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  1. [!] You come across a scrap of parchment floating through the wind. Knoxville Flower Dance! ~Mighty flowers blooming across Knoxville!~ Now that t'a Harvest be over, spring has once more sprung upon our wee village! Let us celebrate this fine occasion with song and dance! The great flowers that have bloomed all over will appreciate the company! The main event of the Flower Dance will, of course, be the Flower Dance itself! Wear your best clothes as we dance to the music of the wind, sky, sun, and earth! Here be the full list of events: ~Flower Judging! Best flower brought before the judge wins a prize!~ ~The Flower Dance, held in the central field (which will be full o' spring flowers by then!)~ ~Bird Watching!~ ~Some Shogging if folks still be left around to do so!~ BIGGUNS ARE INVITED! Be t'ere, or be a wilted flower! -Filibert Applefoot, local halfling of Knoxville ((Event will take place 8 PM EST, Tomorrow on Tuesday the 29th of June, 2021. Knoxville can be found using the map below: ))
  2. A New Year’s Joust [i] Flyers would be sent out to the people of Hanseti-Ruska decorated with the wax seal of the House of Baruch. A painting of the jousting grounds within the Duchy of Valwyck. Penned by the hand of Lady Eleanora Baruch Duke and Duchess-Consort Baruch are pleased to announce their hosting of a jousting tournament located at Lichtestadt to celebrate the beginning 31st year of the Second Age. Any man or woman from Hanseti-Ruska or it’s allies are invited and welcome to attend or compete in the tournament. Prizes The prize for first place will be one hundred mina provided by House Baruch along with a bouquet of Silver Roses grown in the gardens of Lichtestadt. Second place shall receive sixty mina provided by House Baruch and a bouquet of Night Tulips grown in the gardens of Lichtestadt. [OOC: Please reply with your IGN and Character Name if you plan to compete. Tournament is to be held on Thursday, July 1st at 3PM EST.] His Grace, Ruslan Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck, Count of Ayr, Viscount of Voron, Baron of Laval and Riveryn, Guardian of the Haenseni Coast Her Grace, Marjorie Helaine Baruch, Duchess-Consort of Valwyck, Countess-Consort of Ayr, Vicountess-Consort of Voron, Baroness-Consort of Laval and Riveryn Her Ladyship, Eleanora Helaine Baruch established, 1581 "By Mountain, River, and Coal"
  3. [!] You find a scrap of paper floating around in the wind. Some words are scribbled onto it, as well as a simple drawing. HARVEST TIME IS HERE ~The lovely ol' pumpkins of Knoxville!~ Ah yes, the wonders of autumn. The birds are singing, the air is full of wondrous smells, the crops are fully grown and ready for harvest! It is time to dig up potatoes! It is time to cut down the winter wheat! It is time to pick pumpkins and carve them into fancy ornaments! Let us clear away the fields so we may plant them anew! It's HARVEST TIME, fellas! It's time for us halfling folks to prosper and be merry! Thus, on with the list of activities (A proper harvest ought to be organized like a festival, after all!): -Pumpkin pickin', pumpkin carvin' -Cutting down rows upon rows of wheat! -Competition to see who can dig up the biggest potato! -Drinking and shogging! -The first animal slaughter of Knoxville, to commemorate the new herd of cattle in our wee village! Be there or be a smelly pumpkin! Our village is in Attenlund within Haense, down the long and winding road to the big lake from the big city! Shouldn't be too hard to find! -Filibert Applefoot, local Knoxville halfling, candidate for Sheriff. [!] Another crude bit of paper is nailed onto the first BIGGUNS ARE INVITED! ((Event will take place at 7 PM EST, Tomorrow Thursday the 24th of June, 2021. Knoxville can be found using the below map: ))
  4. Dear halflings, Firstly, I must introduce myself. My name is Thyme Baudelaire. I am a Musin living in The Mousehole, a dwelling deep in the Urguan caverns. I have been visiting your village, Bramblebury, and met a few very pleasant halfling peoples, who made me feel welcome in their home. In turn, I wish to invite you all to mine, and to meet more of you cordial folk. It seems to me the Musin and halflings are not too different, from our stature to our love of food. We shall sit around the campfire and enjoy marshmallows among other sweets, you may grab a drink from our tea shop or tavern too! Perhaps each bring some items over to trade, as I hear halflings like to do so. This invitation is for one week from now. I do hope you'll accept. (OOC: Monday 7th June, 6pm EST/11pm BST) Thyme Baudelaire Owner of The Baudelaire Trove, Watchmaker, Commander of The Mousehole.
  5. A depiction of Elysium’s park on a sunny day, circa 1820 Fresh fields of Elysian blooms lie before the couple in question. The rolling hills of Elysium are teeming with life, speckled with vibrant blossoms bearing hues of purple, pink, and yellow. The soft, gentle glow of a stray lantern casts its light over the river’s crystalline waters. Beside the river sits a jubilant couple, much like the shining, bejewelled ring that now sits upon the lady’s finger. They beam and grin at such a grandiose prospect: marriage. The radiance of the sun itself could not compare to the radiance upon their faces! The engaged couple then briskly sets off to make preparations for the upcoming wedding. A Union of Jubilation An Asul’onn - Astrean Wedding Christopher Asul’onn and Amicia de Astrea cordially invite you to witness and celebrate their marriage, which will take place in the park of Elysium. After the ceremony, guests will be directed to another area of the park for a celebratory dance and reception where the festivities shall continue into the evening! All citizens, friends, and allies are invited to attend this momentous occasion of jubilance and merriment. Guests are asked to don blue, as per the bride’s request! [!] A map to guide attendees to the location of the ceremony is depicted above. [OOC] Friday, June 11th 9:30 PM EST Coordinates X: -1123, Z: -2856
  6. [!] Missives would be posted around Talon's Port and Veritas, and then personally sent out to numerous people across Almaris. "To all friends and family of the sixth Sovereign of the Depths, Gail Cordius, we of Talon's Port wish to invite you to the city for a game of darts, and a chance to speak on the memories you have had with the man, in honor of his traditions and interests that he had brought to the city.| Death is a natural thing, though a sad one for many who have seen it first hand; terrifying even. But death does not mean the end of the memories, so why not share with the world the memories we have made? We formally invite the citizenship of the Jade State of Yong Ping, the citizenship of the Domain of Vortice, the citizenship of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, the citizenship of the village of Veritas, and all those who considered him a friend to the nation of Vortice as a final goodbye to Gail Cordius, a man who was well loved and did his best for the sake of the nation." Special Invitations are sent out to many names, ones of which those close to the Cordius family would know personally. Eletha and James Avery Delphine and Ren of house Tianrui and their children Asami Ambrose Ania Sterling Anastasia Dokar Castiel Valaker Briala Atmorice Kallian Syrivir The funeral will take place in two elven days; on the First Seed, at roughly mid elven day.
  7. [!] The following poster is displayed prominently upon the Krugmar Notice Board in large Orcish script. [!] Ag Klomp Vor Atisha [!] Depiction of two dueling combatants within the Betharuz Tavern's arena. [!] Kor'garr is glad to announce an upcoming event for all to attend; an Honor Klomp for the prized position of Atisha, a direct apprentice to my own station of Dominus! In one corner will be the crafty and cunning Kretz'Ox, known for their avid tinkering and former station as Yazgurtan! The experienced hobgoblin will certainly be a fierce contender for this title, with a name recognized throughout the War Nation. Challenging him will be the new arrival known as Bargulg the Dog; a brother already making his presence known amongst Krugmar. With a savage reputation and lineage from the old Clan Dom, Bargulg presents himself as an imposing threat to Kretz'Ox's bidfor leadership. Come to the Tavern and watch this Klomp for yourself with feasting, drinking, betting, and smoking galore! The challenge will take place upon the Azhty'gahkth (XIII) day of the upcoming Grand Harvest! Don't miss out! OOC: Signed, Kor'garr, Dominus of The Rexdom of Krugmar
  8. [!] A missive would be sent out to all corners of Almaris, a scroll of dense parchment containing surprisingly legible Common script [!] Dey uv Dah Rex: Ah Celebration! [!] A colorized depiction of orcs being served by William 'Gruksmasha' Raven at the Betharuz Tavern. [!] To all brothers and sisters of Krug, and all other peoples of Almaris: There is wonderful news and reason for all peoples to rejoice this day! The War Nation of Krugmar is delighted to announce a celebration, wherein there will be feasting, fighting, and festivities for all! This is a time for laughter and celebration, for our people proclaim the veteran Azhug'Gorkil as the new Rex, leader of all those who share the honor and blood of Krug. No matter your allegiance or status, we welcome you to join us for multiple days of celebration in the grand goi of Krugmar as our Rex takes the first steps in leading our nation to greatness once more. We will feast, we will klomp, we will drink, we will smoke, and we will honor this new beginning with all who wish to attend! This event will be from the Azhty'futh' (XIV) to the Azhty'H'gakh'th (XVIII) day of the upcoming Grand Harvest! The planned festivities include: -A spiritual ritual and telling of Orcish history guided by our Motsham, the legendary shaman Murdok'lak. These rites and lessons will be held for all to witness as our new leader receives the spirits blessing for his reign. -A grand fist-klomping competition, the all new Tournament of the Iron Fist! Face off against friend and rival alike with the most honorable weapons of all, your very own fists. The singular grand victor will receive a trophy inscribed with their own name as well as the title "Ironclad of Krugmar"! This prize will also include an astounding 500 mina. Are you strong enough to reign victorious? -Time with the new rex! All who attend will be given the chance to personally speak with the rex in a casual nature. Ask questions, offer advice, pledge fealty, or even challenge him to an arm-wrestle! - For those who trust the strength of their stomach, Kor'garr is announcing a great drinking competition! Test your mettle (and liver) against various brews of increasing potency from all around Almaris in the Iron Gut Grog Slog, ending with the fabled Blah uv the Spirits itself, a drink rated over 180 proof by volume! Any winners (or the last standing contestant, if they last long enough) will not only win 10 Teef (100 mina) but have a plaque with their names mounted upon the Tavern wall for all to see and be amazed! - Opportunity in the marketplace! Whether browsing for new wares or hoping to open a shop yourself, Krugmar has many opportunities for the aspiring entrepreneur! New goods include special exports from Yong Ping and Talon's Port as well as goods from Krugmar itself. Simply talk to Kor'garr of Lur during the event for more information. -A snaga chase! Several of our snagas have volunteered to be the targets of a mock hunt, so that our guests might enjoy one of Krugmar's favorite and most traditional pastimes... -Drinking and Feasting at the Betharuz Tavern! Feel free to order exquisite cuisine made locally in the goi of Krugmar. Try a dragon egg, jerky, or even an 'orcish delight'! The aspiring drunkard will have many options for grog available to purchase as well. We invite you to Krugmar so that you might pay honorable respects to our new leader as equals, and join in on the celebrations of Uruk culture! This is truly a new beginning for the Rexdom, and because of this we welcome all guests with open arms. No matter what troubles or grudges our peoples may hold, this will be a time of jubilance and respite from the tensions of politics or conflict... Dare we say it might be an offer from our new Rex of that 'peace' you all hold so dearly, brief as it may be. In addition, it has been decided that from now on there will be no requirement of tribute to enter Krugmar, to promote hospitality and interaction between the children of Krug and all other descendants. Feel free to visit the festivities without need of payment or worries over coin! To all those lost brethren who find themselves with the accursed status of whitewash: We will also extend this generous blessing to you. During this time, and this time only, any who wish may discuss with our new Rex the reason behind their status, and if deemed honorable may begin the process of returning to the ways of Krug kind with the ancestors' blessings. For those who were raised without knowledge of the Orcish ways, we implore that you return to us and finally begin learning of your true heritage, to once more follow the honored path of Krug and his blood. [!] While all have been invited, those listed below would receive personally addressed invitations to Krugmar by way of courier. [!] - Vivian of Talon's Port, and their retinue. ( @Flayns) - Norli Starbreaker of Urguan, and their retinue. ( @Nooblius) -Ysani Balvyre of Yong Ping and their retinue, with special mention of Tsune Hirano. ( @xYoukaiz & @Tentoa) -Sven Edvardsson of Norland, and their retinue. ( @MasonMcBadbat) -Heinrik II of Haenseti-Ruska, and their retinue. ( @Rudi) - Gwynevere of Sutica, and their retinue ( @_Twi) -Duke Eugeo of Elysium, and their retinue. -Vytrek Tundrak of the Snow Elven Remnants, and their retinue. [OOC: The event will take place from 2:00PM to 6:00 PM EST, on Saturday May 15th of 2021] Signed, Kor'garr'Lur, Yazgurtan of Krugmar
  9. A small bird descends before you, leaving a letter of equal size. Once the missive is delivered, the bird would promptly chirp and disappear off into the sky. Should the letter be opened and read, its contents contain the following: Contest Of The Quills Do you like reading? Or maybe writing is more of your thing? Well it seems like this contest was made for you! You can write, horror, informative, romance, fiction, or a biography! The contest will end once the Elysium library is built. And the person who wins will receive a special award! And at the end of every month (OOC: A day in real life) after all books are submitted you will be able to vote on who has the best story! Here is a few things you should try looking for when picking a winner: Does the story have more than 3 pages? Are the pages well made and fit the story title/genre? Is the story PG-13? Does it give good advice? Do you think the book is good to be put in a library for public viewing? Are you writing a book? Here are a few things you should try and do when your writing: If your story is informative can you back up your sources? Does you book have more than 3 pages? Is your stuff PG-13? Does it break any laws? Including out side of Elysium. Is your text detailed? How to submit your book: To submit it, click the done button to save it once you are done. Then add your terms and rules if someone wants to buy it. For example: What can I do with this book?: Use for education, or teaching with proper help, and re-sell or add to a library who is allied with Teaful. What can I not do with this book?: Claim it is yours, resell for bigger then it's real price, or steal. Since it is your own book you do not have to include Teaful, unless you want people to buy it from our store! If not just add do not resell! It also must be the original that you put in! Books that do not make it can still be added. But once the event is over you can collect your books. After that press submit and give it to a staff member working! If none is there put it in 'Contest bin' Prizes range from 10-100mina! Along with community rewards and 2 free books of your choice! First place: Choice to add into the library once done, 2 free books from Teaful, along with 50 mina. (Raises every month) Second place: 2 free books from Teaful, 1 banner, and 35 mina. Third place: 2 free book from Teaful, 1 banner, and 15 mina. If you range lower you can still get your book added to Teaful's catalog. If you have any more questions feel free to send a letter to Ms. Eudora's house. The letter ends with a signed signature of Eudora. Along with a lovely good luck message.
  10. Basic Blacksmith Tutorial in Selestia [!] A small steel sheet bearing neat engravings upon it would be sent randomly around the entirety of Almaris, appearing to be a sort of invitation for an event. Basic Blacksmithing Tutorial, hosted by the ‘Koi Commodities’ Forge in Selestia. A small tutorial on how to forge a basic item using Oyashiman style blacksmithing, occurring at 7pm this Elven day, all are welcomed. If you are to join, please be fully ready to follow the smithery’s traditions, and if not, expect to be escorted out from this event. If you have any following questions once the event is over, you may feel free to ask. - From, Tenebris. [!] in the bottom left of the metal sheet is the touchmark of Tenebris, looking like a snake curved around a pinecone in the center] (For OOC information contact: Papi Shmeat Cleaver#9996) (( OOC INFO )) DATE: Today! TIME: 7PM EST! DIRECTIONS: Travel to West hub, from there continue with the path until you get to the sign towards Krugmar or Elvenesse. Take the Krugmar road and continue with it until a sign that points to Krugmar or Talon’s. Take the road to Talon’s and continue with it, staying only on that path until you end up right by Talon’s Port’s front gate then turn left and follow the path until you reach Selestia.
  11. Letters written in fine elvish script and sealed with a wax of carnelian shade are delivered to all who reside in Elvenesse, and to specific invitees of the High Prince To honor the newly elected High Prince Evar'tir Oranor, the Twilit Folk of the Esteemed House of Hawksong have cordially invited you to attend the traditional coronation of the Hinterlands Royarch. Join us as we herald in a new dawn for the Blessed Folk of Sea and Forest where we remember those who have worn the crown of our ancestors before, those who have fought to defend it, those who have served and preserved our highest honor and those who have yet to bear the crown of our everlasting kin. A grand performance of the Hawksong cultural step-dance, Valleinarnnyer or RiverDance will precede the carrying of the Crown by the Lady of Twilight, past Royarch of the united elves upon the head of the High Prince. There, ancient and traditional oaths will be sworn by the Crowned to the Nation before guests will be permitted to bequeath the High Prince with gifts, praise and prayer. The following are invited on behalf of the High Prince The Citizens and Council of the Crown of Elvenesse The Grand King of Urguan, Norli Starbreaker, his Council, and his Citizenry The King of Haenseti-Ruska, Henrik II Barbanov, his Council, and his Citizenry The King of Norland, Sven II Edvardsson, his Council, and his Citizenry The Sohaer of Haelun'or, Othelu Orrar, his Council, and his Citizenry The Lord Interrex of Luciensburg, Bernard de Salier, his Council, and his Citizenry The Archdruids of the Druidic Order, and the Citizenry of Atoll Grove All who willfully respect the peace may attend this blessed and rare occasion of our kin. ((General gathering at 6:30 EST in the Citadel of Amaethea, with the performances and rites starting at 7pm EST sharp))
  12. [!] A simple note made of paper, half covered in brick dust, stamped with a wax seal in the figure of a double sided cross, and tied to several tables in Varhelm & Elysium is addressed to all citizens and foreigners alike. All who see this letter are officially invited to attend a ceremony commemorating the completion of the Ordo Laterem’s Monastery in the far hills of Norland. The celebration will be held in the newly finished monastery, Located directly west of Varhelms furthest southern wall. All those who show will be greeted with open arms and will enjoy food, drink, and the warmest of welcomes into our humble home. Signed, Brother Mursten, Princeps Prima of the Ordo Laterem
  13. [!] A large poster of parchment would be found plastered upon various noticeboards around Almaris. TO CELEBRATE A NEW AGE FOR KRUGMAR Sons, Daughters, and allies of Krug may all rejoice this day! With news of good tidings being spread across all of Almaris, Krugmar would like to announce it's own cause for celebration: A proclamation of the great hunter and goblin Yarrow'Lur as the new Rex of our great city. With this wonderful news in mind, the Rexdom welcomes all the various peoples of Almaris to join in our festivities and watch the beginning of a new era for those of Krug. We will feast, we will klomp, we will drink, we will smoke, and we will honor this new beginning with all who wish to attend! Planned Activities Include: Speeches in honor of our new Rex, As well as an opportunity to pledge Fealty. A fighting tournament, culminating in a Final Match for a cash prize of Dubty (X) Urukizh Teef, worth 100 mina in total. Feasting and Drinking at the Tavern, along with various pastimes like Cactus Green and Krugamine. A Drinking Competition, Worth the bragging rights of having your very name emblazoned on the Tavern Wall! A Chess board open to public use! Krugmar encourages betting upon matches. ...And even more! To all the nations, settlements, and towns of Almaris, as well as their fine leaders: We invite you to Krugmar so that you might pay honorable respects to our new leader as equals, or with the Spirits blessings pledge fealty to our great Rexdom. The sons and daughters of Krug would welcome such fortunate proceedings with open arms. No matter what troubles or grudges our peoples may hold, this will be a time of jubilance and respite from the tensions of politics or conflict... Dare we say it might be an offer of that 'peace' you all hold so dearly, brief as it may be. A gift of compassion and celebration from the descendants of Krug. To all those lost brethren who find themselves with the accursed status of whitewash: We will also extend this generous blessing to you. During this time, and this time only, any who wish may discuss with our new Rex the reason behind their status, and if deemed honorable may begin the process of returning to the ways of Krug kind with the ancestors' blessings. For those who were raised without knowledge of the Orcish ways, we implore that you return to us and finally begin learning of your true heritage, to once more follow the honored path of Krug and his blood. This event will take place from the 18th to the 22nd day of the next Sun's Smile! [OOC INFO: The event is scheduled from 6PM - 10 PM EST, on Sunday May 2nd of 2021]
  14. [!] A notice has been pinned to the general event board, announcing a coming event that all may participate in! The folk of the House play merry music in anticipation for their beloved cultural pastime [!] The horns of Hawksong ring proudly amongst the treetops, kin, announcing our traditional mounted hunt for rabbits and boar! Our House has elected to open up the ride for all who wish to join us on the following elven day for an event of fast-paced hunting, chasing and comradery of the Twilit Folk's heritage. Limited space is available if you cannot provide your own mount and supplies. However, all that can provide their own steed and supplies are welcome to join the hunting party! We recommend both ranged and close range weapons. Keep what you catch, or collaborate with the House in food preparation for the Mani Masquerade that will follow the hunt! Send a letter to myself to reserve your spot ahead of time to ensure the best possible experience! 3 PM EST, 4/24/21 (( This is a casual PvP event - but before you 'yikes' away, don't worry! Your characters will need to coordinate and chase down some game that will be played by willing volunteers that will drop some goodies upon being downed. The rules are as follows: The hunt area is restricted entirely to the Hinterlands. This area is outside the main city, but within the first series of gates you encounter when walking to Amaethea. The event itself will last about 30-45 minutes, and will be a mix of RP and PvP between bouts of animal chasing. Feel free to bring any and all tools you feel will aid you in chasing down the 'game'. There will be no 'popping' of the 'game' permitted via MC mechanics, as the volunteers will be issuing a few chases after they hide. Come have a good time!))
  15. [!] Invites would be distributed to the citizens of Haense and alike for Prinzenas Petra’s fifth birthday celebration! The missives would be decorated with Barbanov Wax Crests. The Princess’s Wild Birthday Bash To the citizens of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, The Princess Royal, Her Royal Highness Petra Emma, Duchess of Karosgrad, would like to formally summon thy to her fifth name day celebration this saint’s year. Attendees will be expected to don charismatic flowerets that adorn their usual attire. To celebrate this occasion, a birthday feast will commence in the Nikirala Prikaz, where the Princess Royal will be showered with gifts and a grandiloquent cake will be bestowed upon her. Soon after everyone is stuffed, there will be a dance in the ballroom for all to take part in. The Prinzenas will also invite the youth of Karosgrad to a flower picking hunt, which will commence in the palace gardens. The children will venture on a journey to collect that widest variety of flowers, whilst the adults continue to relax and drink. Special invites are specifically extended to: ✿ The Royal House of Barbanov ✿ The Hanseti Landed Peerage and their esteemed kin ✿ The Aulic Council and their esteemed kin ✿ The Youth of Karosgrad ✿ The subjects of Norland ✿ The subjects of Urguan ✿ The subjects of Yong Ping ✿ The subjects of Haelunor ✿ Any allied nation of Haense Her Serene Highness, Petra Emma Barbanov Her Ladyship, Anastasiya Irina Tsekhanovetsky [OOC] Wednesday, the 28th of April 6PM EST Place: the Feast Hall, Palace Gardens, and Ballroom of the Nikirala Palace
  16. ((Note: This event was a PvE event hosted by Suicidism, and took place in Elysium! The event was widely loved by those who participated, and sparked a currently ongoing plot line of events that have kept similar engagement among the community.)) The sun rose high over Elysium, desperately trying to cover the frostbitten landscape in a warm embrace with little success. The grand, old snowy mountains that flanked the vassals south croaked and acted like an elderly man with weary bones. However, the ole mountains cries were not heeded in time. And so the mountain fell, an avalanche of snow rolling down the mountains into the river below. Lunah Vanari was the first to react, breaking for the Elysium bell. Other fellow rangers and citizens of Elysium ran in her foot prints, gathering by the bell. Our party would consist of Lunah Vanari, Ellanore Nriu, Bellicah Crane, Galenus Amaricius. Giorno Giovenco, Melkor Frey, Ezekiel Moores, Saki Shiromi, Miro Vanari and your author, Jack Crane. Grouped up at the Elysium’s bell, a wounded man stumbled and sputtered down the road, broken sword in hand. With a violent cough blood flew out of his mouth into the pavement below with a sickening splatter. As he saw the warriors gathered before him, he’d smile with solace. “Sir? What happened? Were you caught in the land slide?” Lunah was the first to speak, approaching the man. Galenus then rushed to the side of the injured soldier, panic spreading across his face as he bears witness to the man's maimed condition. Another cough, more blood seeping into the gravel and earth. The man dropped to the ground, losing such strength that his sword fell from hand. “Eada…. Lady’s… Eada….Estate….It is lost…. They were…. so many..” A chorus of drawn swords played, as the man coughed blood a final time, falling onto the grass and promptly succumbing to his wounds. Galenus placed two fingers on the man’s neck, searching for a pulse. “Is he?” Lunah simply asked. Galenus looked across the group, giving a silent, solemn nod. “Thank you.” He whispered to the man, before rising to his feet. “Shall we go?” “Ah, unfortunate.” Jack began. “Ti, we need to avenge the fallen stranger.” “Armour up!” Lunah ordered, “we are going to the estate, stick together.” The group of Rangers, citizens, and the one ISA soldier began moving across Elysium, toward the Estates. The estate house was tall, towering over the peninsula it occupied. As the mass of people passed the tavern it easily came into view, surrounded by corpses. There were many looks of horror, and shouting toward the unnatural, before the terrifying situation was pierced by a shout- “OREN AU MORTEM!” Ezekiel yelledout. “STEEL YOURSELF MEN!” … Ezekiel was ignored. “RANGERS! ELYSIANS! YAK YAK YAK!” Ellanore was not ignored. The warriors began running around the house, quickly culling down the undead soldiers. Their mass of numbers made an easy sweep of the creatures. As the Elysians entered the home itself, a trap was sprung. The sound of rumbling began to stir in the distance, leaving little time for our warriors to react. They hastily grouped up at the wheat field, handing out provisions and equipment amongst one another. Galenus looked to be in deep concentration, as the sound of the horde boomed closer. “This is not good..” A second wave marched toward the Estate, many ancient warriors clad in fading armors that were falling to dust before the defenders of Elysium. All outlined by a setting sun. “God Bless us.” Stated Ezekiel, crossbow at the ready. “Iron from Ice! We will scatter them here and now.” Lunah shouted in response. Screaming echoed against the mountainous valley of Elysium; “Why….Why do you settle in our lands, and disgrace it with your presence. You all, every single one of you, do not belong here. Foul refugees from Arcas…” Emerging from golden fields, the undead rose. Arrows loosened, flying over the heads of the defenders charging through the fields of crop. The undead approached in a horde that was easily surrounded by the defending warriors. The battle was won with ease. Taking another break, the defenders laid in wait. Unsure whether the threat was cut down, or whether it were simply gathering forces more. A new force arises, clad in armour covered in strange runic sigils, each shimmering in strange lights. The defenders charged forward. Both defenders and undead alike culled down the golden field of wheat, leaving unsightly wounds throughout perfect fields. The defenders cut down the undead with challenge, however Giorno was cut off from the defenders. He couldn’t be seen in the horde of undead, cut down into the ground. The undead, once finally slain presented the defenders with an unsightly view. Giorno, alive but barely, under a blanket of ancient bones and decaying flesh. The sun was long gone, the battle bled into the night. Unnatural, uncomfortable silence violated the defenders ears as the undead would seemingly take a break. However a morbid mercy was given to the defenders who hated this silence so, when the sound of roars and chittering began to rattle in the distance. In the distance, a sound familiar to Elysians of old began to echo as a gelatinous horror. The same one that once called the embankments of the lake home would arise. Squelching and bobbing with volatile intent. They were easy to see, gelatinous beings burning bright in the darkness. The defenders slice the infernal slimes with their blades. The ferrum cut through with relative ease, however as soon as one was cut in two, undeath would greet the defenders foes. They sliced, cut and pummeled, more and more slimes splitting further lighting up the field. The field was littered with out of breath defenders, surrounded in puddles of glowing slime. Finally, there seemed to be another rest amongst the fighting. Though far in the fields, undead were equipped with belts across their decaying flesh, in a last ditch effort to drag the defenders into the ground whence they came. A mixture of undead skeletons, and beings of foul smelling rotting flesh began their assault on every facade of the Estate. The defenders split up, some defending the south. Some the north. Once more, it seemed the horde had stopped. Allowing another break. However, within a short moment another horde appeared catching the defenders off-guard. A horde of skeletons with the strength and constitution of a troll. Lunah slammed her hammer into one repeatedly, mere splinters of bone falling off one until eventually snapping through the bone after the fifth hit. It was apparent that this horde was the deadliest yet. The defenders split up, as another horde of skeletons appeared around the front of the estate. A few more scattered simply from the terrifying strength of the opponents. Jack, who stayed behind was surrounded and hastily cut down by the horrors with ease. Ellanore attempted to come to his aid, however the skeletal horde wandered over Jack’s unconscious body, as if using him as bait for the other defenders and quickly cut her down also. The horde was eventually suppressed, the skeletons but dust. The wounded were dragged back into the estate by Lunah, Bellicah and Galenus where Lunah and Bellicah attempted first aid until medics arrived on scene. It is uncertain whether there were any deaths on this day on the side of the defenders, and the land was unforgivingly scarred. However easily over a hundred undead were slain. What is also certain is that Elysium is land once owned, and it’s original owners do not wish to give it up without blood.
  17. [!] An invitation is posted on the notice board in Elysium: ooc: The wedding of Corbin and Maduz will take place at the garden alter in Elysium. Monday, April 19th, 3:30 PM EST
  18. LOKI’S CASINO REOPENING It is with this official missive that announces the Grand Re-Opening of Loki’s Casino as ownership passes onto Albrecht Mondblume. Its doors will be thrown open to welcome new clientele, consumers and lovers of gambling for a night of addictive entertainment. Perfect for those who seek the thrill of balancing on a knife-edge between risk and payoff. Come down to test your luck, drink, and slink into the smoky atmosphere of Karosgrad’s first casino. Among the various games, the casino has a Dukebox and aVIP cigar lounge. There are many games to partake in, whether you consider yourself a gambler or not: ROULETTE There are various degrees of riskiness with roulette - perfect for those nervous gamblers. 1-1 odds: evens/odds or bet between (1-18) or (19-36) 2-1 odds: bet in the dozens. (1-12) (13-24) (25-36) 11-1 odds: street bet. Choose three numbers out of the 36. 35-1 odds: a bet on a single number HIGH STAKES DIE For those daredevils willing to take their chances against a few friends! The two players will roll a 200-sided die, or however big they agree amongst themselves. The participant with the highest roll wins and the other player pays them the difference between their numbers. LOKI’S SLOT MACHINES The slot machines require chip bets of 5 mina, with a jackpot of 50 mina available to win if you light up all three lights! BLACKJACK A game of risk and reward - just don’t go over 21! Each player starts with a single card, which they turn over. One by one, each player can choose to take another card to add to their total, or stick with the number they have. The game continues until everyone goes bust, or decides to stick - and the highest number not breaching 21 wins! Similarly, the players each decide what they’re betting, putting their mina into the centre of the table - the winner takes home all. SNAIL RACING A nod to the mali’thill and our Maer, His Highness Franz Barbanov, who have encouraged snail racing in recent years, it seems only fitting that we continue the tradition in our own casino. Each player decides on the amount of money they bet before the race begins, and the winner takes it all home! LOTTERY Throughout the night tickets will be available to take part in the raffle, so the evening will end with the announcement of the winners of the raffle. Signed, HER LADYSHIP, Rosalind Amador de Astrea, Grand Lady of Hanseti-Ruska Albrecht Mondblume, Owner of Loki’s Casino ((OOC)) Saturday 17th April 5pm EST
  19. Welcome to the ⋆✧Selestia Wine Festival✧ [!] An artistically written poster would be sent out and put everywhere throughout Almaris. It would be depicted as an invitation for all who see to come. Welcome to the Wine Festival hosted by The County Of Selestia The County Of Selestia formally invites all who see to the Wine Festival. During this Festival there be a large array of drinks mostly wine but there are other drinks available such as whiskey, medley, Mulled Wine, Spiked Tea, and Flavored Vodka (And much more). The Festival will be a night under the stars where there will be lots of drinking and dancing till the night ends. There will also be a drinking contest that you may partake in, it only costs 3 mina to enter, with a prize of 20 mina. All taverns across all of Almaris are invited to partake and sell their Booz at a stall that will be provided with a small reservation fee (1 mina). (Please contact me Oh_Ontario#4000 to get a stall ) (( OOC INFO )) DATE: Saturday, April 10th TIME: 4 pm EST DIRECTIONS: Travel to West hub, from there continue with the path until you get to the sign towards Krugmar or Elvenesse. Take the Krugmar road and continue with it until a sign that points to Krugmar or Talon’s. Take the road to Talon’s and continue with it, staying only on that path until you end up right by Talon’s Port’s front gate then turn left and follow the path until you reach Selestia! To get more information contact: Oh_Ontario#4000
  20. VERITAS — THE FIRST COMPETITION OF ARCHERY — "The archer is the true weapon; the bow is only a long piece of wood." OVERVIEW Since its inception, archery has been a favored tool of the hunter and warrior alike. To oppose an enemy from afar ensures the opposer’s preserved state of safety . Though it is often referred to as a coward’s trade by those with shaky hands, it takes a true talent to wield a stringed weapon, because a true marksman would hit its mark each time. Prove your talents among marksmen alike in the upcoming tournament of arms in Veritas. THE RULES - Contestants are to bring their own weaponry, either crossbow or a traditional bow, whichever suits them. - Contestants will take turns on the marks, approximately 50 feet from target, shooting three arrows per turn. - Contestants should not shoot their bows prematurely, rather upon command of the facilitator. - Contestants are to retrieve their own arrows as a courtesy to the next marksman. - In the case of a tie, there should be additional rounds for those who tied until a winner can be decided. THE SPOILS A handful of spoils should be set aside and allotted to the winner and those runner-ups of the competition, including a prize pool of mina and a special item for the winner. 1st : 25 MINA & A HANDCRAFTED BOW 2nd : 15 MINA 3rd : 10 MINA [OOC] Tuesday, 4/6/21 @ 7PM EST
  21. [!] A grandiose, ornate invitation is delivered to all Norlandic citizens and its allies as well. Sven’s Day: A Norlandic Holiday of Revelry and Merriment 20th of Malin’s Welcome, Year 15 SA You are cordially invited to join us in our momentous celebration, Sven’s Day; a celebration of the life of Sven the Bard, the Paragon of poetry, revelry, and song. We will be hosting a grand feast in the palace for all to attend, located in the capital of Norland, Varhelm. Those in attendance will indulge in the heartiest of meals and the finest of Norlandic brews and amenities. Please join us in this momentous celebration! Signed, Ancelie Edvardsson Queen-Consort of Norland Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith [OOC] Thursday, April 1st 6:30 PM EST Coordinates: X: -1836 Z: -2722 All Norlandic citizens and allies are welcome to attend!
  22. The Union of Rosius et Frand ~ ~ 𝔄𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔢 𝔡𝔢 𝔉𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔡 requests your presence at the marriage of her sister, the fair Claude de Frand to The Honorable, Otis de Rosius At the Basilica of the Ascent, in the center of the Imperial City of Providence, officiated by Vice-Chancellor Cardinal Pelagius-Albarosa. Followed by a reception at 'The Ivy House' hosted by Madam Ivy herself. To be taken place on the 19th of the Sun's Smile, 1813 ((Sunday, 3/28/21 7pm EST))
  23. Welcome to the Talon's Trades Festival [!] An elegantly written poster would be sent out and put everywhere throughout Almaris. It would be depicted as an invitation for all nations to come. Welcome to the Trades Festival hosted by The Sovereign Nation of Talon’s Port Talon's Port humbly invites you to our Trades Festival. During this Festival temporary stalls will be available for rent for the evening and many cultures from around Almaris shall be displayed. There will be specialty items that you can get during this from different Nations. The Ale House will also be open with a full stock with some new drinks made specifically to celebrate. The event mainly consists of trading different goods from different nations and seeing the different cultures displayed and how we can all get along with a little drink and a good fair trade. (( OOC INFO )) DATE: Saturday, March 27th TIME: 5 pm EST DIRECTIONS: Travel to West hub, from there continue with the path until you get to the sign towards Krugmar or Elvenesse. Take the Krugmar road and continue with it until a sign that points to Krugmar or Talon’s. Take the road to Talon’s and continue with it, staying only on that path until you end up right by Talon’s Port’s front gates! To get a stall contact: Demon_Lilly#9033 or Oh_Ontario#4000
  24. [!] a poster is hung up all throughout Almaris! Talon’s Port Limbo & Darts Event! Come over to Talon’s Port in the Tavern, for an event of a fun Limbo contest and Darts! The Limbo contest will be first, all participating in the Darts contest must join in, the one who wins gets to go first in Darts! Bring along 5 Mina to put into the part to be able to play Darts, at the end the winner will win the pot of mina! If Drinks, laughter and some friendly competition is what you are searching for, then this event is perfect for you! (( OOC INFO )) DATE: Wednesday, March 24th TIME: 6pm EST DIRECTIONS: Travel to West hub, from there continue with the path until you get to the sign towards Krugmar or Elvenesse. Take the Krugmar road and continue with it until a sign that points to Krugmar or Talon’s. Take the road to Talon’s and continue with it, staying only on that path until you end up right by Talon’s Port’s front gates!
  25. [!] a poster is hung up all throughout Almaris! Talon’s Port Bingo Night! Talon’s Port will be hosting a fun bingo night in the tavern! Each participant will be given a unique bingo card, the hostess, Aeline Cordius, will then proceed to pull out numbered balls from a bag, if the number is one on your page you cross it out! This continues until someone gets bingo! The winner will be rewarded with 25 minas and a custom tea order from Aeline Cordius. Come down and have some fun! We will be chatting, drinking and probably making fun of the loser! (( OOC INFO )) DATE: Tuesday, March 23rd TIME: 4PM EST AND 11PM EST (two times, to accommodate for more! :D) DIRECTIONS: Travel to West hub, from there continue with the path until you get to the sign towards Krugmar or Elvenesse. Take the Krugmar road and continue with it until a sign that points to Krugmar or Talon’s. Take the road to Talon’s and continue with it, staying only on that path until you end up right by Talon’s Port’s front gates!
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