write up a biography of your character. You can talk about how their parents were farmers in Ves, but passed away in the War of Two Emperors, and so you’ve left home to find a path of your own. You can talk about how you grew up as a street urchin in the streets of Helena, but you made it out of the slums - and now you have the whole world as your oyster. Take your favorite Dungeons and Dragons ideas, or what you imagine as the coolest plot of a personal character in such an era, and write some ideas - then turn those ideas into a story. Roleplay Scenario You’re in the final stretch. This should be easy with what you’ve got so far - now think about the scenario they gave you, and imagine how you’d respond. What might your stalwart warrior do or say? What about your fair lady, just stepping off your carriage? Don’t sweat it too much, just make sure it sounds reasonable! Skin If you didn’t already have a skin, the Skin Archive (Link to that here) has a bunch of basic, free-to-use skins. Otherwise, just make sure you have one that makes sense - a medieval, or 13th to 18th century, human! After you’re Accepted Congratulations! You made it! When you first join the server, a Cloud Temple Monk from the Community Team should be around to help - just go ahead and talk to them, they’ll help you learn how to play LotC, and then you can ask them to direct you to the area of your choice. Also make sure to read the New Player Guide, which covers the basics of RP and PVP mechanics on LotC, as well as how to improve in a huge variety of areas. (Here’s where we get to shill for Kaedrin because we wrote a guide lol) Want to be part of one of the most roleplay meritocracy-centric nations in Arcas (Kaedrin)? Getting involved with our community, at least, is pretty easy, and after you’re done with the CT Monks we can help with some more advanced Roleplay, or RP, guidance. All you need to do is tell the CT Monk you want to be led to Owynsburg or Kaedrin in general, and they’ll take you there. If you can’t find any of us in the city when you arrive, just hit us up on discord! Discords: Draeris#4899 Sliw#0001 cottage cheese#9620 bickando#5883 If you liked this guide, please leave a +1 with the arrow button right here VVV
  24. Hello there! It seems like I’ve been posting an awful lot recently, however this debate is strictly ooc ONLY and in my discord a lot of guys were concerned over this issue, so if you wish to participate I am more than willing to answer questions and debate in the comments down below. The “techlock project” is a project where people are trying to find balanced tools to use within LoTC which has the same technology as the times it is based in. For example, firearms is the most recent topic that has been put up for debate. As shown below, the votes have been flooding in and it seems like the mass majority do not care for guns within LoTC. Personally, I feel guns do not have a place in LoTC. My reasons for this are as follows, please feel free to agree or disagree with backed-up points down below! Banditry/Raids: I feel as if LoTC for many years has been a hub for those who wish to participate in bandit roleplay (as far as my experiences have gone). If you are to bandit someone on the road, you can either rob them or fight them, depending on how they respond to your actions. If guns were introduced to LoTC, I feel like banditting people on the road would become far too easy, using hostages and holding people at gun-point is far more effective than crossbows. This will lead to an imbalance in the bandit-victim success rate, heavily favouring those who are committing crimes. Additionally, Cities will have a large advantage too. The current raid rules state that you must ONLY raid with three or less people, which means it is already difficult to pull off with success. With the addition of guns, it will become near-impossible, with the guards being able to default CRP and hold your party at gunpoint for as long as they wish, possibly increasing the rate of meta rallies coming and slowing down the roleplay that could be happening if they were all using less advanced technology. Larger scale fights: How can we moderate the use of guns in larger scale fights? Currently in LoTC there is a 10+ PvP default rule, however if you were to fight with 9 or less people it would become increasingly difficult to moderate the use of guns within the fights. Would we need to load the guns and use multiple emotes like we do with crossbows? Or can people just have loaded guns all the time, preparing for combat if needed. I feel this will increase the amount of modreqs that go up, leading to more power-gaming, toxicity, and just an overall poor roleplay experience for those involved. The “dodge” mechanic: How does one use this mechanic if there are bullets flying towards your head? For a long time, you are able to /roll or crp dodging attacks, with a larger disadvantage if you lose your roll or the mod/people involved deems your dodge unrealistic. Just like an Olog charging into a human, you would be instantly killed and out of the crp if you were to encounter someone with a firearm, which I feel ruins the whole combat experience entirely and can lead to poor quality roleplay. Now I have expressed my final points, I would like to invite everyone who wishes to get involved to comment below and I’ll respond to you all. Troll/Toxic comments will just be ignored. Thanks, Swifty
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