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  1. (Credit to @Trinn for founding Tiva lore. Credit to @Sorairo, @Starfelt and @sophiaa for helping me develop this more. Credit to @Aethling for helping me give this more elven flair and for putting up with my anoyingness in general during the writing process of this.) [!] The following book would be found in the Talus grove, Irrinor, Sutica and Agreothond. Scrolls instead were rolled up and delivered to notable Elven leaders and charters, containing the same text. Tiva The language of the mali is often misinterpreted as strictly elvish, leaving a language, an art, and a system of survival left forgotten and in the shadows. Our ancestors utilized simple wreaths to weave stories through flowers, guide travellers home, or warn the same travelers from danger. Wreaths were weaved with messages through flowers and delivered when mali’ame were not advanced enough to read and lived without cities. Centuries of war and Seeds migrating seemed to have separated the main line of Tiva, leaving fractions of the language and the ashes of its glory. From what my mother taught me, and learning by mali’ame around me and from books, it seems there are very few branches of the language that remain the same across all seeds and families from separate regions, if any knowledge still persists. I’ve done my best to put the pieces together and share the blank spaces in common knowledge with the knowledge of my seed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully recover the language, but as a culture, as a whole, we can use and revive the use of what we still know, so that our offspring do not lose our culture at the rate we’ve lost it. I am splitting the contents of this book into four chapters: Tiva’lye – Self Identification Wreaths Tiva’annil – Guiding Wreaths Tiva’illern – Ritualistim/Ceremonial Wreaths Saner’tiva – Speaking with Tiva & Gift Wreaths ~ Tiva’lye ~ Tiva’lye is the most commonly used branch of Tiva, worn by mali to denote facts about themselves and tell about their life, personality and family. The flowers are chosen from each category that applies and placed in a pattern which repeats throughout all worn wreaths. True Calling - Angrec - Traditionally worn by druids and aspectists, or general people who seek to maintain the balance and protect nature. - Gladiolus - Worn by warriors, hunters and protectors. The equivalent of the fathers mark. - Mandragora - Worn by healers, doctors and caretakers. The equivalent of the mothers mark. - Chrysanthemum - Worn by tinkers, blacksmiths and those who work with any form of craftmanship. - Bluestar - Worn by sailors, fishermen and pirates. - Mayflower - Worn by those who have not yet found a true calling in life. - Acacia - Worn by those who have retired from their true calling. Lesser Callings - Allium - Worn by kings, queens and anyone with a ‘royal’ status. - Heather - Worn by leaders. Age - Freesia - Under 20. - Alcea - 20-50. - Azalea - 50-500. - Aster - Elders, 500+ Family & Relationships - Lily - Worn by those who are not in a relationship. - Carnation - Worn by those who are in a relationship. - Hibiscus - Worn by those who are open to being flirted with and forming a new relationship. I believe this flower was created to allow the possibility of polyamory. - Bellflower - Worn by those who are not open to being flirted with and who do not want to start a new relationship. - Gardenia - Worn by parents. One flower is worn for each child someone has, allowing multiple of these to be in a pattern line. - Lotus - A sacred flower worn by pregnant mali. One who wears a lotus flower is expected to be given gifts and being celebrated. Personality Traits (These flowers and their meanings can be used in other areas of Tiva, but I most commonly use them for Tiva’lye) - Anthurium - Hospitable. - Bird of Paradise - Joyfulness. - Peony - Compassion. - Calla Lilly - Graceful. - Daisy - Faithful/Religious. - Gerbera - Hopefulness. - Lavender - Discreet and quiet. - Iris - Smart and intelligent. - Lilac - Confident. - Larkspur - Gentle. - Protea - Courage. - Ranunculus - Bravery. - Statice - Sympathy. ~ Tiva’annil ~ Tiva’annil is the branch of Tiva used for guiding people to a destination or to tell travellers of the area they’re in, possibly preventing them from walking into danger if they're observant enough to any carefully-placed flower wreaths. There is no specific pattern, as each flower is self-explanatory and when used alone it gives the message well. Flowers can be stranded and hung from trees, or even planted in significant abundance by the road. Racial Specification - Dandelion - Home of Elves - Anemone - Home of Dwarves - Amaranth - Home of Orcs - Laceleaf - Home of Humans Hospitableness - Daffodil - Hung or planted at the entrances of homes that are hospitable and welcome visitors. - Begonia - Hung or planted at the entrances of homes that prefer living in solitude and do not like visitors. Area Traits - Calendula - Placed in areas that bring death and danger. “Do not enter.” May be a cursed place. - Cattail - Placed in sacred areas belonging to the Aspects. Usually used for druid groves. Druids used to remember how to get to fae rings by planting or hanging cattails on trees in a path to it. - Dahlia - Used in areas with an abundance of animals, welcoming hunters to use it as their grounds. ~ Tiva’illern ~ Tiva’illern is the most sacred branch of Tiva, holding the most important flowers denoting the Aspects. It is regularly used for worship, festivals, celebrations, and specific & notable events/occasions. The Aspects - Vervain - Cerridwen, used in wreaths to honor the springmother and given as offerings. - Snapdragon - Cernunnos, used in wreaths to honor the huntsman and given as offerings. The Seasons - Helenium - Autumn. - Marigold - Summer. - Myosotis - Winter. - Golden columbine - Spring. Events - Pansy - Victory, used to celebrate winning in wars, etc. - Cyclamen - A flower used to mourn the dead. - Magnolia - Literally means ‘promise,' traditionally used in weddings. - Zinnia - Rememberance, used in memorials and celebration of things that no longer exist (perhaps stepped down leaders or fallen nations, separating it from Cyclamen.) - Lathyrus - Departure. Typically used for “going away parties.” - Orange Bud - A flower used that is believed to bring blessings from the Aspects and Mani. Used in worship festivals/rituals. If using in other branches of Tiva, it literally translates to “Blessings.” - Pentas - A flower used symbolizing duties in war and battle, used in abundance after severe loss in a battle has occured. Often found on the graves of fallen warriors. - Rosebud - “Birth.” In traditional elven societies, the birth of a baby was one of the most important celebrations, bringing every member of the Seed to praise the mali woman who was blessed with the rarity of pregnancy. Rosebuds were used as gifts after the childbirth and was used in these mentioned celebrations. ~ Saner’Tiva ~ Saner’tiva is the last chapter of Tiva. Literally translating to “To speak with Tiva,” in Mali, this section is used to give messages to people, and also contains specific words used to compliment the wreaths in all the previous sections. Most of the flowers are assigned a long message that is pre-made, however there are some specifics. Unfortunately, saner’tiva is mostly forgotten and the various specific words are impossible to remember and use as regularly and reliably as our ancestors once did. Simple Messages & Gifts - Linaria Bipartita - “I love you.” Used as a gift for loved ones, typically an anniversary gift. - Rue - Repentance. The giver of a wreath using this flower has wronged the reciever, symbolising sincere repentance. - Wild Hyacinths - Gratitude and Thankfulness. Weaved into wreaths or baskets/boquets and given to someone who has given you a gift or done you a favor. - Sweet Pea - A flower given to someone to wish good luck and safe travels. - Aconite - A form of insult. Superstitious mali believed if one gave this on a wreath to someone or hung it near their house, it would bring them bad luck. Used for people you hate, or enemies. Specific Words & Misc. These are the loose flower meanings, few found after being scattered, they don’t quite fit into a much larger use but can be used to compliment wreaths and give small messages. - Amaryllis - Literally translates to “guidance.” This can be used as the Tiva equivalent of sayings such as “Aspects guide,” or “May the forest guide your path.” - Poppy - Dreams, imagination, or sleep. - Orchid - Rarity. - Sunflower - Friendship. - Rose - Respect. - Magnolia - Promise. - Asphodelus - Death. - Baby’s Breath - Innocence/babies. - Oleander - Maternal love. - Pansy - Victory. - Clary - Knowledge. - Cornflower - Growth. ~ Conclusion ~ The purpose of this book is to spread our culture, first and foremost. Secondly, I wish for all to use this sacred art that I have cherished over the years. It is simple to utilize Tiva in your daily lives – Simply look up at tiva’annil and plant a flower by your door saying you're hospitable or not hospitable, it’s as easy as that. Create boquets and wreaths, gifting them to your friends and loved ones. Explain to them the meaning of the flowers, once they find the meaning behind it they’ll understand the love and effort that put into the gift. Create a simple flower crown with the simple flowers in tiva’lye, not only does it hold meaning but it looks pretty, too. Encourage your children to learn this as a fun game so that when they grow they can hold onto the knowledge. If anybody has questions or needs assistance, do not hesitate to contact me. -~- Written by Skylar Taliame’onn The Rainbow Druid.
  2. Portrait of Bo’rok Bo’rok the gentle ogre Oil in canvas, 90cm x 60cm Painted by Darius Morgrain Whisperhood, New Reza, 6th Malin’s Welcome, 1738. - Come visit my workshop at New Reza, Blackstreet IV -
  3. Portrait of Vladrick Barbanov Alimar His Serene Highness, Rickard Heinrik, Black prince of Rubern, Sovereign Protector of the Riverlands, Before the siege of Krugmar circa, 1737 Oil in canvas, 120cm x 80cm Painted by Darius Morgrain Whisperhood, New Reza, 6th Snow’s Maiden, 1738. - Come visit my workshop at New Reza, Blackstreet IV -
  4. The Wessan History: The islands The Wessan people originated from the three islands of Wess: The island of Tal, The island of Stiprumo, and the Island of Amatu. The three islands found themselves vying for power constantly as the ages went on. The island of Tal found themselves known for their bloodthirsty nature within the islands as they were the most feared on the battlefield. Mindless warfare was constantly waged on their island against the tribes with the occasional leader who rises from their bloodshed and drives it towards the other islands. The island of Stiprumo lead a name for military discipline and tactics and ruled their islands with the mind rather than strength. Stiprumo towered with large stone buildings and scores of armies that seemed to skirmish occasionally with each other. Then lastly the island of Amatu found themselves the most peaceful of the three islands as they focused on the arts and craftsmanship. Skilled blacksmiths forged weapons and armor better than the other two islands creating an advantage against the other islands as they found themselves being raided by the tribes of the island of Tal. Lover’s Rise Under the island of Stiprumo a man named Aegeus Cyberniskos of the city of Cyrene was born. He was known across the island as a prodigy during his childhood, He found himself skilled in the art of combat and leadership as if he were born for it. When he reached his younger adulthood he was found waging war across Stiprumo against the other cities, the streets ran red with blood during these times. After years of war, he finally united the island of Stiprumo and formed the first kingdom in Wess. The kingdom found itself prosperous and powerful under his rule. Though like most rulers he fell in love, but not with another noble from his island instead he fell in love with a noble girl, Helna Praetori from the island of Amatu. Unfortunately for him, this noble girl was given to Amroc’ Valdrun, the leader of Tal, as she was sold for peace between the two islands. Aegeus Cyberniskos was infuriated by this fact and called upon his armies to wage the largest war the islands ever seen before. The Waters of Red The wrath of Aegeus Cyberniskos filled the waters as warships covered the as far as the eye can see. The sea turned red with blood from the amount of bodies that fell from their boats and the islands smelled of fire from the constant razing. The island of Amatu fell quickly under siege from the Cyrene navy. Unfortunately for Amatu they couldn’t keep up with the constant shift in the battles as their enemy was far more disciplined in the art of war. The island fell within only a few years with little damage to the Cyrene navy. Though on the campaign of tal the war slowed to a stalemate as the war waged on. Hundreds of deaths piled during their battles as the Tal people rushed against the lines of Cyrene Soldiers like barbarians. Till the battle of Valr’uk when both leaders, Aegeus Cyberniskos and Amroc’ Valdrun faced each other in the field of battle. Aegeus called out demands from Amroc’ before the battle occurred. He asked for Helna Praetori in exchange for peace. Amroc’ took this as an opportunity to enrage Aegeus by allowing Helna to walk towards Aegeus only to be shot down by arrows from the Tal forces. Aegues Cyberniskos was filled with anger from seeing his love fall dead before him, the only words that left his mouth was “Mirties Savo Visus” (Kill them all). The battle waged for two days straight till the Cyrene forces became victorious leaving nearly no-one alive on either side. The Migration After the war came to a halt the land was left in ruins. The soil became barren and the waters void of all sea life. The people of Wess were united but at the cost of losing their homes. The remnants of Stiprumo and Atmatu united under a wessan name and sailed off to Arcas in search of a new home. Unfortunately, the people of Tal were far too weakened to travel and fell to starvation and death. Culture: Family Life Within the culture, it is the father's responsibility to raise up with sons and daughters for their test. When the children are born he must harden his heart and raise them with a harsh hand so that they may have a chance to survive later in their life. So, the children spend most of their time training. The males tend to be trained more in the physical areas as the females spend more time with their mothers in learning house maintenance, taxes, and other important support roles while still being trained in combat even though it’s less extensive. The mother is the foundation on which the house stands on she keeps everything in order and fulfills most tasks that may require a more civilized mind. She also is the educator within the family as she teaches the children while the father is the physical trainer. The daughters tend to spend more time with their mothers as the sons tend to be with their fathers more often. The fathers in the family tend to be considered the ‘House Patriarch’ as they are the head of household as their wives are considered ‘House Matriarch’. These titles typically only affect the leadership class as the titles become more important to the family. Roles of Women The roles of women are quite different but equally as important as the men. By the time a girl turns 15 she will have completed her education and training, which includes: Combat, Housekeeping, Running the home, ect… and have a tattoo inked on their backs. The Matriarch (wife of the Patriarch) holds equal power in the household however, the Patriarch's word is final. Drinking is prohibited for all children until they turn 15, but even then women must have complete their education and training, until then they are still prohibited from drinking. Women are also prohibited from drinking while pregnant. All abusive substances are prohibited for everyone, not just women. Women do not have to wear dresses and may wear trousers if they wish to. Women are not expected to marry or have children but they must get the blessing and/or permission of the Patriarch before they can marry or court (date) if they wish to do so. Women however cannot be a Patriarch, and cannot lead the family. Trials It is a common practice that the sons are tested at the age of fifteen. This is the most crucial part of the son's life as it could be their last moments before ultimately dying. The father is thought of the one responsible if they die or not as if he failed to raise them correctly then it’s their blood on his hands. The trials typically are dangerous and life-threatening as it’s a testing one’s strength for battle. If the son survives the trial is then welcomed home as a true man and typically given tattoos to signify his success. Each trial must be completed alone as if he were to experience true loneliness on the field of battle. Most suffice with a hunt with minimal equipment or raid on an enemy camp. Honor They are a proud people whom honor means a great deal. Though the honor is only shared among those within the culture as outsiders are not viewed as people with great significance. Thus an outsider’s words hold no pull over how they think or feel about their honor and pride. Though respect is held between the others within the culture. One’s honor is something that is heavily protected and sometimes such protection causes disputes that require honor dueling. This is known as ‘drawing the circle’ as a circle is drawn for the two before they fight to the death or first blood within the circle. An outsider whom has been accepted into the culture may become an honorary member of the culture, thus allowing them to hold the same weight as someone who was born into the culture.Society norms and systems The people find both strength and intelligence as virtues of a leader thus the most intelligent combined with strength will typically claim head of the village. Each village is broken down into three classes Leadership, Warriors, and outsiders. The leadership class consists of the most skilled family heads as they make most of the village decisions while maintaining a healthy control over the warrior populace. The Warrior class is everyone else within the village was all of them are raised to be warriors and they spend most of their time training or running their household. The outsider class consists of the people whom lives within the society, but doesn’t really conform to the culture that they are surrounded with. These outsiders are typically merchants or farmers who feed into the society's economy as the warriors do not have the time to properly pursue these things. Architecture Their buildings are typically made of hard stone brick to that of early lithuania. The buildings are typically spaced out across a range of mountains or plains. They never tend to overcrowd the land houses as they enjoy the open space for training. Inside the homes tend to be very minimalistic in nature with a few exceptions of course. The smaller villages typically lack walls surrounding the village, so they build garrisons near the center of the village for them to defend. Farming is based with agricultural aqueducts for the best irrigation possible, typically made further out from the village. Military: The military consists of the entire warrior class as both men and women fight on the field of battle. They typically branish chainmail and other light armors that the local blacksmiths can forge. A warrior’s armor and arsonal is typically self funded or even heirlooms passed down for generations as they typically spend all their money on equipping themselves with better gear. Spears are mandatory for carry as many of the formations they use mimic the great Greeks with their phalanx formation and many others. Formations are typically tightly formed together as they work in perfect unison to combat their enemies, using the group as a whole rather than dispersed combat. Language: Greetings/common words: Hello: Labas. Bye: Aki. Yes: Taip. No: Ne. Maybe: Siedes. Honour: Farafo. Trial(Youth Trial): Banjomaja. Blood for blood (Warriors greeting) : Tal ish tal’din. Till the dawn draws (Until tomorrow): Rashse mosa drewfes. Death: Mirtis. Traitor!: Veremus! To/the: Iki. Day: Darishur. Night: Farishur. Sun: Elina. Moon: Lunamous. Sorry: Atleisk My: Mano. Insults: Nipikan! Veruz! Sliv! Thank you: Aciu. Names: Lord: Viespats. Lady: Panele. Child: Fursi.(masc.) Fursia. (Femn.) Mother: Masan. Father: Vasan. Grandmother: Blesmasan. Grandfather: Blesvasan. Sir!: Parei! Madam!: Lisia! Patriarch: Tevo. Matriarch: Masian. Lover(Wife/husband): Meilužis. You: Jus. Friend: Draugas. Foe: Namavey. His/her/your/their: Savo. All: Visus. Outsider.: Sevti. Commands: Draw swords: Azandi Kardas! Charge: Mokestis. Withdraw!: Atšaukti! Capture them: Suokite juos. Defend: Genti. Bring me: Pareikšti. Defend to the death!: Genti iki Mirtis! Patrol: Patrulis. Burn: Irasyti. Shield Wall!: Azandi Danas! Notch! (Bow command): Žingsniu! Draw! (Bow command): Traukti! Loose! (Bow command): Palaidos! Weak!: Silpnas! Things: Sword: Kardas. Shield: Danas. Bow: Shendi. Quiver: Lockefore. Helmet: Headfar. Chest plate: Torsofar. Horse: Mutique. Food: Maisto. Drink: Gėrimas. Home: Namun. Arena: Furashur. Military: Armiati. Navy: Laivyno. Army: Armijos. (Sub notes) This was a co-worked culture, I strongly drove the history and the meat of the culture. Though the language and women’s roles was strongly influenced by LizzyTheElement. If you wish to use this culture it'd be nice if you messaged me! Citation for art: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oAAkz https://gameofkings.wikidot.com/military
  5. The Fiscere are a prominent clan in Nordic culture. Well known descendents of the clan are the late Carina Rosik, the late Kenswey Fiscere, thane of Norland and the late Uther Fiscere, admiral of Nordengrad. Two descendants of the Fiscere clan have laid claim to the throne of Norland at one point. Torsten Rosik, who founded the house of Rosik and laid claim to the throne of Norland but was later replaced by his cousin king Alvar the first who was recognized by all as the rightful king of Norland. The Fiscere are a clan of fishermen, sea raiders and laborers. Renowned for their command over the old Nordengrad’s navy and their excellent fishing skill, the Fiscere are a clan of people of the sea. ( Insert Crest Here ) I’m looking for people that would want to roleplay as my brothers, who are the bastard sons of Bron Fiscere, but I’m also open to any other suggestions. Bjorn Ash ( Bastard Son of Bron Fiscere ) Status: AVAILABLE Age: ~18 Race: Human, Highlander Mother: unknown Father: Bron Fiscere Estimated height: 6’2/188cm Estimated personality traits: Short-tempered, great warrior, good leader, extraverted. Estimated description: Prominent jaw, square face, big nose, wide neck, mesomorph, brown-blackish hair, green eyes and pale skin. Unferth Ash ( Bastard Son of Bron Fiscere ) Status: AVAILABLE Age: ~16 Race: Human, Highlander/heartlander Mother: unknown tavern wench (Renatus) Father: Bron Fiscere Estimated height: 6’0/183cm Estimated personality traits: Even-tempered, lazy, great thinker, neurotic, slightly introverted. Estimated description: Diamond shaped face, thin nose, thin neck, ectomorph, blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin. As I said above, any character suggestions are welcome, though they have to be a Highlander. P.S. Their last names were told to be Ash as they were growing up. But at this time, Bron has told them their real last names, that’s why it’s Ash... for now...
  6. First ‘proper’ ship seen on the expedition. Circa 1715 “The smallest landlubbers, callin’ themselves the halflins received a bounty that would lead them to the shipwreck, as they ventured out from brandybrook’s decks they would quickly find out the shipwreck was no fluke and that another ship had been shattered to pieces there while trying to retrieve the much acclaimed treasure… Was it the aggression of other ocean-travelling folk or just another casualty of the forceful tides that often brought a wet demise to unsuspecting sailors… ? The warning remained, but with the demise of the other ships a lucky group of landlubbers have taken the opportunity to check out what sweet loot these remains had to offer. They were greeted with relics of long past lives and the unwelcoming otherworldly presence of an apparition that had formed from the many lost souls that drowned or died any other horrible death upon the ocean. Seeing that everything eventually sinks down to the ocean floor to ultimately rot away, the shipwreck preserved itself as a warning to all those who are foolish enough to venture out into the unknown seas unprepared. A storm was coming... Luckily the Pirates were giving the landlubbers who received the bounty missive instructions and cared for their safe travel across the seas. Although with the whole population of ocean-dwellers on the line they had no other way but to cooperate with the main-land centric descandants, who were currently in the turmoils of war. Cap’n Octatre’ was send out with a small but dedicated crew to establish contact with the crews that were able to sail out far into the ocean. Far behind the high tides, where rocky formations would carve the floor beneath the surface, a menace would slowly inch closer. It was a sinister creature that would devour everything in its vicinity. As the creature was a very slow organism, the ocean-dwellers & descendants alike wouldn’t know about it at all until its large unsaturated hunger would mess with the whole eco-system. of the uncharted seas Large amounts of flat, marbly bone substance would wash up from the depths of the sea. It was completely dead material, preserved in form, but devoid of life. Once a living organism was turned to dry bones, the salvaged lifeforce would be absorbed by the creature. With the now established contacts to the mainland the pirates hope to salvage the ancient remains of the precursors of the Arkos seas to put an end to this terrible creature, and hopefully free the ancient civilisation trapped beneath a blanket of bones….” *The old man would sign the book, on the last page was a drawing of the shipwrecks at sea. He went to the library of dragur to publish his observation upon sea.*
  7. Name of Culture: The Altaira (singular Altairi, adjective Altairan.) Introduction to the Culture: This culture is not (consciously) based on any real-world culture. It was mostly made to fulfill certain aesthetic and anthropological preferences of mine. Cultural Stereotypes (I.E. TLDR): Haughty Flatterers, Impious, Head-in-the-clouds, Strict and repetitive, Artistic and poetic, Weaklings, Romanticists, emotional, dithering, addicts History: Many theorize that the Altaira were originally half-elven. While it may have been true once, they are certainly now far removed from such ancestry. Due to their small, isolationist communities, the Altaira have mostly flown under the radar of many nations. Commonly, a larger nation will find an unaccounted for castle full of Altaira. They most often just take the castle without thought to the culture of those inside. Because of this, it is far more common to see Altairan jewelry and treasures than it is to see actual Altairi. The predatations of the nations forced the Altaira long ago into the wildlands, though certain noble clans in civilized areas are descended from Altaira who were assimilated. Because the basic cultural appearance of the Altaira is so dignified (as opposed to certain more boisterous cultures), the process of naturalization and acceptance is far easier for Altaira, at least in places where such things are valued (they do not often find acceptance in dwarf lands for instance). This further dwindles the population of recognizable Altaira. Many speculate this culture is on its last legs, but the acceptance the Altaira have for others joining in their customs gives a certain amount of stability. Society: The basic unit of Altairan society is the Kun, or castle. Altaira do not possess individual houses, but rather everyone in a community is united under the roof of the Kun. The only people in Altairan society who do not live in the kun are the herdsman, who are marginalized but necessary for the food and fibers they provide. Each Kun is essentially an independent city-state, with its own king, called a Karilan or Kurilan. The Altairans mainly depend on wheat, honey, sheep, and fruit for nutrition. They also cultivate a type of grass-like plant fiber which is integral to the makeup of their clothes. Eating as a whole community is common, but smaller meals in one’s personal rooms aren’t stigmatized. Both of these meals are mostly meats and meat-pies or fruit pies, both including many flavorful herbs. They often create creamed honey and fruit candies in various whimsical shapes. They also often delight in odd fruit trifles made with goat cream and liquor, sometimes even Altairan absinthe (see the religion section). While there is certainly a great deal of love shared in a Kun dwelling family, each person is expected to care for the other citizens of the Kun almost as much as he cares for his own family. In the same way, Altairan romance can become dampened by the various pressures and duties to the Kun and to natural law (as we will see later). Because of such deficits, emotion, from joy to melancholy, is highly valued in Altairan society, and those who show their emotions, and experience such emotions in fullness at the proper times, are greatly admired. Another value held by most Altaira, though for quite different reasons, is the interpretation and creation of symbolism. Such things make the Altaira known, when they are indeed known, as unrepentant artists, even when the Altairi in question would be considered quite average in his own Kun. While the Altairan herders ostensibly share these values, they express themselves in quite different ways. The Herdsmen are stereotypically hedonistic (for food and sex more than drugs), and are known as augurs and interpreters of omens. These things further complicate their relationship with the Kun dwellers. Disreputable Kun-dwellers sometimes engage in pastoral trysts, or seek out herdsmen for heterodox fortune-telling practices or interesting ideas for poems and plays. Because of these things, Kun-dwellers’ view of the herdsmen exists in a semi-contradictory state of reverence and contempt. (In Altairan stories, the herdsman is something like a perverted diogenes, making fun of the standard view of the world. Keep in mind that herdsmen almost never appear in plays or dances, only stories) Religion: The Altaira are mainly aministic, revering and ascribing sentience to important natural and artificial structures, such as mountains, rivers, and wells, as well as celestial events like storms and seasons. While most Altaira also give material offerings and prayers, the main bulk of Altairan religious practice is in the form of Ritual Plays, Dances, and Conversations. In each of these rites, the principle actors take on the personages of gods, spirits, and natural phenomena, acting out various parts of the natural order. This has a specific purpose in Altairan culture: maintaining the law of the world. Altaira believe that the elements of nature often disrupt or forget the natural order, so these rites are demonstrations of the way things should be. The Altaira are very syncretistic, and have few problems adopting gods, aenguls, and spirits from other cultures. Since their own religion is very dependent on the locale in which it is practiced, they tend to view other gods as very regional as well, and tend to ascribe them natural aspects, such as understanding Aeriel as a god presiding over a local hill or statue that just happens to be a beloved psychopomp and god of light. They are, however, perplexed slightly by the workings of divine magic, as their religion isn’t so much about the accumulation of power against evil, and the phenomena they revere rarely grant powers. Dreams also feature in Altairan religion, but not in the way they do in other religions. Instead of functioning as revelations, they are seen as another area in which the natural order can be symbolically reinforced. Drugs aren’t heavily stigmatized in Altairan society, but they are heavily frowned upon when taken outside the proper context. The Altairan drug of choice is a type of hullucinatory herb which is often mixed with alcohol, often called Altairan Absinthe or Dreamer’s Wormwood. Flowers tend to represent dreams in Altairan religious thought, each with associated meanings. Certain types of flowers, in certain arrangements, are thought to allow the creation of shared dream-spaces (if this is indeed true, it may be thought of as a culturally linked, very low powered form of cartelepsy, which may persist between uses. If needed, I will draft up a lore submission for it). The conjunctive use of flowers and dream-inducing drugs is the standard for all those overly interested in dreams. The spaces cultivated for such uses are called Lukumu. On the topic of dreams: it is said that some castles are so involved with dreams that they are themselves reflected in dreams. Such places are called Kun Tunianik, or Castles half-dreaming. Some also say that there are Castles entirely held in dreams, spirited there by the machinations of wizards and dreamers. These aren’t so much ghost stories as idle rumors, and some dreamers seek out such places. Language: While most Altaira speak the common tongue, they also possess a ritual language used for religious and magical rites, including Altairan ritual conversations. Note: A is always ah, I is always ee, u is alway oo. If two vowels are next to each other, pronounce them individually (thus, the pronunciation of Altaira is Alta-ira). Sentence structure proceeds Subject-Object-Verb, with adjectives and adverbs following what they modify. General nouns: Atun: The way of things, the natural order Kun: House or Castle Alasi: Spirits and gods Pin: Forest Naka: Hill Nurimu: Mountain Iral: Spring or well Duni: Lake Luka: Meadow or Garden Umulu: Veil Iklin: Robe Iklan:Cloak Tuni: Dream, vision Terms for People: Karil: “Dweller in a castle”, variously translated as prince, noble, or courtier. A general term of respect. Kuril: “Dweller in a castle”, variously translated as princess, lady, or maiden. A general term of respect. Karilan: “Ruler of a castle”, masculine. Sometimes king or chief Kurilan: “Ruler of a castle”, feminine. Sometimes queen Kariliamu/Kuriliamu: Artificially constructed by the Altaira to describe the kings/queens and emperors/empresses of other lands, who rule over many castles Neka: Masculine foreigner or traveler Neku: Feminine foreigner or traveler Adjectives: Iamonu: High or Important Moknin: Steady Anak: Little Anik: Half Particles and Verbs: Ki: this Ara: is, am (singular) Iri: Are (plural) Ni: I, we (indicated by verb declension) Li: You Nesak: not, no Latu: has (i.e. singular) Litu: have (i.e. Plural) Bakma: Destroy (Singular) Bikmi: Destroy (plural) Arpa: Wear (singular) Arpi: Wear (plural) Sample text: A ritual conversation to praise the king and protect against earthquakes Adam: O! Ben Karilan ara Nurimu Ki. Li Latu Kun ki. (Oh, king Ben is the mountain. You have this Castle [in your hands]) Ben: Ni, Nurimu ki, ara moknin. Ni Bakma Nesak Kun Ki. (I, the mountain, am steady. I will not bring ruin to this castle.) Ben: O! Adam Karil ara karil moknin. Ki Ara Atun. (Oh, Prince Adam is a steady courtier. This is the way of things.) Note: the phrase “Ki Ara Atun” (this is the way) is very important in their culture. The standard use is as a close to ritual conversation, it is also a phrase of agreement or acquiescence. Think of it somewhere between “Goodbye”, “C’est la Vie”, and the type of “amen” found in really enthusiastic protestant churches. If someone sings a song that reflects the natural law, an Altairi in the audience might call out “Ki Ara Atun!” while clapping or singing along. If there is a difference of cultures, or some kind of natural mistake, the phrase is also used in a more questioning or dejected manner. However, if someone says something untruthful (that is, something which does not reflect the natural law, like declaring that a sea shall burn in ritual conversation), or if someone refuses to participate in ritual conversation, the phrase “Ki ara nesak atun” (this is not the way) is used to indicate departure from proper order. Think of this one more like a director’s “Cut!”, “No, I said that wrong”, or a jeering insult. Common Traits: The Altaira are a culture, not a race, and so have many disparate traits, but the vast majority of humans in the culture have pale blonde hair and green eyes, and are fair skinned (but again, this does not hold for all). They are also usually very thin and willowy. Because of certain cultural ideals of beauty, these traits can appear in races where they are not very common (i.e. if a dwarf who is integrated into the culture matches more closely the ideals of beauty, their traits get passed down more often). Not much grief is held by people who don’t meet beauty standard, due to a cultural propensity for obscuring the face and body. Behaviour: The Altairan way of life is very ritualized from day to day. For instance, the example of the Altairan language shown above is a ritual conversation, meant to show and embody the atun. These conversations typically consist of three sections: First, an introduction in which the roles of each participant is established, which may take either the form of one participant declaring both roles, both declaring their own, or both declaring the other’s (in the first case, some amount of correction by the passive participant is acceptable); Second, an extended metaphorical dialogue in which the participants attempt to ascertain the dictate of the natural law in the specific circumstance; Thirdly, an optional final step delivering information not conveyed in the dialogue (such as the answer to a question that the interviewee regards as in the natural law but not in accordance with their chosen role), or the execution of certain actions decided upon in the dialogue. Here is now another example in common: Alice: O! I am the Daughter*, seeking to know. Who are you? Adam: Hail, daughter. I am the River-Spring, bringing water. Alice: River-Spring, is it in the way that I might have a drink? Adam: Daughter, the river should not stop the Kuril** from drinking. [The action is carried out]*** *the Daughter or Son is one of a class of generic, person oriented roles. The Person/Natural force dialogue is the most common form of ritual dialogue, since it is always of concern to make certain that natural forces act in a certain way to people. In contrast, Natural Force/Natural Force is more rare, since nobody much cares if snow falls on some distant, uninhabited mountain. **Kuril is here used to establish the river-spring’s relation to all Altaira, not just one. ***Due to the metaphoric nature of the dialogue, what action this is remains context dependent. Some possibilities are: Adam lets Alice drink from the literal water he was carrying, Adam gives Alice some piece of wisdom which is refreshing and necessary, Adam and Alice “fade to black”, Adam gives Alice some alms. Metaphoric Faux Pas: Comparing someone to a dream, as dreams aren’t often under natural order, and are mildly associated with subservience when they are. Instead, compare them to a garden or, if the person is powerful or artistic, to a dreamer. Do not either compare someone to a mask, or make references to a mask one is currently wearing. Instead, treat the person as if they were whatever the mask represents (at least in name only, it’s just polite). Comparing someone to a tool, even one well made, is likewise somewhat rude. The best connotations tools can have is sturdiness, good-making, and diligence. Festivities: The two main festivities, Plays and Dances, bear themselves a resemblance to more formal and communal versions of the Ritual Conversation. Plays, if you can call them that, do not need an audience, and don’t necessarily need a script. They always include masks and at least one narrator (if there are multiple narrators, they function as a kind of greek chorus). The narrator could be synonymous with the master of ceremonies. Generally, experienced actors are required for major roles (I.E. Those that can go most astray from the natural law). In a play, anything goes as long as it is in line with the Atun. Characters often introduce themselves when they appear first on stage whenever there is time to do so. This is because leaving identities up to interpretations is a danger to the natural law. Characters in Altairan plays always act with proper respect (or intentional and proper disrespect) for the same reason. Dances in Altairan community are a bit more visually interesting. Music isn’t necessary beyond at least a drum-beat. The general dance begins with a slow start, called the Moknil, or steady forms. The Altaira engaging with the dance assume various poses, some premeditated, some improvised, symbolizing some piece of the natural order which their character must enact. They switch from pose to pose rapidly on the drum beat, moving around most often in a circular pattern, staying completely still otherwise. The drumbeat becomes faster and faster, seamlessly transitioning into the Tuni, or vision. In this stage, the performers no longer pose, but seem to fly about the stage in their previous patterns, with cloaks and veils billowing about them. The name of this stage of the dance is speed and elegance in equal measure. (for the Moknil, think of the dance aang and sokka did in the episode “the firebending masters”) Another sort of dance, sometimes thought of as a game, is the mock-battle. This activity, which also serves as a surrogate for honor duels, is sort of like skillful rock-paper-scissors fought with wood sticks. The opponents swing their sticks at different heights, attempting to get a knock on the person. A higher height generally beats a lower height, but if an opponent ducks and hits very low than the height is a disadvantage. If the sticks clash, then both players attempt to quickly pull back and hit again. This lasts until one opponent gets a number of hits previously specified. Matches between skilled opponents become quite the spectacle of clacking sticks, since one can predict where an opponent is likely to hit based on where he is swinging. This bit of recreation is quite peculiar in the Altairan Kun. Firstly, it bears little resemblance to real Altairan fighting styles, which eschew slashes for stabs. Because of this, it is widely regarded as very silly, and this is the reason that they are called mock battles and not just stick-fights. However, almost every grown man and woman is rather skilled in it. Even more perplexingly, few children play it. The most common theory is that this practice was imported from elsewhere, and its use in honor duels is much more common and important than outside observers think, leading to its widespread use. Clothing: The standard outfit for domestic life in the Altairan Kun consists of modest underclothes, overlaid with two or three flowing robes and a cloak. This is the minimum requirement for clothing, and most people wear far more (but little care is paid if reason is given for less clothes, and many wear only one shorter robe for more practical activities). Veils of thin cloth are also worn by both men and women. These veils vary from covering only the hair to reaching to the shins. Everything, except the underclothes, is brilliantly dyed, woven, and embroidered, and muted tones are very rare. When clothes aren’t bright colors, they are pure white. For official activities, veils are required, and wooden masks are often worn Military: When The Altairi fight, they wield weapons of ceramic and imported bronze. Their cloaks function as a kind of armor, catching and dulling blades as it tears. They employ a brutal martial style, going for the throat as quickly as possible against armored opponents. They are known for employing very tricky tactics, often causing illusions, both mundane and magical, to confuse and frighten the enemy. There is a famous story where a band of Altaira stretched painted fabric between themselves and each held a lantern pole, giving the appearance of a great army with many link-boys, frightening off the enemy. The veracity of this story is suspect, but gives insight into the sorts of tactics they might use if given the chance. However, when in one-to-one combat, an opponent who experienced the Altairan style before will generally prevail, as the style is very predictable. These opponents are rare due to the rarity of the Altaira in general. (This Culture is still open to suggestions and revisions, particularly in the History and Language sections. If you’d like me to retcon your culture into the history, or to suggest a (non-joke) word or grammatical feature, let me know and I’ll consider adding it. This is my first lore(ish) post, so I hope you like it.)
  8. The provincial arms of Rubern. Name of Settlement: Province of Rubern Peak Times: Any time between 12PM to 10PM (EST) Population Density: The town of Rubern proper consists of a mostly human populace, with much of that human majority comprising of Highlanders, with a small community of Heartlanders and Farfolk. Brief Description: The Province of Rubern was established via a pact forged between Prince Vladrick Barbanov-Alimar and the Black Reiter Company; the latter swearing fealty to Prince Vladrick in exchange for safe harbor. Where they once served as a mercenary company of global repute, they have since become the elite household guard for the Prince of Rubern. Upon the Ruber River, they established themselves upon the ruins of Leuven, decimated in the aftermath of the War of the Two Emperors. Once a lawless and scarce land, the Prince’s retainers have transformed the territory into a land of prosperity, centered around the newly-erected and flourishing settlement of Rubern proper. The Province of Rubern has described to be a land of opportunity, inhabited by free men who share a common value - to strike out on their arm, and make their own fortune through toil and hardwork. The Province encourages all craftsmen, soldiers-for-hire, and wanderers alike to settle upon the Ruber River and set up shop. Furthermore, any and all citizens are welcome to put themselves forward as aldermen, where they may serve as representatives for their respective guilds or communities. This allows the common man a voice in governing body of the Province; the Duma. Together, under the guidance of the Prince and the Duma, the Province optimistically looks forward to the future. Key Figures and People of Assistance: The Prince and Princess-Consort His Highness, Vladrick Barbanov-Alimar, Prince of Rubern The Prince of Rubern rules the Province of Rubern, delegating tasks to various subordinates to ensure the stability, prosperity, safety, and smooth inner workings of the Town of Rubern and its outlying territories. Her Highness, Ester, Princess of Rubern Lord Chancellor Lord Simon Basrid, Lord Chancellor of Rubern The Lord Chancellor of Rubern is often referred to as the Hand of the Prince; charged with conducting diplomacy and many of the Prince’s most sensitive tasks. Lord Commander Brutus Morr, Lord Commander of Rubern The Lord Commander of Rubern maintains and commands the Black Army of Rubern. The Lord Commander or any of his subordinate captains may be contacted for any able-bodied man or woman looking to serve in His Highness’s Armed Forces. Maer Bailiff Cassian Turo, Maer-Bailiff of Rubern The Maer-Bailiff oversees much of the business transaction and inner workings of the town of Rubern proper - keeping a detailed ledger of property sales, tax, and overseeing the roster of designated stewards. The Maer-Bailiff may be contacted for any inquiries within the settlement’s walls. Stewards Edwin Brooks, Alderman and Steward Yaroslav, Stablemaster and Steward Thondor the Younger, Steward The Stewards may be contacted for any person looking to purchase property within the city, including houses, permits for stalls, and farming plots. Directions: The town of Rubern may be found at the crossroads between the metropolitan hubs of Reza, Ves, and Helena, along the River Ruber. The front gate of Rubern may be found at [X: -144, Y: -1540]
  9. Finri: The Lost Race Of The Ocean. The History: According to the legends scrawled by walls underwater, when the four brothers ruled every corner of the earth, there was one more sibling that the first man and woman could not bare to tell their children; the helpless case of their last child, Newx. He was an elf-like creature with blue skin, four arms, webbed fingers, three eyes, and an eel-like body. His voice was nothing more than high pitched squeals. His behavior was like an animal. But his intelligence was stunning, able to solve puzzles in a matter of seconds. The first man and woman had to sacrifice their child to the sea, for they quickly learned that Newx could not survive on land. Down into the depths did he thrive, his high pitch squeals allowing him to communicate with dolphins and other forms of submerged life. He would be the one to rule not the earth, but it’s vast oceans. It was then did he have four heirs. Gi who governed the Trenches, Mol who protected the Reefs, Bow who guarded the Emptiness, and Wiklo who reigned the Shores. These were the four realms of the ocean, these were the four daughters of Newx, these were the first Finri tribes. Gi—who thrived between earth, water, and darkness—was the inventor of sea lanterns and the discoverer of prismarine. From chunks of these crystals, grains of sand, and blue lava from submerged volcanoes, did she forge the new light source for her sisters. Mol on the other hand, discovered how to herd yummy cod and plant food. The dolphins her father befriended taught her how to hunt. The tropical fish showed her how to farm kelp, sea grass, and coral. And through their knowledge did Mol learn how to tame pufferfish, breeding them to become later on, guardians. Bow traveled alone through invisible currents that were only touched by venturing fish and migrating turtles. Their corpses lend her scute armor and the materials needed to help Gi forge tridents. Wiklo lurked near the shores, learning from the salmon leaving rivers about magic and how to wield it. She taught these arts to her sisters, who used the ability to gain greater technology, like the conduit. Then came the first sailors, who roamed upon the ocean’s surface with their wooden vessels. Their nets stole their food, their ships lingered above their homes, and their crewmembers stole any belongings they could find. Using every magic at their disposal did the sisters attempt to scare the seamen away, but to no avail. They hired mages to block their spells, and the finri did not wish to be discovered; for they cannot breathe air, bringing them to a swift disadvantage. Hence began the worship of Mother Moon, deity of secrets, darkness, and slumber. As the sisters slept, she visited their resting minds, blessing them with her powers on one condition. They must build an altar of peace and promise to never destroy it. The sisters agreed, mastering the power of transforming into shadow and entering dreams based upon the moon cycle. Together they gaslighted the mages on board these well-guarded boats, whispering in their ear while in shadow, giving them nightmares, and using lullabies to make them sleepwalk off the docks. Once their magical defense was down, the sailors left, marking the areas of the sea they should stay away from. A few centuries later--after the sisters died peacefully--a group of finir heard of the high elves and their philosophy. Believing that now is the time to kill the weak and breed the strong, they used each tribe’s pride against them, a tool of mass destruction. The descendants of the sisters--once loyal to each other--rained hell, redding the ocean with blood. An abysmal war for supremacy broke out, and in the final battle, the tribes decided to set the fight at Mother Moon’s temple in attempts to prove their worth to her. Their answer came when her shrine was destroyed in the process, each finir flesh stripped from bone and transformed into shadow. Now their ruins lie, temples crumbled, technologies unused, and kelp-woven scrolls eaten by fish. As Mother Moon awaits her next prophet, the corpses littering the deep’s floor hope to be discovered once more. OOC Explanation: Basically, there was a hidden race that once lived in the sea but went extinct thanks to an abysmal war. This war is currently unknown in the roleplay lore, the only thing that is known is their extinction. This race called the Finir built ocean monuments, discovered prismarine, breed sea animals, and used lost magics. Their curse was their animal like behaviors and their blessing were their extreme intelligence. Purpose: The purpose of this lore is used to explain the reasoning for the existence of ocean monuments, guardians, wrecked ships, and other sea-based items. If this lore is accepted, it could also be used to explain a new form of magic and deity--as seen above--I am planning on sharing. I hope this contributes to the wonderful RPG community we have! Spoilers: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Ancient_History Moon Worship and Magic influenced by moon phases inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender
  10. LuneAria

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  11. Aestian culture. (big thank you to chaotikal for his template) Introduction to the Culture: If you’d like to make a character, and join the tribe, send me a PM on the forums and I’ll be glad to help, and as soon as we get enough people, we will apply for a Tier 1. If you want to see this culture evolve, join us! Aesti culture is mostly based off of Finnic tribes of the Neolithic and Mesolithic periods. The goal is to develop and expand this culture to maybe one day becoming a popular choice among new players. (this post is bound to change so expect an edit so more information could be added about this culture.) (and keep in mind this is a WIP) Aesti is a culture that has it’s roots in the landscapes beyond the mountains, where cartographers didn’t dare venture to, in the northern wastelands of Arcas, no written records, or depictions in manuscrips of the Great Library exist of this presumably new, yet undiscovered culture. History: Aestian culture starts with the chief of Lumi, Kristofer, who leads a small tribe in the desolate winter wasteland with his wife Gwendolyn, which was outcast from her previous tribe, who rejected her for having a more independant attitude. This new culture brings a more freer and less feudal option to new players and old ones who want a tribal experience, with human characters, and the opportunity for people to make history! Language: Aesti, being very similar to Common, has some words of it’s own, a heritage from ancient times: Some examples include: Hei, Tere – Hello. Mitte, Hüva, Head aega – Goodbye, bye. Tänan – Thanks, Thank you. Jah – Yes. Ei – No. Kurat or Raisk (curse word) – Damn, hell. Sina, Sinu – You, Yours. Mulle, Minu – for me, Mine . Hea, Halb – Good, Bad. Head ööd – Good night. Head päeva – Good day. Hästi – Well, good. Poiss – Boy. Tüdruk – Girl. Mees – Man. Naine – Woman. Juht – Chief. Kallis – Dear. (feel free to ask for more.) Common Traits: Aestians don’t have a sparse ethnicity, they’re very pure northerners. A typical Aestian man would be quite tall, with a burly build, blonde, or black hair. His eyes would be shades of light blue, blue or, more rarely, gray or blue-silver. Men: A beard is a standard facial feature of Aestian men, which is a sign of power, fertility and charity. Some older tribesmen have a beard braid. Hairstyles aren’t of much value in Aestian culture, long or short hair for men is common. Again, braids are common on older tribesmen. Women: However, tribeswomen value their hair, keeping it lush and silky. Long hair is a sign of femininity and beauty. Women are to be considered equal due to their natural, and societal responsabilites. It is said that Aestian women can, with enough training, beat a trained man in hand to hand combat. Society: Traditionally, Aestian society is based on a tribal government. It’s lead by a Chief (Juht in Aesti), and at death, the oldest child of the Chief becomes Chief, regardless of the child being a boy or girl. To address a Chief, one would use “Kallis Juht..” or ”Juht..” Warchiefs are frowned upon. Behaviour: Aestians are very secluded people, they’re very wary of strangers, be it from other tribes or nations. They tend to stick with their friends and family, and reach out to others in times of need. They like to keep their conversations concise and clear. Small talk is avoided in public, as it’s considered as a waste of time. Every Aestian is expected to work, due to the harsh conditions and their small numbers. Elders are an exception to this rule, due to their physical (in)capabilites but most importantly the importance of preserving their knowledge. Food: Aestian food is quite basic. It’s composed of tubers such as potatoes or yams wich are either grown in a field or inside of a bag or barrel, due to the land being frozen most of the year. If grown in a field, the potatoes are sown 3 inches (or 8cm) into the ground to keep the potatoes from freezing, and thus dieing. Carrots are also common, due to them being a source of vitamin C, wich is used to cure and prevent scurvy. Pork and fish are the most common meats in Aestian cuisine, along with their smoked variants. Dairy products aren’t very diverse either, butter and milk (which can be fermented to extend shelf life) are most common. Cereals, with the excpetion of winter wheat, aren’t planted or consumed. Festivities: Saunas: At every end of a Saint’s Week, Aestians gather in a room which is heated to very high temperatures thanks to a fire that would be roaring for atleast 2 hours before entering the sauna (~90°C or ~194°F) in which they can discuss important matters, or just relax with friends and family. A common thing to do is to jump in some near freezing-point water or snow after getting out of the sauna. The room is made from wood, and the furniture too. Sometimes water is thrown onto the heating element to create steam. Clothing: For everyday use, most of Aestian clothing would be made of furs from various animals, capes, coats, headwear and boots are generally made from fur. Underwear such as shirts, tunics is either made from wool, or flax, a costly alternative to wool due to the climate Aestians live in. Architecture: Aestian houses are cheap, and fast to build and require little maintenance. Materials like dirt, thatch, wood, stone are very common in the style of Aestian architecture. The roof is generally made from dirt which can freeze and form a permafrost layer, the house is quite short in height. (the typical house is very similar to a Icelandic turf house.) Walls around a camp or settlement can be built out of Stone and Ice. In some cases, dirt mounds are made when other materials aren’t easily accessible. Religion: Animism is the common faith among Aestians, however, some Aestians simply have no faith due to their straightforward lifestyle. Science or rationalism isn’t a notion used by Aestians in the early stages of the culture. Aestians learn through mistakes, and knowledge is passed on through elders. Military: A military of Aestian origin would consist of small raiding parties, avoiding big battles and favoring small engagements. A warspear, a round shield would be the standard issue weapons. Slings are a popular choice for ranged attacks and hunting small game. For the richest warrior, who could afford to wear armor used helmets, metal armor made of chainmail, and lamellar, which consisted of iron plates sewn together. Lower-status Aestian warriors also used layers of quilted cloth, such as linen or wool, to protect the body during battle. Aestian warriors are lead by the Commander, which in war, would shout the orders at them and be in the frontline of the battle. A modern and organized army would defeat an Aestian party pretty easily on foreign soil. The tables turn if Aestians are defending, due to the terrain on which they train which gives them a considerable advantage against the enemy.
  12. Finri: The Lost Race Of The Ocean. The History: According to the legends scrawled by walls underwater, when the four brothers ruled every corner of the earth, there was one more sibling that the first man and woman could not bare to tell their children; the helpless case of their last child, Newx. He was an elf-like creature with blue skin, four arms, webbed fingers, three eyes, and an eel-like body. His voice was nothing more than high pitched squeals. His behavior was like an animal. But his intelligence was stunning, able to solve puzzles in a matter of seconds. The first man and woman had to sacrifice their child to the sea, for they quickly learned that Newx could not survive on land. Down into the depths did he thrive, his high pitch squeals allowing him to communicate with dolphins and other forms of submerged life. He would be the one to rule not the earth, but it’s vast oceans. It was then did he have four heirs. Gi who governed the Trenches, Mol who protected the Reefs, Bow who guarded the Emptiness, and Wiklo who reigned the Shores. These were the four realms of the ocean, these were the four daughters of Newx, these were the first Finri tribes. Gi—who thrived between earth, water, and darkness—was the inventor of sea lanterns and the discoverer of prismarine. From chunks of these crystals, grains of sand, and blue lava from submerged volcanoes, did she forge the new light source for her sisters. Mol on the other hand, discovered how to herd yummy cod and plant food. The dolphins her father befriended taught her how to hunt. The tropical fish showed her how to farm kelp, sea grass, and coral. And through their knowledge did Mol learn how to tame pufferfish, breeding them to become later on, guardians. Bow traveled alone through invisible currents that were only touched by venturing fish and migrating turtles. Their corpses lend her scute armor and the materials needed to help Gi forge tridents. Wiklo lurked near the shores, learning from the salmon leaving rivers about magic and how to wield it. She taught these arts to her sisters, who used the ability to gain greater technology, like the conduit. Then came an secret abysmal war. Almost each tribe has invented a new form of magic and had the instinct to claim their territory. Gi invented Umbra Phasing, to manipulate and transform into shadow. Mol made a type of magic known as Siren Callings, allowing her children to enslave sailors and wreak their ships. And Bow discovered Taint Marking, to claim an environment with runes that control the area. After the death of the four daughters, in the final battle, Gi’s descendants casted a spell that transformed all Finir into shadow, stripping themselves into nothing but bone, dead before the world even knew they existed. The only thing that remains of them now are their ruins, their guardians, their technologies, and their corpuses littering the sea. OOC Explanation: Basically, there was a hidden race that once lived in the sea but went extinct thanks to an abysmal war. This war is currently unknown in the roleplay lore, the only thing that is known is their extinction. This race called the Finir built ocean monuments, discovered prismarine, breed sea animals, and used lost magics. Their curse was their animal like behaviors and their blessing were their extreme intelligence. Purpose: The purpose of this lore is used to explain the reasoning for the existence of ocean monuments, guardians, wrecked ships, and other sea-based items. If this lore is accepted, it could also be used to explain new forms of magic--as seen above--I am planning on sharing. I hope this contributes to the wonderful RPG community we have! Spoilers: · https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Ancient_History
  13. ~*~♣~*~The Treebeard Clan~*~♣~*~ ~♣~History~♣~ The Clan of The Elder Tree or more commonly known as the Treebeard Clan gets its name from Gloin, Urguan’s seventh son which unlike his brothers chose his name from one of his interest instead of naming it after one of his deeds or talents. Gloin Treebeard heard the call from nature and turned his strong connection with nature and his strong faith in Anbella into the seed of this Elder Clan. He took his clan and settled in the woodlands resulting in the subrace now known as forest dwarfs. After living in the forests for a time, many Treebeards returned to the mountains finding themselves unfit to live in the forests in wooden huts and cottages. Whilst many ended up back home in the mountains, the remaining Treebeards left for the elven forests where they settled peacefully in wooden huts and villages above the surface and on top the trees. After living there for a time, some Treebeards found themselves influenced by the elves resulting in some taking to the Aspects the elven religion and even fewer becoming druids. After hundreds of years living in the forests, the Treebeards became scattered across the woodlands of the world, resulting in the clan becoming mixed with other sub-races and giving rise to mix breeds with the name Treebeard. With many Treebeards becoming mixed, it was rare to find a pure blooded Treebeard. As the Treebeards kept to their forests they became disconnected from the world and dwarven politics, and slowly as time passed they dwindled and disappeared, some hiding in their forests while others ventured into the far reaches of the world. Treebeards came and went as they thought their stone kin needed them, in their darkest times a Treebeard would often come back into the Dwarven Kingdoms spread the word of Anbella and return to the forest. Axios It was during Axios that some of the Treebeards of old decided to return from the forests and live in a small village in a valley belonging to the Third Grand Kingdom of Urguan, a village built by Grojak Treebeard, son of Gloin. It was in this village that Grojak wished for the Treebeards to follow his fathers teachings, pursuing knowledge and growing closer to the Brathmordakin and to nature, finding the link between Anbella & The Aspects that generations past had failed to find. Atlas During the time of Atlas the Treebeards emerged once again within the lands of the Kingdom of Agnarum founded a small shrine to Anbella under the guidance of Ozneat Treebeard who brought back the clan itself under a more religious influence casting out the ideas of druidism and brought pro Anbella, leading to the the Treebeards adopting a lifestyle of peace and silence isolated upon the mountain tops of the Kingdom of Agnarum. The clan would then join up with there other Forest Dwarf kin known as the Cottonwoods with this unification the Village of Hefrumm was formed where the Treebeards stayed and oversaw the activities of there younger kin and guide them through their religious inquiries. Arcas The Treebeards have been living side by side with the Cottonwoods since their arrival into the new continent of Arcas in the new Village of Hefrumm, the community is growing and the members that had chosen to remain in the forest are begining to come back to by the side of their kinsman. It was during Arcas that their numbers dwindled. Suffering some losses and going through a cultural schism that brought two different cultures to present their claims for the Treebeard name, the followers of Gloin kept their Clan name, and those who followed a different path would be known from that moment forward the Leafheart clan. Almaris ~♣~Culture~♣~ The Treebeards have not been known in the past for their skills in the combative arts or the ability to sell wares from here to there, this clan is known for trying to get the most out of life, living happily and making sure their tankards are always full. The ways of the Treebeards show that they are known for the great respect and compassion they show for one another, always ready to lend one another a helping hand. Throughout history, many Treebeards have been masterful lumberjacks, farmers, woodworkers, healers, bards and are especially known for their brewing skills, applying their knowledge on nature and its produce to make the most out of it. Treebeards are also known to kick their legs up by the lake while casting out a rod or sitting with their pipes by the fire at night to tell a story to all of those who want to hear. It’s been known for some members of this clan to seek the knowledge given by the Order of the Druids, given their close relationship with nature. ~♣~Religion~♣~ Treebeards are well known for their faith in the Brathmordakin their understanding of Anbella’s teachings is unmatched and their love for seeking out more of her knowledge the elders and scholars are tasked with this. Their presence in the clergy is well noticed given their love to spread the dwarven beliefs, teaching all those interested in learning about the Brathmordakin and each individual god. The Religious practice of the Treebeards is heavily based around The Brathmordakin, most importantly the Hearth Mother Anbella. Of times of old the Treebeards once followed the religion of the Aspects and of The Brathmordakin however, since the new reformation of the Treebeards they have only accepted the worship of The Brathmordakin, considering the Aspects followed by the Druids to be representations of Anbella instead of being separate deities altogether. ~♣~Clan Sygil~♣~ The Elder Tree ~♣~Patron Goddess~♣~ Anbella, The Hearth Mother ~♣~Military & Stance in war~♣~ The Treebeards don’t result often to the use of violence the path chosen by Gloin as one of peace and balance with nature, always looking at problems from a different perspective and trying to . This however does not mean that they do not train their bodies and seek to master combative arts, a consequence of a Treebeard’s curious nature. If one were to find themselves in a battlefield where the dwarves have been fighting one would probably find a Treebeard tending to the injured or in a ranged squadron. After a battle is fought its not uncommon for a group of Treebeards to walk around the battlefield with a wagon of sapplings behind them, bringing back balance to Nature not only for the lives lost but also for the resources used. ~♣~Appearance~♣~ The Appearance of any Treebeard is the same as all Forest Dwarves. Ranging of heights of 4,0 - 5,0 ft weighing at 150 - 250 lbs. Their hair and beards would be ranging from dark browns to gingers. The Treebeards often have fairly large noses and their skin tone ranges between that of a mountain dwarf to an earthy brown. Their eyes are usually colored by shades of different variants of green Most Treebeards are actually quite slim compared to their mountain-dwelling cousins. The reason may range from naturally a faster metabolism to a generally increased amount of exercise. Treebeards often dress as adventurers and wear whatever they see fit or comfortable. Those that follow the path of Druidism often take to robes. However, they mostly wearing clothing of green and browns. ~♣~Leadership~♣~ The leadership of the Treebeards is very similar than other Forest Dwarf clans where they have one to rule them all, the name for this are as followed, High Elder, Clan Father, and Clan Chief all meaning the same thing to the Treebeards. The Treebeards are also governed by the Chief and the elders appointed by the chief in every matter of which is needed to discuss. ~♣~Existing Members~♣~ Clan Chief Thorin Treebeard (SoulReapingWolf) Clan Members Kildrak Treebeard (Disturbo) Beardlings Hjolron Treebeard (TMoore) Missing Garrion Treebeard (goblinguy17) Grojak Treebeard (Armakak) Logguc Treebeard (Nitroflak) Dlunâr Treebeard (HedgegogHugger) Konin Treebeard (wewe_wewe) Selsi Treebeard (Rhuyne) Flynn Treebeard (Loshdesem) Hakhaestr Treebeard (ESTatomic) Aodhan Treebeard (PINKYPYRO) Dead Ozneat Treebeard (Crim_Crim) Dutesli Treebeard (Hearth_Mother)
  14. THE NEKHABET & THE TRIBES OF MALI’ASUL & VALAH’HT Mali’Asul History & Society Asul and their human soldiers once were glorious in both might and beauty, their scrolls long since burned. A history once believed to be grand now lay in rubble far below the sands. The Pharmalin believed themselves to be the chosen people of a forgotten Daemon, for they believed their necromancy would allow them to rule and begin a war in the realms beyond, far away from their Mali’aheral brothers they toiled forging armies of dead in the sands. Their kingdom, if you could call a shambling mass of mindless undead fell into ruin as the necromancers fought one another in an vain attempt to grab power over the realm, A realm of little consequence to anyone else. However the sand swallows all in the end as would become a common phrase; the war proved to have no victor, and the art of their necromancy perhaps lost forever in the dunes. The only whispers of this story come from those who claim to hail from the hidden kingdom of the undead it’s name now gone. All that remains is the Nekhabet, Arak, & The Sun Elves of the deserts. Mali’Asul are known mostly for their desire for their aggression, instead of hiding in their homes they are known to instead nearly to a fault be ready to fight both at war and in single combat. For most of all might makes right in the lives of any tribe. Thus one cannot lead a tribe without both the wisdom & knowledge of a warrior and the mind of a leader keeping weak leadership out. Tattoos mark their skin, showing their accomplishments and titles etched in gold for their lavish nature still resides below a warrior’s strong ideals desiring to amass wealth and rule once more remains lingering in all Asul hearts believing themselves not only all deserving of great power but superior to their high elven breathen whom they often call Lowborn for their weak moral code and seemingly reclusive nature. Famous riders and horses are known to frequently come from the stock of the Asul being very numerous it is within their culture to not only honor horses but live beside them. For a Mali cannot rely only on their legs or strength of arms if they are to rule over those whom sit in their castles. The Nekhabet Tribe however have a renown desire for rare objects, scrolls, and gold being interested most of all in their ability to fight against the undead for while they Asul once wielded them, they too fought them. They most frequently share the traits of white hair and amber almost golden eyes Their Sister tribe the Arak however idolize combat to an extreme degree fighting for the simple joy of it, known also perhaps for their lustful nature. They most frequently share hues of gray in their hair, their eyes similar to that of the Nekhabet perhaps denoting a shared lineage. Nekhabet & Arak Behavior Mali’Asul Culture & Society Asul Architecture & Defenses Mali’Asul Tribal Faith The Tribes of the Sun Elves *In full detail Mali’Asul Tribal Virtues firstly are the virtues all tribes shared the Mali’Asul or Sun Elves followed, a strong set of virtues that govern their life since they lack a core religion they instead follow a strict code of honor written as their ‘Virtues’. It brings shame to those whom break these Virtues. Arak Nekhabet Interested in RolePlaying the culture? https://discord.gg/kzGwpZF is the discord. Please if you wish to actively help improve this post join!
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  16. THE HISTORY OF ORCS THE AGE OF CREATION DAWN OF AEGIS (Est. 1 - 700 BCW) 1 BCW: The Four Brothers are born into the lands of Aegis: Krug, Horen, Malin, and Urguan 2 BCW: The descendants battle in the fateful war against Iblees and the Undead 3 BCW: Krug becomes scarred and burned by Iblees touch and cursed with bloodlust after the Arch-Daemon was defeated. In return, the Aenguls blessed Krug and his kin with Honor and Valor as contribution after the war. 4 BCW: The Four Brothers split into separate ways raising great families and unique civilizations. 5 BCW: Krug takes upon many mates creating vast amounts of sons and daughters, but the children of Grahla whomst was Krug’s life mate was recognized to be the most popular. These children went by the names of Rax, Dom, Gorkil and Lur. 6 BCW: Krug’s children triumph in many battles and obstacles earning great respect to their names. 7 BCW: Krug wages war against the Empire of Horen. While the Orcs sieged the city, Krug is challenged to an honor duel by the Emperor. Horen is swiftly defeated by Krug who planted his war axe into his brother’s skull. CLAN WAR (Est. 700 - 1300 CW) 1 CW: The Orc Clans came about when the children of Krug began having descendents and eventually they separated into different families, or Clans. These Clans would have many differences and would respect their Clan Father and die for Him. 2 CW: These Clans would eventually start following Clan fathers, and there were two who possessed the most appeal; The Great Warrior Tythor, Slayer of the Kar'ak Scorpion, and The Great Shaman Orta, who could call down whole lightning storms. 3 CW: Two major Mega-Clans of the time were the Rax Clan led by Tythor’Rax and Dom Clan led by Orta’Dom. 4 CW: The Clan Wars tear through the lands of Krug between the Clan Dom and Clan Lur 5 CW: Warlord Veruk’Gorkil leads a campaign against Warlord Tythor’Rax in the Battle of Nomad Plains leading 500 Gorkils riding their fastest war boars against 1,200 Jabbernacks that Tythor’Rax brought to battle. The Gorkils tore through the Rax cavalry while the Dom’s sent lightning crashing from the sky into the center of the Rax forces. At the end of the battle, Tythor’Rax retreated with 150 Jabbernacks while Veruk’Gorkil only lost 30 War Boars and even fewer Gorkils. 6 CW: Tythus’Rax is pronounced War Lord of the Rax Clan after Tythor’Rax falls in battle. 7 CW: The Clans of Krugmar are exposed to the truth of the dark shamanism utilized as a weapon by Dark Shamans of Clan Dom after slaughtering through the numbers of Clan Lur. This causes Clan Gorkil and Clan Rax to join Lur and face the Doms. 8 CW: Warlord Tythus’Rax led many victories over the Dominus Clan and in one fateful battle, the High Shaman Orta tried to use Dark Magic to win. Krug, in anger, showed his displeasure for the weak and sent down lightning bolts to aid Tythus. Orta was killed and the Dominus Clan was eliminated, many showing fealty to Tythus soon after. 9 CW: War Lord Tythus’Rax leads a great victory over the Elves, taking their ruined city and establishing it as the capital of the War Nation, San’Jazel. THE AGE OF BLOOD AEGIS (1305 -1349 IG)[2011 - 2012 IRL] 1 CW - 1300 - Aegis began. Although the realm had already existed for a long time. 2 CW - 1305 - Tythus’Rax unites the Clans after the end of the Clan Wars and establishes the first Rexdom of Krugmar 3 13XX - Bein’Lur suggests the formation of an Orcish Army and Rex Tythus grants Bein the title Dominus. 4 13XX - A Nomad Village was land granted to the Dominus of Krugmar by Rex Tythus 5 13XX – Dominus Bein’Lur scouted a village near San’Jazel that was called Riverside. After some interactions and conflicts the Dominus waged war upon Riverside. The details of the battles are foggy, but the Orcs prevailed and the Dominus reconstructed the ruins forging a new city called San’Har. 6 13XX - An Orc named Petri bought a home in Kellogg but began building an army in a short span of time. It was brought to the attention of Dominus Bein’Lur and as Petri was confronted a skirmish broke out and left Petri’s army scattered and demoralized. 7 13XX - The Orcish Horde was reformed and construction of Fort Krug is completed. 8 13XX - Orta the Dark Shaman returns from death with the help of Iblees after being cast to the Nether by Krug for using Dark Magic. Dominus Bein is captured but after numerous attacks upon Orc cities he is defeated and killed by a group of Orcs in the Battle of San’Jazel. 9 13XX - Dominus Thyst challenges Tythus for the title of Rex and was mortally wounded in the battle. He suffered from his wounds and eventually was sent into the afterlife of the Stargush’Stroh. 10 13XX - Many of the Clans despised the leadership of Rex Tythus and united together to overthrow him in a revolt. 11 13XX - Just before the Assault of San’Jazel many of the clans became conflicted amongst themselves. Many laid their support in the Chieftain Mogroka’Gorkil while others supported the Lower Dominus Gorefang’Gorkil. 12 13XX - Mogroka and Gorefang decided it could only be settled through a duel. The duel lasted for three days and nights but neither got the upper hand. On the fourth day, after dehydration and starvation begins to set in the two Orcs land a solid blow upon each-other ending the duel without a winner. 13 13XX - Many feared that bloodshed and civil war would soon break out without a winner and just as each side prepared for battle they were interrupted by The Wandering Wizard who convinced the Clans to re-unite to their cause to prevent the Undead from reaping their lands. 14 13XX -A prophecy is told by Elder Shaman Krink’Gorkil that two brothers would lead the Orcs to victory and it would be the Orc’s Golden Age. 15 13XX - Mogroka and Gorefang together set out for San’Jazel to meet the Rex and challenge him for the Rexdom. Rex Tythus arrogantly accepted both challenges at the same time and was defeated leaving Mogroka and Gorefang to share the Rex title. 16 13XX - Shez’Lur, son of Bein’Lur, destroys San’Har and opens rebellion against Mogroka’Gorkil believing him to be a Usurper since he had never held the title of Dominus. Rex Mogroka acted quickly and had the rebels in full retreat as Shez’Lur was killed in the fighting. 17 13XX - The Great War began with a series of skirmishes between the Orcs and Dwarves outside of San’jazel. 18 1336 - Rex Mogroka’Gorkil of Krugmar and Prince Mylas of the Holy Princedom of Malinor, accompanied by Hochmeister Gaius Marius, marched on the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Kal’Urguan 19 1336 - The Wandering Wizard falls defending against a horde of Undead 20 1339 - Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe of Kal'Urguan and Warlord Mogroka of Krugmar end the Great War with a peace treaty, allowing Kal'Urguan to join the United Aegis Coalition. 21 1343 - The Dwarves begin work on a new coalition made up of Kal'Urguan, Renatus, Malinor, Hanseti and Krugmar. 22 1349 - Aegis falls 1 The Verge - Explored and colonized towards the end of Aegis, the Verge was a collections of islands that the people of Aegis fled through a portal to when Iblees' power became too great to contain. There they built ships to travel to Asulon. ASULON (1351 -1414 IG)[2012 IRL] 1 1351 - The orcs ventured to Asulon with the other mortal races and saw a boost in their population. 2 1351 - An idea spurred that the Rexdom of Krugmar was not working for the orcs, and thus the War Uzg, a nation of violence, was born. 3 13XX - As a result of the new found strength, the War Uzg aids the Hanseti in raids against the Kingdom of Renatus 4 13XX - War eventually breaks out with the orcs and Hansetians on one side and the Kingdom of Renatus on the other side. The war is stalemated after the orcs take over the fort of Das Boot. 5 13XX- After these tensions, the War Uzg set it's eyes on the Silver City of the High Elves. Within time, the orcs had burned down the Silver City after weeks of raiding. After the sacking of the Silver City, the War Uzg sat dormant for a while, until a new political advance in the War Uzg occurred. 6 13XX - The first Rex Klomp of the War Uzg occurs between the standing Rex Mogroka’Gorkil and Warlord Pok of the Ugluk Clan. After a fierce battle, Pok’Ugluk emerges the winner and becomes the Third Rex to ever hold the title. 7 13XX- Rex Pok quickly turns relations with the nation of Salvus for the worst and forms four powerful alliances 8 13XX - The War Uzg declares war on Salvus, backed by the coalition Pok had formed. The coalition consisted of Alras, Renatus, Hanseti, and Malinor as well as some larger guilds and a rebellion lead by a Human noble. 9 1414 - The Descendants depart from Asulon 1 Elysium - A collection of islands that the people stopped on during their sea trip from Asulon to Anthos. 2 Kalos - A big island which the people stopped to restock on supplies between Elysium and Anthos. ANTHOS (1420 -1454 IG)[2013 - 2014 IRL] 1 1420 - The Descendants reach Anthos 2 14XX - The Orcs of the War Uzg occupied the capital of San'Orka. 3 14XX - The dwarves push back the orcs, after a victorious battle at Storm's Crossing, ending the war between the two races. 4 1440 - The War Uzg is disbanded and the Orcish desert is called the Orcish Badlands. The Orcish Clans become the center of Orcish political life. 5 1454 - A new land would be discovered by the descendants, known to most as the Fringe, a peculiar land seeming near ancient as Anthos itself, with a sprawling temple of marble with a peculiar obsidian portal, seeming much like the ones once used in Aegis by the Undead around roughly a century ago. 1 The Fringe - Explored and colonized towards the end of Anthos, the Fringe was a land surrounded by very high mountains, with weird natural land formations. The people escaped here through a tunnel when Anthos was flooded. 2 Thales - When a harsh heat passed through the Fringe, the people took a portal to Thales, where they stayed there until finding a more suitable land of Athera. THE AGE OF IRON ATHERA (1470 -1513 IG)[2014 - 2015 IRL] 1 1470 - Power struggles existed each and every day, orcs had no honor towards each other. This occurred over the span of Athera, until an ancient and experienced orc known as Vrograk'Gorkil took it upon himself to fix things and declared himself Rex. 2 1470 - The Iron Uzg was established 3 14XX - Rex Vrograk'Gorkil orders construction of a capital city, Kodar'Goi. After years of construction, the fearsome city of violence was completed - arguably one of the most defendable places in Athera. 4 14XX - Skirmishes soon broke out naturally between the dwarves and the orcs. Primarily, the dwarves were angered by the shaving of dwarven beards by the Rex, Vrograk'Gorkil. 5 14XX - The Grand Kingdom of Urguan issued what was known as The Treaty of the Red Sands, which angered many orcs. Without second thought, Vrograk'Gorkil used the treaty as toilet paper - his faith in his newly revived orcs higher than ever. Soon after, both nations mobilized their armies in preparation for a bloody war. 6 14XX - A battle is won decisively for the Iron Uzg as they then marched to Kal'Ekknar - the Grandaxe Village. 7 14XX - After a long battle at Kal'Ekknar, the Dwarves utilized a strong flanking route and sent the Iron Uzg in a full retreat back to their original land. 8 1491: After a several year long conflict, peace has been made between the Kingdom of Akovia, Mardonic League, the Dwarves and the orcs. 9 1513: The Orc-Dwarf War comes to an end, and within a few months a giant worm destroys most of Athera. The descendant races then move on to The Isles of Vailor. VAILOR (1513 -1570 IG)[2015 - 2016 IRL] 1 1513 - Shortly after the arrival into Vailor, Rex Vrograk'Gorkil fell fatally ill - later dying, but not before naming his son, Vrogrash'Gorkil, to be trained to be the Rex of the Iron Uzg. 2 15XX - After some years it was realized that Rex Vrogrash'Gorkil never truly lived up to his father's legacy, and he later left the Iron Uzg. 3 15XX - In his place, surprisingly, the first non-orcish rex in history - Phaedrus'Yar took over the Iron Uzg as the Rex. At first faced with opposition, Phaedrus quickly proved he was an orc in an elf's body - truly the most vile elf to ever live. 4 15XX - Under Phaedrus's rule, the clans were reunified after a brief period of seclusion, tribute to the rex was expected from all clans, a holy warrior of the Church of Canon was slain in a duel, and most surprisingly - outlawed slavery and declared an era of industry. 5 15XX - Phaedrus'Yar was later defeated in an honorable duel by the orc known as Kahn'Braduk, an orc more ancient than Vrograk'Gorkil himself. 6 15XX - Briefly, the Iron Uzg was a part of the Southern Vailor Coalition, but Rex Kahn believing the Chancellor of the coalition, Aelthir Tundrak was trying to control him, took his nation out of the alliance and left the heart of the great beast the Fleugal at their feet, challenging them to seek retribution. 7 15XX - The Iron Uzg had brief skirmishes with the combined armies of Urguan and Fenn, but did not react until the Southern Vailor Coalition broke up after the vassalization of Aeroch Nor by the Holy Oren Empire. 8 1527 - The Iron Uzg begins advancing towards the Princedom of Fenn as an act of retribution to prior threats. 9 1528: The Iron Uzg wins against the Ivae'Fenn outside their city, and prepare to siege Tar'sil, the Princedom's capital. 10 1529: The Princedom of Fenn with Dunamis support bests the Iron Uzg in a siege against the Princedom of Fenn's capital. 11 15XX - Regrouping his forces, Rex Kahn'Braduk attempted again and conquered the Snow Elves. He ultimately fell ill, and was challenged by his friend Targoth Ubba'Ugluk who would go on to become Rex and reform the Iron Uzg as the War Uzg 12 1560 - The Iron Uzg collapsed and is reformed into the War Uzg 13 15XX - Rex Ubba’Ugluk falls ill and grants the Rex title to his friend, Snoop’Azog. 14 15XX - The clans showed dissatisfaction for their newly elected Rex, Snoop’Azog and was defeated after entering an honor duel with Kharak’Raguk. 15 15XX - The Shaman Rex Kharak’Raguk leads the War Uzg on the Orgonic campaign. During this time much of the land became blighted or tainted with disease. 16 1570 - The Descendants flee Vailor through a Spirit Portal after the Great Spirit of Disease, Orgon, tainted the land and created an imbalance of nature ultimately destroying it. AXIOS (1571 -1642 IG)[2016 - 2017 IRL] 1 1571 - Vailor falls into destruction while the Orcs sail through the magical sea corridor into the lands of Axios eventually splitting from the mass of Vailoric Ships and anchored at the Jungles of Asul in the city of San’Garath. 2 1573 - Rex Kharak’Raguk dies at the hands of a mysterious spirit, and Kulgarok’Lak, a notable shaman, succeeds him. 3 1574 - Kulgarok constructs a new city, San’Kharak, in the swamp not far from San’Garath. San’Garath is promptly abandoned. 4 1576 - Rex Kulgarok’Lak is challenged by Malgunuz’Raguk, who handily defeats Kulgarok and takes the title of Rex. A group of Orcs known as the Sarnites break off from the Uzg and establish their own settlement across from San’Kharak, claiming themselves to be the true Rexdom. A civil war erupts between the Sarnites and the War Uzg. 5 1577 - The Order of the Angathgul is formed and separates from the Uzg, making its home on Ceru, by Sutica. Later that year, The ‘Ivory Mandate’ is signed in Oren, stating that all Orcish tusks brought to the crown will be rewarded with a hefty sum of minas. 6 1579 - John I Owyn, Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire, declares war on the War Uzg. As a response, the Sarnites reunite with the War Uzg and their disagreements are put aside in order to stand up against the Orenian menace. The first major engagement, known as ‘The Battle of Atlay’, is a decisive Orenian victory. 7 1580 - Vorgo’Yar claims Rexdom after Malgunuz’Raguk is imprisoned by the Skygods. 8 1581 - San’Kharak is evacuated right before Oren encircles the city and begins to siege it, the only people left to defend it being Vorgo’Yar, Dominus Khargak’Raguk, and the honorary Morka’Vorgor. The city quickly falls, with Khargak being slain at the battle, and Vorgo and Morka being brought to the Johannesburg Courthouse for trial, ending with both of them dying. Afterward, the War Uzg is disbanded and the remaining Orcs hide across Axios to try and recover from the devastating genocidal war they have battled. 9 1582 - The surviving Orcs begin to reunite and sail to the desert of Urguan as provided refuge by the Grand King of Urguan, Torvin Grandaxe, and founded a camp in the wasteland of Azaghol, where the Orcs lived as a loose band with little in the means of government. 10 1589 - Kulgarok returns and briefly claims Rexdom. However, very quickly he is challenged by a returning ancient orc, Drokon’Ugluk, who beats Kulgarok and reforms the Orcish society into the War Nation of Krugmar. 11 1591 - A Warzone erupts between Urguan and Azaghol versus Orenia and the Dominion of Malin after Wood Elf scouts found Orcs in Azaghol also known as ‘The Battle of the Gray Peninsula’, which ends in a loss for the Orcs. 12 1593 - Rex Drokon’Ugluk helps form a Coalition alongside The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, The Kingdom of Courland, the Ivae’fenn, and Norland to fight against the warmongering Orenian Empire. 13 1594 - The Orenian Empire attempt to cross through a valley in the desert but are defeated by the Coalition forces in a fight known as ‘The Battle of the Gorge’, marking the first battle the Empire had lost in over a hundred years. 14 1595 - The Coalition battles for the unstable county of Lorraine which is famously known as ‘The Battle of Goldfield’. 15 1596 - Drokon’Ugluk is severely injured after a hunt, only being saved due to both a surgery performed by Murgosh’Raguk and some magic by the dark shaman Kulgarok. Drokon is severely altered by Kulgarok’s magic and the Rex goes a spree of killing many Wargoths and other Orcs who he believes are conspiring against him. Soon after, Kulgarok reforms the Clan of Dom, bringing with him a new era of dark shamanism. 16 1597 - Drokon is returned to his right state of mind, ending his reign of terror. 17 1599 - Rex Drokon’Ugluk, out of shame for what he had done and the countless he had killed, hands the title of Rexdom over to Orgoth’Braduk. With this abdication, the clan Ugluk is decreed to be absorbed into clan Gorkil. 18 1602 - The Clans Braduk and Raguk, in an attempt to shore up their lacking numbers, merge to form the Clan Braguk. 19 1606 - Rex Orgoth’Braduk abdicates Rexdom to Gurak’Yar. 20 1608 - A coup is attempted by the Wargoth Kuntklobbera’Raguk at a feast, leading to a short battle that ended with Kuntklobbera being stripped of his status, yet still in Orcish society. 21 1612 - The Braguk Clan breaks up, reverting to Clans Braduk and Raguk. 22 1614 - Gurak’Yar steps down, leaving a void in the leadership that is filled by Kulgarok’Dom. Immediately, Kulgarok is challenged and defeated by Eath’Lur, and is once again banished from Krugmar. 23 1615 - Rex Eath’Lur steps down and hands the title over to Kuntklobbera’Raguk a bit before the World Cactus Festival. 24 1617 - A Coalition is formed between the War Nation, Urguan, Veris, and Norland to fight against the newly reformed Oren. 25 1619 - Anti-Laureh’lin sentiment rises immensely, with a spree of raids and taunts from the Rex and other Orcs, leading the two nations to the brink of war. The tensions did not result in any major conflicts, but they persisted for years afterwards. 26 1620 - The Shamanic Fellowship is founded. 27 1621 - Kuntklobbera'Raguk, in order to show his devotion to Leyd, changes his name to Leydluk'Raguk. 28 1642 - The Isles of Axios sunk into a deep thanic winter while the Orcs and other descendants escaped by sea. THE AGE OF DARKNESS ATLAS (1643 - 1705 IG)[2017 - 2019 IRL] 1 1643 - The Descendants reach the shores of Atlas after spending some time sailing upon the sea. 216XX - Orcs enter the first half of the Orc-Elf War and shortly into it Rex U’la’Yar is captured by mercenaries and executed by the Dominion of Malin. 3 16XX - Leydluk’Raguk reclaims the Rexdom and leads the War Nation of Krugmar 416XX - Rex Leydluk’Raguk involves the War Nation in the Courland-Renatus War 5 16XX - Rex Leydluk orders the construction of Fort Stronk bordering the lands of the Dominion of Malin 6 16XX - Several skirmishes and conflicts occur upon the roads outside of Fort Stronk 7 16XX - Rex Leydluk’Raguk relieves himself of the title and raises the Targoth Puknaak’Lak as the next Rex of Krugmar. 8 16XX - Krugmar enters the second half of the Orc-Elf War as Rex Puknaak orders a re-design of Fort Stronk. Many battles continue to happen between the Elves and Orcs. 9 16XX - Puknaak’Lak enters and honor duel with the Prince of the Dominion as suggested by Emperor Aurelius of Renatus-Marna which concluded with Rex Puknaak’s defeat and death. 10 16XX - Morlak’Lak rises as Rex when the clans decide upon him after his brother, Puknaak’s, death. 11 16XX - After Rex Morlak’s death, the clans fumble for the Rexdom and an honor duel is declared between Falum’Lur and Blogus the Black. After a decisive brawl, Rex Falum’Lur reigns over what remained of Krugmar and San’Kala which was shortly stripped away and granted to the Dominion of Malin. 12 16XX - Rex Falum’Lur departed for some time leaving Krugmar after San’Kala was taken and left the Orcs in great unrest. When he returned, Warlord Shakul’Gorkil claimed himself as Rex backed by a newly elected Warlord of Braduk. Shakul challenged Falum and dueled each other in a close match until the Gorkil claimed victory and earned the title as Rex Shakul’Gorkil. 13 16XX - Rex Shakul’Gorkil settles the orcs in the lands of the Frostbeards of Kaz’Ulrah for some time but eventually reclaims San’Kala then facing the conflict of the separate Orc Horde of Thagurz’Grish and resolves the situation by assimilating the Horde into Krugmar and allowing them to continue their ways. 14 16XX - Many Clans become unsatisfied with Rex Shakul’Gorkil as he often referred to making intolerable actions in the view of the Clans of Krugmar. 15 16XX - Glottgut'Raguk and Rognor'Lak lead a revolt of the clans in hopes to overthrow Rex Shakul’Gorkil which then phased into a Clan War. 16 16XX - After several battles, Rex Shakul’Gorkil is defeated and the Warlords choose Rex Gilgamesh’Braduk, son of the late Kahn’Braduk, to reign. 17 16XX - The War Nation of Krugmar is reformed into the Rexdom of Krugmar 18 16XX - Rex Gilgamesh vanishes from the lands of Krug and Warlord Murak’Gorkil rises to the occasion claiming the Rexdom. 19 1700 - Clan Raguk gets banished from Krugmar by Rex Murak’Gorkil 20 1705 - The inhabitants of Atlas escaped to Arcas. ARCAS [(1705 - SA 0) 1705 - 1796 IG]{2019 - 2020 IRL} 1 1705 - The Orcs and other Descendants reach the lands of Arcas after escaping Atlas. 2 17XX - Relations with Clan Raguk are repaired by Rex Burbur’Lur, but remain separate entities. 3 1715 - Rex Burbur’Lur gives an order to begin reconstruction of San’Strohk. 4 1732 -The Battle of Lowveld was fought between the forces of the Holy Orenian Empire and the Federation of Mokh-Uruk. The battle proved to be a victory for Mohk-Uruk 5 1734 - The Holy Orenian Empire declared war against the Federation of Mokh-Uruk. 6 1796: Arcas was destroyed and people settled on Almaris. Some people started to mark this as the beginning of the Second Age and reset the year to 0. ALMARIS (SA 0 - SA 128 IG)[1796 - 1924 IG]{2020 - 2023 IRL} 1 SA 35 - The Grand Kingdom of Urguan issued a declaration of war against the War Nation of Krugmar. 2 SA 39 - The war between Urguan and Krugmar ends in an Urguani victory. 3 SA 72 - After failed negotiations, the Orcs of the Iron Uzg declare war on the Kingdom of Elysium for apparent racism, sparking the Orc-Elysium War. 4 SA 76 - The Siege of Elysium transpired concluding with an Iron Uzg victory 5 SA 78 - The Elves of Malinor send an ultimatum to The Horde, demanding that they withdraw from their Haelun'orian lands. The Horde refuses, and sparks the Malinor-Horde War. 6 SA 83 - The Kingdom of Haense & The Grand Kingdom of Urguan declare a joint war against The Horde, sparking the Almaris Coalition War. 7 SA 83 - With the mitigation of the Kingdom of Oren, the Horde and Malin'or finally sign a peace treaty, ending the Malinor-Horde War. 8 SA 85 - The Almaris Coalition War ends with the signing of a treaty 9 SA 102 - The Iron Uzg declares war on those who use "Dark Magics" and launch an invasion of The Synods. This sparks the Orcish-Synod War.
  17. THE BORANS A people who wanders and sets camps all across the world. These are a people that grounds their beliefs within the teachings of peace, quiet and spirituality. However, due to this belief in peace, they tend to lack in millitary power. Infact that is one of the few reasons why the Borans doesn’t have many tribes anymore within Arcas. Another reason why many tribes have died is due to when they move around, they tend to sometimes anger people (though that always depend on the very people). This can create raids and other sorts of harrasments and oppressions. Their religion is based on praying to their ancestors, who the Borans view as gods and demi-gods. They also believe in dead people, like spirits, ghosts and the like. Infact, most of their folk lore is about these strange, spectral beings. The Borans’ tendencies to travel may bring them all around the world, as they camp in forests, mountians, plains, highlands and even deserts and jungles. Borans tend to have a strangely exotic, yet Highlandish appearance about them. This is because that the people are humans with the majority being Highlandish blood, while the minority of blood is Farfolk. A common trait among them are their eyes, ranging from dark brown to Amber. They also tend to have green eyes, though it’s more rare than say brown. Their hair is mostly dark to light brown, but is occationaly black. Their skin is usualy guite fair due to how they mostly camped in forests rather than in deserts or other hot climates. However, there still are the occational man or woman with darker skin. There are certain genes that the Borans have picked up. One of these is the higher chance of having freckles, even to adult hood. While it becomes increasingly difficult to pinpoint to where the culture and religion began, mostly because of the culture becoming older and having lost most information of its origins in the meanwhile. It is said, however, that it all began as a cult in Anthos that believed that their ancestors where the true guardians and god’s of their people. With this new cult, they began practicing prayer and meditation to these new deities, and soon they began their typical behavior of traveling and constantly moving camps from one part of the world to the other. While thet know that wandering to different continents may get them killed (as many other races might be at the same time), they always seems to have survived most of it due to how faithful some of them are in their leaders and Shamans. However, sadly most of the tribes from Anthos have been whiped out, with only a few remaining. One of these tribes are called “In’Kahir”, who pray to the the Second son of Karoh’Tan, Eaok’Foer. THE BORAN LANGUAGE Originating as a secret language that the cult used in order to avoid other religious cults and clans from exterminating them. The language the Borans speak now is an evolved, more perfected language of such, having developed over 400 years. The language has become more commonly known to others as ‘Boran’. However, just because this language exists, doesn’t mean that the Boratic people aren’t allowed to speak common. Boran is spoken in the same grammatic structure as common, with a couple of few exceptions that makes the language a bit more unique. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [WORD] = [Translation, Informal, Variation] Good day / Hello = Gorath , Gora’ / Go’ (if very informal) Good bye / Farewell = Goteth , Teth (te’ if very informal) I, me = Moh My, mine = Mohr (Note that when explaining if it’s someone’s or something’s, you add an ‘r’ at the end of said word) You = Toh Your = Tohr We, us, our = Vehr (Note: This is an exception to the ‘r’ rule) They, their = Duhr Yes = Je , – , Jevihr (used as “affirmative”) No = Ne , – , Nevohr (used as “negatory”) Maybe = Ere , – , Erih (used as “perhaps”) Is, am, are = Aeh Was, were = Tyot (also used as “used to” or “was / were”, but you add an ‘r’ at the end) Has = Aehr Will, shall = Niaro (add an ‘r’ at the end when in plural) Would = Amden (add an ‘r’ when in plural) Could = Yrih (add an ‘r’ when in plural, like always) (Note: Do not forget the ‘r’ when it’s in plural!) Human = Maelih Elf = Ushif Dwarf = Midjet (I’m sorry, my dwarven bros) Orc = Urkih Halfling = Per’Maelih (basically means “little human) Kharajyr = Felir’maeh (humanoid cat, or Feline human) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Boratic Society Even a wandering people needs a leader. Their tribes are built on a common leader, shaman, and then in the later and younger tribes; guardians. All tribes has a leader, also called a Cheiftain, someone who leads the people, takes on grand desicitions and other great burdens. However, the leaders are chosen by the tribe’s shaman, also called a “Voroodou”. The Shaman is the second highest ranking one can get, as they lead the people in a spiritual sence, giving them hope and in most cases cure their wounds with apothecary methods (such as bandaging wounds, using roots and herbs to help with deseases etc). Lastly of the highest three comes the Guardians, known as Shan’kir. They are the sworn guardians, chosen by the Cheiftain and the Voroodou to protect their tribe from outside forces, like animals and other people. Below these achived and powerful men and women are the tribesmen, women and children. All picking up a profession a dozen of years after birth, they have no special rank, but are usualy treated well by the higher ranks. These tend to be fishermen, gatherers, farmers, traders, blacksmiths, tanners and tailors. While this people does use Minae to buy and sell outside of their tribes, within their tribes they tend to trade more than buying or selling. This is because they, like their higher-ups believe that one needs to be humble in order to be cared for. This leads to that when someone begins to act cocky, superior or the like, they tend to be scorned at. A way the voroodou tends to fix this is by teaching them lessons. Say, if a lower class fisherman claims that he can catch a big fish within a month, the voroodou tends to demand proof, or perhaps play a riddle or two on him. It all depends on who the voroodou is. Genders are equal in this society. Women can become a cheiftainess if they are ellected to be one by the head Voroodou. However, when a women gets accepted as a voroodou, she tends to be treated like a nun from Canonism, and can have a hard time rising in rank because of it. Men can have the same problem, being treated like servants and stewards at times rather than being acolytes of a voroodou. However, it is a sad truth that men have an easier time to rise in rank. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Festives, Cerimonies and the very Religion As stated previously, the Borans have Shamans. These shamans practice a religion called Karoh’r Lina, which means Karoh’s Teachings. The religion is about praying to their all-mighty ancestors, who had always been known for something great, like deeds. The shamans are ellected by their current head shaman in each tribe. During the ellection, they must go through certain tasks, questions and the like. Only one or two men or women can be chosen. Upon acceptance, the Voroodou chooses a new nickname for his one to two new acolytes. Usualy an animal, mythical beast or even sometimes names of their ancestors. The reason for this is unknown to the general public. After the cerimony, the whole tribe tends to feast with their newly made acolytes of the head voroodou. Music, meat, bread, cheese and all sorts of foods is presented, icluding some of their personal delicacies, such as; Anikr, which is a well roasted onion with herbs and spices that makes it taste better, alongside some mutton and carrots. Another cerimony is the one where the head voroodou chooses a son from each lower ranking family (sometimes the guardian’s or the Cheiftan’s family) and have them prove their physical might usualy in a non-lethal way. They have one to four of these winners, the head shaman waits for it to become night, preparing dyes and the like for the warriors. Upon dusk, the voroodou begins to alight a huge bon fire as they walk up to an altar and begin chanting a chant to the demi-god-like grandson of battle. When the chant is done, the shaman will then choose a dye for each new Guardian. Then, the winner can choose to accept their fate as a guarding, dropping their current profession if they choose to be one. As they do, the shaman begins to chant as he begins to paint special tatoo’s on the man’s torso, arms and face. These tatoos shall mean something to them, as they pick up their weapon of choice and begin training the next day by the current head guardian. THE ANCESTORS The very basic of their religion. The ancestral family that the Borans believe in so dearly. Viewed as all-mighty, god-like beings that have achived great power and immortality within the stars that litter the sky. THE FATHER – Karoh’tan, created the people with his own hands and led the first tribe. He is also known as the Flaming Father, due to his abilities of summoning fire with his bare hands. THE MOTHER – Lillenea. She was able to love even her most evil grandchildren. Also known as the Mother of Love. THE FIRST SON – Eaok’foer, he was the one who was said to be able to control the weather to a certain extent. Also known as the Father of Storms. THE SECOND SON – Iok’Tahlir, the one who showed the people how to be loyal, humble and caring for eachother. Also known as the Father of Loyalty. THE DAUGHTER – Ynieri, known to be the best dancer, singer and entertainer. Also known as the Mother of Fun. While there are more children of these later four sons and daughter, they are concidered demi-gods amongst them. Stories and tales of this family can be told by the shamans. Either a story about a fight, maybe a prank from one of Ynieri’s children. Most tribes are known to pray to a specific ancestor. This is because that specific tribe strives for a specific goal. However, they aren’t bound in any way to pray to the main god. However, one tribe in the past was known to have forced its tribesmen to pray to a specific, evil ancestor by force. This can sometimes happen when the cheiftan gets corrupt or perhaps gets the Shaman corrupt. However, there has been few that actually did fall for this tragedy. ACCEPTANCE OF MAGIC While magic is generaly accepted in the culture, depending on the tribe, the head Shaman must have approved it and must monitor it. This is because one of the grandchildren of Eaok’foer was “Mysr’I”, the Mother of Magic. She was known to have become corrupted by the very own magic she had created. Due to this, the Karoh’tan asks of all the Shamans to watch the mage within the village grow and halt it if he or she is near corruption from it. Dark magic is NOT accepted within the culture and religion, however. It is rare for the Shaman or leader to practice magic, but the acolytes have been known to be wanting to and in some cases, they have indeed. Some tribes all together banishes it, while some incourages it. It really depends on the leader of it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLOTHING While it of course also depends on the climate they have settled in, the Borans also have a sence of clothes and fashion that makes them unique. While none of these clothing has a meaning or specific religious meaning (unless it’s the Shaman’s clothing), it certantly is important to know what they find good-looking at appropriate. Do remember that this also changes to what tribe it is, but all tribes follow a similar pattern. GENERAL: It’s very typical of all Borans to wear something like a cloak, mantle or something that goes ontop and around the upper torso. Clothes in general are also made out of linen, hide and fur, usually not too saturized in color. Their boots usualy range from leather shoes to furry boots. It’s common for women and children to wear sandals instead. Jewelry is rare to see because of that being humble is a socialy deprived thing, but when you do, it’s usually things like amuletes made out of wood and strung on a string, or maybe bronze jewels with stones like granite ingraved into them. MEN: While in general the only thing that a man would wear is a mantle, since they believe that showing off muscles is manly, they can still have on a thin, sleeve-less shirt that is usualy made of linen. They usualy wear propper, long pants aswell, though short ones aren’t uncommon either. WOMEN: Most women would wear a thin dress or skirt, made out of linen or hide. If not, they would be wearing a mantle with a concealing top and a skirt. A common fashion trend is to wear a crown of flowers, straw or maybe even just plain grass. There’s also a type of clothing called a wrist-cloth. Women tend to wear this around their wrists to look propper. CHILDREN: While they do wear what the adults do of their gender, the children tend to wear sandals, sleeved tunics or maybe even a crown if they wanna extra pretty (note that boys tend to do this too). ARMOUR While armour isn’t something that one would normaly wear, as mostly it’s used in cerimonies, their armour tend to be tanned leather Muscle Cuirass, hoods with a wooden mask of sorts and leather greaves. The richer or higher ranked men and women tends to have the same set up, but instead in bronze, such as a tanned leather Muscle Cuirass with a bronze overlay, hoods with a bronze mask (usualy well decorated), leather arm guards with bronze plates and then tanned leather greaves with bronze overlay. When it comes to shields, they tend to have an oval shaped would with a strap on AND a center grip. This is to make it as versatile as one can. The thickness, broad and height varies. WEAPONS Most tribesmen and tribeswomen tends to have a mere flint knife as their protection. However, if they happen to have a weapon of sorts, it’d most likely be; a spear (commonly known as Pokih in Boran) or a short, flat hunting bow (Lyu’or). When it comes to the bow’s ammunition, if they’re just hunting they have simple arrows with an oak haft, feathers of any common bird and a flint tip. If made for war, it’s a bronze leaf tip, oak haft and then a bit more high quality feathers. Swords do exist in the Boratic Culture, it’s just that it’s rare to see it. But if you do, it’s usually a leaf-bladed, guardless shortsword. Quarterstaffs can be seen alongside with Guardians aswell, sometimes with a bronze reinforcement at each end of the staff. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Architecture Commoner / Tribesmen As the tribes travel, they tend to set up camps. Therefore, they use tents because of how quickly and efficently one can set them up. A typical way for them to set them up is by a cliff-side, digging slightly into it as they set the tent up by it and having an opening in the upper tent for campfires, so that there’s a nice fire without it being more-than-enough dangerous. Sometimes, they decide to live in caves instead, doing so by placing down hide mats to soften the ground. Yet again, there’s also a campfire to be seen. ((Please remember that these are just showcases of the typical. Variations of blocks are a thing among different tribes.)) Rare Exceptions There are times when a tribe decides to settle down “Permanently”. These extremly rare occations come with interesting design of houses and sometimes even market places. OOC NOTE Let me know if you guys ever want more soon! It was really fun to introduce this new culture to the public. If you want to know any more specific things, I can either edit and add it in, or you can PM me the questions. Have a great day y’all!!
  18. Dear players, Moderators, Admins, and all other teams. Recently, there has been talk of shelving the creatures called Striga, the vampire equivalent in LOTC. I object to this shelving for several reasons which will be listed. Already, many creatures have been “nuked”. And a lot of these creatures were creatures of evil. The biggest problem that we have now is banditing which becomes boring after constantly being downed on the road by bandits. Bandits themselves irp are not bad, yet everyone is resorting to banditing now. If we had more of these creatures such as Striga, it would add more color to the rp. When I first joined LOTC, I was a character by the name of Alkheim Guillén. After a week of RPing, I discovered an undead sect. This itself was extremely exciting to me. I had discovered creatures who practiced dark arts and I had my character strive to battle them. It inspire different much thought and a lot of rp. Rather than just fleeing like bandits had done, they took a stand as undead and fought. It added so much to the rp we had and just was so fun. If we keep these creatures in, the rp will be even better for the community, especially the new players. These evil creatures truly add something into the lore of LOTC. It offers creatures, played by players, that have no mortal morals. They are inhuman humanoids that groups can band together to fight. It does not divide us like normal human and elven evil does. For when someone decides for their character to turn evil, they still allows some goodness in the character, but monsters leave that all behind and truly add something evil to fight against in LOTC. Look what the Vaeyl order did in Atlas. Because of them, all the nations of Atlas fought together to exterminate them, bringing such enjoyable rp into the whole of Atlas. Another objection is that, these creatures are just fun to play anyways. To be the tyrannical Vampire with not even a smidge of goodness who does not fight for money, but just for pure power, or revenge, is fun sometimes, IRP that is. Turning people to your minions is also enjoyable. Instilling fear in the nations of the RP land can be awesome for both the player and the nations. These are only some of the cons of shelving a lot of monsters. And I know why it is done. Chaotic creatures are often played by chaotic people, meaning disorganization and rule breaking. But with revision, proper revision, it can be done properly and still be enjoyable. I beseech the Players day LOTC to join me in securing the monsters of Arcas to exist as playable races, not creatures of history that has passed. PS. +1 this if you like it. Plus, with every shelving of a creature just allows more and more creatures to be erased from LOTC
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytQ5CYE1VZw Hûn’Zna Lore extension and Addition “Martial Arts are codified systems and traditions of combat. The term is derived from Latin and means “Arts of Mars” The Roman God of War…” (Thank you _Jandy_ for allowing me to expand and update the original, amazing Hun’Zna lore-piece you made) History of Hun’Zna Orcs’ bodies are evolved, conditioned and bred for combat. An Orc’s worth is determined by his ability to fight, and their society has been built upon a Warrior culture. To an Orc, strength, size and determination are the key traits for a Warrior, although to the members of Clan Gorkil, skill and prowess counters all. Ugluk, Gorkil’s third born son and famed for his skill as a Warrior stands as the bastion of all combat-orientated Clansmen, and it was under him that Hun’Zna was born. Ugluk, although physically dominant in his own right, was not as big as his father, Gorkil, and certainly not Rax, but he didn’t have the brains of his brother, Angbad, and didn’t have the savinness of his other brother, Azog. As such, he took up the role of a Warrior. Thanks to his physical traits, he stood out from the other Orcs, but he would never take the lime-light from Rax. Unwilling to settle for being looked over, he sought out the Shamans until one suggested a Spirit that may help. Vulka, the Spirit of Siegecraft, Strategy and Warfare had a lesser in her realm who had not yet been discovered. Maukumgoth, the Spirit of Martial Arts and Combat, had hoped that an Orc would travel to his realm for a long time. Ugluk did not have to spend long communing with the Farseer before Maukumgoth reached out and contacted them. With that connection, the Farseer took Ugluk to his realm. Perhaps they had expected a wartorn land, a battlefield or cold and dark room filled with heavily scarred and fearsome Orcs, although instead they found some of the weakest races from their own world. Elves, Humans, even Halflings, but not an Orc in sight. His realm was peaceful and serene. Ugluk feared he had been tricked, but he had no choice but to continue forward, walking through a peaceful garden and arriving in a large hall with a padded floor, punching bags, training equipment and four people sat down on a large mat. One was an Elf, a Human, another a halfling, but the 4th, at the centre and behind them, was a large Orc. Moving forward, as soon as he stepped on the mat, the Human rushed at him. Before Ugluk could take up a stance, the Human shot forward onto his front knee, slid his rear foot forward and his shoulder collided into him, wrapping his arms around his legs and lifting him into the air before slamming him off the mat with a double-leg takedown. The Human then immediately moved back, sat down and the Elf looked over Ugluk sternly. Letting out a grumble, Ugluk moved forward, back on the mat for the Elf to then rush forward. Ugluk this time knew what to expect, and lowered his hands to receive the takedown, but instead the Elf feinted a takedown, then quickly sprang up with an over-hand right, connected with his jaw, then landing a left uppercut and finished off with a leap in the air, kicking his right leg back and firing his right fist forward, colliding with his face in a superman punch. Ugluk, yet again, fell back off the mat and onto the floor. Angered, and a bloodlust beginning to boil, rushed forward. The halfling then moved forward. Ugluk stopped in his tracks and braced, not knowing what to expect, however the Halfling surprisingly laid on his back right in front of him. After a moment, Ugluk moved forward and sent his fist for the Halfling’s face, only to be halted by a foot on his hip, then another foot slamming into his ankle, sliding his foot back and causing him to fall to 1 knee. Before he could pull back his arm, the Halfing wrapped his arm around it, then pressed his foot besides his collapsed knee and throwing him heavily over that foot with a leg against the side of his chest on the other side, flipping him over with a scissor sweep. Falling on his side, Ugluk tried to stand, although before he got up very far he felt a yank on his arm and a leg swing over and pin against his chest, then another slide over his lower chest. Struggling, he’d slowly stumble up to his feet, however the halfling hung from his arm and began to pull back and push his hips forward. Ugluk didn’t have time to slam him to the ground before his elbow fuzed with pain as the joint was about to pop out, and he tapped quickly to the Halfling's armbar. The halfling immediately let go and returned to the trio. Filled with anger and shame, he looked to the Orc with a lowered head, obviously not willing to fight another skilled fighter, but this time equal in strength, speed and endurance. About to leave, considering himself unworthy, the Orc spoke “Lat’z azh’zt lezzon ov humility iz komplete. Return tomorruw agh wi zhall begin teachin’”. Ugluk said nothing else as he thought about what to do. But it didn’t take long for him to decide he would study this art until he met the grave. Introduction Hun’Zna is the method and style of combat taught within Clan Gorkil, passed down by it’s original master, Ugluk the Third born of Gorkil. It’s use can be used by any type of fighter or race, from Halfling to Olog, with specific areas of the martial art being especially effective for certain fighters. The utmost amount of focus is placed on pure efficiency and constant improvement. Tradition has no place inside the art, and it’s masters are expected to constantly fight and challenge other masters, including those from other nations with other styles. Before a fighter becomes a teacher they make a vow on Ugluk and Maukumgoth to demonstrate any technique in live sparring if doubted, and to never refuse a challenge from another martial art. A practitioner of Hun’Zna must hold proficiency in every form of unarmed combat and from there they may choose which to focus on. Grading A practitioner will wear a Burzol’Nak, a hemp rope, on a specific area of their body to roughly display their proficiency. Where the rope is tied is dependant on if they display the most aptitude in either Mauk, tied to the waist, Grush, the upper arm, or Glim, below the knee. In the same order, Grappling, Striking and Wrestling. The rope changes in colour as the practitioner’s aptitude increases, going in order as follows (IRL time): Grey - 1 week minimum Orange - 2 weeks minimum Brown - 1 month minimum Green - 2 months minimum Black - 3 months minimum Blue - 4 months minimum Red - 6 months minimum (IRL practitioning of MMA, or a martial art that covers all the 3 forms can skip the practitioner into an appropriate colour) The Three Forms Mauk’Zna - Grappling The method of fighting whilst on the ground, transitioning into superior positions, sweeping your target to put them on their back or latching onto them and then submitting with strikes or a submission. Grush’Zna - Striking The method of fighting with your limbs to strike the opponent in any way, such as knees, elbows, punches and kicks. The practitioner may also make use of light wrestling and clinches to supplement their strikes. Glim’Zna - Wrestling The method of fighting in which the practitioner takes the opponent to the ground and defends takedowns in any way they can, such as tripping, picking up and slamming, hip-tosses, tackles and dragging. This form is considered extremely important in order for the fighter to dictate where they want to take the fight, either to the ground or staying standing. Joining a Gym For an Orc to join a gym of Hun’Zna, called the Tail-dâr by practitioners, an Orc must seek a blue or red Burzol’Nak combatant and join their teachings. Sometimes an aspiring fighter will have to complete a task, or a trial. Other times they are simply taught, with the process itself of learning the art as a trial. Either way, those capable of teaching are most often public knowledge, and their gyms often being somewhere seen by many. Codes of the Art Hun’Zna is praised and held with honour amongst those who study it. Seen as a direct, tangable blessing from Maukumgoth, learning it’s way is as cherished as Shamanism and all it’s forms. As such, before someone undergoes their lessons, they must swear an oath; Code of the Initiate: I swear, (name), to follow the path of Maukumgoth in learning the art of Hun’Zna with honour and integrity. May my body be a vessel of his knowledge, and my instinct directed by his teachings. All challengers who wish to test my form shall not leave the arena unbloodied, nor shall my techniques remain untested with full veracity. (Taken by those about to receive their first lesson) Code of the Fighter: I swear, (name), to continue the path of Maukumgoth in learning the art of Hun’Zna with honour and integrity. May my art remain effective, and the lessons I learn shape my for my future self. My ego shall remain dulled by my humble defeat against my masters. Challengers have fell to my skill, and myself have fallen to my own flaws. (Taken by those after receiving the brown Burzol’Nak) Code of the Master: I swear, (name), to continue the path of Maukumgoth in learning the art of Hun’Zna with honour and integrity. May my art be passed on with honest intention and in praise to our ultimate master. In teaching this art, I acknowledge my still present flaws, and strive to find solution with passing on my knowledge. May those who benefit from my experience in turn grant me new perspective and challenge. (Taken by those after receiving the blue Burzol’Nak)
  20. The Gorkil Warboar “Big zkah’n gitz wiv der originz goin’ bakk zinze dah dayz ov Gorkil!” History Hailing from the days of Gorkil and his sons, and likely even Krug, the Warboars travelled with Clan Gorkil throughout time. Their unity to the Clan being a symbolic, almost Spiritualistic connection and process of trust and companionship. Ever since the beginning, Warboars being used as cavalry have been a essential and famous hallmark of Gorkil warfare. Whilst the Gorkil Berserkers would wield zweihanders, Kriegsmessers or Poleaxes in a fit of bloodlust, swathing and scything apart the enemy with untouchable speed and agility, the Warboars would pierce the rear end of the enemy in wedge formation, driving the riders deep into the collapsed and terrified foe, to then leap off and then lose themselves in a fit of frenzy, now being fully succumbed to rage and actions dictated by years worth of muscle memory. Physiology Growing from 5 to 6 feet, and usually weighing around 500-800lbs, and some even bred to be as tall as a typical Paint Horse, Warboars have thick, dense and explosive muscles and light bones, allowing them to suddenly sprint forward in a burst of speed and charge down almost any foe , far quicker than a normal horse, and faster than even a Lur wolf. Their tusks grow long and sharp like scythes, with two sets growing on both sides in many cases. Their skulls are thick, allowing them to withstand impact from their charges, and their necks are tall and strong, evolved from their days of digging up roots from the ground. Finally, the Gorkil Warboars are famous for having mud-red fur, whilst also being thick and wiry, allowing them to withstand the moderate cold, and protect them from the sun. Mental Characteristics Typically skittish and temperamental, a Warboar is likely to either charge or flee in an instant upon seeing someone in the wild. A mechanism commonly used for charging, and subsequently goring, any who would dare approach them .Their brains are hard-wired to be the first to react, and their bodies have evolved to be the quickest animal on the plains. For a tamed Warboar, the instinct to flee can be dulled and dampened when bred right, and the right training can make almost any Warboar instantly charge upon command, or when trained to recognise certain foe. The pure reaction time of a Warboar, and the speed at which it accelerates on a foe is usually enough to finish someone off out-right, and afterwards, the Warboar is likely to begin eating it’s target’s corpse. Although a brutal and smelly beast, once an Orc has tamed a Warboar, it will immediately form a strong bond with its owner, and if it is the alpha in it’s farrow, the entire farrow themselves may adopt that Orc as their leader. Similarly to Orcs, Warboars breed from the strongest. The alpha Boar gains most of the mates, whilst the lowest in the chain tend to get bullied, and often cast out from the farrow. A harsh behaviour, but when a single female Boar, a sow, can give birth to as many as 12 Warboars in one pregnancy, and sometimes give birth to yet another dozen in the same year, Warboars find themselves to be their worst enemy, and as such, there’s little point in allowing the runts and weaklings to eat from the food-source when they serve no use and only worsen the gene-pool. Diet Warboars famously have a voracious appetite, and will feast off of anything edible. Roots in the ground, and animals they are able to kill are a common part of their diet, although an Orc may feed his farrow with the left-overs of feasts and the un-usable parts of his kills. Even Humans, Elves and whitewashed Orcs are on the menu. Warboar Armor The Gorkil smithmaster, usually the oldest and wisest devout of Azog in the clan, can be commissioned to make Gorkil Warboar Armor for the boars of especially notable individuals, such as the Wargoth. Since the beast is exceptionally large, it can typically be a long endeavour, but the result will be worth it. To prove a boar worthy of its armor, the boar needs to pass a series of tests that measure speed, endurance, and strength, for only the strongest boars can carry the heavy armor.
  21. Gorkil Battle Strategy “Few Urukz iz born true Warriurz, but meneh bekum zo through trainin’ agh forze ov Diziplin” - Wargoth Mûrak’Gorkil “Ang Gijaak-Ishi” Introduction to the Philosophy on Warfare ‘Iron in Blood’ The oldest currently existing Clan, and one fully committed to waging warfare in the truest form. Gorkil, who the Clan is named after and son of Krug, was arguably the greatest military general to exist, and his sons all came to represent War in each form. Angbad, a brilliant Military General. Azog, one of the greatest Blacksmiths to exist, and Ugluk, a great and powerful Warrior. Where a Braduk may wage war using their size and overwhelming bloodlust. A Raguk may make the finest suit of armour and send hordes into the enemy, and a Lur may fight from the sidelines with archers, skirmishers and Wolves used as anti-Cavalry. A Gorkil embraces all the greatest aspects, and hones them into the ultimate fighting force. The elite Veterans, usually in their 2nd Century or older, and their minds and bodies completely adapted for battle. Their muscle-memory is by now pure instinct. Each step taken in a fight has been hard-wired for countless years, and even in Bloodlust their Muscle-memory is impeccable. Fighting with skill, grace and pure efficiency, a Gorkil Elite is THE greatest warrior on the planet. Ranks Amongst the Army Da Durbûrz The Mighty; As already mentioned, these are the elite of the elite. No other fighting force could match their skill in combat, and their mastery of Warfare. Not only are The Mighty extremely fine-tuned for combat, but they fully understand the codes and rules of Warfare. Each has researched and studied past battles. Understand the physics and uses of certain armours and weaponry, and how to use the Bloodlust in an effective form. It is from these Uruks that Clan Gorkil has gained it’s reputation of being berserkers. The Mighty are equipped with some of the greatest arms and armour that you can obtain. Although not Bloodsteel, the armour of The Mighty looks very similar to Human plate-armour. It’s purely efficient, designed to withstand blows from all weaponry, and each piece of metal forged and fixed has a reason. Whether to deflect lateral blows, protect gaps or offer more choices of inflicting damage on the opponent by fixing a metal spike on their helm or elbow. This unit is either mounted on Warboars, or on-foot, tasked with cutting through a specific area in the enemy formation to get to their general. The Mighty are responsible for slaying their leader, or swathing a hole through the enemy’s line to break it’s formation and overwhelm them. Da Krampûrz The Loyal; After years in the field and fulfillment of countless tasks and deeds, an Uruk is promoted in this retinue. For many, this is as far as an Uruk can hope to achieve, and for even more, it is the greatest honour they will achieve. To survive enough battles and be skillful enough to reach here means an Uruk has near enough mastered combat, and understand warfare through their own experiences. Usually, this unit will ride Warboars, however special circumstance may require them to serve as a infantry unit, often serving as the Wargoth’s personal bodyguard. When mounted on their Warboars, they wield multiple Pilum, a Polearm of their choice, and a side-arm of their choice. Reaching out furthest on the battlefield, and tasked with the most crucial aspects of the battle, which may be taking down the enemy’s cavalry or harassing their general. When they have finished their tasks, they will be given the order to form a wedge and slam into the rear or back of the enemy and leap off when penetrated deep into the formation, losing themselves in a fury of arching and body-hurling strikes and blows of their weaponry and limbs. However, the fury inflicted in the ranks isn’t from lack of skill. Instead, each blow is delivered with exceptional technique and forth-rightness. Only, it is empowered with Bloodlust, and thus almost unbeatable. Da Ânghâsh The Anvils; Making up the majority of the army, The Anvils are the soldiers who have fought for a few years and learnt how to fight well, whilst taking moderate control over their bloodlust. The role of The Anvils is dependant on the battle, however they typically line up in a wall, wielding a large shield and a long spear, similar to a Spartan Dori. However, suitably long to their own physical strength. These talls bastions act as a meat-grinder to the enemy. Only the great beasts such as mammoths could pose a threat of penetrating the line, however, with spears as long as an Anvil’s, the Phalanx is capable of having 3 rows of men fighting at once. The front, second and third, holding the spears over the rows infront of them and striking, thus meaning no matter how close the enemy may get to the shields, they are always being struck by a spear, and the 400 pounds of muscle behind that spear. For an enemy to fight a foe larger than them, heavier than them, around a 100 years of fighting experience and good quality armour is the nightmare of any foe. Da Shaatii The Spears; The new recruits of the army, given a set of Pilum, spear, shield and one-handed axe, these Uruks have the least combat experience, and thus tend to have little control over their bloodlust. As such, they are used at the start and before a battle as skirmishers. Running back and forth to try and antagonize a charge from the enemy, or simply inflict casualties upon them using their Pilum. Such ranged warfare allows these men to work up a bit of a bloodlust, without losing themselves in a melee and harming their own kin. Also, from here, they get used to the battlefield without dying at a young, unexperienced age. During the collision of the main army and the enemy’s, they are on the flanks. Still skirmishing and responding to commander and general’s commands. Sometimes they are most useful hurling their Pilum into the sides of enemies committed to combat, whilst other-times the Warboars will have pinned down the enemy cavalry, in which case The Spears charge the enemy cavalry and assist the Warboar riders in finishing off the cavalry. In dire situations, The Spears can fill-in the main Phalanx, however, such a choice can easily result in many deaths of the inexperienced fighters, and their uncontrolled bloodlust often makes them take stupid choices and die. The goal is to keep The Spears alive, and allow these recruits to mature into Anvils. Pre-Battle Although the true out-come of a battle tends to be decided on the battlefield, preparation and tactics used before any combat takes place is vital. It can decide which army is properly fed, which army has proper sleep and which army suffers from poor morale and skirmishing casualties. The main body of a Gorkil army is situated apon a hill, the slope of a mountain or, if no-higher ground is available, in a large open clearing of woodland, or beside a lake/river. The camp is to be set in a location hard to encroach upon without being seen, and to give a environmental advantage if the enemy manage to attack un-seen. Warbands are formed, comprised of a mixed group of experienced soldiers, to both make sure they all have someone experienced to give out commands, and to teach the Shaatii what to do. The warbands are assigned different tasks. Some to collect firewood, or others to roam the woods for scouts, search for their resource collectors and some to encroach upon the enemy camp mounted on warboars and harass them with pilum. Scouts are also sent out, sometimes mounted on a Warboar, other times dismounted to remain more concealed. If in enemy terrain, or near their border, raiding parties are sent out in warboars to perform lightning raids, setting fire to buildings and slaughtering their populus. Should they have resources or equipment, such as wagons and food, and enemy forces aren’t close, the raiding parties seize what they can to bring back for the army. However, if the village of town being raided lays their weapons away and submits, they are spared and allowed to keep all they own, aside from their weaponry. Such a tactic is employed to persuade the enemy to surrender instead of fight, causing the enemy general to consider going on the offensive, or risk losing his lands and his people out of their fear of being killed. The last tactic employed before a battle is sending spies, disguised as envoys, to the enemy. These envoys are often slaves, however Orcs, or specifically Goblins, can be sent in their place to deliver many different demands. These demands are usually preposterous, such as demanding all their lands to be submitted, however the goal isn’t to get an agreement, rather to allow these envoys to see the enemy’s fortifications, the morale of their troops and any other valuable information, and due to the general rule of not attacking envoys, these spies are rarely put at risk of being killed. Battle Strategy and Tactics As is now obvious, a Gorkil army is diverse and adapted for the majority of military engagements, with a focus on methodical planning and countering of enemy tactics to create victory. Although each battle will be different depending on the terrain and circumstance, certain rules and tactics are usually always enforced. Formation: At the front of the army the Spears stand with Pilum and shield, spread out in a line as long as the enemy’s front-row and spaced out to best reduce casualties from enemy missile units. Their aim is to hurl pilum into the enemy and cause casualties, render shields inoperable and, hopefully, instigate an advance from the irritated enemy. Behind them are the Anvils with shield and spear, lined up in a loose shield-wall to protect from missiles, although not so tight as to make moving over terrain difficult and slow. Only once they are close to the enemy to they squeeze together and interlock shields to create the phalanx with three rows of attacking spears. Often the un-engaged Orcs behind will raise their shields to create a canopy to defend against arrows. If the enemy do not engage, the Phalanx slowy moves forward in unison until their front row of spears are able to attack. The goal of the Anvils is not to inflict mass casualties or break apart their formation, but rather to remain defensive, never stepping out of formation to land a blow or overreaching with their arms and risking injury. They simply stand their ground and deliver stabs at enemy troops who make steps forward or over extend with their arms. With the enemy now pinned down, The Spears stand on the flanks with new bundles of pilum and a spear, their goal to harass the enemy flanks and prevent their own flanking maneuvers. Beside them are then The Loyal, either dismounted or on their warboars waiting for command from the general. If the enemy have fielded cavalry and they are moved far away enough from the enemy missile units, The Loyal (If on Warboars) will charge the cavalry, hurling pilum and harassing them, instigating an attack or risk losing their men and horses before they have even fought. The Loyal will try and pull the cavalry back to their army’s flanks, and then engage in melee, so that The Spears can then charge the pinned-down cavalry and begin slaughtering them with their spears. Once the enemy cavalry is defeated, The Loyal move to the rear of the enemy to look for where the formation is thinnest, or begin slaughtering their missile units. When they eventually have finished off the missile units, they form a wedge and charge into the rear of the weakest line in the enemy formation, leaping off once at a halt and beginning to cut and tear apart the line. Finally, stood behind The Anvils are The Mighty, with their general and waiting for the enemy line to falter and show weakness. Then they move forward towards the general, either moving around the army or cutting directly through the enemy formation in order to get to him. With a tired foe, this unit of highly armoured and incredibly well trained Orcs is near impossible to with-hold, and thus The Mighty begin slaughtering and tearing, their goal to finish the General and deliver the final blow to the enemy force to cause a mass-route. When the enemy are routed, the Spears and The Loyal follow after their routed men, aiming to kill the most valuables troops first. Before they are then too out-stretched from the main army, they pull back. The Loyal and Spears are then sent out to scout the area, whilst the rest of the army begin looting the battlefield and loading the goods on carts and wagons. Enemy defeated and loot plundered, they bring it all back to the camp to be counted and distributed evenly. Post-Battle When the main force of the enemy’s army is defeated, the Gorkil army makes a methodical advance through their territory, arriving at each village and town with warbands of men to secure loyalty, or slaughter the resistant. The goal is to make sure the populus is tamed, and do not cause trouble when the army moves even further in the enemy lands. Along the main-road men are ordered to construct wooden forts on hills and strategic areas. These forts are not only made for defence, but to look out for enemy armies, defend the roads to protect the supply-lines and to impose dominance over the locals to remind them who is here. It is very rare for a Gorkil army to advance quickly through enemy lands, since quick advances make for easy ambushes and over-extension of the army. Only when a Gorkil army does not plan on settling the land do they advance quicker, but even then they still construct temporary forts, although the difference is that in this instance they will burn and pillage everything they come across, rather than tame the populus.
  22. HAESENI PEOPLE THE HANSO-RAEV CRUCIBLE VE EDLERVIK TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. HISTORY III. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS IV. WAY OF LIFE V. RELIGION VI. LANGUAGE VII. MONARCHS OF HAENSE VIII. NOTABLE INDIVIDUALS I - INTRODUCTION A BRIEF SUMMARY The Haensic people (also known as Haeseni, Haensetians, or Edlervik in their native Naumariav) are the national and ethnic natives of the Kingdom of Haense, one of the only autonomous highlander states in existence. Their identity can be traced to the waning end of Schismatic Wars in the late 1400s, where the recently-conquered Hansetians were subjugated to Raevir governors and ruling elite. The ethnonym and national name ‘Haeseni’ and ‘Haense’ comes from the canonical city Hanseh, the capital of Saint Joren’s realm and its successor states. Historically, the considered ‘beginning date’ of the Haeseni is usually the coronation of Petyr Barbanov in 1579 to the thrones of Hanseti and Ruska, soon being shortened to Haense in vernacular lingo, though the process of cultural infusion of the lords and commoners started much earlier. Throughout the years prior, Botch was phased out in favor of languages either in Flexio or Marian, and to maintain order in the provinces, the upper class adopted Hansetian customs and legal systems, and especially following the disastrous War of the Ducal Confederation of the late 1510s, began to associate themselves as natives rather than Raevir settlers. As noted by John Macdonough in the 1560s, ‘... when you enter the halls of the crow lords, it is almost baffling to gaze at Sigismund and King Mark sharing motifs, and how no man would ever admit to having more Rusk than Marian in their blood.’ The military remained dominated by the Raevir, and it remained the most stubborn to hansetification, and the nation maintained the unique cavalry traditions and hierarchy, though in recent years the modernist reforms of the heartlands have trickled in. The upper class specifically also maintains a heavy precedence on Karovic lineage and Sigismundic decent, keeping many of the classical clan institutions of its ancestors, albeit more formalized and generally for ceremonial purposes. --- NOTE ON ETYMOLOGY The most common demonym in referring to the culture is ‘Haeseni’, especially popular vernacularly, and ‘Haensetian’. However, the latter has caused confusion among historians, with only a letter difference between ‘Hansetian’ and ‘Haensetian’. In most writings, it is common to see Haensetians referred to as “Haeseni” or “Haensic people”, in order to mitigate this confusion. “Edlervik” is used in Naumariav to refer to Haensetians, transliterating into ‘the Edel folk’. Other, rarer demonyms, include “Hanso-Raevir” (made popular by the writings of Stanimar van Rytsborg at the beginning of the sixteenth century), “Edelites” in reference to the canonical city of Edel, or “Haensian” which is more popular by southern writers and authors. --- PLAYING A HAESENI CHARACTER | OOC There are no special requirements in making a Haeseni and is especially encouraged when playing in the Haense player base. This guide will (hopefully) help you in making such a character and give more flair in roleplaying your character. However, every character is different! Nothing on here is set in stone, and you may act as you wish. This culture is not some ancient people deriving back thousands of years, but an organic population founded almost entirely through roleplayed events and history. Everything is subject to change and it is our belief everyone can add their own little bit to this evolving culture. II - HISTORY OVAREVED SENOEHR AND THE NORTHERN QUESTION [1491-1578] Most historians consider the foundation of Haense at the first settlement of Raevir in Hanseti- namely in Ayr, Hiebenhall, and Drakenborg- during the waning years of the Schism War in the 1490s, when the Kingdom of Aesterwald began to crumble and kossak bands took control of a vast majority of the country-side. Vanderfell itself, the capital of Aesterwald, would fall in 1492 to officially end the Schism War, and in its remnants a puppet state was formed under a Hansetian governor known as Otto Heinzreich. However, the nobility was almost completely replaced by newly arrived Raevir lords, such as the Barbanovs and the Kovachevs, and eventually Otto Heinzreich would be later succeeded by a raev himself, Karl Barbanov. Karl reorganized the state, forming a true ducal realm, and it was decided to be called ‘Haense’, after ‘Hanseh’, from the biblical name of the Joren’s first and capital city during his conquests of the northmen. Karl therefore became the first ‘Duke of Haense’, a title which has suck upon the Barbanov familial holdings for generations. In these early years, the focus was the Third Human-Dwarf War, and the Duchy of Haense became a warzone. Scattered throughout former Waldenian realm lied numerous dwarven outposts, and control of the mining and lumber industries became vital to both side’s war efforts. Famous battles include the Siege of Drakenborg and Karl’s Capture of Hiebenhall, which marked the end of dwarven occupation in the highlander realm. Hiebenhall was reconstructed into Siegrad, the first de jure capital of a Haeseni realm, and it prospered to trade on the rivers. Shortly after war ended, Karl launched new attacks upon the pagans deep in the hinterlands, pushing many out of the region (including future pagan settlers on the isle of Avar). Karl died in the Great Worm Attack of 1518, and the duchy continued into a regency led by the Hansetian Tarcell Othaman. The War of the Ducal Coalition went into full swing following the Wett Massacre, and regent Tarcell declared for Duke Hugo Sarkozic in his bid for kingship. For majority of the war Tarcell remained near Haense, defending against numerous attempts at an invasion. Karl’s son Siguine reached of age near the middle of the war, and when Hugo died mere months after his fourteenth nameday, he was elected the Duke of Adria and Lord Paramount of the Coalition. Many Haeseni soldiers followed Siguine south to Brelus, where Siguine suffered defeats both at the Blackwald then Barrowyk. Brelus soon after was sacked and destroyed by royalist forces, and the Ducal Coalition admitted surrender the following day. Despite this, Tarcell remained stubborn in rebellion and continued to be defiant till his untimely death a year after in 1522. The Haeseni soldiers, now without a leader, fell quickly to an Orenian company led by the northman Jan Kovachev, who later was granted a fair majority of Haense’s ducal lands. This status quo did not remain long, however, and the Horen Restoration in 1526 saw Haense once again reorganized into the rump state of Carnatia, given to the Sarkozic-claimant Otto Sarkozic. The imperial reformation founded a sense of calmness in the land, but soon it once again came to disorder. Throughout previous empires, there has been at least one form of autonomous highlander state, and many looked who it would be led by. The hinterlands during this were split three-way- Carnatia, the heartlander-controlled Courland, and the Horen principality of Alamar. The Duke of Carnatia and Viscount of Alamar came to an agreement known as the Sigismund’s Day Compromise, to form an autonomous realm with the emperor as king. However, they did not include the Duke of Courland, and the proposed government never came to be. The Eighteen Years’ War stretched a good majority of this time, which gained the mixed Raevir-Hansetian Carnatians a military tradition. Two of the war’s most famous commanders, Jan Kovachev and Josef Vladov, came from their ilk. The Capture of Avar under Josef Vladov was also a celebrated success in Carnatia, and the company known as the Carnatian Hussar gained rapid fame throughout the imperial army. What became now known as ‘the Northern Question’ ripped apart relations between the two power-houses of the hinterlands, Haense and Courland. The return of the Barbanov-claimant Petyr to Carnatia and the Duke of Courland’s illegal seizure of Kraken’s Watch (a fief owned by the Vanir family) sparked the bloody Riga War. Command was given to Petyr Barbanov, supported by talented commanders such as Jan Kovachev, Fiske Vanir, and the later Palatine Rickard Barrow. The war ended in a Haeseni victory at the Sacking of Riga in 1564. Petyr look the position of Lord Governor of the North by the imperial government, and he helped lead the pacification of the Krajian Rebellion from 1565 to 1576. Haense’s most famous victories during the entirety of the Anarchy include the Sacking of Riga, which ended the Riga War, the Battle of Krajia in 1570, raiding and looting the de facto capital of the hetmans, and the Standoff at Eroch River, where Rickard Barrow bravely saved the imperial crown prince. Only two years after the submission of the hetmans, Petyr was granted the crowns of both Hanseti and Ruska, to which he called after his ducal seat: ‘Haense’. Historians consider this the founding moments of what is to be the ‘Haeseni people’, a culture that is not wholly Raevir or Hansetian. --- THE FIRST REGIME [1578-1603] With now total legal control over most of the hinterlands, Haense expanded immensely. New fortifications, villages, cities, and estates sprang up overnight. Marian was adopted as the official tongue of the nation (though Raev Iliyric was still used in rare occasions). Karlsborg was constructed as a planned city under the direction of Rickard Barrow, designated to be a true Haeseni royal capital. He also designed the palace of Ottostadt, the first home of the royal family. Petyr only ruled for four years, and though it was a large blow to the nation, his popular son Andrik II took the throne. Haense continued to blossom and thrive, its population boomed, and its culture thrived. In 1585, Andrik II was supposedly disrespected by the reigning emperor at the time, John IV. In rage, he killed the emperor, then fled north to commence the short-lived Deep Cold Uprising. It ended quickly in 1586 by a pro-Imperialist faction led by Sergey Kovachev, the Duke of Carnatia, and he forced Andrik II to abdicate to his infant son Marius. Andrik was later captured by the veterans of the Carnatian Hussar, and he was boiled in milk by the insane emperor Philip. Andrik’s brother and Marius’ uncle Karl Sigmar took power as regent, and unlike his father and elder brother, he could not rally the nobility behind him. His centralization efforts with the military was an intense struggle, and numerous lords were placed in power due to personal relations with the monarchy rather than true talent. By Marius’ accession as king in 1598, the nobility forced him out of court. The nobility of the time was controlled by two main factions- the Sergeyists and the Andrivists, who quarreled for control. A small royalist faction under Stefan Bihar and later Lukas Vanir existed, though it struggled to keep the peace maintained between both sides. Throughout all the political turmoil, Haeseni culture continued into its golden age, producing countless works and the creation of the first proper Haeseni language, known as New Marian. Marius attempted nationalization of his country, and he reached some success, and continued the vast effort of colonizing the Haeseni hinterlands. He founded countless cities, roads, and forts, though majority soon after left abandoned following the coming war. A few short rebellions, such as the Brawn Rebellion in 1600, but the nation resumed a tenuous peace. To the south, the empire had fallen to the Coalition Wars, and was divided amongst the ruling warlords. Due to multiple diplomatic blunder, include the Haeseni councilor Diedrik Barrow’s murder of one of their princes entered Haense into the First Northern War. The military of Haense at this was disorganized and weak, the blunder of Branimar Vanir’s command taken its toll. Both at the battles of Elba and Vasiland, Haense experienced bloody defeat, and soon the monarchy of Marius left in exile to an allied court. --- GREYSPINE REBELLION AND THE RESTORATION [1603-1655] The loss of the nation is perhaps one of the greatest forces which bonded the now divided Haeseni people, when occupied by Heartlander warlords. Much of the nobility fled to the southern city of Mardon, where Marius made his court-in-exile. The lower nobility and minor landowners stayed, however, and there grew a great friction between the highlander natives and now newly-arriving heartlander colonists. In a pact led by the Count of Ayr, Eirik Baruch, and the Rutherns of Metterden, short incursions began, which soon spread wildfire throughout the former Haeseni realm. The exiled government soon took interested, and now in leadership of Stefan Barbanov, they met at the climax of the Second Battle of the Rothswood, where the occupier’s army was annihilated, chased by the soldiers of Harren van Metterden. The first true Karovic duma in years began, and the Karovic houses met to choose a new king. The Ruthern, a primary combatant in the war, wanted their own as king, yet the royalist faction wished for a return of the Barbanovs. In a landslide victory, Stefan won and was elected king, appointed numerous famous officials such as Henrik Bihar and Alessa Grendok. In the beginning, raids by the western pagans were common, though after the brief Battles of Rostig and Alban, they halted further incursions. Palatine Henrik Bihar oversaw the construction of the new capital of Alban (the former Karlsborg was destroyed following the war) and vast reforms spread throughout the state. Despite imperial losses to the south, the Haense state militarily rebounded dramatically, and due to the Pruvian Inheritance the economy boomed. Alban thrived under Stefan and his two successors, Otto I and Otto II, and Haense continued to maintain themselves as one of the dominant powers in the human realms. Barbanov grew to become a wealthy family not only in terms of their own realm and came to exhibit strong influence. Otherwise in the brief conflicts on the Vasiland Coast during the War of the Beards in the Siege of Kraken’s Watch in 1635, Haense remained relatively peaceful, while the south was rocked by scandals such as the Adelburg Coup. Otto II joined the Third Crusade, helping remove the pagan threats to the west, and constructed the new capital, known to the present day as Markev. When his son Otto III took the throne, he greatly expanded both Markev and his new palace of Krepost. However, the cultural golden age was running on fumes, and as tensions increased between the heartlander states and Haense, war came to everyone’s mind. For a decade, no conflict happened, though intense diplomatic meetings did not help the situation. In 1653, conflict broke, and while initial successes were had, the Curon front was decimated by their opponents. Belvitz, one of the main trading partners with Markev and the main breadbasket of humanity, was cut off by embargo from the Horen crown. By 1654, the capital of Markev experienced famine and later the Great Plague of 1654, which decimated the populace. Both Otto III and his heir (though on mysterious circumstances) died due to this plague, which left the realm to his second son Karl II. --- MODERN ERA [1655-Present] Haense experienced multiple losses to their heartlander enemies, though Karl II, joined by his cousin and Palatine Franz Bihar, were able to maintain their overs from crossing the River Czena. Karl II attempted to fix the lack of food by constructing more farms, expanding the wheat production of Haense tenfold. Though with heavy embargo upon Haense’s goods, the economy suffered, and trade was little to be had in Markev. Liberals under a constitutional radical message attempted to overthrow the government late in 1560, though Karl II and his forces were able to beat them off. When Karl himself died in 1666, an intense succession crisis occurred. Nobility expected a duma to be called, but Jakob Bihar, the former Palatine, seized control as king short after. However, he was captured mere days since becoming king, and executed. Now in a status of emergency, Franz’s nephew, Sigmar Lothar, was quickly rushed to the throne to ease tensions. Under Sigmar, he convinced the embargo to be lifted and trade flooded back in, with Markev receiving a short boost in population and wealth. He loosened control on his vassals and pursued policies of weak central authority, which angered his family’s more centralized focus. Sigmar was unable to reverse the military blunders of the past, however, and his army was crushed as the Battle of Karl’s Hill in the beginning of his reign. Soon after, he looked to appeasement with his aggressors, and swore under their monarch Aurelius, forming a new imperial state. Sigmar passed away to the flu, leaving the throne to his son Robert. III - PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS PHENOTYPES In the decades of inbreeding between waves of migrations, settlers, and the natives, there are three basic phenotypes for the Haeseni people - the High Marians, the Low Marians, and the Vezuchet. The average height of a Haeseni man is around six feet, and for women around five foot eight. Vezuchets are the tallest, averaging around six foot one, with High Marians around six foot to six foot and a half. Low Marians are the shortest with an average at five foot eleven to five foot eleven and a half. --- HIGH MARIAN - THE ELDER NOBILITY The High Marians are the elder nobility - namely, the Karovic household. Traits of this phenotype is black or blonde hair, and green or blue eyes. The traditional green-eye with Crow-plume for hair is very common, though intermarriage with Hansetian lordlings put a high desire on the typical blonde-hair, blue-eyed highlander. High Marians remained tall along with their kin, though they are slenderer than the rugged peasants of the frontier, with larger heads compared with the average Haeseni. --- LOW MARIAN - THE LOW NOBILITY AND BURGHERS The middle class of Haense, they display a mix of Hansetian and Raevir features, though favor more towards the former. Brown and blonde hair is the most common, with blue or grey eyes. They are bulkier than the High Marians, though on average shorter, though still maintain a larger head compared to the poorer class of the Vezuchet. --- VEZUCHET - THE COMMONERS, FREEMEN, AND SERFS The Vezuchets are the largest, yet poorest class, and exhibit mostly features such as brown hair and grey to brown eyes. From surviving the hinterlands has made many of them larger than the average High or Low Marian, both taller and larger in size. Their heads are smaller, with longer torso compared to legs. IV - WAY OF LIFE CREMATION OF THE DEAD AND THE ASHERN In highlander tradition, cremation has always played a part in paying respects to the dead, and it continues strong in the Kingdom of Haense. Kinsmen are burned by their family members in great pyres, and their ashes collected in urns called Ashern. Everyone is typically given their own ashern to house their ashes. However, in the higher nobility, it is common for patriarchs and extraordinary individuals to have their ashes collected in the Haucashern, a large urn which is home to the ashes of previous patriarchs of the family. The size of a family’s Haucashern is a symbol of status, and the oldest of families typically have the largest of haucasherns. Both kinds of urns are usually ornately decorated, and the more prestigious a house the better quality of urn. This practice resurged namely after the War of the Ducal Coalition, where it became a trend to carry ashes of the burned dead of Brelus in urns, typically used by knights as a sign of respect and honoring the dead. In the heartlands the fad faded quickly, though the tradition remained strong in Haense. Many veterans and lords of the war requested to be cremated as an honor, and it soon evolved into the norm for last rites. --- THE LAST DRINK OF DEATH Following the funeral ceremony and the cremation of the dead’s body, a solemn feast begins in memory of the fallen kinsman and comrade. At the beginning of the feast, a toast is given to the fallen, called the ‘Last Drink of Death’, to which each pours half the contents of their glass upon the floor. After which, everyone must finish the drink. A prayer is given shortly after, and the feast commences. --- PERMISSION FOR COURTING Although the courting process itself remains similar to the heartlander traditions, Haense maintains a very strict protocol in the asking of permission for a lord or sir to court a lord’s daughter or female kinsman. The man must gather exactly two sheep, a goat, and four chickens, and give them as an offering to the family patriarch. The gifts are taken by the patriarch, and the man in question is invited to a feast in the patriarch’s house. At the end of the dinner, the man is given one of two dishes - the lok (goat intestine filled with pork) or the erkindelir (boiled pig heart). If the man is served lok, then the patriarch has given his permission for the man to court the respective female of his clan. If the man is served erkindelir, however, he is refused permission. If the erkindelir is covered in a spicy sauce known as uli (milk and cream mixed with spices), then the denial is extreme, to a point where the man is forbidden to see his desired female companion again. --- BREAKING THE BREAD It is the commonly-held belief of a naturally enforced peace amongst those eating under the same roof, a common and old highlander custom. Feasts and dinner gatherings are seen as times of house bonding but also a rare instance of vulnerability. And so, it is very common for rivals and enemy parties to ‘break bread’ before a diplomatic meeting, to make the gathering a ‘feast’. Violence of any kind is strictly prohibited, and it is very taboo if it is allowed to go unpunished. In the case of political and diplomatic meetings, it is common to dip the bread afterwards into Carrion Black, and shortly thereafter eaten. --- TRIALS OF ULRIC TIBERAN Published late in the sixteenth century, the Trials of Ulric Tiberan is a collection of children stories all featuring the title character as protagonist. The stories are commonly used by Haeseni parents and teachers in schooling young children. They commonly feature virtues of loyalty, dedication, and humility. Numerous stock characters are used in the tales, such as the twin crowns ‘Alvin and Darren’, the greedy Sir de Viri, and his squire Enoch. He commonly uses ‘Soulstrung’, a bow and his signature weapon. His most famous story is the ‘Trial of the Dragon’, where he slays the frost wyrm Toruug. --- PERISSEM NE PERISSEM - PERSISTENCE At the core of Haeseni lies the chiefest of virtues - persistence. Persistence in the hardships of life. Persistence in the hardship faced by the Haeseni people time and time again. Unlike other realms, Haense boasts a continuous history, filled with peaks and troughs, and through it all, despite all violence against it, the Kingdom of Haense and its people remain. This is commonly shown in the famous Haeseni proverb: “I would have perished had I not persisted.” Time and time again, Haense has been brought to a low position, yet every time it resurfaces and returns to the days of glory and its manifest destiny. Only through persistence and dedication can the Haeseni people live on. --- PERISSEM NE PERISSEM - SELF-RELIANCE Throughout history, Haense has found itself either surrounded with allies or swimming in enemies, and the Haeseni people have attempted to a staunch belief in self-reliance. No matter political affairs of neighboring states and outside world, Haense must focus in relying upon its own to rebuild itself up from any destruction. Many in the world will promise help, and while some will actually give, to depend your entirety on the whims on foreigners never bodes well. --- PERISSEM NE PERISSEM - SELF-ASSURANCE With their concept of self-reliance comes their belief in self-assurance, that no matter what path Haense takes, the people are ready and will stand together to face any threat. Haense must not look at the total outside for their evaluation, but look within, and seeing together as a united Haeseni people. This is embodied in the Haeseni saying, “Lest my shield turn to ash, but I shall not falter.” --- BIHARISM - THE AGRARIAN DREAM Haense has, and for the foreseeable future will be an agricultural society, and with it the social concept of land ownership. It is considered culturally the proper Haeseni way to law ownership to land and live from the bounties of the earth. It has been the cornerstone of the Haeseni political thought of Biharism which is that every freeman of Haeseni stock to own their own farms, provide for their own families, and raise that proper family to follow in the same tradition. --- BIHARISM - JEREMIC LIBERTIES From the beginning of Karl’s first warrior bands in the fledgling Duchy of Haense, the military followed a pseudo-cossack code. Not following many of the traditions, they still maintained the famous concept of the ‘Jeremic Liberties’, which are the freedoms given to each freeman within the realm. These, of course, have been adapted heavily in more Hansetian tradition, though the base meaning remains the same. The liberties are as followed: “To each freeman is his own life, to take it is to be a thief, To each freeman his own time, to take it is to be a slaver, To each freeman his own sword, to take it is to blind him, To each freeman his own wife, to take it is to injure him, And to each freeman his own farm, to take is to make him no man.” These five principles are the core freedoms of each free Haeseni man- rights which, culturally, cannot be taken away. --- BIHARISM - HAESENI DESTINY The Haeseni Destiny is the belief is required colonized of nearby lands, that the homeland of the highland peoples must be expanded to allow for future growth. This has been a common policy carried on by many administrations, and remains a common belief held by the Haeseni public. The hinterlands are wild and dangerous, and it is the Haeseni duty to colonize and bring order to the land which God had given us. --- CURSE OF FRANZ The ‘Curse of Franz’ is the popular belief that misfortune will fall upon lords and kings named Franz. This superstition has begun after three kings with the similar name Franz meeting horrid fates: Franz the Martyr was killed in his own court, Franz the Faultless was executed for his brother’s war, and the Franz the Unfortunate’s murder before even receiving the crown. It is therefore taboo to name heirs Franz, else fall prey to the curse. --- HOLIDAY - SIGISMUND’S DAY 7th of the Sun’s Smile Sigismund’s Day is the national holiday in celebration of Sigismund, one of the patrons of Haense. This is typically a private family affair, and usually involves house and clan unions. During this day, it is tradition for all members of the Karovic household to feast in the halls of the current Karovic Patriarch. Common foods during this meal include veal, iskov (blend of potatoes and vegetables), and restineol (salted horse brain). --- HOLIDAY - BAROVIFEST 2nd of the Amber Cold Barovifest originally was the celebration of Barbov the Black’s victory over the Nzechs at the Battle of the Elks, although in time it has transformed to the largest harvest festival within Haense. It is tradition, after sunset, to burn five large hay crows, with the typical locale playing music and other assortment of activities, such as apple bobbing and squash hurling. Many during this event wearing hand-carved wooden masks, called Maskoe, which are either in the shape of animals or famous individuals (including mockeries of disliked politicians). Throughout the festivities, the staple drink is yopil, a mixture of Carrion Black and fruit (berries and apples). --- HOLIDAY - FEAST OF SAINT TOBIAS THE PURE 15th of the Snow’s Maiden The Feast of Saint Tobias is the celebration of the winter solstice, and typically includes a large feast and play in the village center. Traditionally, the holiday was a very solemn affair, although in recent years it has been combining with the similar traditions of the heartlander Saint Tobias’ Day, which includes traditions of gift-giving and selfless acts. --- HOLIDAY - FEAST OF SAINT JULIA AND THE FIFTY VIRGINS OF PARADISIUS | JULIYEAFEST 21st of the First Seed Juliyeafest is considered the ‘festival of love’ within the Kingdom of Haense, and it is considered a Canonist fertility festival. Marriages on Juliyeafest are very, very common, and it is considered romantic for a male to give their female companion and crown of lilies, known as a Liliekongis. --- CORONATION OF THE KING - GOLDEN BULAVA The first item given to the king during his coronation is the Golden Bulava - the symbol of authority over the army. In the early days of the Duchy of Haense, the military was heavily dominated by the Raevir elite, and in their traditional fashion used the bulava as the sample of hetmanic authority. Eventually, the bulava has been adapted in Haeseni tradition and used as symbol of power for the commandants in service to the royal crown. --- CORONATION OF THE KING - MARIAN SWORD The second item given to the king during his coronation is the Marian Sword - symbol of the people. During the original settlement of the Duchy of Haense, the clear majority of the peasant population remained Hansetian, and so at the opposite of military life rests in the left hand the sword of the people. The sword is reputed to be the sword Gaius Marius, first monarch of Hanseti, and even in battle is worn by the king, in order to always carry the will of the Haeseni people with him. --- CORONATION OF THE KING - CROWN OF BL FRANCIS THE MARTYR The Crown of Haense is known officially as the Crown of Blessed Francis the Martyr, and since the coronation of Petyr I, has been the symbol of the Haeseni monarchy. The eleven jewels on the coronet (six blue and five red) each to signify a martyr of the Franciscan Massacre. --- SIGN OF FEALTY - KISSING THE KNEE In swearing the oath of fealty to a monarch or lord, it is common practice to ‘Kiss the Knee’, which is the literal pecking of the liege’s right knee. This is typically done following the reciting of an oath, such as an Othamanic Oath, and must be done with both knees on the ground. Before kissing, the words ‘Belei doe [name of liege]’ must be recited. --- MILITARY - CAVALRY TRADITION Since the ridings of Jan Kovachev and the warrior-general Alessa Grendock, Haense and the Haeseni people have always maintained a strong cavalry force and tradition. Numerous Haeseni have made names for themselves as horsemen during the countless wars, and it is considered an honor to be allowed to ride in one of Haense’s many horse divisions. Majority of these companies maintain a traditional dress of colorful robes and fur hats, typically accented with feathers. --- ROYAL FAMILY - KAROVIC’S HAND The Karovic’s Hand is the traditional advisor to the Patriarch of Carrion- a tradition which has survived in Haense under the Royal House of Barbanov. For many years, the Karovic’s hand followed the young Bihar line while the patriarchy followed the senior Andrivian line. The Karovic’s Hand maintains the household of the royal family and the integrity of the family in full- in the Karovic’s Hand who monitors and keeps the peace amongst the Karovic household. This, of course, includes not only those of the direct royal line but any family within the borders of Haense which draws male-line descent from the House of Carrion, which includes a plethora of cadet houses and bastard lineages. In times of strife, it is the Karovic’s Hand who calls the Royal Duma in place and organizes what is required, typically the selection of a king. Example of this can be seen when the National Duma was called after the Second Battle of the Rothswald, as the meeting officially proclaimed by the standing Karovic’s Hand at the time, Heinrik Bihar. Typically, the Karovic’s Hand would appoint a Palatine in place, though in recent years the Palatine and Karovic’s Hand have been one in the same. Anyone of the Karovic household can technically be Karovic’s Hand- however, traditionally it has been a cousin or of a specific line which receives the position. --- ROYAL FAMILY - KAROVIC NATIONAL DUMA In times of crisis and the lack of a central figure, the Karovic’s Hand may call the Karovic Duma to meet. The Karovic Duma is a body of elders within the Karovic household- the total sum of those claiming male-line descent from Carrion within the borders of Haense. By a vote of majority, the elders of each branch of the Karovic household select who shall be consider the Velkipadreil, or Karovic Patriarch, and assume the title of king. Even in the extremely Hansetian-influenced Haense, the concept of Karovic blood is still maintained strongly amongst the elder nobility- which almost entirely dominated by Carrion-descended houses. Kingship is, culturally, tied with the concept of being the Karovic Patriarch, and so whoever is the reigning monarch is technically the Lord of Carrion. The voters are typically the recognized patriarchs of respective houses which claim Karovic descent- examples, Kovachev, Ruthern, Sarkozic. Those considered ‘patriarch’ are only so if they are by complete majority recognized by the current standing electors. In some cases, a house that does not have patrilinear Carrion descent can join the electorate in the Duma. This is called a Matedervik Karoveo, or ‘Crow by the Mother’, and is typically restricted to those who have had a line of marriages with the Karovic household. Example of this is Vanir. However, a ‘Crow by the Mother’ cannot wear the Haucvogir feather in their cap during court or during a duma and may not display any Karovic heraldry upon their arms. --- ROYAL FAMILY - HAUCVOGIR PIEREN The Haucvogir Pieren, or the Grand Feather, is the symbol of Karovic lineage in the eyes of nobility. Those of the Karovic household- male-line descendants of Carrion- are granted the privilege of wearing a crow feather in their cap to signify their prestigious lineage. Those of the royal family wear golden crow feathers, while those not of the royal family wear black crow feathers. Each patriarch of the Karovic household can have two feathers, the second being a color of their choosing (typically a color of their house), as well as the Karovic’s Hand, whose second feather is white. The King of Haense, and therefore the Karovic Patriarch, is allowed to wear three feathers, in the colors of yellow, red, and black (original colors of Carrion). V - RELIGION CANONISM The Kingdom of Haense and the Haeseni People follow the Church of the Canon. More information on the Church and the faith of Canonism can be found in their respective subforum. --- SAINTS OF HAENSE Every culture which follows Canonism maintains a set of cherished saints and holy figures, patrons to their homeland and examples to follow by their people. Haense and the Haeseni people are no different, sporting a wide array of specific saints commonly referenced and revered. · Saint Joren of Paradisius · Blessed John Jeremus · Saint Julia of Paradisius · Exalted Sigismund · Saint Tobias the Pure · Saint Wilfriche of Hanseti · Blessed Francis the Martyr · Blessed Demetrius of the Dreadfort · Blessed Frederick of Royce · Blessed Andrew Vydra · Blessed High Pontiff Sixtus III · Blessed William of Herman · Blessed Stephen Himmel · Blessed Vytanis Andruikatis · Blessed Marius of Ayr · Saint Otto the Bald · Saint Emma of Adria · Saint Charles of Haense · Blessed High Pontiff Sixtus IV · Blessed High Pontiff Owyn II · Saint Henry of Haense · Saint John of Ruyter · Saint High Pontiff Everard IV --- PONTIFFS OF HAENSE Haense has also boasted a sizeable number of pontiffs from its own people, one of the largest numbers to sit upon the throne of the Vicar of God. · High Pontiff Theodosius I – Gregor Nikovic van Kvasz · High Pontiff Sixtus IV – Berengar Gotthold van Krinford · High Pontiff Lucien IV – Jan van Luka · High Pontiff Everard III – Bernard Baruek van Ayr · High Pontiff Adrian I – Lothar Sarkoz van Carnatiya · High Pontiff Owyn II – Jan Othaman van Karlsborg · High Pontiff Everard IV – Josef van Alban · High Pontiff Clement III – Jan Amador van Mondstadt VI - LANGUAGE I’ll be honest I can’t be assed to finish this language so here are my notes/Floop’s notes, who helped me work on this. LINK VII - MONARCHS OF HAENSE KOENG PETYR I SIGMAR - HAES BARBOV Petyr var Sigmar | eddywilson2 R. 1578 – 1582 Peter Siguine of Barbanov Petrus Siguinus Carovus Primus Curonicus “The Butcher of Riga, the Founder, the Bold, the Strong Crow” Petrus Curonicus, the founder of the modern State of Haense and its first king, is by far one the most legendary Haeseni figures in its history. Born during the late end of the War of the Ducal Coalition, Petyr was raised in exile following he and kinsmen’s banishment after the Sacking of Brelus. He did not remain outside the Orenian and Haeseni lands for long, however, and in the deal made between Otto Sarkoz and the emperor, Petyr could return. He lived in the rump state of the Duchy of Carnatia, compromising a of a sizeable chunk of Petyr’s family former holding of the Duchy of Haense. The first mention of him in his own right come from the Eighteen Years War, where the young Petyr served as cadet under Josef Vladov and later Jan Kovachev, fighting in the famous brigade known as the Carnatian Hussars. After the Peace of Avar, Petyr returned to Carnatia, where partook in the regional politics, known at the time as the tense Northern Question. He was one of the first supporters of Britanus Vanir following his disposition by the rival heartlander Duke of Courland, where he and famous commanders Fiske Vanir, Jan Kovachev, and Rickard Barrow formed the Carnatian League, kickstarting the Riga War. Petyr successfully commanded numerous battles, including the Siege of Kraken’s Watch and the decisive Battle of Curonswald, though he is mostly remembered for his successful Sack of Riga, which formerly ended the Riga War and left him in control of most of the highlander hinterlands. Petyr furthered showed his talent in the later Krajian Rebellion, successfully subduing rebel hetmans under the pretender Sveneld Ivanov by 1576, later being named Lord High Governor of Hanseti and Ruska. In 1578, under intense pressure by himself and his supporters, Petyr was bestowed the titles of King of Hanseti and Ruska, to which he became crowned as later in the year. In reference to his family’s traditional title, the realm at first was vernacularly called ‘Haense’. Under his rule, countless cities and forts were created, and the population in Haense soared. His military continued to serve under the larger imperial army, and his forces led multiple victories during the concluding dunlander revolts. Petyr’s technical reign as king only last four years, though, and he fell to old age by 1582. By the end of his reign, his kingdom and standing army had reached quadruple the size of their formers, and the first true city- Karlsborg- had been founded. --- KOENG ANDRIK II OTTO - HAES BARBOV Andrik var Petyr | Seannie22 R. 1582 – 1586 Andrew Otto of Barbanov Andreas Otis Carovus Secundus “The Winter King, the Rash, the Black” As son and later crown prince to his father, Andrik was extremely popular by the Haeseni military and nobility alike. He was known for his charismatic nature yet was prone to rash thinking, and in the fledgling kingdom he was cherished as another titan to succeed his father. In 1582, he was crowned to much fanfare, and the groundwork laid by his father and Palatine Rickard Barrow left Andrik a bountiful realm. Andrik was originally remembered fondly for his work in settling new villages and forts throughout his kingdom, as well as first highway between hinterlands and the heartlands. He joined the imperial conquest of the ork peoples, where Andrik as monarch led the vanguard in the famous Siege of San Uruk. Andrik led multiple forced-expulsions of pagans outside his realm, even from his time as crown prince. He commanded multiple army incursions against native territories deep inland and performed numerous successful raids against them and their third-party Avarite supporters. His bold and almost arrogant nature made his movements near impossible to be predicted by his enemies, and he won many conflicts against larger numbers. However, Andrik is most infamously known for his role in the unsuccessful and chaotic Deep Cold Uprising, where he slew the emperor John IV in his court and declared open rebellion. This move was very unpopular with some of his followers, and while half of his lords swore to him (under the leadership of Branimar Vanir), the other half declare Andrik insane. The powerful noble Sergey Kovachev, a staunch imperialist, captured the royal capital of Karlsborg and forced Andrik to abdicate. --- KOENG MARUS ANDRIK - HAES BARBOV Marus var Andrik | Piov R. 1586 – 1611 Marius Andrew of Barbanov Marius Andreas Carovus Primus “The Good, the Beautiful, the Exiled, the Young, Defender of the Faith, the Loyal Dog of the Empire” Marius first succeeded to the throne as a babe, following his father’s abdication during the nation-wide scandal of the Deep Cold Uprising. His government was led by his uncle Karl Sigmar, who acted as Palatine and regent, and left the ultimate raising of the infant sovereign to his aunt Juliya. His uncle was unpopular with the restless nobility, and by Marius’ fourteenth nameday, and was quickly crowned king. As monarch, Marius suffered from a divided cabinet, split between the Sergeyists and the Andrivists, and Marius had a difficult in reach bipartisan compromise between the two. Royalist powers were undermined by both factions at the time, and his officials were most of the time picked for nepotistic and political reasons rather than true talent. During this time, Marius did find success in pacifying rebellions following his father’s mess, including the Brawm Rebellion of 1600 and nativist revolts in the extreme northern regions of the kingdom. His policies of land reform struck well with the commoners, however left his nation in economic strain and unable to fully maintain the standing army of his predecessors. Marius was also a patron of the arts and culture, and sponsored numerous artists, including the young Jakob Madonvik. He opened the first theater, the Gilded Duke, and held the first Edmond Manston play outside of the imperial capital. His patronship included many, such as the author Blakton Alvitz, poet Alistair Wailer, and his famous painter aunts, princesses Juliya and Natalia. Karlsborg became a heaven of Dumatic and proto-Biharist thinkers, encompassing the larger Sanoist movement sweeping the heartlands at the time. In the heartlands, the Coalition Wars destroyed imperial authority, and thanks to multiple diplomatic blunders, a southern coalition of forces declared war upon the State of Haense. The army under Stefan Bihar attempted to strike first, however, yet most fell at the disastrous Battle of Elba, where in only a few years Marius soon fled to exile and left to the realm in occupation. Marius lived out the rest of his life in exile, continuing to style himself as the King of Hanseti and Ruska. --- KOENG PETYR II MARK - HAES BARBOV Petyr var Marus | Pureimp10 R. 1611 Peter Mark of Barbanov Petrus Marcus Carovus Secundus “Prince of Nothing, the Poxed” Petyr II only ever ruled in exile, succeeding his father Marius for only a short time. Before his death, however, the Greyspine Rebellion had begun, and Petyr was prepared to return and become figurehead of the revolt. He died of the pox, however, only three months after his accession, leaving the throne to his brother. --- KOENG STEFAN KARL - HAES BARBOV Stefan var Marus | yopplwasupxxx R. 1611 – 1624 Stephen Charles of Barbanov Stephanus Carolus Carovus Primus “A Foe to All Humanity, the Green, the Duelist” Unlike his elder brother Petyr, Stefan was not raised to ruled by his father nor the court, and traditionally was expected to enter the church as his counterpart took the throne in Haense. His brother’s death to the pox thrusted Stefan to kingship, to which he was elected in heated debate during the Duma of 1610. His candidacy was supported mainly by the established nobility, who wished for a weaker monarch to maintain noble autonomy. First few years of his reign was left mainly to the nobility, and Stefan remained mostly in the heartlands in the fortress of Hochspitze. Through a deal with the Prince of Pruvia, he secured the Pruvian Inheritance, which included not only a large sum but control of many of the famous ‘Pruvian Banks’. This and the shrewd work of his advisor and later Palatine Henrik Bihar, a new army was established in direct control of the crown, which made the nobility more prone to compromise. Karlsborg was destroyed in the First Northern War, and without a capital, the royalist war camp during the Greyspine Rebellion soon evolved into the royal city of Alban- the de facto Haeseni capital. Veterans flocked to the restored state, and despite imperial losses in the Santegian Rebellion of 1617, the Haeseni army gained numerous victories, including the Battle of Asaili. In the spring of 1616, his army under command of Alessa Grendock and uncle Prince Otto Henrik beat back several attempts at raids by natives and Avarite mercenaries, fully pacifying them by 1620. Stefan meddled greatly in heartlander affairs, in contrast to the isolationist views of his predecessors, and was the focal point of many conspiracies and plots. He was first revealed in the Mardon Letter of his plans for a coup d’état of the emperor John V, and later his successful uproar in removing the imperial regent Robert of Marna. There were numerous assassination attempts against his life and he fought numerous duels against political opponents, including against the former heartlander archduke Odo d’Amaury, and his most famous showdown against his rival Robert of Marna, who he fatally wounded and killed. Stefan died a young death in 1624 due to genetic Hodgkin’s disease of his mother’s side, passing the throne to his uncle as he died without trueborn heirs. His reign marked the beginning of an era of regrowth for Haense following the disastrous Coalition Wars, which continued well into the reign of Otto III. His seemingly arbitrary political moves left Stefan a vile reputation in the heartland states, to which he gained his famous moniker by Prince Philip, ‘A foe to all Humanity’. --- KOENG OTTO I HENRIK - HAES BARBOV Otto var Andrik | NJBB R. 1624 – 1627 Otto Henry of Barbanov Otis Henricus Carovus Primus “Hero of Alsaili, the Equestrian, the Elder” Most of Otto’s life was in service to the crown as prince and commandant, fighting in nearly every war since his brother Marius took the throne. The failures of the First Northern War sent Otto reeling, and through most of the period he remained as an outlaw soldier, raiding the occupier’s settlements and supply trains. During the decisive Second Battle of the Rothswald, he commanded the left flank and fought with valor on the field. He and Alessa Grendock commanded the Haeseni cavalry during the numerous imperial wars, such as the Santegian Rebellion, and retained Haeseni forces despite imperial losses. He took the throne after the death of his nephew and ruled a paltry three years. Haense continued its flourish under Stefan and Otto maintained the peace following the transition. His eldest son, also named Otto, would succeed him as monarch. --- KOENG OTTO II GEORG - HAES BARBOV Otto var Otto | Pureimp10 R. 1627 – 1644 Otto George of Barbanov Otis Georgius Carovus Secundus “The Temperate, the Prudent, the Quiet Crow, the Younger” Before his rule, Otto George served as a courtier in the restored Haeseni court and worked as a diplomat under the Palatine Henrik Bihar. He was known for his humility and strict adherence to moral doctrine, which clashed greatly with his cousin’s more extravagant court. Otto maintained a close circle of advisors and friends, mostly of ordained clergy, which included the future pontiff Everard IV. In his father’s three years, Otto served as crown prince with dour respect, creating the record-long sixteen-hour hymn for his elevation as heir. Otto ascended to the throne in 1627, and his reign saw Haense continue its economic and cultural boom. He, as a committed Canonist, created many royal hospitals and institutions of faith within Haense, as well as the first irrigation system stretching across the Rothswald and Wickswald. Lavish donations were bestowed upon canonist charities and orders within Haense, and Otto encouraged a theological revival in Haeseni sciences. To pay for much of this, Otto II cut down spending on the armed forces and military. Haense maintained relatively peaceful throughout his reign, except the brief of Vasiland by dwarven forces in 1635, where the army faced a considerable loss when allied with a coalition of fellow imperial vassals and dwed loyalists. In the beginning, Otto’s management of the army led to few blunders, such as the controversial dismissal of commandant Cullen Valrein, though by the end of his promotion of talented military minds such as Berengar Helvetz and Geralt Rauen led to sizeable martial influence. Otto also joined the Third Crusade in coalition with the heartlander states, successfully sieging and capturing the pagan capital in the process. Towards his final years, he finally unveiled and started construction upon the planned city of Markev- a new royal capital to replace the cramped and poor-looking Alban. This took considerable fortune, though his strategic placement upon the River Czena allowed for better trade through river travel. He died in nthe city he created and was succeeded by his son Otto Stefan. --- KOENG OTTO III STEFAN - HAES BARBOV Otto var Otto | NJBB R. 1644 – 1655 Otto Stephen of Barbanov Otis Stephanus Carovus Tertius “The Haughty, the Defender, the Builder, of the Czena” With a newly-constructed capital from the previous rule of his father, Otto Stefan’s blooming years as monarch were fruitful. Markev prospered under the diligent administration of the newly-appointed Lord Ruslan Amador, with trade along the River Baltas-Czena, especially with the river-port of Belvtiz, making the city one of the wealthiest in humanity. His newly-wed wife Ingrid Sarkoz was popular with the commoners, and since the turmolous beginnings of the Ale Riots in the 1600s, the realm was finally in a state of peace. He reversed funding cuts to royal forces done by his father in a military build-up between themselves and Renatus, putting strain upon the royal treasury. Otto favored the arts and commissioned many public works. He and his Palatine Robert Bihar attempted to modernize the Haeseni nation and reconstruct many of the haphazard sites made following the Greyspine Rebellion. He created the first royal parks and named the black-coat crow the national animal. Universities also continue to flourish, and under Otto especially who gave massive sums to benefit their studies. Arcane arts especially became popular, and under him the first schools of magi were formed. Diplomacy soured between Otto’s government and the heartlander states, such as Renatus and Marna, and in response Haense attempted to form its own coalition under the Czena Confederation. Conflict first broke out in 1653, and in the beginning Haense experienced some success. Under the leadership of commandants Geralt Rauen and Jan Wick, they won strategic victories at both the First and Second Battles of Stallion’s Hill and the Battle of the Dam. Lack of a central leadership within the coalition, however, stopped any progression. Assaults upon Curon, one of the member states, became more frequent, and the ineffective allied troops did little to stop enemy successes. Belvitz, one of Haense’s main export locations and its main importer of grain, was under enemy influence, and soon all trade from the city stopped. The large population of Haense and its lack of consistent farming effort did nothing to help, and by 1654 the city and country were in a national-wide famine. In 1655, the Great Plague broke out, devasting the nation. Otto caught this sickness and died in 1655, along with his heir Otto Josef, leaving the throne to his second son Karl Marus. The final years of Otto’s reign marked the beginning of a string of military defeats by Haense, and its diminished influence in the next few decades. --- KOENG KARL II MARUS - HAES BARBOV Karl var Otto | cruzazul8 R. 1655 – 1666 Charles Marius of Barbanov Carolus Marius Carovus Secundus “The Stubborn, the Unyielding, the Excommunicated” Karl, unlike his father before him, was handed a nation dying of famine and exhausted from war, with a restless nobility. By 1656, the Czena Confederation officially became defunct, as numerous states either left or were conquered, as in the case of the Principality of Curon in late 1655. Haense and the remaining states reformed into an alliance, which began to include non-human and pagan states, much to the ire of Karl’s nobility. He was unable to reverse the military losses from before, and the allied coalition suffered numerous defeats, most importantly the Storming of Cyrilsborg and Siege of Ruriksgrad in 1662. Karl was able to keep the enemies from fully crossing the Czena River and entering Haense proper, creating many dug-out forts along the river in defense. He commanded much of the military works personally and left control of the city in hands of his Palatine Franz Bihar. By 1665 the war had reached a stalemate, and the Karl remained on the defense. The city did little recovery, and Franz Bihar maintained his work in suppressing liberal radicals popping throughout the city. Briefly in early 1666, the palace was stormed by peasantry, though beaten off by soldiers under command of Franz. Karl in 1666 died childless, as he never took a wife, and the state entered a succession crisis. --- KOENG FRANZ II JAKOB - HAES BIHAR Franz var Henrik | Birdnerdy R. 1666 Francis James of Bihar Franciscus Iacobus Carovus Secundus “The Unfortunate, the Unready” Franz seized control of the government shortly following the death of his cousin, and shortly proclaimed him regent. Only after one month, he fully couped the state and proclaimed himself king before the duma could be called. Franz’s history in the capital and the loyalty of the military stationed there allowed him intense sway over the lords, who begrudgingly agreed to his accession. During his coronation, however, the city was surprise-attacked by a sizeable blitzing force, and Franz was captured in the defense. Stating his refusal to bend the knee, he was executed by his captors, and the throne passed to his nephew. --- KOENG SIGMAR LOTHAR - HAES BIHAR Sigmar var Robert | Arkydog R. 1666 – 1681 Siguine Lothar of Bihar Siguinus Lotharus Carovus Primus “The Short, the Shrewd” Sigmar took the throne following the death of his uncle, to which the duma did not contest. He attempted a policy of appeasement with the heartlanders, and through diplomatic work, lifted the embargo on Haense and allowed grain shipment back into Markev. The city recovered from its recession and the economy went positive once again. With the famine relieved, the population slowly began to recover within the urban cities. His attempts at military conquest, despite his success in diplomacy, was not as graceful. Sigmar received a damaging blow at the Battle of Karl’s Hill, and put ravaging repercussions upon the country. He swore under the Renatus state in 1678 and reformed an imperial state, formally ending all hostiles between the two countries. He allowed a freer reign for the nobility, and much of the land was granted or fell under control of powerful barons. Royal power suffered, and the nobility gained massive influence over the affairs on the government. Sigmar would die in 1681 of a disease for the throne to pass to his son, Robert. VIII - NOTABLE INDIVIDUALS OTTO VAR DIEDRIK HEINZREIK Otto Arius Heinzreich | yopplwasupxxx Otto Arius, of the Rovin-Heinzreich clan, was a minor cousin in the Aesterwald royal family, until his defection from his home nation during the Schism Wars of the late fifteenth century. He became an important courtier in the papal court, and with backing from the High Pontiff and Count of Drusco, claimed a majority portion of former Vanderfell following the conclusion of the conflict. He founded numerous towns amidst the ruins, and though not as successfully as his successor, began a policy of unification from the balkanized Hansetian states. During the 1490s, he abducted the twins of his sister, children of the late Emperor Alexander, and kept them in his custody to raise him. When Otto ascended to the seat as Grand Duke of Vanderfell, he groomed Karl for heir, picking him over his own children with Lady Frederique of Savoy. With loss of support by the Count of Drusco, he was forced to abdication following pressure by his liege King Andrik and the blunder of the Petrus Scandal. Following his death in the late 1510s, he was canonized in the Church of the Canon as Saint Otis of Vanderfell. --- KARL VAR ALEKSANDER BARBOV Karl Barbanov | Arkydog Born to the Rovin-scion Princess Annabelle and the Carrion Emperor Alexander, his early life moved him across Oren during the infamous Schism Wars. His mother abducted Karl and his sister when the war began, and during transit was stopped by Otto Heinzreich, who took the children for himself. He raised and named Karl, choosing him to succeed as the Grand Duke of Vanderfell- and later, the Duke of Haense. He also spent much of his childhood with the High Pontiff Daniel I and Emma Vladov, the warrior-female, and garnered huge support from Duchies of Adria and Akovia, both led by former loyalists to his father. Karl led multiple raids against dwed fortifications during the Third Human-Dwarf War, capturing fortifications such as Polaris and Hiebenhall, the latter of which he made his capital and renamed as Siegrad. His accession to the ducal coronet came with much fanfare, and he tightened his grip upon the Hansetian hinterlands, as well as forcing mass conversion upon the native tribes. When he died following the Great Worm Assault upon Siegrad, Haense has become one of the leading powers in Oren at the time. Following his death, he was canonized in the Church of the Canon as Saint Carolus of Haense. --- CARR VAR JULIYUS COLBORN Carr Colborn | Julius55 Carr entered the service of Karl early in his career and became one of Karl’s most loyal lieutenants. His claim to fame comes from his extensive work upon fledging Haense’ infrastructure and economy. He created numerous highways to cut through the hinterlands and expanded the weak mining industry to produce on par with their southern neighbors. The fortune he amassed became notorious throughout the realm, and he was one of the richest, and for a time the richest, peers of Oren, owning a fat monopoly upon Haeseni trade and goods. He was also a known amateur historian, and chronicled numerous novels covering his family’s history and the history of the highlander peoples. Following his death, he left much of his wealth to the state, and his funds later maintained Haense from total financial disaster during the end of the War of the Ducal Coalition. When a sum of his vault came missing, it created a craze throughout the hinterlands, with numerous treasure-seekers, or Geltisaar, settling throughout Carr’s former trading posts, hoping to find the hidden gold upon his former estates. --- TARCEL VAR JAN OTHAMAN Tarcell Othaman | Eddywilson2 Though Tarcell was of Hansetian-blood, he was one of the first to bend to Karl following his accession as Duke of Haense and became commandant of his forces. He spearheaded assaults on numerous dwarven fortifications in the hinterlands during the Third Human-Dwarf War and was a general during the War of the Ducal Coalition. He expanded the military of the duchy greatly, issuing levies upon newly-conquered land on the hinterlands to bolster their numbers. Following Karl’s death, it was Tarcell who became regent, and it was he who commanded the war effort against the Savoyard-led Oren. He won skirmishes on the northern border during a short attempt at invasion in the north, though when Brelus fell at the end of the war he was forced to a defensive position at the Haeseni fortress of Norvik. Throughout the war he raised and helped the young Siguine, who after Hugo’s assassination was elected Duke of Adria alongside being Duke of Haense. Siguine’s disappearance, or to him, his death, left Tarcell distraught and bitter, and remained defiant against crown. His untimely death in 1525 though left his remaining troops in chaos and Norvik eventually fell to a contingent led by Jan Kovachev in the late summer. Tarcell’s military organization would become the basis of the Haeseni royal military. --- SIGMAR VAR KARL BARBOV Siguine Barbanov | Arkydog At the age of fourteen, Siguine was elected as Duke of Adria amid the War of the Ducal Coalition, succeeding Hugo the Headless following his assassination. Though chosen by the lords, he held little authority, and when he left to fight the Savoyards at the Blackwald his army was disorganized and unruly. He was defeated badly in the marshes and retreated to the fortress of Woldzimir where he attempted to push back Oren by a siege defense. He failed, however, and he fled following Woldzimir’s fall. --- JAN VAR VARON KOVACHEV Jan Kovachev | 6xdestroyer Jan rose through the ranks of the Orenian army during the War of the Ducal Coalition, and when he was able to be captured Norvik in 1525, he was granted the castles and the estates he conquered. He supported John Horen during the Horen Restoration, and later became one of his most trusted commanders during the Eighteen Years’ War. Jan commanded the Carnatian Hussars, and with his fellow peer Josef, was the leader of the Haeseni contingent during the war. He served alongside Petyr Barbanov during the Riga War and the Krajian Rebellion, subduing fully the Hansetian hinterlands and helping unify what later became the Kingdom of Haense. His death left him as the Duke of Carnatia and his family to continue as one of the principle Karovic houses within humanity for centuries. His veteran cavalry became a staple of the Haeseni army, and his descendants would continue to dominate the Haeseni army for some decades. He lived well into his nineties, and for it he was called ‘Jan the Old’. --- JOSEF VAR FRANZ VLADOV Josef Vladov | Burkester Along with Jan Kovachev, Josef Vladov was one of the two leaders of the Haeseni contingent during the Eighteen Years’ War, commanding multiple battles as imperial generals. Josef’s crowning achievement is the Battle of Cape Bronson and later the Capture of Avar. His family diminished in influence within Haense following death, though he remains as one of Haense’s and Oren’s more proficient commanders. --- GREGOR VAR NIKOLAS NIKOVIC Georgiy Nikovic - H.P. Theodosius I | Dakota Georgiy was one of the first in a string in Haeseni pontiffs, first serving as the Bishop of Carnatia then being appointed High Pontiff in 1562. His greatest deed was the removal of the Revelation Doctrine which was created by his predecessor Daniel III, and attempted a fail revival of reforemd Raevir Iliryic as the Haeseni holy tongue. He would appoint his successor Berengar Gotthold to his previous position of bishop, and maintained close relations with the hinterland lords. --- EMMA VAS BRITANUS VANIR Emma Vanir | Julischlong Emma was married to an imperial cousin following the attempted peace of the Second Diet of Saltstone, and while at first it kept the peace, it soon fell through. She carried an extramarital affair with one of the rebel hetmans of the Krajian Rebellion and a Savoyard princeling, called the Ancelcourt Scandal, which continued the Anarchy for another decade. --- BRITANUS VAR BIGORN VANIR Britannus Vanir | Pureimp10 The War of the Ducal Coalition left the Vanir family in shambles, and reduced to their fortress of Kraken’s Watch, though Britanus dreamed of one day returning his family’s fortune. He acted as one of the crucibles for the Riga War, which although at first left his homeless, later regained him a large portion of his family’s former estates. In his spare time, Britannus worked as a mathematician, and together with Edmond Manston, discovered the ‘Manston-Vanir Constant’, which is used by modern day architects in constructing arches and domes. --- FISKE VAR BRITANUS VANIR Fiske Vanir | InfamousGerman Fiske the Bloody, a title earned as one of the survivors of the Siege of Seahelm, is one of Haense’s most effective company leaders, having been known for his brutality. He led the vanguard during the Riga War and Krajian Rebellion, as well as throughout the Anarchy of Oren, where he gained a reputation of combat prowess. Following his death, he left his family at its peak as Margraves of Vasiland, as well as one of the only non-Karovic families to be invited to duma. As mentioned, he was called ‘Fiske the Bloody’ for his valor at the Seahelm in the Avarite theater. --- LERALD VAR TEODOR VYRONOV Lerald Vyronov | Flapman Commander of the Carnatian Hussars under Jan Kovachev, Lerald worked his way from his position as serf to a peer of the realm, serving loyally to his realm and gaining the fief of Rytsborg. He fought throughout the Eighteen Years’ War and the Anarchy, later retiring following the coronation of Petyr Barbanov. --- ULRIK VAR ULRIK TIBERAN Ulric Tiberan | Giambro No child in Haense has not heard at least one of the tales of Ulric Tiberan, one of Haense’s most famous knights. Known for his acts of bravery and his slaying of the Dragon Toruug, he has become a local legend to the poorer classes. In his life, he served under the Carnatian Hussars, seeing battle from White Mountain to the Siege of Dunland. His stories are collected in the novels known as the ‘Trials of Ulric’, though there is some variation. He is commonly pictured with two talking crows, named ‘Alvin’ and ‘Darren’, who guide him (and sometimes hinder him) to his next goal. --- ARIK VAR CARR COLBORN Eirik Colborn | Julius55 One of the successors to Carr’s fortune, Eirik Colborn continued his father’s legacy within the mercantile businesses. He founded the colony of Metterden in Erochland following the Peace of Avar and organized a rapid colonization of the Eroch River Valley. Eirik later served under Petyr Barbanov during the Riga War, helping rebuild much of the lost infrastructure after the Anarchy. For his wealth, he was known as ‘Eirik the Rich’. --- RICKARD VAN WOLDIZMIR Rickard Barrow | Arkydog A bastard of lowly origin, though it did not stop him in becoming of the most influential Haeseni politicians. He served as first Palatine to King Petyr, and he laid the foundations of Haeseni administration which continue to present day. He followed a strict policy of land colonization, coining the term ‘Haseni Destiny’, standing for the ideology of full highlander colonization of the hinterlands in its entirety. He oversaw the first royal capital of Karlsborg and the palace of Ottostadt, which became the seat of the royal family. Rickard was also well known in his martial talent, and saw intensive action during the Riga War, and become one of the fiercest proponents for total annexation of the former Duchy of Courland. --- KARL VAR PETYR BARBOV Karl Sigmar Barbanov | Birdnerdy Karl Sigmar became his eldest brother’s Palatine following the latter’s coronation, and he continued his predecessor Rickard’s policies of colonial expansion and centralization. However, when King Andrik II rebelled shortly from Oren and later was forcefully abdicated, Karl was placed as regent for the babe King Marius. In the shambles Karl attempted to rebuild, though the now restless nobility splintered, and Karl became vilified. The nobility pushed hard against his attempts at a centralized army, and when Marius finally came of age, Karl Sigmar left his office in shame. Despite the unpopularity of his attempted policies, they would be continued by his successors in the string of Bihar Palatines, and his ideological thought became the basis for his son’s Biharism during the reign of King Stefan and the Ottovars. --- JULIYA VAS PETYR BARBOV Julia Barbanov | DreamInSpace If there was one-person King Marius always listened to, it was his aunt Julia, who maintained a strong influence over his life. She, along with her good sister Reza, maintained the royal court during the regency and continued to do so well into the reign of her nephew. Julia also painted numerous canvas and scenes, which are displayed in the Royal Haeseni Guild of Art. --- BRANIMAR VAR FISKE VANIR Brynden Vanir | assassinofawsome The good-brother then good-uncle to the King of Haense, the Margrave of Vasiland rose rapidly through the court. He eventually reached the rank of Grand Commandant of the armed force, though because he was picked more from nepotism than true skill, his inefficient leadership weakened the army. By the time of the First Northern War, the Haeseni military was ill-prepared to face the coming battles. After the war, he was captured, where he died in captivity in the court of Aleksandria. --- TATIANA VAS PETYR BARBOV Tatiana Barbanov | Starry Tatiana had married Branimar, one of her brother’s chiefest supporter, and it was to her which kept the remnants of the Andrivist party in line with the crown. Later in life, she remarried to the elder Lord Viktor, sparking short controversy. She was known for her stitching and drawings, with many of her works displayed in the Royal Haeseni Guild of Art. --- SERGEY VAR JAN KOVACHEV Sergei Kovachev | NJBB During King Andrik II’s short rebellion of the Deep Cold Uprising, Sergey stood as the uncontested leader of the Imperial faction within Haense, and rallied loyalists to his cause. He single-handedly marched into Karlsborg during the chaos, forcing Andrik’s abdication and flight, before having his captured by the remnants of his father’s Carnatian Hussars. Even through this strong show of power, he resumed an alliance with the royalists under Palatine Lukas, forming coalition against the squabbling Andrivists under Branimar Vanir. Sergey’s death upset the balance of the Haeseni court, and many attributes his early demise to one of the factors in Haeseni military defeats during the Coalition Wars. For his use of stealth and hit-and-run tactics in the Anarchy, he was referred to by the soldiery as the ‘Ghost of Turov’. --- REZA VAS SERGEY KOVACHEV Reza Elizaveta Kovachev | marques Daughter of the powerful lord Sergey and shortly queen to Andrik II, Reza spent most of her life as Queen-Mother to Marius. However, she set the role as consort and matriarch within the royal family, establishing numerous courtly customs which are followed to this today. To the female body, she became a role-model for the epitome Haeseni lady. --- MARKUS VAR HEKTOR LOTHSTON Markus Lothston | Legoman Markus Lothston, though kinsman to the Brawms, fought for the Kingdom of Haense during the Hounden’s Rebellion, acting as one of King Marius’ commanders on the field. After the short and bloody conflict, Markus served as King Marius’ personal champion. He followed his king into exile and continued to serve the court-in-exile faithfully. He was known far and wide for his skill at the sword, and he was known in life as ‘Markus the Mutt’. --- LUKAS VAR BRITANUS VANIR Lukas Vanir | Pureimp10 Serving as Palatine during the later years of King Marius, he performed numerous capital and law reforms, though was cut short following the Coalition Wars. Forced into exile along with the rest of the royal court, Lukas worked as an author in philosophy, specifically the school of Political Lukasism, and the concept of the ‘Greater Man’. His status left him as a cultural symbol for the occupied nation, and many of his works were smuggled in secret to the native Haeseni population. For his erudite nature, he is commonly referred to as ‘Lukas the Learned’. --- STEFAN VAR KARL BIHAR Stefan Aleksandr Bihar | cruzazul8 Stefan came ahead as the leader of the Royalists following the pseudo-exile of his father, effectively leading a coalition with the Sergeyists. He was the greatest advocate for first action against Courland, and maintained a heated rivalry with Lord Branimar, serving Grand Commandant at the time. Stefan was killed at the Battle of Elba, creating an unavoidable power vacuum in the royal court. --- OSGOD VAR JESPER COLBORN Osgod Colborn | Birdnerdy Osgod Colborn served Haense since the beginnings of the Riga War, and continued to serve well into the years of King Marius. He held commands during the Krajian Rebellion and was one of the Royalist most veteran soldiers at the time. --- DIEDRIK VAN FLOTZAM Diedrik Barrow | Knox A former burgher, he rose through the bureaucratic ranks of the royal state by sheer cunning, becoming one of the leading officials in Marius’ court. Diedrik maintained an underground smuggling syndicate during his tenure as Auditor, using his position to repossess noble land to return to crown control or his personal management. When his assassination of a heartlander prince came to light however, Diedrik was forced to resign and later executed. --- BLAKTON VAR GREGOR ALVITZ Blaxton Alwyn | Marquisalex Blaxton emerged as a knight under the Amador family, operating as a successful bureaucrat and diplomat in their court. He owned multiple companies in the lands of Haense, Mardon, and Pruvia, and began a tradition of warm relations between Pruvia and his home. His works of Memoirs of Alwyn Blaxton has made him of critical historical importance, chronicling a period of lessened literary creation. --- ALISTAR VAR HEKTOR WAILER Alistair Wailer | Flooptroop Alistair led the contingent garrisoning Ottostadt for a short duration, before and after serving as knight in the royal court and proficient swordsman. He also created poetry, publishing numerous works under the alias ‘Chad the Mad’. His greatest work, Ehr Nau, became adapted to the Haeseni royal anthem in the early 1600’s. Alistair’s skill in verse earned him the moniker ‘Alistair the Poet’. --- OTTO VAR ARIK BARUEK Otto Marius Baruch | Kiwikilla Baruch in the Kingdom of Haense up to the Coalition Wars was of middling influence, owning poor estates scattered upon the Shattered Coast. Following Haense’s defeat, Baruch remained from the exodus of higher nobility, and retained their fortresses following occupation. It was thanks to Otto Marius, the Count of Ayr, who first brought together many of the minor Haeseni lordlings into rebellion, leading by example during the Standoff at Ayr. --- HARREN VAN METTERDEN Harren of Metterden | Seannie22 A veteran soldier under the Metterden garrison, the regency of the Count of Metterden left him de facto in control of the affairs of the estate. Along with the Count of Ayr and numerous families, he led the successful Greyspine Uprising, returning the King of Haense to the throne and the land returned to royal control. Harren, however, favored the Count of Metterden as the potential sovereign, and the election of Stefan made him leave the realm. He served in the Imperial Court later in his life and eventually rose to the prestigious position of Archchancellor, where he held a staunch rivalry with King Stefan. For his reputed strength, he is commonly referred to as ‘Harren the Hardy’. --- ARIK VAR HOGMUND RUTHERN Arik Ruthern | Birdnerdy The Greyspine Uprising attracted many mercenaries to each side, and the Ruthern clansman dared not pass up a moment such as it. Arik led the band known as the Black Company, which operated in great success in the Rothsvald against the occupiers. In its aftermath, he struck a deal with the royal-candidate Stefan Barbanov for support in exchange for the County of Metterden, to which he upset the Ruthern political clique by his vocal support during the duma. --- NIKOLAS VAR PETYR RYKOV Nikolai Rykov | maxgemini Nikolai Rykov was Arik’s right-hand man and helped pacify both Metterden and dissenters during Arik’s accession. Following the settlement of Alban, Nikolas took the cloth and was quickly raised to the position of Archbishop of Jorenus. --- JAKOB VAR JAN MADONVIK Jakob Macdonough | Doggedwasupxxx Many have seen the works of Jakob Macdonough, and for his time he was one of the most prolific painters in both Haense and Oren. He has created numerous works, such as ‘The Spanking of Staunton’ and ‘Joys to the Boys of the Rothswald’. Jakob later served politically following his uncle’s selection as Palatine of the Duma, where he succeeded him for three weeks. --- JAN VAR THORMUND OTHAMAN Jan Othaman – H.P. Owyn II | eddywilson2 Othaman, a clergyman, rose to the position of Archbishop of Jorenus then to the throne of the Vicar of God, where he attempted to mend the schism plaguing the church. On a diplomatic mission, however, he was killed by fanatical schismists, becoming a martyr of the faith. --- ANDREY VAR SERGEY KOVACHEV Andrey Kovachev | Soulstrung Following the disastrous Battle of Elba, Andrey was appointed command over the Haeseni military, and took position at Vasiland. He failed, however, in stopping the enemy advance, and the Siege of Vasiland was yet another defeat. He re-emerged a decade after and launched the unsuccessful Horseman's Revolt, which attempted to make Carnatia an independent estate. Andrey, along with his rebel kinsmen, were later killed by Qali mercenaries in the Battle of Carsaca. For his hot temperament, he was called ‘Andrey the Wroth’. --- FREDRIK VAR ODRIN PRUSEN Frederick Augustus Preussen | Dabliusmaximus During both the short reign of Petyr II and the accession of King Stefan, the Prince of Pruvia held vast influence over the king, as well as naming him heir to the large sum known as the Pruvian Inheritance. This, and his willingness to grant trading privileges to the Haeseni trading clans of Amador and Alwyn, Haense experienced an economic boom following its restoration. --- HENRIK VAR KARL BIHAR Heinrik Otto Bihar | Flooptroop Following Haense’s restoration, Heinrik became the new leader of the Royalist faction and took up the mantle as Palatine like his kin before him. Through clever tactics and pacification of a now weakened nobility, Henrik accomplished what his father failed. Henrik’s policies and ideology became known as the chief thought of Biharism- doctrine agrarianism with strong crown authority. He worked efficiently as both a diplomat and a steward and reinvigorated a stagnating Haeseni bureaucracy. Through his tireless work, Alban rebuilt itself from a war camp to a capital, and his plans and designs for Alban were later carried on by the later authorities constructing the later capital of Markev. In his career he stopped many decadent procedures in the Haeseni court, and so he commonly referred to as ‘Henrik the Humble’. Following his death, he was canonized by the Church of the Canon as Saint Henricus of Haense. --- ALESSA VAS ELIZAVETA GRENDOK Alessa Grendock | Eagles Though history is not alien to warrior-women, Alessa emerged not only as a successful fight but also commander, leading successfully time and time again in the heat of battle. For her service, she was raised as a Baroness and Lady Peer, though continued her command of the Haeseni cavalry contingent for decades. The tallest mountain in the Yahtl Wastes, Mount Grendock, is named in her honor. --- FORDSEN VAR EKKARD KYNGSTON Fordson Kyngston | Devland Fordsen joined the court with his brother, being appointed numerous governorships throughout the kingdom and eventually receiving the position of Palatine for a brief few years. He was the main architect for palace of Esenstadt, as well as numerous manors and estates for the nobility, and his style, known as Kyngstonian Architecture, has become a point of study for aspiring royal engineers, and much of his work can be seen today. --- ANTON VAR EKKARD KYNGSTON Anton Kyngston | QuackerCracker Along with his brother, Anton joined the royal court in Alban and served first as a courtier, then later enlisting the armed forces, where he reached position of commandant later in his life. He also served as maer for the capital numerous times, helping violently suppress the turmoil of the Ale Riots of the 1620s. --- JOSEF VAN ALBAN Josef Baldemar - H.P. Everard IV | Piov Josef began his career as a peasant parishioner in the poor Alban diocese, and eventually rose to the seat as Vicar of God. Though his extensive charity work and preaching in the wooden capital of Alban, Josef created a powerful network of allies and contacts within the secular world and the papal court. When he eventually rose the seat of the pontificate, he brought peace following the Adelburg Coup, and re-established a position of clerical authority throughout the land. Following his death, he was canonized in the Church of the Canon as High Pontiff Saint Everardus Quartus. --- KOLTAIN VAR PIPI WICK Coltaine Wick | Hurferdurfer Coltaine belonged to the mysterious Wick clan, which rose sharply to prominence following the accession of King Stefan. He established to the first Magi Circle within Haense, constructing universities to teach theology and the arcane arts. However, in the peak of his power, he was assassinated and replaced by a supernatural entity, which was quickly destroyed by the very magi he created. During his life, he published numerous journals over his extensive studies on the arcane, including the famous Dialectics, which has become an important collection in arcane education. For his mastery of the arcane arts, he was known in life as ‘Coltaine the Elder’. --- JAN VAR KOLTAIN WICK John Wick | Kav Though the son of the famed Magi Coltaine, John pursued a career in the army. He is most famous for his brutal suppression of the numerous Ale Riots of the 1620s and became infamous for his vicious treatment of dissenters against the crown. He, along with his father, was assassinated and replaced by a supernatural entity, where he was swiftly destroyed by Haeseni magi. John was also remembered for his work in exploring the deepest part of the hinterlands called the Yahtl Wastes. For his womanizing ways and his charming looks, the court referred to him as ‘John the Handsome’ or ‘John the Pretty’. --- CULLEN VAR CULLEN VALREIN Cullen Valerin | Blago During the strike of the Metterden veterans, many lowborns rose quickly in the lack of a true officer core, including Cullen. He came quickly into the light of the royal court following his successful command against pagan raiders to the east, and he eventually rose the primacy rose as Commandant. During Otto II’s military reforms, however, Cullen was dismissed, and he retired to the countryside. For his stoic ways, he was known as ‘Cullen the Stern’. --- PETYR VAN ALRICZAN Petyr Barrow | _Gridlock Another veteran of the Black Company, Petyr served under the Palatine Henrik as a personal guard, where he performed numerous acts in service of the crown. He is most famous for being the suspected assassin of the unpopular consort Elizabeth of Courland, as well as being participant and leader of the Three Hand Plot, a conspiracy to assassinate King Stefan. --- SIGMAR VAR OTTO BARBOV Siegmar Otto Barbanov | Blauschlong The second son of Otto II, Siegmar studied in the burgeoning arcane arts, under the tutelage of the master magi Coltaine the Elder. He wrote numerous papers on his studies, mostly over the art of golemancy, and perfected the method of creation known as ‘Sigmarization’. Siegmar also hand a penchant for painting, and created numerous portraits of the royal family and the Karovic household, now maintained by the Royal Haeseni Guild of Art. --- KRISTOFF VAR SALDEMAR STAFYR I GRAUSPIN Kristoff Stafyr | Edel Kristoff was a minor lordling of middling estates of the ancient lineage of Stafyr, and served under the governments of Palatines Henrik Bihar and Josef van Alban in the position of ambassador and later emissary. He wrote numerous political treatises on diplomacy and state affairs, his most famous being Vayrkilar, detailing philosophically the concept of 'fair exchange' or 'geltostrin' and his controversial criticism of the imperial economy of the time. --- RUSLAN VAR ODRIN AMADOR Ruslan Amador | Xarkly Descended from the Amador banking clan, Ruslan continued the family tradition and maintained once again the Royal Amador Bank- the chief banking authority within the Kingdom of Haense. Ruslan was elevated to Steward and Auditor during the reign of Otto III, where he oversaw the construction of the planned capital of Markev. He maintained his grip upon the national reserves for all his life, serving till the death of Karl II. For his risky yet successful business choices, his peers called him ‘Ruslan the Ready’. --- BERENGAR VAR REINHOLT HELVETZ Berengar Helvets | Abeam1 Berengar ascended rapidly through the Haeseni military under Otto II and Otto III, achieving the prestigious rank of Grand Commandant by the end of his tenure. He was known for his quick wit and successes in the open field. After his service in the military, he retired to the colony of Otistadt, where he served as elder and maer till his death. --- INGRID VAS ADRIAN SARKOZ I ULGAARD Ingrid Sarkozic-Ulgaard | Tarrebear Perhaps the most beloved queen of the commoners, Queen Ingrid did her duties diligently as consort to Otto III. Following the example of her former peer Reza, she reinstated many traditional Haeseni customs back into court life, in addition to proficient diplomatic work with neighboring powers. The commoners referred to her as ‘Ingrid the Good’. --- JAN VAR ODRIN AMADOR Jack Amador - H.P. Clement III | bromodan Successor to Everard IV and of Haeseni stock, Jack was known for his humility and piety, yet clear bias towards the Kingdom of Haense. He wrote numerous papers upon different Haeseni saints, collected in the book ‘Yekilonsant’. --- GERALD VAR LERALD RAUEN Geralt Rauen | Pureimp10 A career soldier of Haeseni military, Geralt is well-known for several numerous victories on the field during the later reign Otto III, successfully commanding both the Second Battle of Stallion’s Hill and the Battle of the Dam. However, following setbacks as the conflict progressed and his main patron and liege Otto III dead, Geralt resigned. After the army, he settled deep into the hinterlands and Yahl, where he founded numerous trading posts and villages, including Geraltikev, Maristadt, and Tovikev. --- WULFREY VAR WULFREY SKARPEFANGER Wulffrey Skarpefanger | Wulfrey A settler of Gorundyr descent, Wulffrey Skarpefanger was an officer-favorite during his service in the Haeseni military during Otto III and recruited heavily to maintain manpower during conflicts on the River Czena. Later in his life, he led a colonization effort deeper into the River Czena valley, forming the trading post of Aberrang. Wulffrey was the most adamant in the conflicts in the inner hinterlands, most importantly against a body known as the Vaeyl- a group of supernatural entities, which squabble upon rightful Haeseni clay. The Personification of Haense = | = What truly is Sacrifice? Is it a personal burden each man must carry? Perhaps tis’ permanent or a moment in life that must be given once, or twice, or thrice? A punishment for our greed, and avarice? Is it with the grain or contrary? What truly is Sacrifice? A response to every human vice? Is there only one thing to give or does it vary? Perhaps tis’ permanent or a moment in life that must be given once, or twice, or thrice? Is it esoteric or precise? The focus of life or ancillary? What truly is Sacrifice? Oh creator what is the price? Simply a way to keep us warry? Perhaps tis’ permanent or a moment in life that must be given once, or twice, or thrice? How does one open the doors to paradise? On this I shall wonder till my body they bury. What truly is Sacrifice? Perhaps tis’ permenant or a moment in life that must be given once, or twice, or thrice? -Alistar Wailer, 1580
  23. EN SENTVORIGEO EDLERVIK ON THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE HIGHLANDER PEOPLE Written and compiled by BROTHER ALEXANDER OF THE FIVE LAKES, WHO, by the Grace of God, records these notes to chronicle the histories and myths of the Highlander People, to bestow upon future men the knowledge of their blood. May these texts be used for righteous intention, and any who pollute this message be cursed to eternal damnation, with their ashes grinded and discarded. ON THIS DATE 7 SE 1689 - Dedicated to Sofiya, my once love and now angel of the Skies, for which I don this habit and wield this quill. PROLOGUE Years -1000 to 0 TIME BEFORE TIME or The Four Brothers and the Curse of Iblees In a time before the Four Brothers and contemporary civilization, the world was shapeless and boundless, without form or purpose. Before there was man, elf, ork, dwed, there was His aenguls and daemons, who roamed the world freely and without constraint, and His First Beings, those who He had created yet had not granted True Life. The great cohorts of divine aenguls were said to have shaped the world in His Image, creating the mountains and the seas, while God Himself bestowed His Touch upon all corners. He did not stop till fish teamed every sea, till every valley filled with life, and till every mountain laid buried untold treasures. God left the aenguls and daemons to steward the realm as He created it, entrusting them to maintain what He had created. These angelic beings, however, held their own personal desires and ambitions, and while He loved all, these rotten aenguls quarreled unnecessarily. The greatest of rivalries emerged between His two greatest angels, Iblees and Dragur, who carried on year-spanning clashes in the clouds and enslaved mass armies of mortal creatures to attempt to overtake the other. These included the First Beings, man before sapience, who were nothing more than animals prone to crude and bestial desires, and knew not better the machinations of the aenguls. Specifically Iblees, the most vile of the pair, had forced great numbers to fight in slave armies, wantonly destroying all which He had created. This continued for some time till He Returned and saw the destruction wrought by his children. He saw the death of countless of His First Beings and the sin wrought by His celestial children, and so He punished them. Dragur, the more noble of the two, willingly accepted the punishment, but Iblees stubbornly relented, growing jealous of His Power and Majesty. To His First Beings, who ached from pain of countless deaths, He sought to never be pawns of such evil again, and bestowed upon them True Life as He did his angels. He created the First Man and the First Woman, and through them created the Four Perfect- Malianus. Crucus, Urganus, and the greatest of them, Horonius- to lead his nation known as Man. Each was given a fourth of the new people, where they founded the first great cities of the world. The sinful aenguls were instructed to work not above, but below Man, to teach them how to live and be faithful. The aenguls under Dragur taught Man the Flexio tongue, and worked as advisers and teachers. Dragur himself grew a great love for Horonius, who was the quickest of his brothers, and taught him many things, and Horonius would become even His favorite child. All four realms grew immensely, and the mortal beings all prayed and loved God, and paradise was founded upon the earth. Horonius founded the First City which God called Paradisius, and it became the Favorite of God’s People. All of the brothers took massive harems expect Horonius, who took a single wife Julia, the most pious of the women, and had three sons named Aeternus (Harren), Joraenus (Joren), and Gosvenus (Godwin). Iblees was furious to be subjugated to beings he once considered beneath him, and refused in rebellion. God, though His Love is great, could not be idle at the sinful nature of His son Iblees, and cast him out of the Seven Skies to the mortal plane to repent. In secret, Iblees conspired with his legions of unholy aenguls and daemons who were also defiant against Him, chiefest among them being Metizus and Aerial. Disguised as wanderers, the fallen children traveled to each of the four realms, intent on polluting their teachings with sin. To Malianus, who grew tired of each mate He created to sate his drive, they taught the sin of debauchery and sloth, bestowing upon him shameful lust. To Crucus, who grew bored of the mundane trials upon His world, they taught the sin of murder and blood-lust, bestowing upon him a drive of death. And to Urganus, who grew a hunger for power and and the mundane metals of the earth, he taught the sin of greed and envy, bestowing upon him to want nothing but the trivial treasures of the mortal realm. With each one falling prey to the demonic corruption, the realms quickly followed suit, and sin spread across the population like a plague. Iblees and his cohort were able to confront Horonius four times, each with a different coercion. First, they promised Malianus’ passion for the flesh, but Horonius had his wife Julia, and desired no other. Second, they promised Crucus’ passion for death, but Horonius had love for his people, and sought battle only for benefit. And third, they promised Urganus’ passion for wealth, but Horonius had his care for his realm, and desired only the fruitful bounty for his people. Iblees was wicked though clever, and the fourth time offered eternal life. Horonius at first laughed, for he was His creation, and would live eternally in God, yet Iblees continued, and offered it for his children, for he claimed the children were not of His creation but Horonius’, and that they would not be Loved. Horonius still refused, though he came to doubt God, and unknowingly was bestowed the sin of doubt and questioning the Power of God. In his doubt, he prayed, and God answered, sending Horonius to fast upon the Rock of Gamesh. Dragur and his party, including the beings Tersion and Micahelus, visited down from the Seven Skies, and after three days Horonius was given the heavenly laurels as a crown. God gazed upon His creation and saw the sins of Malianus, Crucus, and Urganus and wept, and so Horonius made covenant with God never to stray from His Love as his brothers had. Though in Horonius’ absence his realm came to be infested with unholy sin, and like its sibling tribes, soon became a haven of chaos. Through the guise of man, Iblees preached and taught the ways of wickedness to the pure tribe of Horonius. Julia, who kept the home in the absence, took the most faithful of men and protected the home of their family, and prayed to God for His son’s return. God heard the prayers of Julia and commanded Horonius to return with the aenguls to his decaying city of Paradisius, where he rallied those who had not fallen, including his faithful wife Julia, who eternally remained faith to God and her husband. Horonius gathered what forces were not under the taint of Iblees, and God granted him generalship of the armies upon the earth. For his position, the daemon Garumdus crafted the Great Axe and Sword of Horonius, embedded with divine power of the Skies. He and the faithful men of God cleared the streets of Paradisius of the wicked followers of Iblees, and restored the temple which laid burdened by heathenish false idols. By this time, Iblees had taken control of nearly half the world and wreaked havoc upon the earth below. His army consisted upon legions of fallen aenguls and daemons, who joined Iblees in horrid rebellion, as well as the corrupted tribes of the fallen three brothers.. The remaining aenguls under the cowardly Xanus, who cared not who won but how they would benefit, sat neutral in the conflict much to the displeasure of God. The war began first as daemons under the malicious Metizus attempted to storm the great doors to the Seventh Sky, only for himself to be cast down to the earth after a duel with the warrior-angel Micahelus. On the mortal plane, great battles were fought, and the world shook for months in great earthquakes and floods, as divine manifests clashed in crescendos of power. Entire cities were destroyed in flashes of light, and many people lost their lives in the ensuing fights of mortals and aenguls. Despite the bravery and valiant deeds of Horonius and his tribe, the corrupted forces of Iblees and the twisted clans of his brothers proved too much, and they made a last stand upon the gates of the Seven Skies. Horonius, who still loved his brothers, met them upon the field, and because of his love and wit, convinced the three to turn away from sin, repent, and follow the Way of God. This came a terrible blow to Iblees, and when Horonius began to chant the name of God, the gates of the Skies shuttered open. God Himself, who could not be seen by His sheer power else be blinded by his glorious light, shattered Iblees in a great deal, before grabbing hold of his unholy body and dragging him below. Before he left the earth, however, Iblees uttered a final curse to the people. To Malianus and his people, he cursed with infertility and for their hedonist desires to never be satisfied. To Crucus and the violent warriors, he burned to give them green skin and deformed teeth and an eternal lust for blood. To Urganus and the greedy miners of the mountains, he hammered each to be half-men and cursed with blinding avarice so no amount of gold would fill the void of their hearts. And finally, to the faithful Horonius and his people, he cursed with lives too short to experience the bounties of God, the greatest curse for the most pious of the brothers. These demented curses created the four modern races of man, elf, ork, and dwed. For five days, the world stood in complete twilight, for even the aenguls felt powerless without the presence of God, and the whole world wept in fear. He drug Iblees to the coldest depth, and instead of killing his son, for He Loved him despite such sin, he imprisoned for eternity in repentance. Many aenguls and daemons followed suit, locked in the void as prisoners, and those mortals who continued to follow Iblees despite all that occurred were forced to wander the void, becoming demonic spirits and unholy beasts. God’s Power radiate throughout the void during His five days, and it has remained in the void as pure energy, later to be utilized by magi in the form of magick. On the fifth day, God returned to the Seventh Sky, and the light returned to the world. The aenguls, daemons, and people rejoiced, and those faithful angels returned to the Skies in glorious triumph, where the heavenly halls lit in jovial celebrations. God allowed this for two days, giving us the seven day week, yet on the eighth day he stopped all and doled upon judgement. To the neutral aenguls of Xanus, he banished from the Seven Skies, to always walk the mortal realm or spend their days in the cold reaches of the void. To the three brothers who casted God aside, he did the same, though he bestowed upon them gifts of mortal longevity, as to enjoy the mortal realm till they suffer punishment in eternal solitude. To Horonius and his tribe, which he called Man, he favored as His Chosen People, and while He did not lift the curse of Iblees, instead allowed His Chosen People to walk the Seven Skies as He and His aenguls and daemons do. Horonius was honored, and God bestowed upon him leadership of the world, and the brothers were subservient to him. This grew a great jealousy between the brothers, for they were once equals, but for the coming decades peace was had. Horonius ruled as King of the World, advised by the aenguls Dragur and Tersion, and remained faithful to God. --- CHAPTER I Year 0 FALL OF PARADISIUS or Death of the First Prophet and the Calling of the Three Sons “And so Harren, Joren, and Godwin, the sons of the Chosen Himself, stood and watched the collapse of their home, by the hands of the once uncle of their kind. Harren cursed the Skies and above, the one of indulgence. Joren bellowed in rage, the one of wroth. And Godwin drank himself blind, the one of acedia. Soon Micahelus came down, the one which guided Horen years before. And he sayeth one phrase, before sending the children to each corner of the world; ‘So is the Darkness That Comes Before, and So is the Light That Comes After.’” -The Book of Saints, Unknown For twenty-five years, the world was at peace. Paradisius, the capital and home of Horonius, grew to immense sizes, with temples spanning to the sky, great halls stretching miles, and divine marvels unknown to our contempory world. Upon the Isthmus of Kramoroe, where Paradisius stood at its mouth, the city bustled, and Horonius’ tribe grew to great numbers and its members spread across the world from the barren north to the bitter south. Aeternus and Joraenus, the two eldest of Horonius’ children, were eventually granted tribes of their own, while the third-son Gosvenus remained steward under the eye of his father. The aenguls Tersion and Dragur remained at the court of the King of the World, advising its ruler and teaching the arts of science and law to Man. In the vastness of the Realm of the World, all paid homage to God, the King of All Kings, and in every corner His Touch reached all. However, Horonius’ brothers, the recently cursed Malianus, Crucus, and Urganus, despised the attention and favoritism given to him. They resented their weakness in falling to the false promises of Iblees, while Horonius prayed to God and remained true, and so many from the tribes of ork, elf, and dwed sought conflict with those of Man. Some even began to consort and pray to the fallen aenguls and spirits for help, who they called gods in mockery of Him. Malianus turned to the forest nymphs, who he took as wives and disrespected the sanctity of love. Crucus turned to the twisted followers of Iblees locked in the void, giving blood sacrifice in exchange for unholy power. And Urganus turned to the selfish aenguls who denied God’s call to war, delivering tribute of treasure in order to fill their meager coffers. But the humans of Horonius were pious and true, and they flourished with children spreading throughout the world. The siblings saw this and they resented the purity of their brother, and swore to correct what they perceived unjust. Crucus devised a devious plan, where under the guise of repentance, he would trick the noble Horonius and corrupt the holiness of Man. He wrote to Horonius about his great, feigned regret for the sins he committed, how he wished to turn back to God, and desired to unite both tribes in prayer and worship. Horonius believed in the goodness of his siblings, and accepted readily, for he wished nothing more than for all the races to live under the Love of God. Crucus promised no weapons, though Iblees cursed him with sinful cunning, and hid his tribal weapons in hay bales given to Horonius as tribute. He brought his son Gorcus, known for his weakness in spirit, to lead his vanguard when he reached the holy walls of Paradisius. Both of Horonius’ eldest sons were not within the city when Crucus and his tribe arrived, remaining in their own tribal lands, though the third-born Gosvenus remained. Julia grew wary of the size of Crucus’ party and warned her husband of her suspicion, feeling wicked intent in disguised piety. Horonius had great love for his brother, however, and denied every thought of believed treachery by a kinsman. Julia in her wisdom turned to the aengul Tersion, who agreed with her and went to the room of Horonius to convince him of the wisdom of Julia’s warnings. Again, since Horonius had great love for his brother, he denied the allegations of the aengul Tersion. Tersion, furious in righteous rage, turned only to the wisest of God’s servants, the Lord Dragur, who agreed on the risk of allowing Crucus such liberties. Dragur left for the room of Horonius, but again Horonius’ love was greater than the reason of the aengul, and he denied all. Julia grew upset, and under the advice of the wise-woman Philipia, she left in seclusion to the Cave of Ari with fifty virgins sworn to maidenhood in their love of God. Horonius held a grand celebration upon the arrival of his brother, where he led personally a great parade of the riches and splendor of Paradisius and the bounties of God. The parade lasted four days and four nights, where upon the fifth day Crucus and Horonius embraced upon the Rock of Gamesh. Horonius attempted to convince his brother soon after to fast with him for the coming four days, though Crucus denied vehemently. The love for his brother blinded Horonius, however, and he thought nothing of Crucus’ denial to prayer. Within the Great Temple of Paradisius, which expanded to the heavens, the brothers held a mass feast and union between the tribes. Man was weary of the green beasts, though they held loyalty to the King of the World, and took them with open arms as brothers. The feasting lasted for four days and four nights, with tables stretching to thousands of seats, headed by the fathers Horonius and Crucus and sons Gorcus and Gosvenus. During the feasts, sports and duels were had between both members of the tribe, and a great rivalry emerged between the weak Gorcus and the valiant Gosvenus. Looking to trickery rather than honor for victory, Gorcus turned to the magick of the twisted spirits, who bestowed upon him unholy strength. Gosvenus was pure and stooped to no ibleeic tricks, for he carried only his love of God, and trusted in Him. In the final bout between the two kinsmen, Gosvenus overcame Gorcus and forced him to submit, and though the dark powers clouded his mind, Gorcus saw the might and valour of Gosvenus, and swore upon him friendship. In a confusing rabble to Gosvenus, he claimed he could not stop what will occur, though his descendants would ‘forever look in companionship with his ilk’. These words troubled Gosvenus, who turned to his secluded mother Julia for guidance. Yet this occurred on midnight of the fourth day, and Crucus executed his diabolical planned attack upon the Tribe of Man. His orks gathered the hidden weapons while the drunken humans feasted within the halls of the Great Temple, and began butchering those who did not submit. Crucus stole the Great Axe crafted by Garumdus and used it to slay his brother as he slept. With the blood of Horonius staining the Great Axe, he called upon the twisted spirits and named the weapon falsely as the Axe of Crucus (Axe of Krug). His soldiers captured the gates of Paradisius, where upon they allowed great hordes of dwed and elves into the holy metropolis, all desiring to pollute the treasure with their sins. Gosvenus and Julia saw the destruction wrought by the three tribes and they wept in the seclusion of the Cave of Ari. Julia bestowed upon Gosvenus the Great Sword crafted by Garumdus, which she called the Sword of Horonius, and instructed to Gosvenus to lead the house of Man from the destruction of its brothers. The third son rallied the soldiers who had not fallen to the parties of orks, dwed, and elves, and left in great hurry to save the tribe from total destruction. Crucus himself led the sacking of the holy city, razing the great stone buildings and killing wantonly. He was assisted by Malianus, who captured men and women for his harems, and Urganus, who melted the great shrines to Him for statues in his own liking. They burned the holy books of the temple in a bonfire dedicated to the twisted spirits and fallen aengudaemons, sacrificing man, woman, and child in ceremonies to taint the holy power of God’s mortal city. Once he gathered the surviving people in the grand chaos, he returned to his mother, who he bade to join into retreating to the Valley of Aaun. Though Crucus had seen Gosvenus and his attempts and he gathered forces to hinder them from retreating. Julia claimed to her son that she must remain and guard the house of her husband, and sent him off. She was joined by the wise-woman Philipia and the other forty-nine virgins, and they prayed in the Cave of Ari. From his scouts, Crucus discovered the cave as the potential location of Gosvenus and the remaining humans and soon arrived, joined by his two brothers Malianus and Urganus. They laid short siege and took the cave with no fight, and rounded up Julia and the women. The three brothers demanded the location of her son and the Tribe of Man, but she refused, and no matter what words they gave, she stayed true to her vows. All three offered themselves as husbands to Julia and their tribe as suitors to the gathered virgins. Malianus offered passions and pleasures immeasurable, though Julia refused, for the only passion she desired was her husband’s. Crucus offered power and control over the lives of slaves and foes, though Julia declined, for the only power she desired was the peace of her people. And finally Urganus offered riches and splendor which rivaled that of the aengudaemons, though Julia refused, for the only wealth she desired was the bounty of humanity. All three brothers grew enraged by the piety of Julia, and offered the same to each woman of Julia’s company, who all stood by their matriarch. The sinful brothers butchered the women after their spurning, where Crucus beheaded Julia in the same fashion as he did to his brother Horonius. He ordered his son Gorcus to give chase to Gosvenus; however Gorcus had given oath to Gosvenus, and deliberately lost the trail of the fleeing men. Crucus claimed the spoils of the city of Paradisius for himself, which came to the anger of Urganus and Malianus, who both wanted the capital of the Realm of the World for themselves, and they soon quarreled. Both the dwed and the mali were cast out by the orks of Crucus, and for five years the three races fought for the spoils of their kinslayed brother Horonius. Tersion appeared to both Joraenus and Aeternus, who were ruling their own tribes in the north and south respectively, and told of what occurred. The three sons of Horonius eventually gathered in the Valley of Aaun, with Aeternus and Joraenus accompanied by their fiercest warriors, and Gosvenus with the remnants of the men and women of Paradisius. The warrior-aengul Micahelus appeared to the three in majestic splendor, and instructed them of the great struggle to come in reclaiming the City of the World. Aeternus, who carried great indulgence and pride, cursed the aengul and questioned why God did not stop the sinful takeover. Joraenus, who carried great anger and jealousy, demanded immediate retribution and march upon Paradisius at once. And Gosvenus, who carried great acedia, grew great sadness at his failure to protect his father and took to wine. However, when Micahelus blew the Holy Oliphant, the sons of Horonius listened, and when their immediate shock passed, planned for divine reclamation of their birthright. They would take five years to gather the armies of men from across the World, in plans of gathering the largest army since the great struggles of God and Iblees. Aeternus would be sent south, to rally the Desert Clans and the Clans of the Jungles under his banner, Joraenus to the north, to bring the Five Great Tribes of the Highlands, and Gosvenus would remain in the Valley of Aaun and call upon the Heartland Folk to gather in its confines. When the plans were made, the aengul Micahelus beckoned them off and gave upon them the graces of God. However, Aeternus, who despised the south and desired the bountiful north of his brother’s tribe, left northward as well, much to the anger of Joraenus, and would cause great conflict in the future. --- GLOSSARY Names, Terms, and Translations
  24. Et Novi Orbis Terrarum (1912) In Hindsight; Globalization Characteristic of the pre-1914 decades was what we would now call globalization. Trade may have risen from one thirtieth to one third of world production between 1800 and 1913; between 1855 and 1914 investment flows grew 20 times. Europe accounted for nearly two thirds of global trade and even more of global investment, and from the 1890s Europe’s major currencies were fixed in value in relation to each other under the international gold standard. Hundreds of thousands of foreign-born labourers worked in the heavy industries of French Lorraine and Germany’s Ruhr. The British writer Norman Angell in his 1909 best-seller, Europe’s Optical Illusion, maintained that war between advanced modern economies was now irrational. Yet British naval planners saw economic interdependence as making Germany more vulnerable, and the German General Staff considered war remained a viable option, at least if victory came quickly. Democratization A second 19th-century characteristic was democratization. By 1914 all the European Powers had elected lower houses of parliament, and a majority of the adult male population was enfranchised. The press was relatively free, and citizens could form parties and pressure groups. Nonetheless, in Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Russia ministers answered to monarchs rather than to a parliamentary majority, and the military chiefs were not subordinate to civilian statesmen. Moreover, as international tension mounted, public opinion polarized, more moderate and progressive tendencies being offset by nationalism and militarism. Europe’s socialist parties opposed wars of conquest and aggression but were willing to endorse a war fought for just cause and in self-defence, which in 1914 all the governments would claim to be fighting. Military Revolutions The 19th century had also witnessed a succession of military revolutions. At sea, steel had superseded wooden hulls and steam had superseded sail. HMS Dreadnought, launched by Britain in 1906 with turbine engines and 10 12-inch guns, made all existing battleships obsolete. On land, Prussia’s combination of universal liability to conscription, forward strategic planning by a General Staff, and railway-borne mobilization helped win the wars of German unification, and was widely emulated. Breech-loading cannon with rifled steel barrels replaced smooth-bore muzzle-loaders, and infantry rifles replaced muskets. Smokeless high explosive replaced powder in bullets and shells, and the modern field gun fired up to 20 rounds per minute. Yet although on balance these developments favored defenders over attackers, military planners concluded from the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War that offensive tactics could still prevail, albeit at much higher cost than before. A balance of power? Peace therefore depended on more traditional devices such as the balance of power and deterrence. In the 1870s and 1880s the newly unified German Second Empire under the Chancellorship of Otto von Bismarck was not only the strongest Continental military power but also spun a web of alliances that left France – resentful of its defeat in 1870 – isolated. The Austro-German alliance of 1879 developed into the Triple Alliance (including Italy) in 1882, and Russia too concluded agreements with the German-led bloc. But after Wilhelm II became Emperor he allowed the connection with Russia to lapse, facilitating the formation in 1891-94 of a Franco-Russian alliance. Even so, for a time the two groupings balanced each other, and Russia and France were in rivalry not only with Germany but also (in Central Asia and in Africa) with Britain. So secure did Germany still feel that from 1898 it too challenged Britain through a major program of North Sea battleship building. The beginning of the 20th century After 1904-07, the line-up became more ominous. Russia was weakened for several years after its defeat by Japan. Germany tried but failed to form a German-Franco-Russian bloc excluding Britain. Instead the British compromised over their extra-European disputes with the French in the ‘Entente cordiale’ of 1904 and over those with the Russians in 1907, and began co-operating diplomatically with their former adversaries. In 1902 Italy had reached a separate understanding with France. Germany’s leaders protested that the Triple Entente ‘encircled’ them, while their one remaining reliable ally, Austria-Hungary, was a multi-national empire that was hobbled by inter-ethnic disputes and menaced by a growing confrontation with its neighbour, Serbia, which with Russian encouragement fomented separatism among Austria-Hungary’s South Slavs. After 1905 Europe experienced a succession of diplomatic crises that heightened antagonism between the two blocs. From 1912 the Anglo-German naval race lost impetus, as a land arms race between the Austro-German and Franco-Russian alliances superseded it. In retrospect it is easy to discern the warning signs. But at the time they were less evident, and as late as spring 1914 tensions seemed to be easing. The French Socialist leader, Jean Jaurès, believed the peaceful resolution of so many crises had bred a dangerous complacency. If you have read all this, congratulations! List a U.S state to answer if you have read all the information in Application area.. Nonetheless, a general war was not inevitable until deliberate decisions created it...... It is the time before what people will call the War to end all wars. Europe is at the zenith of it’s true power. It’s colonies spread all across the globe. The United States at this time was seen as a child. It had no true impact on European affairs. Up until this year history as we know it has continued uninterrupted. But things are changing more rapidly than anyone knows. Leaders and government are becoming more prone to listen to outside elements. And slowly but surely history begins to alter. Things will not play exactly as they once had before. Anything is possible within the realm of realism. Will the Archduke actually be shot? What events will lead up to it. Perhaps the German plan changes, what if they had focused elsewhere? Events were so decisive in history that the world gradually fell into world war. World War is almost certainly inevitable. But many various factors changed or removed could drastically alter how and where it was fought. It will be up to the players leading their nations to try to steer its course. One that may present a massive challenge. The various autocratic and democratic governments are pits of intrigue and politics. OOC ((Please Read the entire Thread. very useful information)) This will be a slightly alternate history Forum thread focusing on the start date 1912. Everything up to this point has been the same as regular history. The governments, leaders, and people all exist and lead in the nations you pick. You can of course introduce your own characters and leaders. But they would have to make their way into power, against any ruling family or government. It will be up to you to decide what alliances and deals are forged. You most of course try to stay within the realm of reason. For instance the Germans and Austrians going to war, or British and Ottomans allying would be rather out of line. Of course you may try anything but the responses will be harsh. This FRp focuses on the question of just how a WW1 could be dictated. What if the British stayed out of the war? Or if the Germans did not invade through Belgium? What if France was the one starting the war. There are many questions it will be up to you to ask, and answer. Players will have the option to take control of the great powers at the time. Smaller nations and colonies are not open for application. It will be focused on a small ring of players making the choices that will dictate the world. Great Powers United Kingdom German Empire French Republic Austrian Empire Italy Russia United States Ottoman Empire Japan China Brazil Lesser Nations Potentially Applicable Belgium Netherlands Spain Serbia Bulgaria At the end of each post you will have an Actions section. Here you will outline the contents of your post into bite sized chunks I can then become aware of and react to. Detail what your nation has done for the time. Each turn is half a year. https://scottmanning.com/content/world-war-i-troop-statistics/ ((To give a view on how large each nation’s army is. It’ll be up to the player to find statistics on their army/navy starting size.)) Application Discord Name; Nation of Choice (and why?); Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers); Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); Did you read all the information?; Suggestions or feedback?;
  25. Name of Culture: The Keepers Introduction to the Culture: We the Keepers, Protect and Preserve the Lands of the Empire History: It was born in Atlas, It hasn’t gone through any other maps. Language: They Speak English. Common Traits: Clean looking you never know where they are, they are very loving, unless you meet the Keeper of Hostility. Society: They have Nobles, a King, a Queen, and Soldiers, and Medics. Behavior: They are Nice, unless you meet the Keeper of Hostility Festivities: Non. Clothing: Wonderful Clothing, It Stands out. Architecture: No they Do not. Religion: Cannonism, they Worship GOD Military: The Same Military as EOM.
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